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Everything posted by wishface

  1. So there isn't a specific mechanical reason why something is flat five not aug fourth, for instance? it's just the convention of presenting the written page and keeping it consistent and simple?
  2. Does that mean in the key of C, where you don't have F#, an aug 4th must always be a flat 5th (Gb)?
  3. Might as well ask this here, rather than start a new thread. A couple of theory questions: What decides whether something is sharp or flat? Why is it Ab and not G#? Also, for example, if I'm playing in C and I play the F# (or is it Gb?), how do I know whether to call that an augmented fourth or a flattened sixth? Thanks
  4. Actually i preferred the spacier stuff, tbh. Some nice bass playing.
  5. At the risk of getting pretentious, I think this is about identity. I listen to a player like Tony Levin, who IMO is an absolute god. He has played with some of the best musicians out there - and for a reason. But not only that, while he isn't (or certainly doesn't present himself as) a technical monster, he has more originality having pioneered some unique lines and sounds. Funk fingers for instance. Who else could get away with playing with drumsticks strapped to your fingers? I bet if I turned up to a gig like that I'd be laughed out of the building! But we live in the era of Youtube and so there's a constant background noise from all these wel equipped wunderkind types who have channels playing clips of them having mastered the most complicated technical stuff, all while having only been playing for three months! It's crazy! No disrespect to them of course. I've been playing for 30 yeas this year! I'm no pro, probably never will be. I currently play through a cheap guitar practice amp and haven't been in a band in years. Not complaining, just saying. But I love to play and have probably, in comparison, not spent my time as profitably. I've learned a fair bit, but most of it from listening to and playing along with my favourite albums and bands. Developing my own idiosyncrasies. Was years before I even knew how to slap at all. Too bsuy listening to Rush or something. Or trying to figure what the hell a Chapman Stick was. Anyway that's my sad story, apropos of nothing
  6. That's some tasty stuff. Shame it's impossible to find anywhere else
  7. I've never really listend to Miles Davis.
  8. Why yes, yes I have. Should really have considered that. I have their works and enjoy them mightily. They are more dub than jazz funk though.
  9. Well that's the sensible answer. I just don't really know how I feel about it. Tap - I quite like it, but does it really have much of an application beyond showing off at bass events Slap - when Larry Graham does it it sounds magic. Whene everyone else does it sounds like a spastic typewriter! Everywhere you go there's peeps doing this on Youtube. Bass is now synonymous with slap. Give me Tony Levin's funk fingers any day I know there's no answer anyone can give for this. It's just there's these super popular techniques - and they have their application if overused (slap). But when I play my bass, I play fingerstyle. That dominates my playing and I love it. So it feels forced, almost, using these other techniques
  10. I posted this on Talkbass I'm enjoying Return to Forever right now, along with Santana. I love music that has song titles that sound like science fiction and mixed with a spacey sound and a positive vibe. Good bass work is always a plus. I have Mahavishnu. Don't really count Weather Report. Pharaoh Sanders is rea.ly itneresting, but when he overblows I kinda tune out. Love that spacey synth sound though
  11. I feel I should learn to do all this stuff like all the Youtube pros (and non Youtube pros). I feel as a musician I ought to be able to do this stuff. Damn you Wooten! I just wonder if that's practical.
  12. Anyone know of any decent free software to help with learning songs/parts by ear? Something you could load an MP3 into where you can slow down parts, isloate sections etc? Thanks
  13. I tightened the socket as best I could. The nut is very thin and difficult to get purchase on. I don't really like opening up the electrics, understandably I think
  14. Thanks, but that seems like a job for someone more expert than I
  15. Just used my fingers. Because of how the nut sits in the socket there's very little room to fit a spanner. I'll have to fetch some pliers i think.
  16. I think I mentioned before the socket for the lead. It comes loose during play. Why might this be happening? I have to tighten it back up after unplugging. This doesn't seem healthy.
  17. Also: this bass has two stringing options, back of the bridge or through the body from under the bass. Is one better than the others?
  18. Who knows (ie, not me). That's just how it feels. I don't really understand how strings work enough to explain these things. I just pluck them
  19. I would have said the opposite. They felt like strings that were tuned too high; tighter, if that makes sense. As If i'd used the E string for the A string or something. I generally use medium guage 40-100.
  20. That's pretty cheap! Are they any good?
  21. Changing the strings, although my string winding skills are...lacking....has proved rather successful. It's much more playable, even through these are not the newest of strings. I didn't bother to move the saddles back and try intonating afresh, it sounds ok anyway. Most of the strings are pretty much there and i'll just wait until I get a fresh set. I've no idea what strings they used in their factory, but those were pretty horrible to play. I don't notice any uneven frets and the buzz is much better. In fact the action could probably stand to come up a touch. The only other issue is that the socket for the lead has a tendency to loosen. I'm going to assume that's not a good thing. It happened on my last bass (which was a much simpler model, this is active) and ended up pulling the wires off the socket so it couldn't be amplified. When it comes to stringing the bass, is it best to thread the tip into the machine head, or pass it through and wind over it? Thanks for the help
  22. I've given the frets a cursory examination as best I can and they seem fine. I don't really have the tools to do a proper examination. I think i'm going to swap the stringsoff my old bass, I know they play ok.
  23. I've no idea, I just know what you mean by 'wavy neck'
  24. I don't think we need to jump to conclusions, there's no reason to assume the entire guitar is duff. What do you mean by wavy?
  25. what site do you recommend?
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