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Posts posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. [quote]It was billed as the Yorkshire Bass Bash, took place on June 29th and attendees came from as far as Donny, Cass and Harrogate.
    I don't know if the timing was wrong ( I contacted every Yorks based BC'er) as only around 15 Basschatters came but I dragged a few more other bassists in through contacts.
    The Raffles and Auctions raised over £500 for music -related charities.
    We have decent venue for £nada in Baildon (The Copper Beech Club) but I'd like to see a few more people stepping forward to help with the organisation( especially on the day) if it was repeated. Not that I'm saying there have not/won't be offers![/quote]

    I was working on that day last time! Was really looking forward to it!


  2. Ok, seen as theres a fair few of us from good ol' yorkshire, i think its about time we have our own bass bash!

    So, anyone from yorkshire or around yorkshire, if your interested, let me know!

    Suggestions on venues etc...

    Oh, and what gear you'll bring :)


  3. [quote]Damb it I hit the delete button by mistake DOH!

    this is what I wrote:

    Please dont take this the wrong was as I really love the Low End bass and have been after one for ages, but everyone seems to say the bass is fantastic and its well made etc, but it seems to have been through 4 owners since september.

    Why do people not like it and keep moving it on? As I said I am not trying to make out there is a fault with it or imply anything dodgy is going on, I am just curious as to why people did not get on with it? is it just not the right neck profile or is the sound not all that? Just curious! My Roscoe beck had been around the forum for a while and passed through a few hands but I love it to bits and its perfect condition wise, just was not right for a few other folk, mostly the sound and neck profile I seem to remember.

    As I said pure curiosity, In fact I am tempted to try and sell the roscoe for this bass as I really want something active and it is stunning with those blocks.

    I do wish you the best of luck with the sale.

    Edit: I did see your reason which is cool, it took me two attempts at five string to finally love it, it really is not for everyone and I would love an old 70s Jazz[/quote]

    Geester had this bass for a long time.
    He sold it to Ray but Ray is a warwick player. He already had a streamer and full warwick rig. I had a streamer and fancied a change so i traded my warwick for this lowend.
    After acouple of meetings with my band manager, the 5 string had to go as i needed a 4 string instead.
    And now, rockinbassman isn't getting along with the 5 string.

    Hope that helps make things clear!


  4. [quote]i'm sure i'm not the only one here who's carpet you can no longer see because of the mess in their bedrooms

    *looks to teenaged boys for support here*[/quote]

    Nowp, gf keeps my room tidy for me before i even wake up :)

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