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Everything posted by Eljay
[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342712482' post='1739833'] That, I like. [/quote] Myself as well! http://www.nashguitars.com/ Again, if Nash isn't sold or known in the UK, there's the link. His builds are highly regarded by those who like relics, a very good option to the FCS relics. Truthfully, I didn't care so much about the relic'ing, which I do like, as much as the feel and sound of this. That Lollar pup is da bomb.
Nope- This builder may not have any presence in the UK, so I'll give a short hint. HE closed his Nashville TN shop just last year, and now these are worth more to those who like them. Also- It's a short-scale, but sounds BIGGER than almost anything!
While here, might as well post my NASH '55. SC Lollar pup makes this thing sound like Thunder in the South (Deep South USA that is0 So loud it would scare the bravest!)
[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1342686222' post='1739120'] That neck is stunning. Got to love the tele inspired shape on a bass... although you have to watch with the balance, they have a habit of being a bit head dive happy. It reminds me of the MM Reflex - a bass I have yet to try but absolutely love in white - [/quote] I've played the Reflex, and of course they're great EBMM basses! Don't care for the tone control lay-out but that wouldn;t be a deal-breaker. Have they intro'd the "Gamechanger" feature to the UK? Not exactly setting the bass world on fire here, but still wouldn't mind playing around with one. As far as neck-dive, I haven't had the issue, using a good wide strap on the lower button. I know it exists and lot's of players pass on the ASAT because ot this. Not for me; bass hangs perfectly! And yes, G&L (which is a stone's-throw away from me in SOCal) did a SICK job on the board. Didn't want to muck it up with dots; why? I HOPE that G&L has a decent presence overseas, they are great under-the-radar basses at a fantastic cost for what you get, at least here Stateside!
[i]It's a PC... I like my Wii too but I used my PC to post this too [/i] Oh good! [i]PMS!!! [/i][i]Bzzzt! Gary Lineker 1984 [/i] Things a little slow in Aberdeen today? I can post what that Bass is if you wish; It's a KILLER instrument..... This one I mean: Or; However you wanna play!
The original design concept of an SC was that there would be greater resonance and definition resulting from the upper horn being joined directly to the body, especially in a neck-through fashion. While I think this is true, I don't think it's a major factor insofar as the amp & the rest of the signal chain have a far greater effect. Me personally- I think they are too cool. I can see why some of the extreme desings turn players off. The Les Pauls and Tele's are "conservative" SC designs, my ASAT kicks butt, if you wanna call it a SC, fine! Check this SC design out: Builder in New Mexico called Sukop:
[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342687538' post='1739143'] OK then, I've got far too much time on my hands... Minotaur 'Vintage Used-Look' 4"-wide, hand-made leather. [url="http://minotaur.gr/catalog/index.php?cPath=28"]http://minotaur.gr/c...ex.php?cPath=28[/url] [/quote] See now that to ME is interesting; to see other strap MFRs. other that the one's I know about in the US, and the few custom strap makers I see from time to time. Looks like they have some very kewl designs. Thanks for spending some precious time posting that, unlike the other posters who lead full, rich lives, no doubt without time to post on forums!
[quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1342681631' post='1739046'] Yeah, but think of all the straps you could get from that horse [/quote] That Horse would PUMMEL you to the ground before you could even get remotely close enough to carve a strap from him... Go ahead...Go for it!
[i]My mistake: [url="http://www.totalfilm.com/features/the-16-terminator-rules-mcg-must-follow/the-terminators-absolutely-should-not-stop-ever"]http://www.totalfilm...d-not-stop-ever[/url][/i] You REALLY need to get away from your Nintendo once in a while.
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1342697676' post='1739431'] [b]SVT!!!![/b] [/quote] Uh.....NO
Not an AGA. [i]This thread [/i] Easy solution- Don't Read It or Post in it> Food for thought, if capable of.... [i]Glad I'm not the only one [/i] Read Above; send him a PM; You've made a new friend! [i]I'm going to post all my pub quiz picture rounds on Basschat from now on out. [/i] Would seem like a good thing for you to do,. [i]Is that "cute kitty" actually "soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur"? [/i] Special Breed: Jack-Ass eating Kitty! Beware!! The Bass?? Anyone??
Also interesting to see a PJ configuration in an SC. The EMG X series sounds very fine too!
That Horse is from a Champion Breeder, and is worth quite a bit of money. He was GIVEN!! to my SIster for FREE!! because she had lost (2) of her other horses in a terrible traffic accident. Horse People are really something. I, on the other hand, had to PAY for my straps~~!
