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[quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1342799341' post='1741227'] Apologies if this has already come up, but I just came across this: [url="http://www.parkerguitars.com/News/maxxfly-bass-pb12.html"]http://www.parkergui...-bass-pb12.html[/url] I've always been quite keen on Parker's design ideas (sustainable materials in particular), but these are (just slightly) outside my price range! [/quote] I played that Parker MaxxFly at Winter NAMM. HOLY ^%$##@@@ It's ridiculously good IMO. That price is a bit insane, No Dealers carry them I think the ones I saw were the one-and-only prototypes, and I really don't know how many they figure to sell, at that price and it being a real niche bass in the 1st place. But, man, let me tell you---- It weighed an ounce, and sounded like a brick house. Great construction, like a Museum of Modern Art showcase piece. I would LOVE to own/play this on the gig; just outstanding. I think it will eventually be available for around $3-4.5K street price (sorry about the Dollars); a little closer to home, but still a long shot for 99% of almost anyone. Still- the thought of how it felt.... Oooh.
[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342817649' post='1741590'] The stove references are pertaining to a thread from a few days ago. It's like saying "I don't know" on here. Nothing cheap, nothing personal. Just our humour. [/quote] Gotcha. I'm only (an AMerican) Human. Thanks.
[i]Is it an Aga? [/i] [i]Rayburn? [/i] [i]Shortscale? Hmmm. It's a Parkray. [/i] [i]You're struggling with the range of makes suggested? I think people's brains are really cooking to guess this one. [/i] Well, I saw a lot of things of interest in Britain- and Ireland. Both times Castles, of course, the Tower of London, the list is looong. . But I must say I didn't get into much of a study of Ranges and Stoves. The Jerry Jones ShortHorn, and the Gretsch SpectraSonic are amazing basses. That's why I post on Bass Forums, both here, at home in the USA, and abroad. I LIKE things bass, and btw, it;s the slow season for Strap Sales here, I'm trying to round up gigs for my R&B band inc. England, God-Willing; that's a tough itinerary to make happen. Sometimes, when I'd google a piece of gear, the spiders would list "BassChat UK" as a source, and that's waht happened the other day when I went to play the 2011 FCS Borracho bass- SO I joined and partook. Plus as I've posted many times- Besides a deep connection with my Dad (RIP)- He spent over 6 months in a Hospital in England, blinded from Battle and missing a finger, with shrapnel in his butt that stayed there until they took it out 20 years after the War!!! He was also stationed in Rostrevor Ireland, and I had quite the chats with some Irish about that. I keep on my bureau his Shilleleigh, given to him when he was over there- It's beautiful, hand carved with a Shamrock; I had a Bass strap made with that Image. So- He loved England, told me several funny stories about his interfacing with the Brits, as I traveled tothere, I have my own. Another reason I wanted to post here. At heathrow, I sat next to an older couple, wh told me they toured Scotland, on a train, formal dress every night! "Wow! that's the way to see the country!" I thought-haha. Would love to visit there too, along with Northern Ireland, more of Wales, etc. etc. Big World. So the cheap shot, under the guise of humour, was to sub a name of a range and sit back and chuckle whilst the Yank don't know what we're saying. Hey I get it... I played for a lot of Frat parties in the day;, I know the drill. Still- the follow-ups were cheap shots, low-brow, not in good cheer. IMO, the way I see it, no name-calling intended with this statement. Me, If I think someone is a dumb-ass, or I'm not interested in their threads, ideas, statements etc. - I won't post. I won't start a what we call a "cluster-****" pile-on. Not my style, but we all have different styles, musically or other-wise. I don't EVER start "fights" virtually or otherwise, but I don't lie down for BS either, and have no problem with calling things as I see 'em. That's what I thought the cheap shot was. I'm certain if I extended the efforts, I could have come up with some American slangs that those in the UK wouldn't get, but that's not what I'm about. If those involved enjoyed their little prank, glad to have provided a laugh at my expense. In the end I have (2) great basses that I'm happy to post about, better yet- to bring the [b][i]funk[/i][/b] with them. More than anything else., that's what I'm about....
[quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1342809393' post='1741428'] I don't either, i just assemble and relic them. The string ferrules are on the back of the body where the strings pass through to the bridge. nash use the allparts bodies which have the small '51 reissue style ferrules, because the larger ones are notoriously hard to come by. This is the last project i did, which i recently sold on here, with the correct ferrules; [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181123-fender-precision-1955-relic-project/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] The Bravewood I have has the most authentic bodywork i have ever seen, outside of Clive Brown. New Kings Road have 8 or so Nash on their site at the moment, including a P. Expensive methinks. [/quote] Gotcha, Thanks!
[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342813110' post='1741500'] This guy's needs a word. Called me a "jack-off" among other things and I've just seen a bunch of anti-Scottish stuff, he's threatened others. He's been here 5 minute, how long before he takes it too far? [/quote] You've got issues, Bro.
Mmmmmm...... Fender Limited Edition La Cabronita “Porrazo” Precision Bass®
Eljay replied to TRBboy's topic in Bass Guitars
Thanks for the reply Billy. I've got some good money coming in a month or two, it will be hard to get me [i][u]not[/u][/i] to buy that Bass after playing it. So sweet. Have you seen the Reverse Jag body 2012 Model? Not so sure about the upper-register access, and it's $1500 US more! -
[quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1342812338' post='1741485'] Didn't mean to get you fired up, maybe we should just simmer down, and stop oven fun. This is a serious game after all. [/quote] I can throw BS with the best of 'em, even better. BUT- when someone takes a cheap shot, they show their true colors. Such a shame; with a thread that started out by me, to be of good cheer. What's the response to that from the Cheap-Shotters? English good etiquette seems to have left the door for some. Here's a short English story: Hopefully interesting and funny: Picadilly Circus, I needed an ATM, London isn't cheap! So a Black dude, Afro-American whatever, with his son approached the machine at the same time. 1) He looked like Miles Davis 2) He says in a beautiful English Accent: "I say, would you prefer to go ahead of me in the queue? I may have to be awhile." Now first of all, back here, he would say so to speak, "What's up, Dawg? You need to go first, bro?" Maybe IF he were polite, like this Brit was. Secondly he was wearing a "Spurs" T-shirt, so I said: "You like the (San Antonio Texas NBA) Spurs??" "No;" he says, they're a FOOTBALL club!" Nah, they ain't the Bears, or the Jets,... anyway. I really loved England, all I saw. The best. WTF with some of you? Huh?? really.
[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342806380' post='1741376'] I [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]ain't afeert of no dang critters. Specially none that knows as much about etiquette as a hog does a hip pocket in a bathing suit. [/font][/size] [/quote] Of course you're not "afeeert." Because your 6000 miles away, and can say whatever you want behind your Aberdeen keyboard. You can even say you're a skilled bassist, a post an avataar with flying fingers! That shows it! You stalking me? DO you LOVE me??? Sorry I hit your sweet spot there, Braveheart! Now, if we were in a pub; face-to-face, that would be different You'd probably (I say "probably" mebbee not, your type) be civil. Maybe not. Who knows, who cares. 'Appy day in Scotland to ya! Tick tock tick tock
[quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1342712283' post='1739826'] Rayburn? [/quote] You do realize that that kind of BS makes you appear a fool & a coward, don't you?? Not clever, but like being an ass. You don't?? You should. Really.
[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342786441' post='1740906'] Boom boom. Nice one. [/quote] Boom Boom. From a true Aberdeen Sausage! Shove it all in your stove, Jack-o!
