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Everything posted by wishface

  1. Fingerstyle (though I do enjoy switching to a plectrum at times, both valid techniques). I do lapse into floating thumb sometimes, but I'm not sure I'd want to commit to it. I like anchoring the thumb because it feels natural; the thumb exists as a counter when we're trying to pick things up. That translates when plucking strings. It serves as something to pluck 'against', if you follow me.
  2. I think it's because I had been practicing string crossing which I find necessitates a greater reach when plucking and thus wrist tension. I do try to stay on top of this, but probably should have taken a break more often.
  3. I think I may have overdone playing recently. Not pain per se, just discomfort when I bend it (right hand, picking hand). Any tips for relieving this? It' snot normally an issue for me, I have never played with my bass strung super high and my arm bent mightily the way some people do. I've always been cautious to avoid cramping it up. Anyway, how do people deal with this if/when it happens? Thanks
  4. Perhaps I'll leave it for a while and see how it goes. I'm not keen on spending loads of money on oils and tools anyway
  5. I',m interested in doing it because sticky neck is a problem and hurts my thumb behind the neck. Not sure what you mean by mellow
  6. Just bought a pack of those from Savers. They do nothing. Probably good for getting some grime off, but that's it.
  7. Thug?
  8. I take it you meant thin, and if so why?
  9. really, as simple as that? Are there any potential pitfalls? Is linseed oil ok to seal the wood afterwards?
  10. It's an interesting take on the work of the Carpenters...
  11. Do what, exactly? 😮
  12. I don't have any gun stock wax (or any guns :D), will linseed oil do? I have a bottle that's been in the cupboard for years since I heard many moons ago it was good for cleaning fretboards. Back when I had a very cheap fretless (I call those the Percy Jones years). What do you mean by a green pan scourer? I'm sure that's a stupid question, but I'm having a mental block and the only thing I can think of are brillo pads, which are full of soap and probably not advisable
  13. Apparently this is a thing. If you find the neck a bit stick, because of the finish or whatever, some people sand the back of their neck which makes it smoother. Has anyone any experience of doing this?
  14. and not the Jaco kind. Anyone else struggle in this weather: I find in the heat as my hands get a bit sweaty. But the problem is that they just end up getting sticky and stuck on the back of the neck when i'm trying to play. Likewise my strings feel 'grabby' as well (to borrow a phrase from talkbass)
  15. That's what I had heard back in the day. The bass parts just didn't come through off the live recording so Geddy overdubbed them.
  16. Don't have one to hand, this was years ago. The album came out in 88/89 just prior to Presto. Did find this though: https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2013/09/09/digital-man-geddy-lee-neal-peart-isolated-bass-and-drums/
  17. I don't know about Exit, but Show of Hands has the bass completely redubbed iirc. Interestingly what he overdubs is actually some of the best stuff he's ever played, but then I'm a huge fan of the Wal tone. The later live album, during the 'dark years', is pretty good. You get a lot of content, and a lot of alex goofing off.
  18. Ok forgot I'd done that. I follow three forums. We can delete this thread then
  19. this isn't something i normally experience though
  20. Posted this on Talkbass, so why not here... I'm experiencing a weird phenomena where my fingers occasionally get caught on the string as I pluck. This isn't something I recall being a problem on any other bass I've played. It's not the strings (or I've gotten really unlucky with the two sets i've used thus far, along with an old set i swapped from my previous bass to my new Sire M2). I don't know what can really be said about this, but I'd be interested hearing from others if they have had similar issues with a new bass. It's quite disconcerting and I'm not sure how to overcome this unless i go full plectrum!
  21. Well said, the basic triads can be tough
  22. The specs aren't terribly clear so I don't know which it is, or both
  23. by the way, if anyone's familiar with the Clasp by Jethro Tull, maybe they could show me what Dave Pegg is playing near the end beause I can't work it out. Not technically difficult but some weird classical riff and I can't for the life of me hear it properly
  24. Preferrably with tab (don't hate the player, hate the game) Thanks
  25. yes please i'm using ripped tracks so if something goes awry i'll just do like edwyn collins
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