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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1364940305' post='2033193'] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203865-markbass-sa450-vs-tc-electronic-rh450/"]Here's some not great comments about the RH450[/url]. TBH, I'm through with any Class-D head that has that B&O power module, which seems to be most of them. They might sound OK at first, but after a while I realise there's something missing. It's like Diet Coke v. the real thing. Until there's a new generation of lightweight power modules that really work, without relying on clever circuitry to make the amp [i]sound[/i] loud, I'm back on amps that have 'proper' power supplies. They instantly give me the 'full fat' tone the others lack. I appreciate there will be no shortage of people queueing up to disagree with me, and that's fine - I can only speak from my experience. [/quote] What this guy says . I know they are very popular and lots of folks swear by them , but I have never liked any Genz Benz amps ( or cabs ) I have ever heard , and I cannot help but think it is probably related to the sonic compromises involved in some of the new technology they use . The do seem to lack a certain something - some sense of richness and depth - and always sound somehow grey and uninspiring to my ears . I much prefer GK heads , and would gladly use on of those myself . Purely my own prejudices and opinion , of course , but I think WoT is right when he says none of the new generation of super lightweight amps ( Markbass spring to mind ) really matches up to a bit of good old fashioned heft .
  2. [quote name='joe.staffs' timestamp='1364934148' post='2033035'] Admittedly I want to swap it out for aesthetic reasons. I really want an ashtray bridge cover. [/quote] That Badass bridge has got a vintage appeal and reto chic all of its' own . It was a revelutionary product when it emerged in the mid to late 1970's and is in effect a de -facto Fender bridge in all but name . Some of the Fender Custom Shop basses still use it as a premium piece of bass hardware , as do several other high end bass makers like Modulus . Flea uses a Badass on all his Modulus basses and Modulus still offer it as an extra cost option on that bass . The Badass looks good in its' own right , and it certainly improves the clarity and sustain of a Fender bass . If you have got a well - installed and functioning Badass on your bass I would strongly advise keeping it and enjoying it for the great bit of kit it is .
  3. I expect you have a good reason for wanting to change the Badass , but I would think twice . If the Badass is fitted correctly and still works properly ( they can be prone to rust knackering the mini adjustment screws ) then it is a great bridge , especially on a Fender - style bass .
  4. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1364931267' post='2032958'] sweet man , ill definately be considering one in the future...only problem is on the status website it says the heel is 2.5 inches wide and the heel on my bass is slightly slimmer... [/quote] [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1364931740' post='2032969'] It's worth noting that without a truss rod there will be no relief at all, so it might change the feel of the bass somewhat, I'm not sure if the ray replacement necks have a rod or not though. [/quote] I'm pretty sure that Status necks have a rod in . Regarding the fit on a Sub , I would contact Status and discuss it with them . They can fit the neck for you , and that may be the best option under the circumstamces .
  5. Stingray with a graphite neck sounds absolutely wicked - even more punch and slice than a regular 'Ray . The balance will be pretty unchanged - I think the graphite neck weighs about the same as a wooden one .
  6. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1364927427' post='2032843'] I've toured France and China as an Oboeist in my youth..... ..... [/quote] Is that some kind of involved euphemism , or did you indeed tour France and China whilst playing the oboe ?
  7. To be perfectly honest with you , I've got a little bit too much stage prescence . I've got it even when I don't want it , like when I walk down the street or go to the supermarket . People notice me wherever I go . It gets to be a bit of a problem , especially when this stage prescence is perceived by the local constabulary as grounds to stop and search me on a regular basis .
  8. One of the most beautiful basses there is . Enjoy it .
  9. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1364770453' post='2030800'] I read that as 'severely thumbed' :-o [/quote] There are some bridges which Mrs Dingus will not cross .
  10. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1364770354' post='2030798'] Splitting hairs I know, I can only see five strings. [/quote] Yes , you're right . I was watching on a little tablet , and it looked and sounded like a six . He is fact using a five with a high C .
  11. Ah , Inti ! ( I think that is what he was called ) . I see what you mean . At least he had the excuse of not having English as a first language . This guy is [u][i]way[/i][/u] more f***ed up than Inti , I fear .
  12. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1364831282' post='2031403'] Nobody in particular, just reminiscing [/quote] Fair enough . Would be a good title for an album , though .
  13. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1364829932' post='2031364'] Gear clown whore artist performer [/quote] Me or him ? Either way , you're probably right .
