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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1364756044' post='2030511'] I much prefer the second ones version of Man in the Mirror. Edit: This One! [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkByUopmc7M"]https://www.youtube....h?v=qkByUopmc7M[/url] [/quote] Yes , like that one better , too .
  2. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1364757780' post='2030561'] Wow. Tough crowd. [/quote] You should have heard 'em when I said I thought Mark King was rubbish . I'm still expecting to get a severed thumb in my bed one night .
  3. It's difficult for me to say because I have never owned a guitar - I always wanted to be a bass player , so any skills I have on the guitar are from noodling on guitars ther peoples houses / rehearsals . Playing the guitar seems harder to me because I am a bass player , but surely to play either well is equally as challenging . If you try and tell that to people who think playing the bass is easier however , then they think you are making excuses .
  4. When it comes to complete crap with a deeply disturbing undertone though , the British still lead the World : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5grN83P-jC4
  5. Yes Nena ! When it comes to genuinely cheesy 80's pop , no one can do it like the Europeans : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weMrzt6W8V8
  6. I don't want to be contrary for the sake of it , but I'm not keen on either of those two pieces . The first one , I think it's fair to say its' reach outstrips it's grasp in terms of execution , and the second one is well performed but bland , to my sensibilities at least . .
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1364744240' post='2030297'] Home run. PS 2:50 defo NSFW [/quote] Goal !
  8. [quote name='jaybass 70' timestamp='1364736240' post='2030141'] get yer Doc Martens and spray paint out lads, its KING [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlXtrnh-Ejo[/media] [/quote] Interesting fact : The last I heard , the bass player out of this band was now a policeman in Coventy .
  9. [quote name='jaybass 70' timestamp='1364735196' post='2030128'] what about a bit of Susan fassbender ,this is one of my guilty pleasures [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEjGmA7Fqp8[/media] [/quote] OMG ! I had [u]completely [/u]erased that record from my memory . Good find !
  10. That Then Jericho track is particulaly upsetting . They were like a low budget version of U2 designed to be bought from Poundstretcher by the mentally deficient .
  11. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1364721759' post='2029925'] Mr roboto. Has to he on ther [url="http://touch.dailymotion.com/video/x7kxo_styx-mr-roboto_music"]http://touch.dailymo...mr-roboto_music[/url] [/quote] Now there is a song I wasn't expecting to hear when I got up this morning . Sadly , I remember this track being popular on American radio . Styx go all techno . God help us .
  12. [quote name='Kinder' timestamp='1364684774' post='2029724'] Hue and Cry - Labour of Love? [/quote] That was a quality record - not cheesy enough I'm afraid !
  13. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1364663924' post='2029430'] Come on Eileen is fun [/quote] Not for poor old Eileen ! By the end of the evening I bet she is soaked .
  14. [quote name='ingmar808' timestamp='1364608149' post='2028899'] I've never seen anyone play bass standing up with a strap on, despite watching loads of porn. [/quote] There's always one , isn't there ? If you had been on this site a bit longer you would know that gag has been done to death already . Now where did I put that strap on , I can feel a tune coming on ...
  15. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1364543271' post='2027829'] Morning all, Recently I have found my playing massively re-energised by purchasing a Pandora. Whoever suggested that as a solution to the troubles I was having with my amp sounding crap in my front room, I will buy you a pint as it is the best bit of music kit I have ever bought! Anyway, since getting the Pandora, I have really come to appreciate my Warwick Thumb 5 string bass. I've always loved Thumbs; nothing else sounds like a Thumb and has the sledgehammer-like low mid range punch of a Thumb. Playing it through the Pandora, my playing sounds better than it has in years. I think this is helped by the tonal characteristics of the Thumb, even the lowest notes of the B string ring loud and clear. I feel as though my playing is more 'on the ball' timing wise than it has been for ages. I feel a great desire to get my bass out and play again, which is great. I had such a busy year last year I barely played at all sometimes, and feeling a passion for playing again is wonderful. I've been thinking of changing my bass, either by selling or trading my Warwick Thumb. Ideally I'm after a 6 string. After years away from the low B, I don't think I could live without one now; it simply gets too much playing time! But I would love a high C too. So therein lies my quandary...do I keep the Thumb because it sounds amazing and save for a 6 string on the side? I would be looking for a similarly high end instrument so I'd be spending approx £1000 or more on a 6 string. Or do I trade or sell the Thumb towards a 6 string? I know the obvious answer is 'get a 6 string thumb', but they don't seem to come up all that often (and I love trying new basses too). [/quote] Glad to hear you are enjoying the Korg Pandora , Chris . As I told you at the time , mine is the best £90 I ever spent in my life and my amp at home has literally been gathering dust since I got it . No need to buy me a pint - something like a new bass or an Ampeg SVT rig would be a nice gesture though . Regarding the Thumb , I personally think a six string is a much trickier proposition to a five , not least of all because of the headache of muting the strings you aren't playing is even harder than on a five . Slapping can be particulaly hard on a six . On the subject of Warwick sixes , a friend of mine had an early Thumb version and I always found the strings [i]way [/i]too close together for my tastes . Definitely try before you buy .
