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Everything posted by phatbass787

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1184552' date='Apr 1 2011, 12:20 PM']I can't take Ashdown seriously any more... they used to be one of the hard-hitters, now they just seem like lightweights. And not in a good way. For their sakes, I hope this is great.[/quote] Are you basing this on your own experience? Ive used Ashdown products for years and never had any issues. Think the MiBass looks very cool
  2. Mmmm, looks interesting, look forward to seeing more
  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='1175573' date='Mar 25 2011, 08:23 AM']Seems a bit premature to trash Ampeg generally on the basis of the stock in one shop specifically. Might have been abused in the shop, be returned stock, used gear sold as new..... None of these things are unheard of after all?[/quote] I thought may be secondhand too but was told was all new stock and the prices certainlty reflected this, the combo with the vinyl issues was £1026!
  4. I popped into a large music superstore today to have a look for a new 5 string but as i always do i had a good look around the rest of the shop too and although I stopped using Ampeg years ago found myself looking at the Ampeg display as they had a couple of the American Heritage things and some new combos. I was very shocked however when i started to look at these amps closely. On more than one of the combos the vinyl was coming away at the joints quite badly and others just had huge ripples in the vinyl, some even had both! and we're not talking budget stuff, the worst 2 combos were both £1000+ ! then when i looked at the back of the heritage 810 the backplate was being held on by the speaker cable. I'd heard the rumours that Ampeg isnt what it used to be but really couldnt believe this. Made me think aswell why is the shop displaying these products as it is not only embarrasing for Ampeg but also the shop trying to sell them, if it was my shop i think i wouldve sent them straight back to whence they came... I took a couple of sly pics anyway as proof but am still in shock really - A) for Ampeg producing such crappy stuff and the shop trying to sell them to us!
  5. [quote name='dmz' post='1172666' date='Mar 22 2011, 09:45 PM']There seems to be a different valve amp coming out of the woodwork every week - not so for us bass players. I know the physics/electronics means in reality we need more power than our high pitched cousins...... but......... Are there any guitar amps out there that could cut the mustard as bass amps - I'm sure there are some Marshall or Hiwatt amps out there that are more than up for the job. Equally, are there any (inexpensive) valve amps out there that could be modded ?[/quote] Ashdown have recently brought out an entire range of valve bass amps... [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/section.asp?section=valve"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/section.asp?section=valve[/url]
  6. Whats your budget? Ashdown do some great entry level stuff...
  7. Thats one of the reasons I love Ashdown they really look after people and being in Essex provide great service, try getting your Ampeg etc sorted in that amount of time!
  8. Nice i am going to try some of your settings when I get chance, youre right though its amazing the scope of tones with such a simple control set.
  9. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1162035' date='Mar 14 2011, 05:25 PM']Just noticed they've stopped making the LB212 cab, I wonder why? It looked like a perfect match for the head![/quote] I thought that too but then found it in the new VS cab range [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?section=dt&ID=257"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.as...n=dt&ID=257[/url]
  10. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1161848' date='Mar 14 2011, 03:04 PM']Wouldn't be without mine [/quote] Did you get the limited edition Star Trek version? ;-)
  11. Nice - they are an awesome piece of kit eh. Love the creamy tone i get from mine. Digital gear can be great but there is just no substitute for pure valvey goodness
  12. The Ashdown ABM stuff would be worth looking at too
  13. Sounds pretty old school through his Ashdown rig here; [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr2bfrPgXoY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr2bfrPgXoY[/url]
  14. This looks a good deal and I would say better than the Marshall... Maybe they could sort you out with two if you are nice to em? ;-) [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Ashdown-MAG414T,-Ex-Demo~ID~12859.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~A...mo~ID~12859.asp[/url]
  15. Im pretty sure you want to be in the low input for a passive bass?
  16. Loving the look of this new stuff
  17. I think its great they're doing both. If like you someone wants to pay a premium for a UK made product they can, however an extra £100 means some people may not be able to afford one so they can buy a chinese one makes sense to me
  18. Hmm, dont really see the point of a solid state fliptop? Seem to have missed the point I think
  19. The Ashdown Electric Blues and MAG's pretty much rule those pricepoints as far as i'm aware, great gigging amps for the money
  20. On a slightly different note has anyone read the review of the 427 Smallblock head in this months Bass Guitar Mag? I now feel like the ONLY option going forward is a 427 watt all valve head lol
  21. Would imagine so?
  22. Yup ive already been rummaging around to find my credit card statements to see if I have any credit!
  23. Ps its 200 watts according to their Facebook
  24. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1037923' date='Nov 26 2010, 04:11 PM']I fully appreciate your argument. And the 1x15 must make a significant improvement on volume. Personally I like to have at least 100w into a 15 inch, purely for a decent amount of clean headroom. I know that tube what's are louder than SS watts, put I've had to play with a 15 inch combo before I think it was 60watts and it was just poor. Obviously I'd have to experience it in person before making a solid judgement.[/quote] Looks like they were listening...
  25. The 30 watt Ashdown Fliptop has been getting a lot of love recently, just noticed a picture of a 200 watt version on their facebook, oh dear lord
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