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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. I'm not sure how much help these will be , but here is a couple if clips compating the CS 60s pickups with some original 70's era pickups in a 76 Jazz Bass . [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-RZhAs3VoI[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqP9m3OJQHc[/media] To me they sound very similar in so much as in both cases it sounds just like a decent Jazz Bass should , if you see what I mean . Good as they are , I don't think the newer pickups will make a night -and -day difference to a current Am St. Regarding the secondhand price , the post- 2012 basses are a bit too recent to be popping up used yet , but the earlier post - 2008 can be had for very reasonable money from the sale section on Basschat and seem to come up pretty frequently . If you have got cash to spend , if you keep your eye out you should be able to get yourself a bargain .
  2. Typical shoddy build and poor quality control from Fender . It looks so crude it's almost as if they had just stuck a Strat on top of a Jazz Bass .
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1365848592' post='2045141'] Same bass player in that Push clip above - Ernie McKone. Very much underrated. [/quote] I remember seeing him with Galliano at the time and realising he was a fantastic player . I've seen recently he is playing with with Incognito and he is still phenomenal , surely one of the best pro players in London .
  4. Those Fender CS60's pickups are fantastic sounding pickups , but the ones in the previous Am St basses were perfectly good , so if you can get one a lot cheaper then they are well worth looking at , and as the man before me said , there are literally hundreds of Jazz pickups to choose from if you fancy a change at a later date .
  5. This lot were popular around the time that Jamiroquai came out . Is it really twenty years ago ? Flippin 'eck ! Anyway , if you were too young to be around at the time , student types were listening to this lot : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGv3Wswe0U0
  6. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1365786571' post='2044612'] Every 70's dico band? j/k I don't want to sound like I'm busting on them, but I find the appeal of that band curious. I get the fact that bassist like them because the bass is busy and mixed way up front. And the grooves are great. But the songs sound oddly outdated. The melodies are weak and not particularly catchy. And after 3 tracks I can't tell one from the other, To the OP, I'd suggest a "Best of Disco" compilation along with James Brown, Stax and Motown recordings. That'll have everything that Jamiroqui tries to sound like. [/quote] Great post - you have put it in a nutshell , my friend . I quite liked the first album , and the title track of the second , but they belong to that moment in time . They have long since been a weak pastiche .
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1365770756' post='2044225'] IME, more speakers running at half chat will always sound better than fewer running flat out. Also more speakers will give you a better tone at louder volume levels. [/quote] This exactly . Nothing sounds worse than a bass rig straining like it's going to explode at any moment . A lot depends on overall volume levels , but a loud drummer usually means more cabs and more power .
  8. I can see these being really popular . Looks like a lot of thought has gone into the design , and the electronics look very practical and very useful .
  9. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1365780874' post='2044490'] Some of, and this is a genuine group, Crazy Penis [/quote] I would search for them on Google , but it might take some explaining if my wife looks at the history on this computer .
  10. Anything with a connection to Masters At Work featuring the superb Gene Perez on bass : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVHW1LCE6vI
  11. I couldn't say this was like Jamiroquai , but if you've been listening to JTQ ect then why not listen to the real deal . Jimmy McGriff from the unbelievably groovy Electric Funk album : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCuNPvROoQg
  12. USA Joe Osborn with no scratchplate in a shop somewhere in the Far East : [url="https://soundmama.com/commodity/detail.php?comid=26111"]https://soundmama.co...php?comid=26111[/url] Looks like a one piece ash body that's been rear- routed .
  13. I think you can get the rest of the interview if you go to the IBass magazine website and subscribe .
  14. There's more where that came from : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwmcMsQ37gs[/media] In my book , Norman is up there with Pino Palladino as one of the best bass British bass players ever .
  15. Watching footage of Norman on YouTube, he seems to had a stock chocolate brown Precision - presumably as a backup , around that same time . I know that around the time of Rhythm Stick he bought his Alembic from John Entwistle , and I seem to remember reading that he sais it was Peter Cornish ( maker of famous rock stars pedal boards ) who fitted the jazz pickup on the Precision for him .
  16. I too love Normans tone on New Boots And Panties , and I think back when that album was recorded it was before he had the Jazz pickup added at the bridge , so It must just be the sound of the original Precision pickup .
  17. I'm surprised no one else has posted this yet : , [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb5KHXW48uI[/media] Great to hear Norman Watt Roy talking about that bass , I can remember seeing him play it when I was about ten years old . It's a bit of an icon as far as I'm concerned .
  18. Generally speaking , any Stingray 5 under ten pounds in weight is on the lighter side of average . If you can find one around the nine and a half pound mark , that is very good find .
  19. That looks like a fabulous way to spend an afternoon ! I hope you had / are having a great time in NYC . I want one of those Jack Bruce Survivor basses , and a Starbass would do me very nicely , too . And a Custom Shop Dolphin and Streamer as well . And a Thumb Singlecut . If Andy Irvine can get an endorsement deal then why can't I ?
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365597297' post='2041553'] Matt's a great bassist, saw him with DLR too, he also looks ace on stage. [/quote] I saw that he is now Elton John's bass player following the sad death of Bob Birch , so a pretty high - profile gig there , then . He is indeed a superb player .
  21. The weight of Lakland Skylines varies greatly , but from what I understand , there was a time when the weights of the earlier Korean - made ones tended to be on the heavy side . Lakland became aware of this and tried to address this issue to some extent by trying to ensure the wood for the Skylines be a little bit lighter than before ( the swamp ash for all the Skylines is sourced in the U.S.A by Lakland and then shipped to the Far East ) . As a result , a lot of the more recent Indonesian - made basses tend to be lighter than the earlier Korean examples , but there is no hard and fast rule . You still get heavier new basses and lighter older ones now and again . I have seen plenty of four string Darryl Jones basses under 9 pounds in weight , and I have seen plenty much heavier than that . Ultimately , It's very hit -and- miss as to what the weight of any individual bass will be , so try and find out before you hand over your cash . . Also bear in mind that Jazz Basses tend to be heavier than Precision Basses , presumably because of the offset body shape . Even USA - made Lakland Joe Osborns and Darryl Jones Jazz - style basses where each body is individually ordered and hand - selected tend to weigh in between 9 - 9 1/2 pounds on average , although some are slightly lighter .
  22. His brother is a bass player as well ( Matt Bisonette ) . I would bet you that Greg does everything he can to put you at ease and help you all he can , Look forward to it , he is indeed one of the best drummers of his generation . .
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1365437945' post='2039636'] Be careful, though! [size=4]Before you know what's happened it'll have sold off council housing, smashed the unions and stopped free milk for schoolchildren...[/size] [/quote] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1365438060' post='2039637'] Not at all, the ancient craft of thatching is dying out, good thatchers are rare. I was simply hoping to revive a dying industry. [/quote] [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1365438559' post='2039647'] Old thatchers never die, they just get put out to grass. [/quote] Why all this stuff about Mrs Thatcher today ? Has something happened I should know about ?
  24. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1365435625' post='2039588'] Post 08 USA fenders seem to be the best they have been for a while, before that its a bit of a lottery, as models go I think that's entirely up to the player, I don't think there's anything wrong with a good old passive Jazz bass, I just wish they had a more substantial neck. [/quote] On that point , the post 08 Am St Jazz Basses have quite a meaty neck profile for a Jazz Bass , but still very comfortable . As always with Fenders , there may well be a bit of variation from one example to another , but all the ones I have tried have been a lot more substantial than something like the Jazz Bass - style necks on a Lakland Joe Osborn , which is on the skinnier side for a Jazz Bass neck .
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