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Dr M

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Everything posted by Dr M

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1381249689' post='2236460'] they have a lovely USA G&L there at the moment - green (my fave colour) and at a silly low price. The neck's like a bent thing though- It probably would straighten out but i'm not going to spend £600 to test that theory.... [/quote] You could try discussing this point with them. I would have thought most guitar shows would consider spending an hour or so doing a setup to be a fair exchange for a £600 sale.
  2. Dr M

    hot hand

    [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1381006625' post='2233431'] I dont see how an expression pedal wouldnt be superior, they do the same thing but without using up one of your hands. [/quote] My understanding was that you got 3 axis of movement out of the Hot Hand, allowing you to control 3 effect parameters in real time. The most you can get out of a pedal is 2, and trying to twist and tilt a pedal at the same time isn't too easy!
  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1381153811' post='2235016'] Lakland say just that. Their figured tops are for show and don't affect the sound. [snip...] [/quote] That raises an interesting question - Lakland use figured maple tops, as do many other manufacturers. Why would it [i]not[/i] affect the sound of their basses when it [i]does[/i] affect the sound of other designs?
  4. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1381149952' post='2234946'] Skepticism is healthy, I think - though it can cross over to cynicism? [/quote] Guilty as charged. Nevertheless (without wishing any disrespect to a great number of experienced luthiers) while they might be able to hear some characteristic of the woods in an instrument while played un-amplified, I think even they should appreciate that by the time the signal has gone through (eg.) on-board pre-amp, compressor, pre-amp, power-amp, speaker / cab, etc. the actual influence of the wood on the final sound heard by the audience is going to be minimal.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1381139319' post='2234709'] Why not believe someone who has made world class basses for over 30 years? [/quote] Because he's been making world-class instruments for over 30 years, and is therefore likely to know all the sales tricks? He's hardly likely to say "I think this instrument should have an ebony 'board 'cause it would look nice and I just got a really good deal on a stack of blanks."
  6. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1380901460' post='2232213'] Most seem to sound great and are quality instruments. I will not buy a bass that has a penis for top horn. [/quote] What about a penis for a bottom horn? [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/ibanez-icb300ex-iceman-extreme-4-string-electric-bass"]http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/ibanez-icb300ex-iceman-extreme-4-string-electric-bass[/url]
  7. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1380643259' post='2228356'] Also Watkins is such a miserable sod live! [/quote] Strange, the couple of times I've seen them live, Watkins put on a hell of a show. Bizarre character, certainly, but very entertaining. This was a bit after they released Liberation Transmission, so may have been different earlier / later. Also, I seem to be unusual in that I really like Liberation. Not as fond of fakesound, and The Betrayed was bloody awful!
  8. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1378385825' post='2199478'] Class D have been around and mass produced since Peavey made the DPC line of amps and the 450w Databass combo in the 80's. They're not new tech!! [/quote] Fair point. I simply meant that the microhead / class D format seems to be flavour of the moment, and many manufacturers are getting on board with them.
  9. [quote name='Ghosts Over Japan' timestamp='1378331299' post='2198891'] The title might sound odd I know, but to have electric basses is incredible. But since then we've had so many developments on improving the bass I.E; Dual, Graphite, or advanced metal truss rods arguably headless basses (I think they are a leap forward for basses BUT I'm not starting to cause a war so try not to argue about this here please!) Through body bridges Varied scale lengths Push/Pull Active pots And the one that I really like is a Zero Fret, after having a Sandberg for so long it's something I've very much got used to and I'm very glad my new HumanBase has this too I know there are quite a few that I've missed out but my question to you is, what do you think we will start to see a lot more on basses in the next 10-20 years? I'm not a designer or luthier and I know most of us are not, I'm interested to see what people think has been beneficial or will be beneficial. And here we go! Cai [/quote] I'm surprised you didn't mention active electronics in that list - possibly (arguably) the most significant change to the face of the electric bass since, well, the Precision. Unfortunately, as has been pointed out, dwindling wood stocks are one of the drivers for innovation at the moment. Synthetic / composite materials might increase in popularity. Otherwise, many of the new innovations are in amplification. You could argue that the current 'big thing' in bass development is Class D power amplifiers.
  10. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1377758921' post='2191317'] I don't know a lot about effects, but I've recently bought a Zoom B3. It's not only a multi-effects box, but also connects your bass to the PC for recording. It's a simple drum machine and a looper. The B3 allows you to have 6 effects loaded for quick access at any one time. So it should handle your needs. Richard [/quote] Another vote for the B3. Buying a multi-effects pedal might seem a bit like diving in at the deep end, but the B3 has some really nice amp models, too. Even if you decide you don't like the funny noises, it's an excellent bit of kit for headphone practice.
  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1378189715' post='2196689'] Sorry, Leo Fender didn't "invent" the production line. He may have instructed others to install one. Henry Ford invented the production line for the manufacture of the Model T Ford car. Fender did, i believe invent the bridge as we know it. Fender also achieved something in bringing to the market cheap, affordable instruments for the mass market. It's the drive for cheapness that meant the had to use a production line method of manufacture. [/quote] If we're going to be picky, Henry Ford didn't invent the production line either. He was one of the first to successfully implement an [i]assembly[/i] line, but the concept of an assembly line is actually quite a bit older.
  12. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1378201349' post='2196846'] The X Factor is not just a talent show. It's a show that offers a serious financial and personal reward to whomever wins (and often the final 10!). Why should it be that some 16year old sod from wherever should be able to bypass all the years of hard work and sweat and tears that everyone else has to put in and, in all likelyhood, will make enough money to live off for the rest of their lives? It's complete horseshit. I appreciate that it's just some Saturday night entertainment. I appreciate that, in a real sense, only a few select people actually do quite well for themselves out of it. But it just makes me feel sick. The only reason people that enter this competition is because they're under the impression that they can work for a few years and then retire to a life of luxury and gameshow appearances. It makes a complete mockery of all the working people in this country who have to work all their lives for a percentage of what these guys get given. I've said it before and I'll say it again; horseshit. Alex [/quote] But do they make enough money from it to retire to a life of luxury? I've been given the impression that after everyone else takes their cut, there's actually not that much left for the 'artist' themselves. Just like many of the over-produced, child-friendly pop acts of the 90's, the performers were taking home very little for the number of hours required of them. I'm not saying this makes it any better, but I wonder if the performers are being heavily exploited as well.
  13. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1378123486' post='2195922'] There will be no more old school cleb's left for the Jungle, if they keep getting nicked like they are at the moment. [/quote] Hmm... [i]I'm a Celebrity, Please let me stay in the jungle because I know the police are waiting for me at Heathrow?[/i]
  14. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1377803197' post='2192167'] [i]So is Dr M the ebay seller too? You may not be aware of this: "[/i]This forum is for the discussion of Ebay auctions. Please do not promote your own auctions. If you have something to sell, please use the For Sale forums. (Moderated by mcgraham)." [/quote] Apologies, added quote tags to the original post for clarity. And just to be blunt - no, I am most definitely not the ebay seller.
  15. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-Jaco-Pastorius-extra-rare-non-fretless-/261270819722?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cd4f4538a"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3cd4f4538a[/url] [quote] As u might know this bass is rare because most of this models came as fretless version. I have for sale orginal with orginal specification extra rare non fretless version. [/quote] Or, alternatively, a Jaco sig that someone's slapped a fretted neck onto...
  16. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1377116765' post='2183669'] Ok, so I went to pick it up. The action was sky high, with about 1.5mm relief. I thought uh oh, but then I noticed a Washburn Taurus on a stand that was even worse... decided that the guy had never heard of a set up in his life. [/quote] I had found the same thing when I got my Iceman. The owner was selling because he was 'upgrading'. Now, the old ICB200s aren't top-of-the-range, but they're pretty nice basses. It just had sky-high action and furry strings. A quick setup was all it needed.
  17. I'd say £100 for an SR300 is a bit of a steal. Not to everyone's taste, but they're pretty nice basses. As above, check the bass over, don't be afraid to ask if the truss-rod is good, etc. Even if you take it away, and then spend £30-£40 on a pro setup, you've still got a lot of bass for not much money.
  18. This thread is rapidly turning into a perfume ad for amp manufacturers.
  19. White Jazzes.
  20. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1376507395' post='2175227'] It got me thinking, are there any original bass body shapes that subsequently had a guitar equivalent? I've sat here trying to think of one for a few minutes and have come up blank. There are loads to choose from the other way around. [/quote] Precision / Strat? Precision was '51, Strat was '54. Ok, body isn't exactly the same, but I think it counts. Also, going by the responses on this thread, would the most irrationally disliked bass be a black, roadworn Precision with a torty scratchplate and a maple 'board?
  21. Harley Benton is Thomann's own brand. Most opinions seem to be that they're pretty much par-for-the-course when it comes to cheap Chinese factory output. You could get a great one, or get a complete dog. Fortunately Thomann's returns policy is pretty good. On the other hand, the Squier VM series is excellent. I'm sure there [i]are[/i] bad ones out there, but very few and far between. Also, those Duncan Designed pickups sound fantastic.
  22. For proper eye-watering yellow, you really have to look at 80s Ibanez catalogues. They did day-glo pink, too... Edit: Another 6-string, but link added. [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/anniversary/expansion.php?cat_id=137&now=2"]http://www.ibanez.co.jp/anniversary/expansion.php?cat_id=137&now=2[/url]
  23. Dr M

