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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. Technically illegal mate.
  2. [quote name='gub' post='1163425' date='Mar 15 2011, 05:58 PM']Cheers jr thats a big help ,only just got in and seen your message ,thanks for putting it up . [/quote] No worries man, i've taken it down now so hope you got it. Jake
  3. Transcription here, it's only going to be there for 24 hours. [url="http://jbbass.co.uk/Documents/Smoke%20on%20the%20water.pdf"]http://jbbass.co.uk/Documents/Smoke%20on%20the%20water.pdf[/url]
  4. [quote name='gub' post='1162151' date='Mar 14 2011, 06:50 PM']Must admit i am struggling with what to play in this or should i say getting to grips with what is played in the origanal, so if anyone can suggest an easy way to break it down a bit or good tabs please fire away . cheers[/quote] If you pm me your email, i'll send you a transcription. Jake
  5. Awful blurry picture, but great gig.
  6. [quote name='Eight' post='1161179' date='Mar 13 2011, 10:56 PM']I've recently come to think that bass players are so much more musical than their guitar or piano equivalents, in that they are so capable of playing by ear that writing the sh*t down and posting it on the internet seems a waste of time.[/quote] Its definitely not a waste of time. Writing down & transcribing songs helps your ear & your reading to no end. The more you do it, the quicker & easier it all comes. Plus, the more you do, the bigger your pad gets which means you don't [i]need[/i] to remember them as you can just whip them out and read them.
  7. I've added these sites to countless threads. [b][url="http://www.thebassment.info/"]Site 1[/url] [url="http://jbbass.co.uk/transcriptions.aspx"]Site 2[/url] [url="http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/Bass_Players.htm"]Site 3[/url] [url="http://www.stevieglasgow.com/transcriptions_e.html"]Site 4[/url] [url="http://stefanredtenbacher.com/transcriptions/"]Site 5[/url] [url="http://tomkenrick.wordpress.com/basstranscriptions/"]Site 6[/url] [url="http://www.dodgebass.co.uk/?page_id=36"]Site 7[/url] [url="http://bassoridiculoso.blogspot.com/"]Site 8[/url] [url="http://www.mikenichols.co.uk/"]Site 9[/url] [url="http://www.arcellussykesmusic.com/index.php?/transcriptions/"]Site 10[/url] [/b] 10 sites there with plenty of material to keep you going for years & they are also updated all the time. Jake
  8. [quote name='Doddy' post='1160368' date='Mar 13 2011, 12:13 PM']*Shakes head. Walks away*[/quote]
  9. [quote name='chaypup' post='1159279' date='Mar 12 2011, 01:49 PM']I see what you're saying and obviously when I write trumpet or sax parts etc the keys are transposed, but if, say, you drop the E string to a D, why does that change the key for the bass? All the other strings are in concert pitch and you may only visit the (lower) D string twice in the whole piece. Changing the key for the piece would mean you're fine on one string but then have to learn new fingerings for the other 3 (or 4 or 5).[/quote] Yes but thats just a single string. If you dropped the entire bass down, then you need transposition.
  10. [quote name='Doddy' post='1158593' date='Mar 11 2011, 08:27 PM']That was the first pro show I did,depping for my teacher. It's a good show-not the hardest read if you've done other stuff before,but I wouldn't call it a breeze either.[/quote] Well it's my first professional show. I've done a couple of amateur stuff but they've always had lots of rehearsals or had the charts a couple of weeks in advance. My readings fine after a quick flick through the charts.
  11. Cheers Bilbo, that sounds promising. I've never heard the show, best give it a good listen when i get home.
  12. Just wondered if any of the guys here have read this gig. Got it coming up soon and just looking for any heads up about any tricky sections etc.. I've got a piano chart for it & will be listening to the record before hand but if anyone has a proper scored bass part i'd be grateful. Cheers guys, Jake
  13. [quote name='bob_pickard' post='1158332' date='Mar 11 2011, 05:25 PM']Fantastic - thanks! you're a star as always Mr B![/quote] Fair old amount of charts here. [url="http://www.mindformusic.com/"]http://www.mindformusic.com/[/url]
  14. [quote name='hellothere' post='1157153' date='Mar 10 2011, 08:32 PM']Ok, I'm convinced, what is the best way to start learning how to read? I know a teacher would probably ideal but what would the best place/way to start learning for free?[/quote] Check the Majors very own set of lessons here, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74284"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74284[/url] They start from lesson 20. Other than that, get hold of any and every piece of music you can get your hands on and work through it.
