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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1367526040' post='2066561'] A bit confused about what you and Dingus are saying about '74 jazzes. I still play the 74 jazz that my dad bought for me in 1974. It has a 4 bolt neck, is quite light, has a beautiful neck and stays absolutely in tune regardless of the season - I haven't needed to go near the truss rod since the late 70s. Do you know something I don't? CB [/quote] You don't look old enough to have been playing in 1974 ! It sounds like you have got a good one and looked after it . I have played and owned a few wrecks from that era and after .
  2. [quote name='crownpoint' timestamp='1367525737' post='2066553'] ...And to my best buddy of them all.. Detective Dingus! A superb person, I suppose, who calls himself "Dingus" and posts thousands of times, dissecting things, because in real-life, he knows he's brilliant and I really appreciate his super insight. And don't you EVER doubt what I say about having this fine instrument- this is the [b]best [/b]bass for metal. Almost as good as my Kay. You KNOW you couldn't deal with me in real life you little beotch because I'd be hiding, because internet warriors have the walk not the talk. Buh-Bye British forum buddies. I no longer have the TIM to do you all justice. Hugs & kisses [/quote] HE'S BACK ! Crownpoint / Redburst/ Loonytunes or whatever alias you are using on any given day , I have awaited your inevitable return with much anticipation ( well .. not that much , but if it makes you feel more important ... ) . Your bizzarre ramblings will always be fascinating to me , and if it was up to me I would never ban you from Basschat . I would love to see what a tortured individual like you could conjure up on a regular basis . Just the fact that you have actually paid good money ( or at least claim to ) for the worst piece of sh*t the Fender Custom Shop have ever made means it would be great to have you about , if only to make fun of . Basschat needs a resident asshole , and you would do a fantastic job .
  3. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1367524803' post='2066525'] Ain't nothing like the real thing................ [attachment=133988:IMG_0847.jpg] [/quote] That is nice ! Is it yours ? If so you are a lucky man .
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1367525109' post='2066534'] I was a good boy and bought a printer cartridge for Mrs FRC! [/quote] Use it to write a letter telling her how you have spent all her money on a new bass .
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1367518944' post='2066415'] ironically it's probalby better on average than the basses it's aping! [/quote] Exactly right .
  6. Fender would have sold more if they had made it reissue of the 1970 - 1973 style , too . Generally speaking , 1974 was when Fender took a turn for the worse , so why revive that ?
  7. They look nice , and it seems like Fender have tried to do a good job of making an accurate reproduction of a genuine 74 Jazz , but for two grand you can probably do better . Firstly , you can pick one up for less than that if you shop around , but you are still talking about a lot of money . The old addage applies though , Luke , in so much as you pay your money and you take your choice - if you don't think they are worth it then don't buy one . . These new Fenders are undeniably very beautiful basses and cost about what I would expect them to . I would buy one in preference to a clapped - out wreck of a genuine vintage example that would set you back about the same money in the current market , but where these new American Vintage basses fall down is that for a few hundred quid more you can get a U.S.A Lakland , Sadowsky , Lull ect , or a whole host of other custom basses . Are they that much better than a good Fender ? I can't really unequivocally say yes or no either way , because in the end it depends what you are after in a bass , but thoise other brands are certainly more consistant in their overall quality than Fender , that's for sure . .
  8. I much prefer the black to the brown . It reminds me of Cliff Williams of AC/DC's black P Bass with a metal control plate that he used to use in the late 1970's .
  9. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1367416693' post='2065366'] This fills me with confidence, should I ever go down this route. I do kinda wish EBMM had a custom shop, charging big bucks but producing custom built Musicman basses. [/quote] With Sadowsky , the NYC basses are meticulously made , with all the things that make a bass play and sound right checked and rechecked . There are not many people in the World who know more about building basses than Roger Sadowsky and his crew . The only reason I don't play them nowadays is that I felt like a change and I am getting away from the whole active Jazz thing that I did for so many years and which is so popular nowadays . Bear in mind that all the top pros you see using Sadowsky basses paid the full amount for them - Roger doesn't do endorsements or discounts for anybody , now matter how famous or high - profile they are . They pay for them and use when they could have other makers basses for free them because they are the best tools you can buy for doing the job . The other side of the coin is that Roger treats everybody the same and gives the same care and attention to a customer who just an ordinary guy as he does to someone who is a millionaire rockstar .
  10. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1367411670' post='2065263'] Nope, still being checked by the man himself apparently, mind they havent asked for payment yet either. [/quote] They really are a different class of company . A lot of builders would have had it out the door already and your money in the bank , but Roger is a true fanatic when it comes to quality control . I had dealings with him myself back in the Nineties and he is a thoroughly decent man .
  11. Have Sadowsky shipped it yet , and when do you expect to recieve it ?
  12. [quote name='Oliver Roden' timestamp='1367362098' post='2064837'] Id say no, I tried to play metal with one, it was missing the bite, the click clack sound [/quote] Steve Harris seems to get plenty of click clack with his Precision Bass .
