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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. I would try and download it for free from somewhere but I'm too afraid Ginger Baker might twat me !
  2. If anyone out there has seen this already or knows anything about I would love to hear about it . I am currently trying to track a copy down . Looks like a truly rivetting documentary : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz4C3djygWo
  3. Came across this on the internet and thought some of you folks might enjoy it as much as I have . It always amuses me to think that a lot of folks who know Randy Jackson for being a judge on American Idol have no idea that he is also one of the most tasty bass players i on the planet . This is Randy from back in 1980 , before he was a T.V personality and indeed from before he became the preeminent L.A session bass player of the 1980's . It looks like he is using an Ibanez Roadstar bass of that era ( I remember them well ) , and , as ever he plays the living crap out of it . Shamefully noodly fusion music aside , Randy's exceptional ability shines through : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwPGvv0YCgY I just wish he had used a clean tone for the solo rather than turning on the distortion .
  4. In addition to the very valid opinions and good advice already expressed , I would add that active basses and their usefulness also depends on the quality of the basic sound of the bass and the quality of the preamp . Some active basses that sound rubbish would sound rubbish if they were passive too because they don't have a good basic sound to begin with and a preamp ( especially a so-so sounding one ) won't change that fundamental shortcoming . Your Precision Bass has got a good basic tone , and that is all you really need . Conversely , a bass that doesn't have that good basic sound to start off with won't really be improved much by a preamp . It might be that making the Ibanez passive and changing the pickups will be throwing good money after bad and won't yield the satisfying sound you crave . The problem might not be that the bass doesn't sound good because it's active so much as that it doesn't sound that good full stop . If someone gave you a Wal Custom bass to take to your rehearsal you wouldn't have much problem finding a good sound with the active electronics , but that is because they are great sounding basses to begin with and then have a superbly designed preamp added to enhance and exploit that basic sound . Experiment with the Ibanez by all means and get more familiar with the controls ect. but I would be reticent to spend more money on the bass in an attempt to improve it when the chance of getting a good long - term outcome are not very good at all , and you would probably be decreasing the resale value of the bass in the process , thus losing money on both fronts .
  5. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1366200166' post='2049468'] I do like the CAR one. [/quote] I've just seen the red one - it looks wicked ! I wish I had a good reason to get one of these now .
  6. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1366202588' post='2049508'] [size=4][size=3][color=#000000][font=Calibri]That reminds me of when I was doing some Spanish classes, the teacher demonstrated the importance of the tilde with the example [/font][/color][/size][size=3][color=#000000][font=Calibri]'Tengo quarenta años' as compared to 'Tengo quarenta anos'[/font][/color][/size][/size] . [/quote] I think I get your gist .
  7. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1366208689' post='2049623'] This is the high mass bridge that Fender use on the Cabronita: [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/2012-Fender-Jazz-Bass-24-High-Mass-Chrome-BRIDGE-Grooved-/200847041709?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2ec36aa4ad"]http://www.ebay.com/...=item2ec36aa4ad[/url] It just looks like a generic high mass bridge that can be picked up a for a few quid off ebay from the Far East, at a stretch I guess it looks a little similar to the Badass III with the through body stringing, but IMO it doesn't look much like the Badass, certainly not enough to make me think it was one and not just one that they'd lifted off a Squier CV [/quote] Looking at the video of the bass again , it looks even more like a Badass to me ! The big , square shape ( rather than rectangular ) and styling of it looks very Badass-like to me .
  8. Wow , I expect Badass are not very happy about the Fender design and its' similarity to their own . .
  9. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1366202536' post='2049507'] Don't get me wrong Dingus, the badass is a cracking bridge, on some P Basses it looks and just is right, but for this I don't think a big lump of metal can be justified, especially with all the other classic styling going on. There's just something right about a P Bass and a threaded bridge, I guess as well it matters on just how much sustain you want, would be interesting to hear the basses compared with and without the badass to see if there is any noticeable difference in tone. [/quote] I see what you mean . I suppose the Badass goes with the homemade/ customised vibe of these basses . On reflection , I am a bit surprised that Fender have gone with a Badass on this bass considering both the overal low price of the bass and the relative expense of Badass bridges . I don't think anyone would have been put out if they just went with the BBOT bridge , but myself personally , I would be grateful for the Badass . Maybe Fender experimented and found the Badass sounded better on this bass , or maybe they have got a load of Badass bridges in their warehouse left over from the Highway 1 basses ect . and were looking for a way to get rid of them .
  10. [quote name='ingmar808' timestamp='1366071249' post='2048123'] According to Google translate, 'cabron' is Spanish for 'asshole.' So presumably 'cabronita' means 'asshole-eater.' [/quote] That must be wrong because I had a Hispanic girlfriend and , by an amazing coincidence considering it is my name as well , she used to use the word "Dingus " for asshole . Many times I heard her saying to her friends on the phone " Dingus is an asshole " . Maybe she was helping them brush up on their Spanish .
  11. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1365928119' post='2045964'] Gotta agree with most people in here, not a fan of that bridge, so if I brought one I'd change that. Billy your custom is absolutely lovely! Looks beautiful! [/quote] [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1365932723' post='2046032'] I'm going candy apple red; I will be changing the bridge though! [/quote] That bridge looks great , don't change it ! Why do so many people dislike the look of Badass bridges ? I am a big fan of them , both looks and sound wise . They are great bridges and look like a serious bit of kit , too . These basses look very good to me especially for that kind of money . The sound and overall vibe of them has been judged just right for the current ongoing trend in basses ( and in the music people are playing and listening to , for that matter ) for low-fi and retro chic . Big fat punchy sound , no frills but still with a bit of vintage / homemade appeal - these will be very popular . I suppose I could buy one and put flats on it , but then I might have to grow a beard and start wearing plaid shirts . Not a good look for me , but for Indie types and people playing what I believe they refer to as "roots music " these will be perfect . A great bit of marketing by Fender .
