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Everything posted by dougal

  1. Here are mine on the Futon....
  2. [quote name='Rowley Birkin QC' timestamp='1333434898' post='1601509'] I use a Tascam MP-BT1. Load on your MP3's, plug in your headphones and bass and play along without disturbing the cat. [/quote] +1 if you need it portable. If you have a computer & soundcard I also recommend GDT (http://renegademinds.com/Default.aspx?tabid=65) which I use for most of my song learning. (In combination with Tux guitar)
  3. John is a proper gent and I sold him my Sadowsky in a non nonsense transaction. Enjoy the bass!
  4. Yup. Still hanging on the wall. Been toying with the idea of e-bay. Are you interested?
  5. Right, in case you were wondering, BassDoc sorted me out. Fantastic service: posted out on a Thursday, got it back on the next Tuesday. I think it looks rather nice....
  6. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1329651264' post='1545270'] The keyboard player always trotted that out as an excuse for not learning the part properly or not being able to do it properly. [/quote] I agree completely. We always try & get a cover very close to the original before deviating. Specifically w.r.t. bass parts, it depends on how integral the bass part is: I wouldn't mess around with "Too much too young" for instance, but if we're covering a song where the bass line isn't so noticeable - like 'Forget you' - I'm less inclined and will muck around as I see fit. Incidentally, we run FU into SCoM and back out again with some success. And no, I haven't learned the twiddles towards the end.
  7. Bump 'n' a price drop....
  8. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1329053629' post='1536484'] ...taking my two daughters aged 5 and 7... Thinking about the Natural History museum? Planetarium? London zoo? [/quote] Science Museum is extremely kid friendly. Depends what they're into, but my 7 yr old (boy) loves it.
  9. I'm going to put a new scratch plate / pup in my p-bass. It's metallic red, and I'm thinking pearloid black (and a [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?id=173"]wizard thumper[/url], nom nom nom) Question is, I'm not planning on putting a tone control in there. All the p-bass scratch plates seem to come pre-drilled with two holes, and I only want one. The people [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/3487-heads-up-on-custom-pickguards/"]mentioned in here[/url] sounds like they might be able to do it... at a price. Anyone know of anywhere cheaper / UK based?
  10. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1327251887' post='1508358'] Is this a 4 Pot /2 Switch jobbie? [/quote] Yup. Three pots hard wired into the circuit, one pot floating which has to be soldered across the pickup output (and never has been by the looks of it).
  11. [color=#ff0000][size=5][b]SOLD PENDING THE USUAL[/b][/size][/color] Peavey Grind BXP 6-string bass. Excellent condition. I haven't put a scratch on it. Came to me used from this forum. Brand new (well, they've been on there a year but almost completely unused) Elixirs on it. I bought this as I had some grand plans for 6-string playing, but rather like fretless, I've decided it's just not for me. It's a lovely bass. Well built. Neck is straight and it's got a nice low action. - Weight is 4.75 kg. - 35 inch scale - 24 frets - 6-string - Passive humbucking pickups - Mahogany neck with maple stringers - Neck-through-body design - Case not included - Mahogany body wings - Dual action torsion rod It comes with a soft case - which is a problem because I'm not [i]really[/i] willing to post it without a hard case, although I'm sure some arrangement could be come to. Local pick-up is either in London City or Egham or Woking. I can deliver locally. I'm after a whopping [s]£250[/s] [s]£200[/s] £180 for this. Trades wise I'd take anything interesting with cash in either direction. A few stipulations: 5 or less strings and it has to have frets! Also, if you have a spare wedge monitor (or any PA gear really) I could use one of those. Headstock pictures have an odd magenta cast to them: I'm guessing the wrong white balance on the camera. I'm not sure what the differences between BXP and 'BXP NTB' are: the truss rod cover is different. I'm assuming this is just an early iteration?
  12. For sale, one [url="http://www.east-uk.com/"]East[/url] [url="http://www.east-uk.com/uretro01.pdf"]U-Retro 01[/url] with black control knobs. Bought this to go into my old GW, it's been siting around since then. Works perfectly. Comes with passive tone control which isn't on the wiring diagram, but is simple to implement should you wish to (I never did). They're over £200 new - I'm looking for £120 posted. Local pick-up from the City / Egham possible.
  13. I too was there. Red White & Blues were generic AOR. I didn't think they did it [i]too [/i]badly - I wasn't offended by them. Thought they'd do well in the Dog & Duck on a Friday night... I love Satch, & probably wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't him. Thought the drummer was over-playing. I'm not a particular fan of Mr Antony, but he does at least play for the song. I noticed the Marshalls too - wondered if his sponsorship deal had expired. Sound was awful. I was stuck upstairs though, which may have had something to do with it.
  14. Live: Two, usually stingray & sadowsky P, sometimes ray & fender P. One is usually there purely as a back-up (which I've never resoreted to). Ended up using the 'ray far more often recently. Studio: Only ever needed to use the Sadowsky.
  15. http://www.npr.org/blogs/deceptivecadence/2012/01/02/144482863/double-blind-violin-test-can-you-pick-the-strad/ "[color=#666666][font=georgia, sans-serif][size=4]In the world of violins, the names Stradivari and Guarneri are sacred. For three centuries, violin-makers and scientists have studied the instruments made by these Italian craftsmen. So far no one has figured out what makes their sound different.[/size][/font][/color][color=#666666][font=georgia, sans-serif][size=4]...[/size][/font][/color][color=#666666][font=georgia, sans-serif][size=4]a professional violinist could tell the difference, right?[/size][/font][/color][color=#666666][font=georgia, sans-serif][size=4] Well, a research team recently tried to find out. They gathered professional violinists in a hotel room in Indianapolis. They had six violins — two Strads, a Guarneri and three modern instruments. Everybody wore dark goggles so they couldn't see which violin was which.[/size][/font][/color][color=#666666][font=georgia, sans-serif][size=4] Then the researchers told the musicians: These are all fine violins and at least one is a Stradivarius. Play, then judge the instruments."[/size][/font][/color]
  16. Clarky bought a fretless from me. No nonsense, excellent communication, understanding about delicate swmbo issues... a real gent. Deal with complete confidence. Agree with the comment re:Zombies...
  17. I've been asked for some more photos. The album is on my google+ here: https://plus.google.com/photos/110224029669332264859/albums/5685971999298842657?authkey=CLequNOq8IOn_wE There are two marks in the finish; on the bottom near the jack socket... And on the front horn:
  18. Bump & a price drop to £1200...?
  19. Confirmed 5.4kg using different (luggage) scales. Korean or German it's under offer awaiting the usual.
  20. Oh my Giddy Aunt.... Have a bump on me.
  21. Bump & a price drop... £400?
  22. Monday morning bump 'n' a price drop. £425...?
  23. [color=#ff0000][size=6]GONE SOLD KAPUT NO LONGER AVAILABLE[/size][/color] Comes with Sadowsky semi-hard case. Has VTC. Bathroom scales say 4.1kg I've had this bass for almost three years - it's a bit of a basschat bicycle so I'd prefer to keep it in the family. It's been knocked off it's pedestal as my go-to bass and it's too nice to have as wall furniture. I'd say it was up to scratch in terms of playability and sound with any NYC I've played. Trades-wise I'd go for something roughly equivalent but with 5 strings.
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