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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. [quote]I know the 212 is going but[/quote] 210 is going now aswel! Happy bunny with just the 410 -Jake
  2. Depending on whether i pass my car test or not, i can bring my EBS rig & warwick streamer lx5 & corvette $$ 5 Jake
  3. Both 4 ^_^ Both make great standalone cabs but i have the 410 now and its plenty for my needs! -Jake
  4. Hey, i have an ebs proline 212 & 210 for sale. Both in great condition! Looking for £350 for the 212 and £300 for the 210. Local pick up/meet halfway preferred but can ship! I'm based in huddersfield, west yorkshire. Thanks Jake
  5. I think it would help your sale if you added some pics and what not -Jake
  6. Ok mate, thanks for that! Jake
  7. The red one that came out is 48V, 4W. The one i've replaced it with is 50V as thats the closest one they had at my local electrical place! I might give them a email and get some red ones! -Jake
  8. They did look like this! But now there all rapped in a parcel somewhere on there way to finbar. Sorry, totally forgot about to edit the thread! Jake
  9. Sold to a happy customer ^_^
  10. Bought his EBS 410 off of him. Great guy, easy to deal with! Thanks alot Rich. Jake
  11. Happy Birthday Basschat Not been here long but its a great forum!!
  12. Hey, a couple of weeks ago the red bulb behind the tube in my EBS Fafner decided to die on me. I could only find replacement ones that were clear so i decided to get some glass paint and paint it red again. But then i decided that i'd make it blue to match the rest of the EBS stuff, i know its not really a mod but i think it looks good What ya think? keep it or go back to a red one ??? -Jake Can't really see it on the first pic as the rooms really bright!
  13. heh, picked up the 410 today 212 is going next week!
  14. My 4 piece band use these. [url="http://www.shure.com/ProAudio/Products/PersonalMonitorSystems/us_pro_PSM200_content"]http://www.shure.com/ProAudio/Products/Per..._PSM200_content[/url] We play to a click as we have sampling. The reason we all have is so we all have click so we dont have to count in on every song! One reason we went for these rather than some of the more expensive ones is the fact that they have 2 inputs with 2 outputs. This ment that if we don't have enough aux's from the desk, we can plug our chosen instrument/vox into the front of it aswell as a bandmix & click in the other. -Jake
  15. [quote]Really? I find the "J" shape body one of the most comfortable around, irrespective of who made it and how much it costs! Allied to the fast, slim necks, they're almost like wearing no bass at all. The only niggle is that the lower cut-away is a little tight for my fretting hand when really chasing the high notes. I have 2; a 2004 MIA s1 in trans sunset over an Ash body a Squire VMJ with a BadAss, Black (Schaller) control knobs I might be tempted to pursue another if it were active/graphite necked/super low actioned... But for now, the other two'll do just fine![/quote] Ye, i really don't know whay, i just can't get use to them! Absolutely love the tone, love the looks, the feels almost there. But there just not comftable to me My warwicks on the other hand, they just play themselves Jake
  16. I love the sound of Jazz basses but have never found one that i comfortably play on. Evry shop i go in, i must have tried every Jazz bass there, but there just not comfortable I guess if i ever want one it'll have to be a custom! -Jake
  17. Me thinks it'd have to be warwick Streamer bolt on, 2 jazz pu's, simple bass, treble, pickup mix & volume controls. Probs Ocean Blue with gold hardware. White LED side dots. Oh, and deffo 5 string tune BEADG I think thats it! ^_^ Jake
  18. I can't stand ashdown for this very reason :) I don't understand how so many bassist use them. I've sat and played with one for atleast 2 hours and just couldn't do anything with them. Not tried the heads with different cabs & vice versa so don't know whether ones the problem or both! Jake :)
  19. Hmm thats odd, it could just be the old components dying. If theres somewhere to service it locally, id just take it in and get a tech to look at it! Jake
  20. Wow, i would really love to snap this up, just can't justify it Jake
  21. If your interested in EBS your pretty local to me so your always welcome to come try my EBS rig out. bring your cab along and try it with the EBS Fafner. Just give us a pm if you like. Jake
  22. [quote]Did any of you see that Mythbusters episode where one of the guys stood in a circle of Meyer Sound PA speakers and got blasted with subsonic frequencies? They were testing the "brown note" myth. SPLs were over 150dB, but he felt nothing, though I felt sorry for any elephants in a ten mile radius.[/quote] Those speakers are bloody awesome! THE best pa gear i have EVER heard. I work in my uncles hire dept at www.proaudiosystems.co.uk in braford and they have an entire MILO set-up. The sheer volume from a single of one of them is mind blowing and the Subs are amazing! If only i had the money ey? lol. edit: back on topic As everyone has said, the higher watts is there for the added headroom really. I'd much prefer turning up with an over powered amp, than an underpowered. Plus the amp will last longer if your not pushing it as hard -Jake
  23. I've got a 5 string one. Real nice bass to play, can't really complain tbh. Love the warwick necks Body sits real comfy, the bass is well balanced and mine is really pretty light compared to some i've played! Tone is pretty versatile! hope this helps!! Jake
  24. I don't really do covers anymore but in my band i try and steer clear of the piano, and play what fits the best! Wether its interesting or not! Jake
  25. you've got a pm
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