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Everything posted by dougal

  1. My last major purchases have been through here or gumtree. The last new bass I bought came from bass central via an American cousin. here: bought two basses bought two cabs sold EUB sold two basses sold combo and 1x15 extension gumtree: bought amp bought cab bought double bass Strings, rosin etc I used to buy from Thomann.de - but the exchange rate has made that less atrractive now. Other on-line retailers used are GAK, Andersons & DV247.com
  2. Might be worth reading this too (although it's less of a technical comparison which is what I think you're after): [url="http://doublebassblog.org/2006/11/rabbath-versus-simandl-comparative.html"]http://doublebassblog.org/2006/11/rabbath-...omparative.html[/url] I get confused by the talk of positions too: why we can't use (note from the E-string): F = 1st posn F# = 2nd posn G = 3rd posn is beyond me. Simandl has these half positions, what are they about? Eh?!?!? The six Rabbath positions center around harmonics. For example: 1st (B harmonic on G string under 4th finger) 3rd (D harmonic on G string under 1st finger) 4th (octave harmonic under thumb) 6th (double octave harmonic under thumb) To be honest, I think the only way to sort out bad habits is to take some lessons.
  3. UnplayedAll (a playlist that has every song from my library with a playcount of 0) Right now it's the happy mondays.
  4. My band made the decision to do covers but "not the songs you'd expect". Rock 'n' Roll Damnation rather than Back in Black. Hump De Bump rather than Under the Bridge. Walking in the Shadow of the Blues rather than Here I Go Again. This allows us some personal freedom whilst retaining popular-ish numbers in the set.
  5. My Carvin's XB75 is currently tuned F#-B-E-A-D. Has the advantage of a 35.25" scale length & a .175 Darklord F#. I've knackered one amp (an Ashdown 1x15) at a practice space with it so far (although I can't take all the credit...): my own gear appears to be able to handle it.
  6. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='409868' date='Feb 15 2009, 07:24 AM']As far as I´m concerned, nothing to date has been an improvement on the almighty Precision.[/quote] Active electronics & a true humbucker?
  7. Do we even class Maiden as metal any more? Where is the line drawn? (I was big into my 80's speed / thrash, so I know which side of the line I fall). Why has no-one accused metal of being too widdly / fast / image driven / repetitive yet?
  8. There is a guitarist (forget who - I'll have to go & hunt him out) who plays not only the E bit also the A with his thumb: a country or possibly blues guy, plays in DADGAD a lot & therefore has 4th chords under his thumb (whilst he noodles with his other fingers: perhaps he plays jazz?) However, there is a lot to be said for keeping the wrists straight on both hands as it'll lead to less car-pool tunnel syndrome (which I believe is all about using the tendons whilst in non-neutral positions). Being originally a classically trained guitarist I find the mere idea heretical, so would obviously burn you at the stake if I ever saw you do it. There's a video (forget who, yeah yeah I know) of a bass player (using a Carvin, I do remember that) who bangs on about good posture to reduce the possibility of serious injury: I think he'd also be collecting gourds of wood & getting his flint & tinder ready at the suggestion that using the thumb over technique was okay.
  9. I've had two EBMM - an SR4 that is my main bass, and a bongo 5. I'd agree that the SR's 'just' an iterative improvement on the precision: but that doesn't stop me from loving it long time. I can't comment on the status: I've only ever played them in music shops & without trying a bass in a band situation I don't really feel qualified to comment. What I can't understand is why everyone complains about the weight: mine is noticeably lighter than a jazz and with a 4" strap on (hehehe, I said 4" strap-on) I can happily play through a 4-hour rehearsal. (Mind you, I was a prop forward and still weight train so maybe I'm built slightly more brick-outhouse than the average bear?!?) I think what I'm trying to say is that I like my 'ray*. [size=1](* I am still searching for the perfect bass)[/size]
  10. Anyone who's curious could do worse than watch "Jazz - A Film by Ken Burns" to learn about the origins of the genre: Link: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Marsalis-Ellington-Branford-Morgenstern-Eisenhower/dp/B00005M6QI/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=I2AFAAB92MCUD5&colid=6CCIMGVWJRUS"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Marsalis-Ellington...id=6CCIMGVWJRUS[/url] I loved it. S'awesome. Anyway, I'm off to do some Jazz noodling, followed by the Shawshank Redemption (favourite film [i]ever[/i], doncha know).
