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Everything posted by dougal

  1. For sale, my Carvin XB-75P: £650 I've had this from new since I lived in the USA & bought it circa 2004. The top is bookmatched flamed koa, neck is a 5-piece through laminate with ebony 'board. Three pick-ups, Stacked humbucker in the front, mm-style in the midle & a piezo under the bridge. Top controls are volume, magnetic pup balance, and balance between piezo and meagnetic. lower is a three band eq and a coil tap. More details on the electrics etc are available on the [url="http://www.carvinmuseum.com/playersgallery/xb75.html"]carvin museum site[/url]. It's got wide string spacing (~18mm) and an asymmetrical neck, and plenty of room between the front pup & board for slapping. [url="http://www.carvinmuseum.com/decade/images/05-bpxb75review.html"]On-line review.[/url] Comes with a OHSC. Shipping negotiable. You're welcome to try it out in Thorpe (near Egham) and I can deliver to the centre of London if you want to save shipping. I'd prefer a straight cash sale, but I'm open to trade offers for 4s, particularly precision-style. N.B. At one point I had this tuned F#-B-E-A-D - I'll include the strings & nut in case anyone wants to try this tuning out.
  2. R16 looks nice, my first thought is I think I'd prefer to keep all the tracks in the DAW: it sounds like I'd be tying myself to the hardware& wasting the money I'd spent on Sonar in the first place. I will go & check one out though. Rather like the idea of popping down to the studio with it. Very old school 4-track cassette!
  3. Anyone played with one of these? [url="http://www.tascam.com/products/m-164uf.html"]http://www.tascam.com/products/m-164uf.html[/url] They look like fantastic for the money: I'm thinking of trading in my FA101 for one. The job is to pre-demo demos on the PC: record everyone into their own channel on the DAW (sonar in my case) and overdub / mess with structure / vocals as required.
  4. Pause for thought: how many people would use a venue provided 'rig'? Let's guess, 90%? How many people would use, a venue provided bass.....? Speaks volumes from my perspective.
  5. Must... Resist... Urge... To... Pull.. Trigger... I would love to. Sadly I have 2 or 3 too many basses for SWMBO.
  6. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='825162' date='May 1 2010, 09:20 PM']Also available [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/wolf_super_endpin.htm"]here[/url] I've got one, it falls off occasionally, might be worth ordering 2 or 3 in case you loose one in transit![/quote] I haven't been able to find replacements (for the rubber end ball): if you can point me to where you can buy them, I'll have 12. They really are excellent, while they last. I have had no issue with it falling off. However: if you manage to hold onto the ball end without it falling off, the effing thing wears through. Took me just under a year & I'm no pro. Exhibit A: (You'll have to trust me that I didn't abuse it in any way or force the pencil through the gap) The advantage is you can take your 'attachment' (the metal bit) off, walk with it to your local key cutting store [url="http://www.timpson.co.uk/shop/c/302/walking-sticks-amp-umbrellas/s/161/accessories/g/373/ferrules"]Timpsons[/url] and get a walking stick "ferrule" to fit. I wrapped some gaffa around the end to ensure a super-tight fit. So far, so good.
  7. In my experience, the thump of a single is soon diminished by the pitter-patter of tiny feet. (YMMV) Enjoy it whilst you can!!!
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='821896' date='Apr 28 2010, 01:58 PM']Bollocks I have been watching some stuff for ages one day left and it gets posted.[/quote] Whoops, sorry
  9. Have reverb gone? I had a mail shot from these people: [url="http://www.pdsgroupauctions.co.uk/auction_details.asp?saleid=325&siteid=1"]http://www.pdsgroupauctions.co.uk/auction_...25&siteid=1[/url] avertising a liquidaton sale. Can't remember what I bought from them...
  10. 22 including uprights & EUBs. Thought it'd be more. Not sure how this makes me feel. Westone Thunder 1-A Home made (parts) P-bass Aria 4-string in blue crackle finish. Aria MAB20-5 Carvin LB75 [Goes to uni 'survives' on only the carvin for 10 years] Chinese Laminate Upright [Moves to the USA] * Carvin XB75P Acoustic cheap 4-string no-name thing Fender Sting P Warwick fretless 5 * GW custom 5 * Wish peanut 6 [Moves to Japan] * Ashbury Mini Bass Fender MIJ Jazz Bongo 5 Aliertz CUB [Moves Back to the UK, discovers basschat] * Stingray 4 * Zellor Double bass F-bass 5 Modulus Flea * Sadowsky Metro 4 * Stingray 5 I'm currently down to 8 (*'d).