hipshot bridge with ghost piezo system
Eljay replied to winterfire666's topic in Accessories and Misc
[quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1342787214' post='1740920'] many thanks for the replys, i wasnt aweare of RMC, it loooks cool im going to ask anthony at xylem if he has used either of the systems before i think. also i didnt realise you could have midi options too, oh the possibilities! although i dont know if i would use use midi live, im a bit of and old school rock/metal type, with simple needs. choices choices, iv got some thinkin to do. thanks again! [/quote] I'M and old school R&B pocket player (New School too). The toggles on the BEE Synth Bass let me go between Mag, Piezo, or Blend, then scroll thru the incredible array of patches from the GR-20 in my case. Not really in use for straight-ahead lines, but I've done some recordings/performance with singer/songwriter types, Bass and Keys or Guitar/Vox only and it's a lot of fun to blend in say a cello sound to the mix. There's also a benefit from playing say like a tenor sax- You need to really listen to and construct bass lines when you're output sounds quite like a sax!! Good luck with your Xylem project; checked them out; pretty cool; remind me of Carl Thompson builds quite a bit. Cheers. -
[quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1342785791' post='1740892'] Personally, i wouldnt spend £2k+ (or even £1k+), on a '55 relic bass, when they can't even be arsed to get the correct string ferrules fitted, something that is very specific to that model. In my experience, Nash are very poor value for money, and yet seem to command alot of interest, and good prices. Shocking torty guards too! Bravewood are in a different league alltogether to Nash, and are similarly priced. Its all about personal taste though innit. I'd still rather do my own, for far less dollar, and it's more fun. [/quote] Well, I'm not blessed with the woodworking/electronics skills to "do my own" so I'm trapped to buy I guess. My Nash 55 was about $1800 US; sorry I don't have the British Pound Key on my keyboard Not sure what you mean about the string ferrules, but I assume you know something about the specs I don't. Strings thru fine for me. Of course Bravewood isn't represented to me for comparison over here, there are other smaller builders that do the same thing: e.g [url="http://bluesmanvintage.foursharpmusic.com/#%21/category/newstuff/"]http://bluesmanvinta...egory/newstuff/[/url] He's been getting some buzz. Others too.
[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1342793051' post='1741052'] Who actually shops in that Mesa shop anyway? [/quote] Me. I live over the hill from it. I'd like to go there and buy this Mile Lull PT that they have in stock at a reasonable price.; but back on topic. Nash Basses- Mine GOOD.
[quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342785019' post='1740873'] Oh, Eljay, you do go on [/quote] Oh, do I! Are you stalking me??? I'm going back to bed.
Original Mahogany Bongo HH; (2) built, the other an HS for Dave LaRue. Killer BE neck too. So sweet, THUNDER!. Also have a Sterling H, natural w tort p/g; sorry no pic.
[i]Why, you looking for lessons? Just wondering. [/i] Why? You looking for trouble? Just wondering.
http://store.mesahollywood.com/guitars--nash-guitars.html If anyone gets to HOLLYWOOD! CA- first off give me a cal;. I'll show you wassup in SoCal. Please bring scones. Check out the gallery of "Sold" Basses as well. Reason I was surprised at the issues with Nashes pointed out, is I've not heard them (issues) before. The other colonists that post of them on forums here; it's almost 100% love, and when a NASH Bass (or guitar I guess), is up for sale; they do not stay around very long in the shops!! Mebbe like other instruments, there are good and bad in the batches. I can only say that my PB-55 ain't for sale either!
[quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1342771093' post='1740567'] Are we abroad? Perhaps Rayburns and Parkrays don't get to the outer reaches of the Empire either. I'm sure its a lovely bass, their 'Dolphin' looks particularly interesting but I'm not surprised someone who specialises in Danelectro copies has struggled. Rarely see a real one and, unfortunately, not on my list but always a pleasure to see someone using something other than the generic. [/quote] I'm abroad. Haven't heard of either Rayburns or Parkrays; I'll check them out, thanks. I myself really like seeing brands I don't know about. JJ was around for a bit and did fairly well for a small niche builder. I think he WANTED to retire is all. Talk of others picking up his work, but none have yet. The Dolphin is his recreation of the early Dano or Silvertone (Sears, a Dept. Store, sold 'em.) Early New Jersey made USA Danos go for quite a bit over here, the current Dano line up is all made offshore- They're ..."OK", cool looking but still a rather cheap instrument. They really need a good set-up to approach pro-level playability. [url="http://www.danelectro.com/"]http://www.danelectro.com/[/url] JJ's on the other hand WERE a real pro instrument, and I blow a lotta minds here when I bust it out during a session to the unknowing. When they hear that BIG tone come from a short-scale "cheapo" looking bass, Haha.
