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Everything posted by wishface

  1. What do people think (assuming it hasn't already been discussed) of the recent change in the law, fought for by the esteemed sages at the Musicians Union, wherein it is now illegal to rip a cd for personal use. So, for example, I've recently been getting back into buying CD's, which i consider to be a good thing, as a fan of music. Unfortunately this law means that, if i want to listen to that content on anything but a CD player (which in my case would be my pc), I am breaking the law. To put those albums, brought brand new and legally from a reputable high street shop called HMV, I would have to rip them to download to my tablet and my mp3 player. This is illegal. Who else thinks this, to be blunt, is monumentally and arse-clenchingly stupid? EDIT: I hate predictive text
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1438542349' post='2835337'] Give us some idea of the type of band (which usually gives an idea of volume needed), other bassists tone which you lik, and most importantly, budget. From there I`m sure a lot of recommendations will follow, but to kick it off, I`d look at the Fender Rumble Series. Many different configurations to suit, reasonable on price, and they sound good. [/quote] I suppose rock - in some form or another, possibly prog. I like quite a lot of music but i do like the idea of being the next geezer chris steve geddy (i've no idea what that means).
  3. I had gathered it would need to be a bass amp. I mean what sort of power would i need? Presumably not something that one would use in, say, Wembley Arena?
  4. If I was to start playing in bands again, which would be at the amateur level for now (), what sort of amp would I need? Been a long time since i owned an amp, let alone joined a band. Would be nice to play with real people somehow, especially as a bass player.
  5. I'd rather they go out on a high.
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1438349170' post='2833798'] I can't help with your question but he's an absolute monster of a player! I struggle to keep up using a pick! [/quote]I think he uses 3 fingers for the faster parts. Not sure though. Of all these kinds of bands I think Symphony X stand out, their last few albums are very strong melodically. I really like them, but finding similar music is really difficult because there's so much dirge.
  7. Really enjoying this band, they seem to have a very listenable brand of prog metal. I'm interested in his technique and I can't tell whether he plays with 2 or 3 fingers, or both.
  8. I wouldn't mind being in a band. Haven't done for years. Unfortunately I have no transport, nor an amp, and I'm not even sure my bass is up to the job! So, er, great!
  9. I cannot set the intonation on my low E (4 string) at all. NO matter how far back i push the saddle it remains sharp when i fret the 12th string compared to the open. It's been like this with several different strings as well, so it's not because of this one string. I changed them a couple of weeks ago.
  10. [quote name='anaxcrosswords' timestamp='1432127347' post='2778383'] Do you have technique bugbears? [/quote] Geddy Lee's strumming thing.
  11. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1432420224' post='2781384'] Great bass player. Can't cope with the band. [/quote] I can't stand the way the singer inhales loudly when he sings, like he's having breathing trouble!
  12. Geddy's bass playing is getting better as his voice, inevitably, is getting worse. He struggled on the Clockwork Angels tour and what i've seen of this tour his voice just isn't up to it. Lakeside Park, for all the much welcome nostalgia, just sounded dire! That said, I love Rush. Permanent Waves is one of the greatest albums of all time. I think this will be their last tour, I wonder what the last night will be like. Still after 40 years they deserve all the credit and respect. They've had a hell of a run and not turned into massive arseholes like many other bands (cough Bono cough)
  13. They don't make them like this anymore. This hasn't been a good year for bass players, let's hope fishy ain't on that list
  14. There's another app called Chord bot which seems just as good but is cheaper. Has anyone used either?
  15. That sounds really good. Not the cheapest app though (in app purchases as well? Come on!) So it will have to wait unfortunately. I read that link, some of it is common sense (don't rush the pace of learning), some was a bit fluffy. (Look inside yourself). From what I've seen of the theory stuff @sites like scotts bass lessons is stuff I already know (afaict). Maybe is just practising them more
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421587717' post='2662923'] From Ebay UK, BIN... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Microsoft-Windows-XP-Professional-SP3-Full-Install-Version-COA-Product-Key-/201265943881?pt=UK_Computing_Software_Software_SR&hash=item2edc629549"]XP Pro, SP3, £16...[/url] ...or this... [url="https://alexanderstechcorner.wordpress.com/2014/03/24/install-reaper-on-ubuntu-linux/"]Reaper on Ubuntu ...[/url] ...or ... [url="http://alternativeto.net/software/reaper/?platform=linux"]Reaper alternatives on Linux ...[/url] Just sayin' [/quote]I can't get midi to work on ubuntu, i've no idea why. Ubuntu is just complex and weird. I don't really want to install Windows and I'm not going to buy XP off ebay, it's not even supported anymore. Thanks but that's a waste of money IMO. It's not worth it just on the off chance I might be able to run a simple sequencer. If there's something that can work on an Android tablet then great, otherwise it's a waste of money.
  17. So you didn't read the suggestion to use a sequencer programme then?
  18. One dollar? Anyone know of any suitable Android apps for creating sequences? I've tried something called Caustic 3, but it's a demo and i've no idea how it works (it's all a bit techno).
  19. I only use Ubuntu because the only legit version of Windows i have is 98! I'm not paying several hundred quid for an OS!
  20. I found a book called Harmony and Theory. It's one of the MIT books and I have a couple already. I would like to start using a sequence to programme some chord sequences to play over. I think that's a good idea. Unfortunately I can't get Rosegarden to work. Ubuntu is a massive chore frankly (on the plus side, it's not Windows) for things like this and I can't get it to actually play the sound, nor can i see how to loop sequences.
  21. Has anyone knowledge of the Tony Grey Bass Academy book+DVD?
  22. Playing with living breathing people would be ideal.
  23. I had a look at that learn music theory site. It's certainly interesting, and I'm wondering if what i'm really after is learning to read music. Though I didn't really study the site in depth, it seems that the theory on offer is more about rules for how music should be written rather than how it works. I'm not sure being told how music should be made - you know: 'when playing a chord always do X' - is what I need, as opposed to "when you are playing over X major 7 playing these notes will sound like..." if you catch my drift.
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421414217' post='2660904'] While you're there, why not pop into the local library and ask, or have a browse..? I'd be much surprised if they had absolutely nothing in the way of basic music theory. Maybe not precisely targeted to the bass, but it all applies, whatever the instrument. [/quote]I've tried that, the library is pretty useless tbf, though they do have a dvd on slap bass.
  25. [quote name='rjs1909' timestamp='1421369214' post='2660581'] Another great resource is Scott's Bass Lessons - [url="http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/"]http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/[/url] Plenty of free lessons which may be useful in learning how to use the theory [/quote]His lessons are really cool (though he's got Teen Town wrong! ), do the free ones cover much theory?
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