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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1367962998' post='2071791'] For all you Locked Out Of Heaven fans, don't forget to check out the cover by the great & lovely Marta Altesa on YouTube. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox74xe6l2Yg[/media] [/quote] This girl has got massive hands !
  2. I think he ought to open a pub and call it " Mar's Bar " . My coat is on and I've already left the building .
  3. Unless you have unusually high action on your bass , you really shouldn't need to hit the strings very hard at all with your thumb . Roundwound strings hitting steel frets don't need much of a hit to make them to audibly slap against each other . There are loads of slap technique videos on You Tube - have a look at a few and consider if you are hitting a bit too hard in comparison to the players in the videos . Mark King famously puts a piece of gaffer tape on his slapping thumb to stop it from splitting , but that is a bit excessive for mere mortals such as ourselves . Slap is actually a very useful and relevant technique to learn , it's just how you use it that needs careful judgement .
  4. These pickups are Aguilar's attempt to tap into the relatively recent market for "fat " single coil pickups , like the previously mentioned Nordstrand Fat Stacks and Big Singles , or Hanson / Lakland Chi Sonic Singles ect . The soapbar format is supposed to fascilitate more gubbins inside the pickup to give it bigger sound / higher output , or at least that is the implied psychology in marketing an oversized single coil . The supreme popularity of Jazz Bass style instruments and the Jazz Bass pickup configuration in recent times means that pickup manufacturers need to exploit that market whatever way they can . I can certainly see the resoning behind these kind of designs in so much as Fender Jazz Basses traditionally often needed a bit of EQing to sound their best in some situations and these kind of supercharged Jazz Bass pickups promise to fatten the sound from the outset , whilst still retaining that classic single coil sound .
  5. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1368524077' post='2077911'] I've played the 2024 and 2025 back to back with the 1024 and 1025 and I have to say that I much preferred the '2' series. It's hard to encapsulate but the '2's just felt more 'together' as instruments and had a real quality feel to them. Easily up there with many high end basses I've tried/owned. I've found similar things with US Laklands compared to the various Far Eastern ones. There's just an extra level if quality and class about the fit and finish. Of course, this doesn't answer the question if whether they are 'worth' the extra investment because there is always going to be a law of diminishing returns. Personally I'd go for the Japanese models if I could afford them [/quote] Exactly this. In my experience ( with both Yamaha and Lakland , for that matter ) . If you can afford the difference the more expensive bass is definitely worth the money . That said , if you can't stretch to the Japanese ( or U.S in the case of Lakland ) models , the ones made in Indonesia are excellent value . The sound coming out of the speakers when you play either model is comparable , but the tactile experience of playing the more expensive bass is definitely superior .
  6. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1368474734' post='2077568'] Thanks everyone for their input. Pete, to give you some scale, here is he stoof next to a fully grown young woman - I don't think 30" will be too large: I tried [i]really[/i] hard to convince him that the Squire on here is a better idea than the bronco, but he really likes the bronco in black / white, damnit. I may just have to play the 'daddy knows best' card. Perhaps someone will make me a white pickguard. [/quote] He looks like Paul Scholes - get him a football instead . Buy me a Stingray .
  7. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1368474946' post='2077574'] Turks Head Darlington about 1980 H|H, Kasuga Faker, South Park Darlington 1980, Kasuga Faker, Acoustic combo (not mine) Middlesbrough Rock Garden 1981, Peavey T40, H|H, The Bath, Morecambe, 2012, Fender FSR Shuttle 6, Schro 410BMF. By the way, the guitarist on the right in the first three moved away. He has now played with our very own Dr Dave for about 15 years I think. Edit, oh Sod it, based on every dog has it's day, and excerpt from Vic Reeves Me:Moir [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/109d212e-be83-46dd-aa78-63ab45bee466_zpsf6c848bd.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/img004_zpsc4105009.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/img007_zps69159287.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/img109_zps81f40e15.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/603965_10151254661408330_913679179_n_zpsf68aea0d.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] I'm impressed ! Being immortalised in print - that will take some beating .
  8. They used to do a cracking active Jazz Bass style instrument , the BB1500a , but it was discontinued a few years ago now . One of these :
  9. The Bass Doctor of this parish would be a good bet .
  10. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1368460922' post='2077348'] Yeah the 1024 and 2024 have nickel nuts I believe? Truckstop [/quote] Yes , and the bridge has got those sharp witness points where the strings pass over . I find the pickups on the 2024 / 1024 to have a very big , cushiony sound , whereas the 424 ect have , as you say , a much more gritty and agressive tone . All excellent basses .
  11. Information on other subjects is often available too . Just don't ask for any hairdressing advice . Take it from me , that one got pretty nasty .
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1368314210' post='2075693'] Sorry that you haven't had an answer but look on the bright side at least you haven't been bombarded with the usual replies telling you: A. Not to buy it B. Why it would be a waste of money C. Why it wouldn't suit your playing style D. Why it should have less strings E. Why it should have more strings F. They don't make it in the right colour G. I wouldn't buy a bass with a maple fretboard (call me a traditionalist etc etc......) [/quote] [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1368460188' post='2077335'] Looks like you've stumped the experts. If you do find an answer please share it on here. P.S. I'm still amazed that no one has still not told you to forget the ESP and to buy a Stingray is often the way on here. [/quote] You do realise this is bass guitar forum , don't you ?