  11. Vance also has a take on the Rabbath method: [url="http://www.boosey.com/pages/shop/composer/titles.asp?author=Vance%2C+George"]http://www.boosey.com/pages/shop/composer/...Vance%2C+George[/url] I quite like them. The book that I've been taught from in the past is "Double Bass Solo" (Keith Hartley) - but this isn't really a 'bible', more of a set of pieces that help learn techniques and positions (in the Simandl sense of the word).
  12. Yes, there are prices on the site, but does that include shipping / import tax / VAT etc. ? Give the exchange rate between £ & $ I expect that they're going to have gone up.
  13. Phone? Phone? What's this ancient form of communications technology you suggest?
  14. Has anyone had contact with www.smart-distribution.co.uk ? I'm gassing for a modulus Flea, and wanted to see what the orice of a new bass is as opposed to a used one on sale in the for sale section. However, when I send e-mail to the address as advertised here: [url="http://www.smart-distribution.co.uk/page225/page225.html"]http://www.smart-distribution.co.uk/page225/page225.html[/url] - I get the following back. This isn't filling me with a great deal of confidence [font="Courier New"]Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: [email protected] Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 sorry, mail to that recipient is not accepted (#5.7.1) (state 14).[/font]
  15. Man bought a j-retro off me. Fast, no-nonsense transaction.
  16. I have a Zeller: pricing depends on the model really. There is a range of styles from 100% laminate to 100% solid. [url="http://www.achamilton.co.uk/Orchestral%20website/zellerbass.htm"]http://www.achamilton.co.uk/Orchestral%20w.../zellerbass.htm[/url] For a well maintained & set-up instrument that'd be a decent price, yes. New they for between £1000 & £1300 (Solid) [url="http://www.footesmusic.com/product.asp?strParents=327&CAT_ID=661&P_ID=3628"]http://www.footesmusic.com/product.asp?str...1&P_ID=3628[/url] (Laminated) [url="http://www.footesmusic.com/product.asp?strParents=327&CAT_ID=661&P_ID=3627"]http://www.footesmusic.com/product.asp?str...1&P_ID=3627[/url]
  17. Regarding the powerballs: I have one to warm up & down with. I think most people think I'm mad, (particularly if viewed from behind, whilst trying for a record speed count) but what hoe, cerial horsebox frog-pills eh?
  18. What's shipping like to the UK from Sweden?
  19. When I practice I try & make it structured: 10 minutes warm up on any one of: scales, hand dexterity exercises, intonation work, note production. 20 minutes on the technique du jour (and this includes things like the construction of walking lines, practice pieces to aid ear training, right hand technique, reading etc) 20 minutes reading new excerpts / learning new material for the band 20 minutes polishing music I can already read / playing 10 minutes noodling to warm down Times vary eratically depending on what's on that week. I'd say I average an hour a day on week days, (apart from Thursday, when it's 2 hours with the orchestra) and 3 hour rehearsal on Sunday with the band (apart from gigs, where it's three hours on a Saturday instead). This would appear to be average?
  20. I terms of wheels I already have a [u][url="http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/1222-GAINES_UPRIGHT_BASS_TRANSPORT_WHEEL.html"]Gaines Bass wheel[/url][/u] from Bob: I'm guessing that it'll only be very short hops from car to playing space & back that I use the internal wheels for. Apart from the T&W, the only other one I've been recommended is the [u][url="http://www.gewamusic.com/197.html?&L=1&call=search&searchBrand=1&searchGenre=12"]Gewa[/url][/u] Jaeger Rolly. I think I'll take a punt on the T&W. Cheers.
  21. Has anyone got one or read any independent reviews? My rather tatty bass case has finally seperated from one of it's carrying handles and really needs to be replaced. I want the Ritter, but apparently they've changed distributors so they aren't readily available. [url="http://www.tomandwill.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=SAA%2DBS34%2DGB&Cat=Cases+%26+Bags+%2D+Orchestral+Strings"]http://www.tomandwill.com/ProductDetail.as...hestral+Strings[/url]
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='385770' date='Jan 20 2009, 10:36 AM']Who buys these signature guitars anyway?[/quote] People with more money than sense. That would be me then (I hasten to point out I have no money - just less sense...) GAS GAS GAS lovely GAS GAS GAS.
  23. Just bought a 410 from the man. Seems like a nice bloke: I turned up at his house, tried out the cab, drove away a happy bunny. Couldn't have been easier.
  24. +1 That looks like fantastic fun. Best of luck!
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