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Everything posted by dougal

  1. Tesco was obvious: hash, abrasive and no mellow tones at all. The other two I got right more by good luck than judgement. I don't think there was that much to choose between them. It would be interesting to have the same test with a Squire, US and vintage P. I think ironically I'd do worse in that!
  2. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1371127701' post='2110141'] Bloody fantastic it was. [/quote] I was there too. And bloody fantastic is WAS. I understand the criticism that's being levelled: it's not massively original, but it is good honest thrash. I like it. Most of the night I was about where the pic below was taken from. Two sadowsky J's (with black tuning pegs), and one metallic orange with a d-tuna, an odd string tree retainer and larger than normal (not j-sized, think soapbar) pups. Two guitarists, one of which used a 7-string PRS at one point, the other who used SGs and Les Pauls. Now I get to see them again on Monday on HMS Hammer. Lucky me.
  3. I third (?fourth?) that emotion. Wunjos were most excellent to me when buying a Bronco for the nipper: matched the best web price I'd seen and threw in a strap & bag. Let me try all they had in stock & pick out the best.
  4. I resorted to wall hangers. Little b*ggers can't get to them up there....
  5. Saw them in London last Thursday. Dave E was as always excellent, Dave M slightly less so (seemed to be going through the motions a bit?). I'm finding it harder and harder to differentiate between their later albums; they are all starting to sound the same to me. Met Dave briefly at the first Bass Player bass day in NYC about 10 years ago: seemed like a sound bloke, very sensible and down to earth.
  6. Just watched an entire (wrong) episode on bbc iplayer. Damn you basschat.
  7. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1369722213' post='2091873'] My band mates don't seem to care what's going on with the bass until they can't hear it or it definitely does sound crap. [/quote] I think this is probably the most common 'problem' with playing the bass. No-one really notices, until it's too late. At an extreme, I physically assaulted a guitarist when after playing a song with my volume rolled to 0, he [i]still[/i] claimed the bass was too loud. I'm still ashamed of my reaction to this day.
  8. Now I appreciate I'm never going to hit the heady heights of: I did wonder what the best bass-centric version I could come up with. So far my efforts are a bit... lame... can anyone do better?
  9. I've had both NYC and Metro. I'd second the emotions here: if you [i]need[/i] a chambered body, or a translucent green over spalted maple finish, go USA. The configuration options on the metros are enough for me. Unless one came up second hand, I don't think I'd buy an NYC.
  10. I once owned this beast: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196440-dingwall-super-jazz-bass-sunbursttortiepassive-reduced/"]http://basschat.co.u...assive-reduced/[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]--> what are your thoughts? [/font][/color] Nice bass. The string spacing was a bit tight for my personal taste. The later development of string trees are required. The chambered body made it really nice and light. Sound wise, mine was a passive, and although I never really liked the 4 position selector for sounds, it had a good usable array and fitted ncely in the mix. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]--> how do they compare to say, a Sadowsky?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have owned a few sadowskys in my time: USA jazz, MV4, MV5, PJ4. I think the preamp on the sadowsky is a wonderful bit of kit. The fanned frets never seemed to affect my playing, for better or worse, which is [i]one [/i]of the reasons it went in trade for an RV4. (Which also didn't stay, but that's another story). I would have said they were on a par: the only real difference being price and the obvious fanned-ness of the frets. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]--> are they worth the money?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]And this is the other reason I traded mine: it's an expensive bass, and as it wasn't "the special one", it had to go. If it was half the price it would have stayed.[/font][/color]
  11. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1368534999' post='2078081'] If I have to learn a pre-existing song - take song into Audacity, bass boost it, then chuck it up an octave. Bass line (an octave higher) verily pings out at you. Learn it up there, then take it back down on the bass. [/quote] This. Only using "Amazing Slow Downer" on the Mac. And the occasional Tab site for pointers. As for the structure / where I am in the song: it's all instinct and playing along however many times. Other members of the band use notes & read them, which isn't a bad thing, per se, but I think it interrupts the performance if you're tied to a stand. And I think once you've started reading, it's very difficult to go to remembering. Plus, actually, who cares if you occasionally throw an extra chorus where there isn't one / play the bridge twice? Provided you're all on top of it and can communicate through glances, smirks, grimaces and [i]ALWAYS FOLLOW THE VOCAL[/i], you're golden.