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1364830132' post='2031371'] I have to say I find the vocal really distracting on a lot of their stuff. I like him on MY KZ UR BF but, for example, he annoys me on Qwerty Finger (which I otherwise really like). In general I approve of what they do but I can see how the vocal puts a lot of people off. There's no denying they're a talented bunch though, and it's refreshing to hear a band trying to force some deliberately-clever music on people. [/quote] + 1 Whether I like it or not , it's nice to hear a band try and do something a bit different and to try and create .
  15. This is a very unusual sounding band , who you could conceive of in two different ways . On the face of it , they are intellegent indie rockers with an eclectic approach , but at the same time if their image as a band was slightly different - if they had long hair and different clothes - you could equally perceive them as modern prog rock with contemporary influences in their sound . Either way , it's a band I appreciate more than enjoy myself , but I can see why they would polarise opinion and why they would inspire a loyal following amongst people who do enjoy their sound .
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364781471' post='2030871'] 'You can't base your life on other people's expectations.' [/quote] That's what I tell Mrs Dingus when she complains about a certain aspect of our relationship . It doesn't seem to stop her moaning on about spending a fortune on batteries , though .
  17. Fender prices have gone up a lot in the States too in the same time frame . Everybody is complaining about it there , too . What all the guitar makers have realised since the recession took hold and pressure to increase prices has grown is that they can get away with higher prices and people will keep buying . Ultimately , more often than not someone who wants a Fender bass or any other make of bass will bite the bullet a fork out for the object of their desires , even at the inflated prices we have seen lately .
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1364818423' post='2031187'] Pics of him playing it or he is a faker then!? [/quote] That would be nice , but it will never happen . Lets face it though , he's mental if he hasn't actually really bought one and he's pretending that he has . But then again , if I'm wrong and he has actually bought one , then he's even more mental ! Win - win situation ! I should have been a psychiatrist .
  19. I am going to stick my neck out here and say that I have got more than a sneaking suspicion that that this is that American bloke who seems a bit mental ( who i[i]s [/i]a bit mental ) who keeps joining Basschat and other bass -related sites and getting banned . Last week he was calling himself Redburst and posting in Off Topic . I recognise his writing style and the characteristics of his personality disorder . He's been banned from Talkbass too . I don't think he has bought one of these basses at all ( who would - they are f***ing awful , it's very hard to pretend otherwise ) . I think he has just scanned through some old threads to find something to try and wind us up about . I feel a bit sorry for the guy . He is fascinatingly weird though . I am looking forward to what he does next .
  20. Yes , I've seen it . It looks like it would be a lot of fun , and something a bit different . Lakland have been turning out some lovely basses lately , and I could see this being a very useful bass for lot of kinds of music . Sounds particulaly good with those flats , and I am a roundwound guy myself .
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364764967' post='2030719'] Looks like it's one, so far! [/quote] Quite .
  22. [quote name='PrecPro13' timestamp='1364760773' post='2030630'] OK, then. I own this bass-It's the only one so far built. Those that order will receive in 6 months to a year. I saw the bass at NAMM; the right to purchase it (Dealer) was raffled. (2) months after NAMM, and after FCS used this for catalogue shots, etc. I paid for & received it. The comments; Opinions are acceptable of course, have at it. If it's not your type OK then. But the build, playability, and sound of this instrument is 110% World-Class. If anyone thinks tht the Fender Custom Shop build leaves anything to be desired, think again. It does not. Most all of the comments here do not warrant reply. Think what you want, this is by far one of the most astounding P-Basses ever built by Fender. Good Day, gents- Off to enjoy it. [/quote] If you like it that really is the only thing that matters , As the old saying goes , if you can only please one person then please yourself . It definitely does look like the old Squier Bullet Bass , though . I've got a feeling these will be very rare in future years , because I can't see Fender being inundated with orders for them .
  23. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1364759791' post='2030611'] Just get them to play a complicated lick on the guitar, and then say "OK, now play it on bass" [/quote] To be fair they are not usually guitarists . More usually they are women, whose primary skill in terms of physical dexterity is using a nail file , credit card and a Pifco Vibratory Home Massager .
  24. The guy playing six string in the second clip is clearly a very , very capable player .
  25. [quote name='whynot' timestamp='1364758275' post='2030574'] Mark King is not to my taste either, much prefer Marcus if I have to listen to slap. [/quote] That's what I said . It was carnage !
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