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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. Sorry guys only just seen your replies. MoJoke, i'd be interested in the EuroLX, do you have any pictures?? & BigJim, not my kind of warwick & a little on the lowside price wise, sorry mate
  2. You know what, can not thank you enough for posting this guy & his band. Straight to the top of my most listened play list! Love it, thankyou again Jake
  3. Some are on my site bud, [url="http://jbbass.co.uk/Transcriptions.aspx"]http://jbbass.co.uk/Transcriptions.aspx[/url] I've recently done CarWash as well but its Christina's version, if you want it, give us a shout. Jake
  4. I think basses like that with weird pickguards like that just look really cheap. It puts me off them so i never even pick them up to try.
  5. [quote name='ianSB' post='1082341' date='Jan 8 2011, 05:36 PM']what are bass direct like when you buy there basses online ?[/quote] Great Just call Mark and do it all on the phone.
  6. [quote name='Oscar South' post='1081382' date='Jan 7 2011, 06:25 PM'][size=6][b]Les Pêches[/b][/size] Les Peches is a four piece acoustic/live lounge quartet with Cajon and Double Bass as well as two girls one of whom plays guitar sings while the other handles lead vocals. We've recently recorded a full album and will be recording a music video for our track 'Weak' in the next few months. Check out our (new) website for music, a little about us and I'd specifically recommend watching a few of the videos, we've got quite a few and they're amusing (at least I think so). [url="http://www.lespeches.co.uk/"]http://www.lespeches.co.uk/[/url] [url="http://www.lespeches.co.uk/"][/url][/quote] Enjoying that dude!! [quote name='peteplaytime' post='1081701' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:31 AM']What a good thread! So many rad bands. Figured i'd whack mine on here... I'm the bassist in Above Us the Waves. We're a young (aged 17 and 18) band from Oxford. There's four of us, sharing bass, drums, violin, guitars, synth and singing between us. Who doesn't love a good old loop pedal (or two) We play folky, intricate rock pop... Giving us a listen and working out what we are is probably the best idea - we're not very good at describing our sound... Help us out? Sweet, Pete[/quote] I'm liking this as well. Think in a couple of years when you've really nailed your sound & songwriting ideas it'll sound great. I feel sometimes it feels a little bit lost and you didn't know where to go with the song?? Not sure how i'd describe it though, Alternative Folk Rock?? Ambient Folk Rock?? I have enough issues trying to pigeon hole Ten Floors sound Anyways, nice work! [quote name='retroman' post='1081538' date='Jan 7 2011, 09:33 PM']We're called Valve, and describe ourselves as being alternative/rock/metal. We like to think that our style is fairly unique, and our songs tend to feature melancholic melodies, which switch to raging riffs, and then some. As for influences, the singer guitarist likes a lot of the old skool punk stuff, and metal, the drummer listens to a lot of power metal type stuff, and I tend to listen to a lot of classic rock, as well as stoner and doom. You can check us out on MySpace here [url="http://www.myspace.com/ukvalve"]Valve MySpace Page[/url] There's 4 tracks up to have a listen to. The first two were recorded DIY, and the last two were recorded live at "The Boardwalk" in Sheffield, which sound really good. "Ode To Oblivion" is one of our quieter numbers for those who aren't into full on rock music [/quote] Not really my sort of thing so can't really comment too much on it, but it seems to do well at what its ment to do if that makes sense Think my biggest piece of advice would be to move away from Myspace & onto Facebook. Main reason is that Myspace is just so damn slow nowadays its unreal, and the network on facebook is so much bigger Jake
  7. I've noticed a lot of people using the word "Creative" in this thread and while i agree with some points, i disagree with others. I've seen way too many cover bands with one member being [i]creative[/i] and the rest playing it as per the record. I think the only way to get it to work is by the group collectively being creative, otherwise, over 70% of the time it just doesn't sit right. I've always thought of it as a rugby player turning up to play football. Yeh he can keep up with the team and kick the ball but as soon as he picks the ball up he ruins the game. But if they all turned up to play rugby, it'd be a different game altogether? I know thats a crap analogy but it makes sense in my head Also, pure creativeness surely has to be writing your own songs no??
  8. Almost any & every song i learn, i transcribe. I've always learnt it note for note and then taken it from there. I find its a nice way to do it as you can actually analyse what the original player did and why but then put your own turn on it. Jake
  9. Think i might take these Barrie, let me have a chat with my mate to see if i've got somewhere to stay the night I should be in touch
  10. Hey guys, just uploaded some demo's with my long term group, Ten Floors, [url="http://www.facebook.com/tenfloors"]www.facebook/tenfloors[/url] Any comments would be greatly appreciated as we've not done anything in a while. Jake
  11. Thanks again guys, thats more than enough contacts now
  12. [quote name='robocorpse' post='1077459' date='Jan 4 2011, 04:11 PM']OI!, I already PMd you about the power supply last night and heard nothing back. Now you've taken it off sale to someone who inquired a day later, thanks a bunch etc etc.[/quote] He's taken it off because you can get the power supply new from JSF for the same price. No need to "OI" people on the forum mate.
