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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1377654238' post='2190010'] Here's my main rig as it currently stands, taken on one of Sunday's gigs. Excuse the keys player, he's not included (even though he's bloody good!) [/quote] If it isn't little Matt Wilmot!! A great great player that guy. I love him to bits! Any way, my rig from a couple of weeks ago.
  2. oops, double post.
  3. Had a great gig today. Just got in & on the way to work. Anyway, here's some pictures [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1554_4573207508607_2067503605_n.jpg"][/url]
  4. Caught with some of these guys the other week after them being a way for a while so revisited this video. Hope you enjoy it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L4aeowB_YE
  5. I'm in on this one. Started on it last night already got it sounding how i want it. Now its just tinkering & cleaning up. Looking forward to getting the rest of the stems. I don't have K-Meter but i do have Waves Dorrough so i guess i can use that? Just i only have 14 18 & 20 to play with.
  6. Have a look at the Motu 828. You'll get 16 channels of ADAT + 8 further line inputs. Works over USB2 & Firewire. For the money & features it's really great.
  7. absolute steal at this price. I'd be tempted to buy as a back up if its still around next week.
  8. Why you'd want to put an item worth £700 in a bag less that £60 i do not know. There's never good reason to skimp on protection.
  9. [Img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1014461_4408020539036_494294397_n.jpg" class="ipsImage" /> Picture of my set up for rehearsals yesterday
  10. As i've barely used this double case in a while i thought i'd open up a trade for a single case + £50 my way. It's in pretty near perfect condition. Will post pictures later. thanks, J
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WScoPutUeiY
  12. I'm in this for this one, should be interesting. What's the deal with playing with arrangement of the tunes, cutting sections etc.. Also, adding parts? Is this purely a mixing deal or can we through some production in with it?
  13. Recent small show i did in London. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Coq5cV15dMo
  14. My housemate is a great saxophonist so i'll mention it to him and see if he's about.
  15. My friend just joined this gig singing and she's uploaded pictures with a bass player so i'd assume its been filled. A side note though, all the photo's i've seen from the stage, there is no mic or mic stand any where near the bassist.
  16. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1365796000' post='2044760'] I've been told to check out M-Audio's Axiom controllers too - any good? [/quote] The Axiom controllers are great, as are the Akai MPK series. I've used both live & in the studio. I found them to be much the same to be honest, i just preferred the axiom for the key action for what i was used to. I've seen a lot more axioms in producers & song writers studios than i have Akai's, and i've seen more Akai's being used on tours than i have Axioms. Maybe not much use, but they're both really well built and reliable. Edit, Also, the Novation's are great too. They're pricey but really intuitive and aid workflow rather than hindering it.
  17. At 4 weeks all of this is a natural feeling. You're trying to learn everything at once and too quickly for it to properly sink in. I think you need to take a step back for a second and separate your learning of 'playing' and your learning of 'theory'. IMO all you should be thinking about right now in terms of theory on the bass is a) where the notes are on the fretboard (and i mean really knowing them) and b ) knowing where these notes are on the stave. With the theory, start at the beginning with theory books, a pencil and some manuscript paper. Work through it and learn it as theory. As you progress through your lessons things will start falling into place and making sense. Things that didn't make sense in the book before now makes perfect sense on the bass. By trying to do everything applied so early on you are going to get yourself in a rut trying to make everything perfect first time and get yourself frustrated. Also, your tutor seems to be having you learning the 'proper' way in learning your theory, technique & reading/writing music. Please stay on this course and don't be tempted to stray onto the web looking for tabs. They will only hinder your progress, you are in the perfect state right now as learning to read music when learning to play is the best & easiest way.
  18. [IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/544411_516460445062312_1767025725_n.jpg[/IMG] From a show last week. A singer called Ady Suleiman.
  19. Tried one of these in Dawsons Manchester yesterday. Great sounding bit of kit, not different enough from my little phatty for me to spend the money though. Apparently they're getting a full Moog display set up in summer with the full Phatty range & moogerfoogers. Maybe even a voyager or two!
  20. Is this the version with the curved back or in the triangle shape mate? Also, silver or black?
  21. There's a list of his credit's here. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/nathan-east-mn0000317169/credits Can he slap? Yes. Does he slap? When needed. That was pretty much his answer at the Manchester bassday he did.
  22. I've some stems if people want them. It's a cover song and theres percussions & horn sections in there. If you want them, let me know as i'll have to bounce them as they're currently just sat in a protools session.
  23. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1360336041' post='1968898'] Awesome! That does look v good indeed! Can't believe I missed the super important bits when trying to read it before! Thanks matey (and thanks for patiently pointing out what you'd seen last time too!), I'll have a closer read about it. [/quote] No worries dude, hope everything is sorted for you!
  24. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1360334321' post='1968853'] Lots of good features but it's another app where I'd have to reinput all of the songs into their format, I want one that takes a pdf that's already made (std universal format) so I don't have to recreate 70 files. Doesn't look like it does the set list thing either [/quote] It's a universal PDF reader that you just import your files into, don't get what's so hard about that? And the 6th tab on the bottom, first picture. http://www.zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/about.html Song Metadata MobileSheets allows you to create songs using image files or pdfs. These files can be on the tablet (including images taken with the tablet camera), or imported from your PC using the companion app. Each song in your library has a title, artist, album, instrument, difficulty, source type, and audio file, allowing you to enter as little or as much detail as you want to organize your library. You can also select sections of pdf files to create songs from, allowing you to break up one pdf file into multiple songs in your library.
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