    Which Thunderbird?

    I've tried the Epi Standard IV, Pro IV and Classic IV Pro at various points. it's well worth trying them all before you decide - they all feel very different. My biggest complaint about the Standard IV is the neck - it's got a 1.75" nut width, which felt like playing a cricket bat. Both the Pros are 1.5" nut width - much more Jazz-like in feel. The Pro IV is possibly better designed with the fixed bridge, but I believe these models had some serious QC issues early on. Certainly the one I tried (a natural) had a really poor finish to the back of the neck - it felt quite rough. Not at all pleasant to play. The Classic IV sounds amazing - the Gibson USA pickups are really full of character. Unfortunately, again, the one I tried had major QC issues. The action was literally 1/4" and I think the bridge was off-centre. However, this seems to be unusual, a lot of people rave about the Classics, so I might just have got a Friday afternoon special. Basically, my advice would be try them all, and if you find a good one, grab it with both hands.
  24. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1375461453' post='2161816'] Could it be 'Made in Japan' on the headstock? [/quote] Yeah, that might do it! I was also wondering about that neck plate. Seems far too shiny to be 20 years old, and not a hint of buckle-rash on the back. I thought Fenders usually had some kind of marking on the neck plate too? I'm just wondering if it's a bitsa with MIJ neck.
  25. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/American-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-/321177694883?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ac7aeb2a3"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/American-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-/321177694883?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ac7aeb2a3[/url] I may just be a cynical b*stard, but something about this doesn't seem quite right to me.
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