  13. Does the power supply come with the daisy chains etc... ?
  14. 1. Flea - This is the guy that made me want to play bass. 2. Victor Wooten - This guy still blows me away just as he did the first time i saw him. 3. Nathan East - I was a massive fan of this guys lines before i even knew it was him playing them. 4. Oteil Burbridge - Pretty much the same as Nathan, Had a disc of Col. Bruce Hampton, amazing bass playing but always forgot to find out who played on it. 5. Jaco Pastorius - I was quite late into discovering Jaco but i loved his big bang stuff.
  15. I can't recommend [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Patterns-Jazz-Theory-Composition-Improvisation/dp/0769230172/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1294072510&sr=8-2"]THIS BOOK[/url] enough. Also, [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Improvisers-Bass-Method-Chuck-Sher/dp/0961470100/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1294072586&sr=1-1"]THIS ONE[/url] Interms of trying to fit everything into an hour, The easiest way i've found is pick, say 15mins per each activity. So if you have 2 hours worth of practice material, spread it over 2 days. Set a timer so you don't go over the 15 minute slot and stop when it hits that time & move on. The above method has really helped me to stop dwelling on certain exercise & not putting enough time in others. Hope some of that stuff helps. Jake
  16. [quote name='solo4652' post='1076365' date='Jan 3 2011, 03:26 PM']I've used Ged Green for repairs before. He's in Cheadle. [url="http://www.gedgreen.co.uk/"]http://www.gedgreen.co.uk/[/url] Steve[/quote] Cheers for that, I'll take a look. [quote name='dood' post='1076373' date='Jan 3 2011, 03:37 PM']Jon Shuker is based at Hope in the Peak District and is very easy to get to from Manchester. Very highly recommended by many a Basschatter [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/[/url][/quote] Thanks dood, i did think about Jon but i know how busy he is so thought i'd see if i could find someone a bit closer as its only a small job, don't want to take time from others that have been waiting for their builds
  17. Hey guys, wasn't quite sure where to put this so if its the wrong place, please move it mods. Basically, my Siggery bass has its truss rod at the bottom of the neck, and no channel to adjust so want one putting in. Does anyone know someone in Manchester that can do this, or any local bass chatters?? Any help is much appreciated Jake
  18. [quote name='Wil' post='1076197' date='Jan 3 2011, 12:26 PM']I doubt it, the last post was in 2008![/quote] Haha, if this was for sale i'd buy it back in an instant. Jake
  19. Absolutely love Victors playing on this, so tasteful & such a pretty bass line.
  20. For the guys that are interested in the mutes, they are called BassMutes and you can find them here, [url="http://www.bassmute.com/bassmute/bm_mainframe.html"]http://www.bassmute.com/[/url] Lovely bass mate
  21. [quote name='greyparrot' post='1070839' date='Dec 28 2010, 11:22 AM']but mate they might be to a vocalist? as we are bass players we think it made the song.....the song is the song, bass is part of it. (ps im the one who played the line, the tread starter), and agree with all of the above post. And as proof, my frineds all great players (guitar vocals etc ) have heard it and not one comment about but its not the same! two you tube comments so far and both positive. You cant always look at things from a bass players point of view, because its the public that hear the product.[/quote] You see now mate, your getting me all wrong. I'm a players player. What i mean by that is i play parts for the song, the overall package. I couldn't care less about how you've played it on a video for youtube. The only point i made was about the Vocals. There is always a couple of thing that really 'make' a song, and in this song, the bass is one of them, theres no two ways about it. And if all you mates say its great then does that make everyone else wrong?
  22. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1070826' date='Dec 28 2010, 10:59 AM']How boring would it be if everyone played the same bloody bassline 10000000 times....... I like it when i see bass players playing variations, it gives you a chance to use some of the ideas and put it into your own versions[/quote] I'm not saying everyone should play note for note versions, i was just disagreeing with the comment about Durys vocals. On the other hand, bassist do seem to fall in i'd say 3 categories if they don't follow the originals. Underplaying : Overplaying : And just plain getting it wrong.
  23. [quote name='greyparrot' post='1070471' date='Dec 27 2010, 08:19 PM']but its a bass part to a song. How many vocalists would think ian durys singin in that song should be identical.....[/quote] Yeah but Ian Durys vocals aren't the part that make the song. Its the bassline that does.
  24. I've been in that room
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