For sale or for trade a Megatar Mobius 12 strings.
Made in USA.
Serial n°: 032 - 357.
Body : African Sapele (option).
Neck Through
Scale 34''
25 frets.
2 truss-rods.
12 strings (6 bass + 6 guitar/melody).
4 pick-ups Bartolinis (option)
Body — angular design provides rigidity which keeps tone
and sustain strong, but small body size keeps weight down.
Volume and Tone Controls — permits you to separately adjust
the loudness and tone of the bass and the melody strings.
Dual Truss-Rod Adjusters — allows you to fine-tune the fretboard
to remain as flat as possible with the low action which
produces the best sound and playability.
Pickup Assembly — as shown has one pickup for bass and
one for melody, but this is a swappable option. Other pickup
assemblies can have multiple pickups under the strings.
Fully-Adjustable Bridge — allows fine adjustment of string
height, if needed. After the truss-rod adjustment to make neck
as flat as possible, saddles are lowered to the lowest position
which still avoids string buzz.
Special Fret-Markings — similar to standard guitar, but
slightly different, helps you relate notes under both hands.
This is explained in detail in your ‘Easy Touch-Style Bassics’
method book.
Tuners — high-ratio for easy-on-the-fingers precision tuneup
Megatar located in North of France near Calais / Boulogne sur Mer.
Price: £1580 or 1800€ + shipping.