  12. It's all gone /deathly/ quiet. It must have been something I said :-/ Still Hunting!
  13. I ended up popping into Wunjo guitars last night (Denmark St) - They had a couple of Broncos in stock (he'd said, based on looks alone, that was the one he was after), one of which was well set up, played nicely, and was £1 cheaper than Dolphin or gear4music had advertised on their web site, and came with a free stagg bag and strap. I've only ever known that shop as being full or rude dismissive staff who only ever paid attention to me when I wore a suit. It was a very pleasant surprise to be treated so well for what can't be much mark-up from them. Anyway, I was impressed enough to purchase him the nicer one (in black, like he wanted)... and last night we were working our way through the Trinity interpretation of Blitzkrieg Pop. Thanks everyone for your input. I'm sad he didn't want the SS Jag from here, as I think that's more versatile. Pictures to follow.
  14. Have a bump on me. This was once mine, and is [i]lovely[/i].
  15. [size=4][url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1908920092/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=10J0253NBX31QFZJZ1CY&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=358549767&pf_rd_i=468294"]Rockschool Bass Course[/url]: anyone done it? Looking for some structured learning to teach my son (~8-9yr old).[/size] Any other ideas / suggestions? I've still got a copy of "[url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-rock-bass-manual-complete/dp/0907937160"]The Rock Bass Manual[/url]" which I was taught from... [size=4]​He's already having classical cello lessons so this is for fun and a bit of a muck about rather than getting too serious. [/size] [size=4]Plus it may make me a better reader, which can't hurt :-)[/size]
  16. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1368472756' post='2077543'] I'm still amazed that no one has recommended (or rather been told) buying a Stingray............... [/quote] He [i]would[/i] grow into it....
  17. Thanks everyone for their input. Pete, to give you some scale, here is he stoof next to a fully grown young woman - I don't think 30" will be too large: I tried [i]really[/i] hard to convince him that the Squire on here is a better idea than the bronco, but he really likes the bronco in black / white, damnit. I may just have to play the 'daddy knows best' card. Perhaps someone will make me a white pickguard.
  18. George, my son, plays a 1/2 size 'cello, and when we were talking about another instrument he wanted to play, he didn't say drums or keyboard (as I expected him to), instead he said bass. So now I'm on the hunt for a small bass for him. We already have an ashbory, which he messes about on, but I want a fretted bass, as we worry about intonation and the like on the cello already. I'm not made of money, but I don't mind spending a few quit, so I'd rather avoid the Harley Benton / toys'r'us plywood stuff. So far the options appear to be: Ibanez http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_gsrm20ca.htm Warwick Corvette http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_corvette_basic_short_scale_nt.htm Squire Bronco http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_squier_bronco_bass_rd.htm Any more suggestions?
  19. Curious if anyone else has experienced this. Last night I was playing a recently acquired (used) Rickenbacker 4004, having re-strung it (one string at a time) over the weekend (from an unknown make / tension to elixir 45-105s). When I played a particular note (E @ 2nd fret 7 D string or 7th fret A string but suspect it's irrelevant) or close there was a nasty sympathetic resonant sound from [i]somewhere [/i]in the bass. A proper low rumbling rattle, not a slight buzz. I tried feeling / prodding everything from pickups to tuners, eventually resorting to adjusting the truss rods a miniscule amount and then back again - which seems to have fixed the problem. Has anyone else experienced rattling rods? Was it something different which has been affected by neck movement? The neck's in the right place so I don't want to have to tighten or loosen the rods if at all possible.
  20. [quote name='hairyhatman' timestamp='1367040195' post='2060533'] Hi Dougal New covers band now starting up in Guildford. Female vox guitar bass keys drums and possibly horn later. Music is Pop Rock, Funk. If you are interested then ping me back and we ca have a chat. Al [/quote] Cheers. Rob seems to have gone all quiet on me. I'll send a chaser...
  21. Another positive from me: did a cash neutral trade with George. Excellent communication. Honest, concerned I liked the bass post trade. Everything you could ask for in a bass-chatter.
  22. Paul bought a Thunderbird. Came and picked it up from my home in Thorpe. Nice bloke, friendly. Cash payment was a bit late but that was Santander's "security" measures rather than any fault on his part. Good, honest, well communicated basschat transaction. As the e-bay phrase goes: Deal with confidence.
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