Yeah, a lot of players don't like Singlecuts. I always have, and when this fretted-4 (which is my preference) came up on E-Bay from the Builder, I jumped! Glad I did, very deep tone! Specs - 4 string 34" Scale Length .75" string spacing Mahogany Back with Burled Redwood Top, and Maple Accent Veneer Mahogany and Flamed Maple Neck with Wenge accent strips Ebony fretboard Burled Maple Neck Heel Mahogany and Burled Redwood Headstock Finish is 3 coats of an epoxy sealer, 1 coat of Shellac and 8 coats of Hand-rubbed oil. I also always put a coat of paste wax on my guitars to further protect the wood. Electronics- Emg-X PJ pick-ups with Vol-Vol-Tone Knobs Hardware- Solid Brass Hipshot B-style Bridge Hipshot Tuners Grover quick release strap pins
I do; here's mine from a very talented, low-key "Hobbyist" Builder in the States, FLA to be exact. ELLA Instruments Jeff does beautiful work, and this is a KILLER bass!
BLONDE is the new white... G&L ASAT, BE Board, TNG, no dots on fingerboard, natural wood binding.
I have a THING for straps,,,Here are but a few of mine; others I have no j-pegs of. Oh, and for good luck, also a pic of my SIster with her Australian Warmblood "Sam". Amazing back-story there! Now post pics of yours- Straps OR Sisters, makes no never-mind!
[b]And THIS...[/b] You MUST be precise! (It's a trap! Watchout!) NO Prizes. I've learned my lesson well.
[i][b]But no such model exists...[/b][/i] However good eyes there, Roland Rock. Except the color is SeaFoam, not aqua. It's a Dano PRO Guitar body that was bench-fitted to a Dano Bass neck. Unless someone else did this, it's a one and only. It's been professionally set-up, has great low action and perfect intonation; to me it looks so bad it's GOOD. How does it play you ask?? Sounds like a Dano; that's a good thing. It would seem there are those who go into massive uproars and convulsions when I made the mere mention of being happy to rep a USA-made strap line. So you must note that I offered no strap-prize with this one. Good job though Roland, you know your Dano's; even models that never were. Here Now. tell me what we got here....
[quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1342646840' post='1738804'] Psst, Eljay. Ima give you a clue, cos I like the cut of your gib. He's not English. Don't tell the others I told you, or I'll go all Congress of Vienna on you, ok? [/quote] JIB, not gib, eh funny Italian comedian whose name I forget...Topo Gigio??? Now let's see what ya got... The Bass??? ...That's what I thought!
Your jock mate it appears would be from Aberdeen, Scotland. That might explain a lot. Or not. I have lots of straps, you can keep your prize. Groucho.
Mucho Gracias!
[b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/1194-ou7shined/"]Ou7shined[/url]- Yes the people liked me, and I in turn liked them back. For you see, when on talks IN PERSON, face-to-face, one cannot make inane internet comments, like" AHHA you DO sell these straps! Gotcha!"[/b] Yes I do, to Retailers, in the United States. I'm proud of the work I represent, but the motive was not to advertise this product, it was encompassed in a thread which was a lark, and a discourse on the discontinued Gretsch SpectraSonic which is/was a great bass guitar. I don't GET you and the others that flew of the broom with this nonsense. Buzzkill; un-necessary stuff. But to each their ZOne. I still think England was one of the BEST travel experiences I;'ve had, and there have been many. As stated, I do wish to return and am trying to enfold a visit with a series of gigs. That would be cool. My Vocalist is beyond belief, and altho he probably won't tour with us, the guitarist in my project is high-profile, having worked with Diana Ross and Rod Stewart among others. Schweet. (Is that from Eton too?) Hope to see youse all soon. I did not get a chance to interface with the Bass Shops when I was over; I planned to go to Bass Centre I think it was, but my lady at the time was pulling me to the Tower of London, Harrods, all over the beautiful place. Killer Castles; Killer people. OK- Here' a pic of another bass- I DEFY anyone here to tell me WHAT exactly it is... Hawhaw Hint- NONE Prize: NONE WHATSOEVER Good Luck to us all!
Ummm..Here's a picture of a cute Kitty. Shall we discuss him then?? English humour. I really REALLY hope I can work booking a 2-week tour in England. I'm trying with an Agent here, lots of details as you might imagine. We're not rawkstars, just a bumpin' 3-piece R&B Rhythm Section backing an outstanding Vocalist, doing OUTSTANDING old/new school covers. Some of youse would prolly like it. Then: In no particular Order: I would [u]GIVE AWAY[/u] Bass-Guitar straps for all my new friends from English TalkbassChat! we could all have a pint at the local; I could laugh-make that WE could all laugh at the ridiculous nonsensical assumptions and posts-counter posts made here. So much fun on the Web! Maybe there's a Croatian BassChat, and an Abdjerdejebian (sp?) BassChat, etc. (Some of) YOUSE guys. haha 'Cheers.
[quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1342631714' post='1738345'] "MAY" win a prize!? Tfft, it's July anyway, 6 weeks late. [/quote] COULD win a Prize?? SHOULD win a Prize?? Maybe- "I better not be sayin' anything about a Prize 'round these h'yar parts, or I'll be horn-swoggled if some take umbrage and virtually kick my arse for implying such' Oh, If I could only turn back the clock of Time..... I'd buy the right lottery ticket, that's what!