  13. I don't know much about repairmen in Leeds , but if you are prepared to travel a short way to Rippon , Jim Fleeting is a properly qualified repairer who really knows his job , and is a very nice guy too : [url="http://jimfleetingguitars.com/"]http://jimfleetingguitars.com/[/url]
  14. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1367336149' post='2064387'] Thanks Dingus, now if anyone checks my history at work I have anal center parcs in there..... They'll think I've got boring in my old age [/quote] Just say you were thinking about taking your boyfriend there for a romantic weekend and there's nothing they can do about it - anti-discrimination legislation , and all of that .
  15. In my experience , boutique bass builders all talk a good game about the quality of their work and their comittment to quality , but way too many of them deliver disappointing or substandard final results . Sadowsky are a [u]very [/u]notable exception . They really do demand that every aspect of every bass they put out of their shop is absolutely perfect and to the very highest standard possible . When you buy a NYC Sadowsky you know that it will be right .
  16. Wowser ! That's a beauty . Are they ready ship ? I expect you are a bit excited by now !
  17. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1367333099' post='2064336'] hasn't he heard of headphones? [/quote] Hasn't she heard of subservience ?
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367332272' post='2064325'] Wow! I'm going to Center Parcs ASAP! Apparently it's a hot bed of bum-business!! [/quote] Who would ever have suspected ? I expect they don't put anything about it in the brochures , but then again , you can see why .
  19. I've been looking at Mumsnet most of this afternoon . It's absolutely fascinating reading . There is a whole dimension of life in suburban Britain that is a completely unknown world to me and it is absolutely fascinating . I am beginning to see how our current Government is going to l manage to get re elected . Try putting " anal + Centre Parks " into the Mumsnet search engine . Surely the post that results is the work of whoever used to write the letters page in Viz comic ? All I will say is that the woman in question should be grateful her husband hadn't taken her and the kids to Disneyland Paris or God knows what he would have expected her to do !
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1367311458' post='2063914'] The original question there at the top of your browser window says: "Do precisions really work in any music?" and as has been demonstrated in the course of this thread there are plenty of pieces of music that have absolutely no place of an electric stringed bass instrument of any kind, whether it's a Precision or any other bass guitar. Therefore the answer is most definitely "NO". [/Thread] [/quote] I think you are a little pedantic here in so much as it is reasonable to presume that the o.p means in music where a bass guitar is appropriate and present . As I have already pointed out to you , [i]in music where no bass guitar is present all models and makes of bass will sound approximately the same ![/i] But returning to that original hypothesis , will a Precision work ? In most cases , yes . Will it be the best choice or at least a good choice ? Quite often , depending on your taste . Always the best choice ? No , that would be silly . So , essentially then , a Precision Bass is another very good and very useful choice amongst many choices available .
  21. Dingus


    An ebanol fingerboard on a fretless might give the sound a touch more brightness , but that is not a bad thing on a fretless . The epoxy - coated fingerboards you find on some high - end fretless basses , for example , ( and like Jaco had on his famous fretless Jazz Bass ) impart some extra brilliance to the tone and help to project the tone of the bass in positive way , to my tastes at least . Bear in mind that because the strings are in contact with wood rather than metal frets , the basic tone of a fretless is far more muted than a fretted bass to begin with .
  22. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1367268355' post='2063566'] Wait till one of them turns it round to anal sex (and they always do). Then it'll get interesting [/quote] I've just had a look ... no sign up fee either ! Why hadn't I heard about this years ago ?
  23. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1367268355' post='2063566'] Wait till one of them turns it round to anal sex (and they always do). Then it'll get interesting [/quote] On Mumsnet ? !! ! Seriously ? Subscribed !
  24. On the subject of audibility , a Precision can be just as audible as any other bass . A couple of very well known signature lines played on a Precision : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aAbED59mhI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5QYSu9xaTE They must be audible because you know off by heart what they sound like .
  25. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1367263110' post='2063428'] That is hilarious Now if the OP question was being asked in about 1974 the answer would definitely be yes..............oh wait, no it wouldn't - if you're playing covers of the band Free (or actually in Free) they don't work too well - I've heard people try - doesn't sound right! But it is 2013 and the Fender Precision is a product of 1957 - there's lots of types and genres of music where the P bass would be just about OK (or maybe worse) but other basses would be far better. For instance, would anyone in their right minds think of using a Precision bass to play Return to Forever material? I would describe a P bass as an instrument that can do most musical things to do with bass just about OK, some things fairly well and some things very well indeed. To say it can do everything, musically, suggests an ignorance of some types of music (often where the playing is more demanding). Anyone fancy doing some Billy Shehan or Mark King on their 62 AVRI? There is another angle - Fender Precisions (and Jazzes) are beloved of guitar players who don't want their position in the limelight challenged - and are basses where some guitarists can swap over and play a bit and not have lame bass technique exposed! All that said, they have an enviable pedigree and I lusted after them until the end of the 70s - I may even yet buy one! I have always been firmly of the belief that a Precision bass can walk on water - I believe it will certainly float (didn't the Who try this one?) [/quote] I broadly agree with you , DrT . However , just one point , namely that Billy Sheehan does do all his Billy Sheehanisms on what is essentially a P Bass . Funnily enough , I used to ( and still occasionally do ) play a smattering of Free covers ( still very popular with middle aged women , for some reason ) and yes , a Precision Bass isn't quite right for it . A Wal works a treat , however , I can also confirm that you [u]cannot and must not [/u]play Rush songs on a Music Man . It is just very , very wrong to even attempt it .
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