  13. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1368459019' post='2077310'] I own a 424 and a 1024. Theres not much difference between the two except that the 1024 simply feels higher quality. A little more weight, neck finish slightly smoother and I'm convinced that the J pup sounds a little smoother and less aggressive than the 424. I think the main difference is that the body of the 1024's are one or two piece rather than multi-lam like the 424. The 1024 also has higher quality machine heads. I would happily buy another 424. IMO the 1024 doesn't have enough on the 424 to make it worth buying. The 2024 on the other hand is a fully craft built instrument of incredible quality and well worth the money. The vintage sunburst looks gorgeous! Truckstop [/quote] The body of the 2024 and 1024 are three pieces joined using spline joints rather than the usual " biscuits " technique , with the central section being kept intact so the neck , bridge and pickups anchor onto a single central plank of wood . It's supposed to improve the overall resonance of the bass that way . I am pretty sure the 424 body isn't made that way . Also , the 424 has a different nut , bridge and pickups to the 1024 and 2024 .
  14. Hi Garry The 2024 is , as you say , handmade to a very high standard at the Yamaha custom shop in Japan . using Yamaha's propriatary A.R.E and I.R.A processes for treating the woods used in the construction of the bass . They are superb quality instruments by any standards . The 1024 has the same basic construction and hardware , but the wood is just ordinary and they are made in a factory in Indonesia . Whether the 2024 is worth the extra money is open to debate . The 424 looks similar but has much more basic construction and hardware and consequently a different sound to the two more expensive basses . All of the basses you mention are good value for money at the respective price points they retail at .
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asM056FLmg0 I am certain there is way to get these strings to the U.K at a very reasonable price .
  16. Cheers Ed. I am currently doing a bit of internet bass shopping , looking at my options . As ever , I am cursed ( or blessed , depending on which way you look at it ) with expensive taste , but there seem to be a few pretty good options available . I saw a beautiful unlined Warwick fretless a while ago , but it looks like it is now sold . I will probably go for something a bit more modest to start off with and see how much I use it , and then get something better if I really start getting into playing fretless again , which I probably will . Now that I have decided to take the plunge I can't understand why I have left it so long , because I love playing fretless .
  17. They are now part of a Reich that will last a thousand years .
  18. I am sure I could get used to it with practise , and like you both say , you dont really actually see that much of the lines when you play standing up , and in most live situations you dont see them much at all . I'm itching to play some fretless again . It's thirty years since I got my first one and I should have kept up with it in the meantime instead of sparodically dabbling in it now and again . It doesn't seem to take me long to get into it again , though .
  19. I have been on the lookout for a fretless lately - I really enjoy playing fretless but havent owned one for a few years now - and have seen one or two that have caught my eye that were unlined . All my previous fretlesses were lined , and I am wondering how much harder it would be without the lines . Any thoughts or advice ?
  20. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1368202824' post='2074461'] Can't believe how light she is, way lighter than my 4 string metro, how do they chamber a natural finish body? [/quote] Through the control cavity / pickup routes , I expect . .
  21. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1368189953' post='2074269'] I guess I qualify for this club. I play cheap bass into TE rig. [/quote] Does TE qualify as chav now ? That could make a lot of sense . I have often wondered why my neighbours seem to think I am a chav despite all apparent evidence to the contrary ( the irony is that I am actually of a more elevated social class than most of them , but you can't really say that out loud or people think you are a twat ) . I have used Trace stuff for nearly thirty years , and if it is in fact the Burberry / Kappa of bass amplification then I can see why they have tarred me with the chav brush .
  22. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1368191816' post='2074302'] Ian Botham! [/quote] I found the sound of my Botham dissappointing - no balls .
  23. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1368180013' post='2074081'] If he wants a Ray tell him to go for a decent used one. Plain black tends to sell for the least amount and they pop up at £600 -£650. Not much over budget and won't lose value [/quote] +1 on this . A decent used USA - made bass like an EBMM 'Ray or an Am. St. Fender bought for sensible money will be a pro - quality bass that you can always get all or most of your cash back out of if you look after it .
  24. Fantastic . Love the vintage tint on the ash . Looks stunning as it is , but you could also dress it up with a black or white scratchplate at a later date if you fancy a change . Hope it has lived up to your expectations . Do new bass days come any more special than a brand new NYC Sadowsky made to your own spec ? I can't think of much that would top that . Good for you , mate . Enjoy it .
  25. Just had a quick listen with my headphones on . Sounds like a fairly generic modern five string with roundwound strings and a pretty deep tone . What kind of bass or basses do you have ? I have just had a quick playalong with with a Music Man bass I have to hand at my desk and with both humbuckers on in series mode it cops that kind of tone with no problem . Very groovy track with a great progression to play about with and take some liberties with . I will have to investigate this group in more detail .
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