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1366114796' post='2048438'] We are definitely going to have a hot summer - causing an outbreak of scrotal adhesion. Buy talc, Vaseline and Savlon. [/quote] Scrotal Adhesion - [u][i]the [/i][/u]Indie band to watch out for in 2014 . Talc , Vaseline and Savlon - even if the hot weather doesn't materialize there's plenty there for an interesting night in with Mrs Dingus . Or, ineed , alone .
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1366070512' post='2048113'] I had a 76P for 38 years, and it was bloody great. [/quote] If you had a 1976 P Bass for 38 years that means you are living at least one year in the future . Can you give me any tips on the outcome of any sporting fixtures in the coming twelve months so I can get a bet on , and are we going to have a hot summer this year ?
  14. The Xotic will be , in all probability , much better made than a 1970's era P Bass , and the passive sound of the newer bass will be a very good example of the classic Precision Bass sound . The Xotic preamp is a very well designed one and gives a few more options , but all with the overall flavour of a good Precision Bass . I wouldn't rubbish the 1970's Fender , but those basses from that era were notoriously inconsistant when they left the factory and have now had a subsequent four decades of use and abuse to develop new problems as well . Bear in mind that in buying an old Fender you might be taking on a load of problems in terms of construction faults , shortcomings and niggles . The Xotic basses will be far more consistantly good quality and are built to a far higher standard and much closer tolerances than 1970's Fender ever were . In some ways , despite being both based on the same design you are not really comparing like with like in so much as the Fender was a mass - produced factory - made bass of a particular era , whereas the Xotic is a [u]very[/u] high quality hand made boutique bass . If both the basses are a similar price , be aware that in the case of the 1970's Fender you are buying a far inferior quality bass and paying mainly for the romance associated with its' age . I'm not saying that to be provocative , just to be frank about what you will be getting for your money . Ultimately , if you want a vintage Fender and that is what will make you happiest then that is what you should buy and there are some great ones out there if you can find the right one , but if you are looking for a bass to use as a working tool and like the flawless playabilty and sound of high -end basses then then the Xotic has far more to recommend it , in my opinion .
  15. Another vote here for Yamaha . They will cover the Fender thing and do a bit more besides , and the quality is unbeatable for the money , and good by any standards .
  16. I held off on getting a Korg Pandora for years , and since eventually caving in and getting one my amp at home is gathering dust . They are very handy for recording yourself playing on to a computer too . Amazingly good and very useful piece of kit for very little money .
  17. I saw it and he was great , and it was interesting to see Suede again and all the other acts were worth seeing too , I thought . I also remember R Kelly stealing the show a couple of years back , and I think he is just about the most interesting songwriter and performer in the whole Soul/ R&B genre at the moment .
  18. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1365943098' post='2046230'] Thanks for these Dingus [/quote] No problem. I'd just like to point out that those videos aren't me playing , it's some bloke off YT. Here is another pretty good Jazz pickup comparison that includes the Fender CS 60's set and the Fender Originals series which I suspect is what is on the pre - 2012 Jazz Basses . To me all these pickups sound far more similar than they do different : [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0SbaT0UbPM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=w0SbaT0UbPM[/url]
  19. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1365884045' post='2045709'] What I meant was BB2024 inspired yamaha GAS [/quote] Ah , o.k , I see what you mean . When I first heard thses were in the pipeline I thought Yamaha were going to do a high end "X " version of the TRB like they had done with the BBs' a few years ago , and I was wondering what they would be like . Obviously , I had got the wrong end of the stick , but these still look great .
  20. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1365878545' post='2045612'] If I can find somewhere to play one I'm gonna seriously consider a 500, based on how good it is passive, I doubt I'll use the preamp but it will be handy to have. Maybe that will cure my in achievable BB2024 GAS. [/quote] Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings , but good as these basses look , they will in no way substitute for a BB2024 . These TRBX's are cheap and cheerful ( from what I can see ) , but the BB2024 is one of the few high end basses that really lives up to the hype , and is actually a bit of a bargain compared to other high- end basses despite costing a lot of money . The 2024 / 2025 are a wickedly good sounding and feeling basses , especially if you don't. want active electronics in so much as they have got all the depth and power of a good active bass but are in fact passive and very organic sounding at the same time .
  21. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1365877641' post='2045594'] A bassist like Tom Morello? Wow I must be ignorant, I thought he was just the guitarist in rage against the machine! [/quote] Come to think of it , he is !
  22. Check out this interview with Juan by Janek Gwizdala . He goes into a lot of detail about his gear and effects : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSIMrw-SZ8s
  23. Tim LeFebre experiments with effects a lot : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHAcPadx_Q4 Juan Alderete of the Mars Volta relies very heavily on effects and is bit of a guru when it comes to using them on the bass . he even has a Youtube channel devoted to them : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcNkup2PjM4
  24. I don't know about any transcriptions , but if you put " Midnight At The Oasis + bass cover " into You Tube there are a few pretty competent bass playalong videos for that song . Maybe watching and hearing someone else play it will help .
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