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Everything posted by wishface

  1. Thanks To be clear, i've been doing these exercises for a while, so I understand the theory behind them However trying to econompass all the different permutations in such a way that the practice is worthwhile and building up tempo leaves me utterly exhausted. And that's just thirds! There's 4ths 5ths 6ths and 7ths (never mind if you want to go further)!
  2. I want to spend some time working on intervals (3rd, 4ths, etc). It's something i've done a lot, but in an adhoc fashion. Problem is that it's very easy to lose yourself in these exercises, working with different scales, interval patterns, modes, leading with different fingers, different tempos etc. But the time i've done just one set, eg 3rds, I'm exhausted. Does anyone know the best way to work on this stuff without either burning out or not doing it properly? Thanks
  3. I don't think, I know. becuse i tried, Ok?
  4. I tried before with some pads i beought from poundland, but i guess they weren't strong enough. Didn't do anything
  5. Maybe a daft question, I don't do sanding, but how do you know when you've sanded it down enough while leaving some of the finish?
  6. what other oils can be used?
  7. I tried scotch pads before, didn't even tickle the neck!
  8. That i don't know, it's a Sire M2 and i can't find a spec that tells me
  9. Sticky neck is the problem. I'm not overly comfortable with trying this, but in case I pluck up the courage, what sort of sandpaper is required? Is linseed oil ideal to finish afterwards? Something else or nothing at all? Thanks
  10. Thanks 4 Chord Songs is pretty good. Would liek to be able to program things like minor major 7 chords.
  11. Hi, does anyone know any free software or web browser apps that let me programme chords sequence (preferably with 4 notes at least) so I can practice playing against them? Thanks
  12. I find I can play more using strict alternating. However it's more comfortable to rake; my hand and wrist tends to curl away from the instrument when i alternate. If I rake, I can lay may hand more comfortably across the strings. It's a weird paradox. I prefer the raking posture, however my fingers move more economically when I alternate. If that makes any sense.
  13. I prefer to rake, it's more comfortable. However when practising exercises to build up speed, should I use AP? I ask because I've seen a number of such exercises that say yes.
  14. I bought Simplified Sight Reading For Bass, by Josquin De Pres, and while it has audio it only has it for some of the tracks. The exercises are great and the book is well laid out, but only half the tracks (and the easier ones to boot) have accompanying audio. That's a bit frustrating. Is there any free and easy to use software I can download that will allow me to input notes so that I can hear how a tricky part should sound? Thanks
  15. I'm assuming that for practice the purpose is to develop finger independence and strength. Raking during regular play is a different proposition But I don't know; i didn't create the above video
  16. I thought that was the point of raking
  17. Interesting thanks. Is there a reason why you shouldn't rake when playing such lines?
  18. Is simply running up and down scales and modes with a metronome a good way to build speed? What about playing them through intervals instead of sequentially?
  19. Been trying to learn High Road by Roine Stolt. Jonas Reingold is a great player
  20. Although there are other fine players whom I listen to more, to have that technical facility (i enjoy picking as much as fingerstyle) and musical knowledge is my ultimate goal. Let's hope one can self teach to that level of musical ability.
  21. That's what counts!
  22. He's mellowed out in recent years but he has a reputation. Understandable given how he got treated by the rest of the band. I'm sure he's a lovely guy these days.
  23. They know how to nurture talent over there (or push their kids to insane levels, or use strange biochemical interventions!) I think all this stuff does is set insane standards for people who think they ought to live up to them. Everyone knows the coolest thing to watch for bass playing is Scott Thunes. Not only does he play slung low with a pick (sorry but that's cool) but he's playing Frank Zappa's music! That's not just cool, that's serious chops and musical skills, even if the guy has a reputation for being a bit of a headcase. That's what I want. If I can play Zappa-level music I know I'll have grown up. I remember a quote from an old Bass Player mag when they were gushing over Jaco. Apparently he'd told his parents he couldn't do chores anymore because he needed to preserve his hands. So much for mild green fairy liquid I guess! If you're able to make a living uploading crazy technical skill clips on YT then you probably don't have any other job. That's fair enough, but it's not reality. Not my reality anyway
  24. I like Adam, he's educational. Not just some flash piece of him doing Get Lucky solo slappy tappy. I would very much like to know what his practice routine is tthat he used to get to where he is because he understands music as well as how to play. That's much more informative I think
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