  15. Another quiet night after a week of rehearsals so heres a song to take my mind off of everything.
  16. Tbh, only 2 or 3 of them are bass "solos". The rest are either songs, intros, or breaks. [quote name='Michaelg' post='1154233' date='Mar 8 2011, 06:34 PM']the words bass and solo should never be put together. ever. there are no exceptions.[/quote] Narrow mind springs to mind.
  17. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='1152895' date='Mar 7 2011, 08:01 PM']I have to admit that my Boot Camp Sessions have not been designed as a progressive set of lessons. They tend to dip in and out of various points of interest, and at various skill levels. After all, basschatters come in many different shades of skill level and I wanted to produce something of interest for everyone. However, if you go to the "Getting Started with Music Reading" sessions, these do start with simple stuff and gradually move into more advanced playing. But even these sessions are not really designed for the complete beginner. They tend to assume you have some basic technical skill and a desire to learn bass properly ie comprehensively, including reading, harmonic understanding (chords), improvisation, and rhythm skills. I'm a firm believer in the need for a proper teacher, specially in the early stages. Even if you only have a few lessons with someone who really knows what he / she is doing, you will make much faster progress. And you will not get into bad habits that can be so tricky to put right later on. Also, a good teacher will enthuse you, inspire you and also "crack the whip". Knowing that you have to perform a particular exercise or piece to your teacher at your next lesson will drive you on to perfect it. The Major ps Sorry I've been away from basschat for some months - some domestic issues have been taking up my time ![/quote] As always, still loving your lessons Peter. I don't know how i got by without reading before them. Hope all is well at home! Jake
  18. Hey guys, dug out my old boss compressor & the plastic switch is broken. Anyone know the best place to get one, or even have one on here?? Also, Need a new Reverb Tube for my Orange Rockerverb 50. Think its a 12TA7?? Cheers, Jake
  19. [quote name='danhkr' post='1147223' date='Mar 2 2011, 03:16 PM']Have any of you DR users compared them to Elixirs? I'd be interested to know how they compare. [/quote] I recently switched from black DR sunbeams & black beauties to a set of elixirs and i couldn't be happier. I've been so disappointed with my last 2 sets of DR strings, can't remember there being any difference in the packaging so can't say whether they were counterfeit or not. But yeah, i'm pretty sure i'm an elixir convert now. Jake
  20. Lovely groove through out this song. Enjoy. [url="http://jbbass.co.uk/Transcriptions.aspx"]More transcriptions here.[/url]
  21. [quote name='lee650' post='1144057' date='Feb 27 2011, 11:56 PM']Jake im playing at Joshua brooks in manchester, on march 27th (sunday) its a charity rock gig supporting eating disorders, ther are 5 bands playing and the organiser (our drummer)wants to use my rig, so pop along for a natter and hear it in action!!![/quote] Trust it to be the weekend when i'm gigging at home!! If i'm back in time i'll definitely come along.
  22. [quote name='lee650' post='1143557' date='Feb 27 2011, 05:21 PM']Very nice here's mine [attachment=73427:Copy_of_P1010001.JPG][/quote] Always wanted to try Accugroove cabs. They look lovely!
  23. [attachment=73421:Screen_s...16.48.14.png]
  24. Are you playing on a 5 string or 4 string?? It's just that i know some really good exercise if your on a 5 string. Also, have you practiced playing just a single octave scale starting on different fingers. So many players learn the major scale by starting on their second finger and then get stuck in that pattern for ever. For example, take note of the fingerings, especially on the 3rd one. [attachment=73418:Screen_s...16.42.03.png]
  25. Jessie J's album. some great tunes on it!!
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