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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1363439871' post='2012724'] Japanese, women's clothing. [/quote] Me ?
  2. I suppose someone has to nominate him , and it might as well be me ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FrI5lNvCnQ Flea must be the most well known and most admired bass guitarist in the World today . I think he's a good player in many ways but not a great one and certainly not a virtuoso , but if Les Claypool is included then Flea should be too .
  3. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1363437711' post='2012678'] Is no-one gonna say it? [/quote] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1363437988' post='2012682'] What, Wooten? [/quote] Just so long as it isn't Mark King !
  4. Try searching on You Tube for " the title of the song you want to learn + bass cover " and also try " the title of the song you want to learn + bass lesson " and you will be able to at least see how someone else plays it .
  5. Not a great quality video but enough to give an idea what a terrific player Freddie Washington is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_L3Es5_X6s
  6. This chap is one of the players who producers and musical directors call in L.A when it needs to be right on the first take : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SytP5OrT1Kg
  7. This fella has got real depth to his playing , too : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR6UYcWZA38[/media]
  8. This guy is the real deal : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBtX_omY4o[/media]
  9. I love the Bongo . I think they sound fantastic for modern music , feel comfortable to play and are one of the few basses on the market to have a unique and original tone and overall design concept . Like Swanbrook mentions , some folks find that they feel uncomfortable on you knee sitting down , but it has never really bothered me . The only other caveat I would add is that they are a relentlessy modern sounding bass , so if you were looking to allude to or recreate some classic or vintage tones then I would look elsewhere , but if you want a hi-tech bass that sounds punchy as hell , that will get you heard in the mix and that looks sharp then a Bongo Bass is a great choice .
  10. Appropos of nothing except Scotland , I was once mistaken for Marti Pellow of Wet Wet Wet when they were at the height of their success by a group of teenage schoolgirls . It was a terrifying experience - they were all inner city chav kids and seemed to be uniformly of the opinion that Wet Wet Wet were crap and Marti Pellow was a w***er . I thought I was going to killed on the spot or get kidnapped and held for randsome on some sink estate somewhere , but in the end managed to get away somehow .
  11. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1363373176' post='2012087'] And one of my ex bandmates, who isn't Scottish! [/quote] Yeah , they have a big following amongst the "plastic Jocks " you get down here south of the border , who I would assume associate them with ... Scottishness , I would presume .
  12. If you really want to punish Dave ( or anybody else , for that matter ) make him listen to this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzQ1pNfbe3Q
  13. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1363369008' post='2011994'] If you say her name fast it sounds like that dreary fat scots bloke that wants Scotland to be independent......... sorry wanTED Scotland to be independent until it became a possibility and is now wallowing in his own soiled underwear at the prospect. Anyway - just as I was fantasising about showing Alex Hammond a few tasty bass lines and all of a sudden our clothes fall off his face pops in my mind negating even the slightest of twitches. [/quote] I kind of share your sentiments about the frankly ridiculous ( but potentially quite amusing for the two or three years it might last ) prospect of Scottish independence Dave , but I am glad to say that I will probably be able to block out all thought of it should Ms. Hammond and I decide to give in to our feelings of mutual attraction in a moment of weakness .
  14. [quote name='deaver' timestamp='1363368738' post='2011987'] I might need a dep for New Years Eve, do you think it's worth dropping her a line? [/quote] She'll most likely be out with me , so probably not ...
  15. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1363364717' post='2011920'] I am actually translating a piece about Angola at the moment. Well, it has Angola in it. But I don't own a Fender. [/quote] A big part of my post-graduate research was about the similarities between the Portugese experience in Africa and the America's involvement in Vietnam , so I've got links to both Angola and Fender in there somewhere !
  16. It used to be mentioned it on her Wikipedia entry that she is a competent bass guitarist , and she herself has made reference to it on her Twitter account .
  17. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1363363407' post='2011891'] ***Prods thread*** Come on guys I'm finding this very entertaining D'oh....... [/quote] Is it Fender basses or the war in Angola you want more action on ? I can do either ( or both ) .
  18. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1363362359' post='2011863'] This would explain why I couldn't get on with the OTB I tried, or my old Stingray [/quote] In terms of frequency response , the Stingray is a very weird bass . It has massive bottom end , some mids missing , some mids added and lots going on in the treble . It all adds up, to the Stingray tone we all know and most people love .
  19. Fat Rich's fix might explain why this problem seems to effect some basses more than others - maybe the basses leave the factory with the pole pieces more even in some cases than others , and the more uneven the weaker the G string . After that it's just pot luck whether you get a weak G or not , maybe .
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363193196' post='2009560'] That was my attitude years ago - not any more. Ended up getting involved in the civil war in Angola. [/quote] [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1363267603' post='2010694'] Me too ! I was only eight years old , but my time as a child mercenary fighting against the MPLA is amongst my happiest and most treasured memories . Sounds of the Seventies ? For me it is the rattle of an AK-47 and the whoosh of a rocket - propelled grenade . Those were the days ! [/quote] It occurred to me last night as I lay in bed that you might actually not be joking about having been involved in the war in Angola - I remembered all that business about the British mecenaries ect . - and so my apologies for making light of it if you were indeed part of that whole sorry episode . Funnily enough , it's a part of the World and a period of history I am very interested in , so I should have known better .
  21. [quote name='BassYerbouti' timestamp='1363356747' post='2011731'] I think I might be the only one on here who doesn't know what scooped means, it seems to get a mention on many of the posts I read discussing tone. Is it desirable or to be avoided, how do I know when I have it? I have an OTB rig and a play mostly a Precision and sometimes a Stingray. There is so much opportunity for changing the tone with the EQ on the Stingray and the EQ on the OTB I haven't really hit on 'my' sound yet, what sounds nice at home doesnt cut through when playing with the band so I end up leaving everything set to the middle on all the knobs and just crank up the amp until I can hear it. All advice on EQ settings and what scooped means much appreciated. regards, BYB [/quote] A Stingray has got a natural midrange "scoop " to it's sound anyway - it's a big part of what makes a Stingray sound like it does - so it isn't likely you would want to cut the mids too much with that bass . The scooped sound can sound appealing when you're playing at home or in a studio situation , but playing with a live band it can be very difficult to make yourself heard clearly with a very mid-scooped tone . Your approach of starting out with a flat EQ and then fine - tuning your sound so you can hear yourself is very sensible and the right way to approach things .
  22. If you are playing with a band or doing live work of any kind it really is best to have two basses - sods law being what it is , if you don't have a backup bass then something will go wrong with your one and only . I [i]played[/i] one bass pretty much exclusively for years ( purely out of choice ) and it wasn't a big problem to get a suitable sound for any musical situation that cropped up . It was an active Jazz Bass and I never had any complaints about the sound in any circumstances , although I did get a bit bored and fancied a change myself sometimes just for the novelty value . On the plus side , you really do get used to that one particular bass and playing it gets to be second nature , whereas I find switching from one bass to another takes quite a long period af adjustment for it to feel natural with the new bass .
  23. She plays the bass ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMI0YK0Stf0
  24. The worst problenm I ever had with uneveness in the sound of a bass was with a four string with a graphite neck where the E string sounded plenty loud enough but hollow and lacking in fundamental compared to the other three strings - you could notice it even when the bass was unamplified - and it could never be sorted out . It also had hot spots where certain notes on the E string were louder than others . Very odd for a bass with a graphite neck .
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