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Everything posted by yoseph900

  1. An absolutely killer bass! Who wouldn't want one!
  2. This is an excellent bass and a fantastic piece of history. As Christina is new to BC I thought I'd back up her post a bit. Myself and our vintage specialist Matt had a look at this for Christina and recommended she pop it up on here, we'd more than happily buy it into to GAK, but obviously we can't offer the sort of money that this fantastic instrument is worth. Collectors on your marks...
  3. This item is now sold. (just trying to work out how to state that in the title)
  4. [quote name='andysleigh' timestamp='1356888830' post='1914769'] do you have any sound clips of it? [/quote] I don't I'm afraid. I'll look into it. Maybe I could mic up the amp and head at home and record something into pro-tools, but I've got it down at the GAK shop ATM so I'd need to move it back.
  5. This is now in the store to have a go on. If you're interested drop me a line and you can pop into store to give it a go. (bump)
  6. Will move this down to the shop this week if anyone wants to head down and demo the thing? (bump)
  7. Hi guys, We've just bought in 20 more of these pedals at the £99 price tag... (just letting you know)
  8. These have just been discontinued from the Ampeg catalogue...going to get rarer. (bumb)
  9. Hi gang, Up for sale is my Ampeg SVT450h and matching 115 cabinet. The 450h is a solid state 450w at 4 ohms amp head in the chassis of the SVT Classic i.e it has the reliability of a solid state amp head and simultaneously looks the balls. I've been carting this around for about a year now, it has a few minor cosmetic imperfections from frequent gigging, but nothing of especial mention. Here's some ampeggy information on it's specification: [indent=1][b]RMS Power Output (4 Ohms):[/b] 450-Watts [b]RMS Power Output (8 Ohms):[/b] 275-Watts [b]Preamp:[/b] Solid-State [b]Power Amp:[/b] Solid-State [b]Tone Controls:[/b] 3-Band [b]Mid Tone Control:[/b] Ultra Mid [b]Graphic EQ:[/b] Yes, 9-Band [b]Balanced Line Out:[/b] Yes, Pre/Post w/Pad [b]Effects Loop:[/b] Yes [b]Preamp Out/Power Amp In:[/b] Yes [b]Dimensions (W x H x D inches):[/b] 24 x 11.5 x 13 [b]Weight:[/b] 44 Pounds[/indent] [indent=1][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I am selling this as a package along with a SVT Classic series 115 cabinet. Together this is a fantastic sounding, portable, and awesome looking little rig. £550 for the lot.[/font][/size][/size][/font][/color][/indent] [indent=1][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I am one of two bass experts at GAK in Brighton. I will try to get this down to the store, so anyone who fancies a go (and I highly recommend it) Give me a shout and head down to the shop where you can demo it as loud as you want and with any bass we have.[/font][/size][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/color][/indent] [indent=1]This is for collection, although I will look at deliveries for anywhere in the Brighton, Portsmouth, Southampton sort of area.[/indent] [indent=1][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thanks gang.[/font][/size][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/color][/indent] [indent=1][url="http://bassbrighton.tumblr.com/post/37261559010/the-time-has-finally-come-for-me-to-sell-my-ampeg"]http://bassbrighton....o-sell-my-ampeg[/url][/indent]
  10. [quote name='Kiwi Jaz' timestamp='1354436156' post='1885850'] Welcome Sir. Nice blog by the way! [/quote] Thanks very much dude!