  16. Seeing as you've upped the stakes : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Q3mHyzn78[/media] Or even : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I_WavHGBdA[/media] Now that's what I call cheesy !
  17. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1364586511' post='2028619'] This piece of cheese is so smelly they had to lock it away for 30 years!! And way is the singer pretending to play the bass when its obviously cannot? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_165683&feature=iv&src_vid=7i8VE0TAbF0&v=QAePfN_buhQ"]http://www.youtube.c...0&v=QAePfN_buhQ[/url] [/quote] Yes ! Rancid gorgonzola for the ears .
  18. [quote name='MattM' timestamp='1364586390' post='2028616'] And just snagged this beauty : Was a bit despondent at missing out on an L2 on this very forum recently through my own fault, however ths guy is within a couple of hundred serial numbers of my old XL2, so delighted [/quote] Wicked ! Beautiful bass , hope you get a lot of pleasure from it .
  19. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1364583396' post='2028565'] ohh forgotten about these this super group....3 chords and not Status...I think there maybe a Roland synth bass kicking around here? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oaWLIVIT6Q[/media] [/quote] They don't make 'em like that anymore ! Why are the old tunes always the best ?
  20. Fender Custom Shop heavy relic finish : Distressed sideboard :
  21. [quote name='OutSpoon' timestamp='1364579400' post='2028485'] See - I have been suffering from Sandberg lust for quite a while; especially their 'aged' models - so I took a rock and some sandpaper to one of my Fenders, applied a sticker or 2 and voila! Lust abated... for a short while anyways... The question is - is 'good enough' really good enough? For me - Yes! [/quote] Good work ! The bass now looks like one of those trendy distressed - finish kitchen units that people like Sarah Beeny have in their homes .
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1364543036' post='2027827'] Barbra Streisand still commands a massive premium for live shoes! Beyonce? [/quote] Live shoes ?
  23. [quote name='OutSpoon' timestamp='1364566905' post='2028263'] How about getting a Hohner B2A as a hop in the right direction. It might cover 99% of your desires - and if you find it's the tone and brand you are after, rather than the design and portability - then you can sell it for what you paid for it and then buy the L2 with confidence? [/quote] That is [i]very s[/i]ensible idea , especially in terms of seeing if I feel comfortable with this design , but I know my desires will only be truly fulfilled by a perfect example of the real thing . I have had the opportunity to get exactly that before now but hesitated and procrastinated . I am sure I could adapt to a Steinberger without too much problem - a bass I use quite a lot at the moment if my Musicman Reflex and that took some considerable adjustment to get used to the feel of the neck in relation to the compact Telecaster - like body shape ( that's partly why I ask this question about the Steinberger ) , but if I play it exclusively for a while it feels funny when I go back to Fender , so it's all about what you are used to , I suppose .
  24. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1364516675' post='2027725'] I've been watching Pompey for over 40 years and it is so sad to see gradually get asset stripped over the years. Personally I think they should liquidate the club to get rid of the debts and start again and do it all correctly, ground wise and academy wise with the fans owning it until someone can invest some money to then share ownership with the fans. Music scene used to be good in Pompey many years ago but I think it is picking back up again. [/quote] Like so many clubs , the fans have been betrayed by people in charge of the club who either don't know what they're doing and / or don't care about the long- term results of their actions . When you look at what has happened to massive clubs like Glasgow Rangers and Leeds United then you cannot help but fear for the future of a club the size of Potsmouth , which j despite its' fantastic fan base has never really been one of the big boys in the modern era . The good news is that , because of those loyal and passionate fans , a club like Portsmouth will always bounce back in one form or another eventually .
  25. Nearly all big time professional touring bands have carpet . I first noticed it in the early 1980s , but at that time I just thought it was rockstar affectation . There must be a reason for it , probably to do with the stages or something similar .
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