  11. [quote]Yup, I'm a former student of his, from the BassTech days.[/quote] Me three! Lovely bloke.
  12. Tighten it until the hair in the middle of the bow can just be pushed to the wood with as much force as you can muster holding it in a playing position. Adjust to taste. Rosin is only slightly less of a personal choice than strings: I use kolstein all weather out of preference. [url="http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product_details.cfm?ProdID=1611"]http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product_details.cfm?ProdID=1611[/url]
  13. Sound samples. EQ flat, straight into the desk. Two renditions of jesu by Bach: one with the fat finger, one without. Balance across the strings is good. It's a nice sound, imho.
  14. Bumpage
  15. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='812814' date='Apr 20 2010, 05:34 PM']Sure, but it's the sort of logic that brought us the hair-cutting vacuum cleaner attachment, or the toasted sandwich maker.[/quote] You have your hair cut without a head vacuum? How odd. [quote]How can they say its the worlds first when im sure ive seen fender necks that are fretless after 12th fret?[/quote] I'm sure I've seen the other way around too: fretless up to the 12th, fretted after. Then there's the "flick of a switch 'hey look Mum - no frets'" bass which caught on so quickly that we're all playing them 3 years after the first batch was released, oh wait...
  16. [quote name='Clarky72' post='808626' date='Apr 16 2010, 04:59 PM']What kind of sound does the Nord give you? I've heard the Seymour Duncan is pretty faithful to the original MM tone, I don't want to sacrifice that just to get more volume out the G string? I've got a 2006 30th Anni Ray which sounds immense apart from the faint G string...[/quote] I can post some sound samples later. [quote]The one im thinking about is applying mass the the headstock,[/quote] I have a 'fat-finger', and it didn't seem to make that much difference. I'll try recording both... :-)
  17. I'm confused: Is the 'other' American one UBP? That was my fave when I lived there - now the UK is my home I seem to gravitate here.
  18. [quote]Alex, which filters did you go for?[/quote] Just my 2p: I invested in a pair of ER25 from [url="http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/"]http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/[/url] - ended up going to a local opticians which had a hearing aid specialist that came in once a week. After about a month I spent an extra £60 (ouch) on the 15db filters, which are interchangable, as I thought I'd use the 25s for loud gigs. Never has my band / gig / whatever been so loud as to need to put the 25s back in. The 25s made me feel a bit 'disconnected' (as previously discused) as they're quite occlusive, the 15s make everything clearer, quieter, and they're so comfy I often forget I'm wearing them, even when hot & sweaty. If I lost them I would order another pair without a second thought... but only the 15's
  19. Pending trade. Any last minute cash offers....?
  20. Favourite album for the longest time. Until this: I agree mostly with the comments about overdubbing.
  21. I did a 10 week intensive over the summer thing in Acton in '91 (ish). Was awesome. Came away from it & then didn't touch my bass for a fortnight though! Was taught by: The left handed guy who played with the strings the wrong way up? (Found him! Terry Gregory: [url="http://www.icmp.co.uk/teachers/bass-teachers/terry-gregory.aspx)"]http://www.icmp.co.uk/teachers/bass-teache...y-gregory.aspx)[/url] Rob Burns Neil Murray There were three other bassists with me that I remember clearly, none of whom I can remember the name of! German guy, 4-string thumb. English Guy, red squire jazz. Kiwi, beat up old 4-string jazz. I did have photos. Seem to have lost them.
  22. dougal


    Came across this on my travels: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/94/56682794.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/94/56682794.html[/url] I've heard of Manson guitars, but never their basses. Anyone played / used / bought / sold?
  23. Bought a 'Ray fiver from him. Good comms, nice bloke. Positive transaction.
  24. [quote name='owen' post='792714' date='Mar 31 2010, 11:28 PM']The headstock ding thing is not always a ding, but because of the real pointy bit, it wears very quickly in a gig bag.[/quote] I hadn't considered that... I agree it's something to do with the headstock shape: the fact it combines not only a 90 degree front on, but also a point (knife edge?) as you look at the underside. I don't have a photo to illustrate my point, and I'm making up words and sounding like a bad Vic Reeves impressionist. It may be safe to back away slowly making no sudden movements.
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