  11. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1353659420' post='1876987'] Also how about Glockenklang? [/quote] Would love to, amazing gear, but not quite UK estalished yet [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1353577399' post='1876148'] Hey Joe Agree with the Sandberg suggestion and how about Spector? On another note - i just picked up one of your Zoom B9 bargains (excellent bit of kit BTW and great service from yourselves) and now need something to cart it about in. Any suggestions for a bag/case that it'll fit in? [/quote] Spector we have already...in fact I have the same 2 spectors we bought in 5 years ago...probably won't buy them again. (I'll look into a carry case when I'm in tomorrow.) [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1353496080' post='1875128'] What you need to do is to take a look at what the big 3 high-end bass retailers (The Gallery, Bass Direct and Bass Gear) are stocking and then have a look at what has been suggested in this thread that isn't already being catered for by them. The problem with "high end" musical instruments is that once you get to a certain price point you are looking at stuff that is essentially custom made and customers will want to deal direct with the people making them. A retailer adds nothing here other than an unnecessary hike in price. Also a lot of the instruments being suggested in this thread are essentially Fender copies. Granted that most of them are better made, but you'll need to work hard to convince the average (non-Basschat) bassist that they are worth the extra money. Personally I'd be interested in someone stocking the more esoteric Japanese brands: Atlansia, Tune, Fernandes, proper Japanese ESPs (not the US Ltd models) and MIJ Tokais. [/quote] Although I'm having to say very little at the moment, I can tell you that the bass expansion for next year is going to be pretty major. With that in mind we are aware of what needs to be on our shelves and of what other retailers are stocking. I wanted to see what brands people really want rather than what retailers think they want because the reps have given them good deals. Sandberg has been banded around on this thread more than anything else along with Aguilar, which is great and helps me work out how much shelf space to allocate each new brand. Most high end stuff are Fender copies, and that's because that's what works for bass. I am not expecting to sell the average Joe a Sadowsky over a Mexican Fender, but I am hoping that with the right stock more people will come to GAK for the choice. I sell starter packs and mid level basses all day long, but it would be very nice if GAK could move into a market that really interested pro players and basschatters. Thanks again for all your input gang!
  12. I've got 5 left gang, and another 10 on order. They have sold like meth in a can!
  13. Hahaha, yep. I'm sitting next to a pile of the last 5.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1353182984' post='1872588'] If you can do Sadowsky but bring the Metro UK retail price down, they'd sell quite well. Lakland basses are great, but I've noticed GuitarGuitar have the exact same Lakland basses in...eg been on display for a LONG time. Aguilar...without a doubt. Hardly any Aguilar gear in the UK and its fantastic. [/quote] Well noticed. We're pretty good pals with the Guitar Guitar guys, and that's exactly why we're on the fence with Lakland. Personally I love the Bob Glaub, but we'll have to see. In fact Guitar Guitar haven't had a great turn around on the Sadowsky stuff either. Sandberg seems to be the name on everyone's lips at the moment.
  15. Thanks everyone, I wondered if Aguilar would come up at all, there on our maybe list. If a few more people give them a mention I'll push harder to get them in. Pretty much expected the Lakland, Sandberg, we'll try to get both of them in, but when we stocked Lakland before they didn't really sell. Is Sadowsky on any more people's wish list? I'll have a butchers at Godin, I've not really considered them. We have a wall full of Musicman, so we're all geared up there. Genz Benz we have buckets of at the moment, they're doing really well. Warwick, we are already a dealer for, and we do intend to get them lining our shelves again for the new year. EBS are just up the road from us, so I was going to consider them very strongly. thanks everyone, it does really help to get some opinions, so thanks for taking the time.
  16. Hi everyone, In the new year [b][color=#ff0000]GAK[/color][/b] are expanding their bass department. We're looking to get on board with a handful more high-end brands. I would be very grateful for your opinions on what high-end brands you would like to see hanging on our walls. Thanks very much team. Joe.
  17. Thanks Bert, Fully intend to. Nice to be here.
  18. Hi everyone, I've had a profile on here for a little while, but have never commented on anything really. Just used the site to browse through all the lovely instruments I'd like to buy. (thought I ought to start) especially as I'd like to sell some gear on here in the near future, and thought I should become a touch more credible. I am one of the two bass specialists at GAK in Brighton, and I write constantly on my tumblr bass blog www.bassbrighton.tumblr.com I have a near problematic obsession with horrific looking 80's basses and Billy Sheehan. HELLO
  19. Fantastic looking instrument, wonderful spec, sinful for it still to be up here. Come on everyone, it's Christmas!
  20. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1353063744' post='1871083'] Buy this now! [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/genz-benz-gb-210t-xb2/76743"]http://www.gak.co.uk...-210t-xb2/76743[/url] [/quote] ...oh way ahead of me...
  21. Found that here btw ... http://gakmusic.tumblr.com/
  22. Have a look at these. Genz Benz 210 front ported awesomeness. I tried them out yesterday, they sound massive, the front ports make a big old diff, and they're in this sale thing. RRP £663 and they're being sold for £199. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdiy9ahwIG1rkvo55o2_1280.jpg
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