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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. The question is, do you want to understand what your playing. If you don't, no you don't need to understand theory, if you do, you do. Music is a language, you learn by mimicking (hearing what your playing) but you learn to write & and understand a language by studying it. Its up to you.
  2. [quote name='dbass' timestamp='1326298757' post='1495135'] I just replied to her asking for the bass pad asap if possible ha! If I can get it then I have a month and half to go over it which should be plenty of time Argh, quite nervous! [/quote] Don't be nervous mate, if you can't get it don't worry. Just keep practicing your sight reading in all keys before the show & you'll be fine!
  3. I did a show that was a mixture of songs from musicals. There were a couple of Hairspray numbers & they were tough reads in places. If you can get the pad before the band call your laughing!
  4. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1326207518' post='1493800'] Glad you are having that "light bulb" moment !! While no one can deny the importance of knowing your scales, as a bassist it is CHORDS that you will play 90% of the time. So, I would recommend that you concentrate on chord tones ( triads and four note chords). That "Study Bass" site I linked is one of the best. Here, it explains why chords are important. [url="http://www.studybass.com/lessons/bass-chord-patterns/chord-tones-are-primary/"]http://www.studybass...es-are-primary/[/url] Best of luck with it !! [/quote] Chords & scales go hand in hand together. You should spend equal time learning both. It's like learning to walk but with only one leg....
  5. I found the best way for learning scales when shifting positions is to learn 3 different patterns for the scale but starting on different fingers. Essentially learning patterns to get out of patterns. The next step from this is then knowing what notes are in the scale and where they are on the fretboard which then further opens up the knowledge of shifting up/down/across the neck. I'll try post a better description of what i mean later today. EDIT: Heres a quick picture of what i mean. I'm not a fan of tab, but it makes it easier to explain these things sometimes.
  6. The guitarist in my function outfit has one of MJW's copy of the Marshall JMP45. It's an older version when they were under the name Martamp. He does amp demoing for them now. These things sound fantastic, have a bump on me
  7. I hope you get it sorted quickly & stress free.
  8. It shouldn't painful, there can be aching from doing things your not use to but pain is your body's sign of saying stop what your doing before you damage something.
  9. The main riff needs work, slow it down & practice with a metronome. Build up the speed once you have it all under your fingers in time. The guitarist needs to buy a tuner.
  10. Yeah I agree with Bilbo, the notes are there but the note length choices have seemed to miss the groove. Was the track recorded with any sort of click track? It may just be me but some parts sound rushed & others seem to slow down. There's some nice ideas developing in the solo section, keep at it Edit: I think it would really benefit from some sort of rhythm section.
  11. I've got one of these, http://www.artproaudio.com/products.asp?type=89&cat=15&id=60 The spec/manual says this, Speaker level signals - The dPDB’s ability to accept speaker level inputs from a power amplifier’s output allows post-amplifier, post eq and effects signals to be fed directly to the console. In this manner, a particular effect or amplifier sound can be sent directly to the mix. Although I've never actually tried it like that.
  12. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1326216725' post='1493977'] Seriously though this thread has got me wondering... I have sweat like battery acid and even a decent set of strings won't last more than 2 weeks. i have to play Steel because i'm allergic to nickel. I'm using LoRiders at the moment because I like the extra tension and long life but they ain't the cheapest and now I'm doing more gigs I'm starting to wonder if I should get the cheapo ones and just change more often. The LoRiders i put on last week cost me £35 and they are like rubber bands already! Finances alone means every set gets an isopropyl bath and used twice. The best ones I ever had were a set of Thomastik infeld 45-105 they lasted over a month but they aren't easy to get hold of and they are incredibly expensive. [/quote] Have you tried coated strings, say Elixirs? Also, surely buying cheaper strings more often will add up to pretty much the same as more expensive less often.
  13. It may be just the pictures but it looks as if the bridge needs resetting, seems to have moved.
  14. The natural minor scale has your root note, a major 2nd, minor 3rd, perfect 4th, perfect 5th, minor 6th, minor 7th, perfect 8th (octave). So, 1, M2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, P8. Phrygian & Locrian modes have a ♭2. Your confusing your self with scales & intervals. [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Intervals in the modal scales: (Nomenclature : P-perfect;M-major;m-minor;A-Augmented;D-diminished)[/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Mode Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th[/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Ionian I [b]R M M P P M M[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Dorian II [b] R M m P P M m[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Phrygian III [b]R m m P P m m[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Lydian IV [b]R M M A P M M[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Mixolydian V [b]R M M P P M m[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Aeolian VI [b]R M m P P m m[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]Locrian VII [b]R m m P D m m[/b][/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace][b]EDIT.[/b][/font] Formattings not working for some reason which makes it a little harder to read.
  15. I've bought 2 sets of strings in past 2 years & both time they've been elixirs. The reason being that for me, they last ages, feel great & sound great to my ears. They work for me so i'm sticking with them. ≈ £40 a year isn't much in my ears.
  16. why not use the 5 string? The notes are there.
  17. My ER15's just got hear. Heading to a rehearsal in about half an hour for 3 hours. Can't wait to put them to the test!
  18. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1326183546' post='1493299'] Let's look at it from another angle. Do you like the the string bashing? If so why? Why do others find this smashing appealling? Let's not get confused by the fact its Wooten, I couldn't care less if it was a child - have tuaght in the past. I think majority of the bass "community" are rather narrow minded to be entertained by such stuff. IMO [/quote] I don't know why your still trying to ask this question, is it not clear from the entire thread that some people agree with you, some don't and some simply couldn't give a toss. Let it go.
  19. So people can argue about what i do on internet forums
  20. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1326129837' post='1492685'] As promised. Pay close attention to the Volume knobs! [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/718/73393492.jpg/"][/url] Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url] Somebody will have to explain to me how that is possible!? I had to push my old Markbass LMIII harder to get to the same volume as the HD350 and that amp is twice the power as the Reidmar. I don't get it?? [/quote] Magic
  21. My elixirs start to appear fury after a lot of playing but its just really fine bits of the coating coming off. Never affected the tone for me though.
  22. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1326125317' post='1492593'] Yes it will. [/quote] Awesome, ordered I'm assuming his pedals are built to order? How long do they take to come?
  23. Oh and a quick question for if anyone knows, will the SFX Micro Thumpinator fit in the small gap thats left before i click the buy button?
  24. And the award for the most boring pedal board on bass chat goes to me Essentially what we've got is stereo DI box that my Roladn Gaia goes in to, Stereo feed to the PA, mono/L channel link goes to the A/B Pedal so i can switch between my bass & synth coming from my amp. A tuner & volume pedal. A really simple small board for only practical applications.
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