Popped round to a friends house yesterday for a sunday roast catch up and seemed to learn something that seems very odd. So although I have personally never been a fan of markbass I know some people like the tone and like that they are light and made in Italy. My mate is one of these people and for the last year or two he has been using a Little Mark head into a small MB 2x10 cab which is a nice little/light setup. Anyways he had been struggling volumewise a bit in a new rock orientated covers band he's recently joined and decided to add a second 2x10. Orderded one online all good. except here is the odd bit, he ordered exactly the same cab as he already has the Traveller 210 i think it is, yet when the delivery driver gave him the box he couldnt believe how heavy it was and was sure he had been shipped a combo in error. Alas it said the right thing on the box so he unpacked it and it was the 210 but around 30% heavier than the cab he already had?? Then things got weirder when he noticed the backplate states Designed in Italy Assembled in Indonesia. He was miffed to say the least as it wasnt a cheap cab he had ordered and the markbass site still lists it as made in italy and weighing 15kg... He phoned the shop who phoned the UK distributor who said they had no idea but would check, they phoned him back later to say Markbass has redesigned the cabs to be stronger and therefore weight was added?! he showed me the cabs in his music room and yup new one was decidedly heavier than the old one and i took a pic of the backplate and yup made in indonesia. No problem making offshore but surely end user should get the price benefit too? All seems odd and sneaky. Also if Markbass is heavy whats the point? Anyways just thought I should share with the class...