[b][font=Arial][url="http://www.lmproducts.com/bassstraps.htm"]http://www.lmproduct.../bassstraps.htm[/url][/font][/b] [url="http://lmproducts.com/garmentlux_000.htm"]http://lmproducts.co...mentlux_000.htm[/url] http://shop.lmproducts.com/products/productdetail/part_number=E-H35%20BK/9300.0.1.1 [size=5][b]WARNING![/b][/size] I rep this strap Company to Independent Retail Dealers in the United States!!!! They are made by a 25-year old family run- business with approx. 25 employees that cuts, stitches, sews, and fabricates them; that's all they do is make Guitar straps. I've been there, interesting process to watch btw. (every frickin' day I hear some store owner say "I carry Levy's, *&&^ Canadians!) I use the hidden tail Ranger on my heavier basses. Whether I work for them or not, I feel they are among the best production made straps in the Industry; this is due to the leathers used, the stitching, and the foam padding.. I was using the "Eyeland" variants, having them cut for me to a 43" length (I don't like my Basses hanging around my nutz) long before they offered me the opp to rep them. If I'm breaking any UKBASSCHAT rules, PLEASE LET ME KNOW (Nicely) i offer to go again to the Tower of London, where I have been before. Good Straps, really. Take a peek. http://lmproducts.com/
[i]Did you actually read the previous posts? [/i] Yes I actually read the previous posts, inc. one elsewhere where one stated that Nash was "crap". [i]Obviously spent too long in america myself (lived in California for a bit as a kid and had an American stepdad) [/i] Did your Step-Dad when you [i]lived in California for a bit as a kid [/i]teach you manners? Just wondering.
hipshot bridge with ghost piezo system
Eljay replied to winterfire666's topic in Accessories and Misc
After owning a Godin A4SA (synth access) I had this bass built with the GHOST piezo system combined with a hexaphonic input, for use with the then-current Roland GR-20 Bass Synth. They (Roland) have updated, but this system is compatible. What it lets me do, with this bass, is balance the mag/piezo system with the GR-20. There are a BUNCH of patches and effects/variation on the Roland. I can dial in a full-on trumpet, string section, vocal chorus, piano, percussive, etc etc etc sound; or best of all-MIX enough synth effect in with enough mag pup bass to produce some amazing tones. It is a blast and a half. The quality of the GHOST/Hipshot set-up is IMO superb, and it tracks very well. This set-up is an alternative of course to retro-fitting a Roland pick-up to a bass. This particular instrument is a BEE Bass from builder Fred Bolton: [url="http://www.beebasses.com/"]http://www.beebasses.com/[/url] He does a lot of ERB work; Me- a fretted-four specialist. The bass itself is light and very tight, the Delano pup is so hot it burns your fingers! That combined with the GHOST makes it a pretty cool addition to my shtuff, I think. -
...Seems I heard of a lot of NASH luv on this forum! I bought a '55 and I'm really happy with it. The tone is awesome from the Lollar SC, The Wilkinson updated bridge gets excellent intonation, and it's a relatively light build. Over here (US) the Nashes really DO get a lot of respect, are fairly well sought-after, and most owners post that they are happy-With the exception it seems of those that don't favor relic'ing at all. Supposedly- this builder: [url="http://gilyaronguitars.com/"]http://gilyaronguitars.com/[/url] is the most highly authentic of all; VERY expensive and long lead times, you can read what he says about his work, etc. So far so good for me with my PB-55; I really like playing it, and it sounds incredible thru my rigs, especially the 3-12AX7A GK Fusion...
Bravewood is it, thanks. Cool stuff! [i]With the difference that Nash uses allparts (and is basically [url="http://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=47291"]crap[/url]), and Bravewood makes his own stuff...[/i] That's an awesome looking Bass- About NAsh being crap tho...I dunno. Don't feel that about my '55, but... Everyone's entitled.
OK, OK If JERRY JONES GUITARS is/was unknown abroad, I apologize. http://www.jerryjonesguitars.com/ As you can see by his site, he retired, gave it up, and for those who knew about and appreciated what he built, they're going to be-if not collectable- Very appreciated and maybe sought after. They made high-quality repros of Danelectro's- Nice necks and 'boards, very workable tuners and bridge, and most of all; the lipstick pickups were wound in-house- VERY powerful and toneful. Combined with the masonite, unbelievable depth for a short-scale. This Bass is a Shorthorn, discontinued from his line a couple years back. Before he closed, he was making LongHorns and the Dolphin-Nose models. It really is amazing how these basses sound- BIG. I'm surprised some of the more far-ranging players didn't at least see this as a Dano; JJ Basses were kind of under the radar even in the States. If one comes in sight- check it- You'll be surprised.
[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342713292' post='1739863'] There's a lot of Bill Nash love on this forum. [/quote] Glad to hear; I believe I saw posted on a US Forum the works an English builder, same type of builds as the NASH line-up. Can't recall who it was, only that the work was very impressive. Probably more than one, eh?