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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363024827' post='2007176'] I still haven't seen the pics. Did anyone copy them? Or are they actually the ones posted by gjones in post #35? Confused [/quote] They are indeed the ones .
  2. [quote name='haimesy' timestamp='1363019370' post='2007001'] My fault.. got a bit frustrated , people suggesting the bass had been in some sort of fire.. When I was told by guys I have known for years and trust 100% the full story of the bass.. Anyway .. I never said anyone called me a liar , I said I felt like one... Never mind life's to short .. Cheers john [/quote] One of the ( many ) great things about Fender basses is that they are so robust that you could keep them in a kipper smoker for twenty years and they will still work fine . This one has cleaned up beautifully and you have got a lovely bass there . I hope you have a lot of fun playing it .
  3. I think that to extent Fender are damned if they do and damned if they don't when it comes to experimenting with new non -traditional designs when it comes to both basses (and guitars for that matter ) . If they stick to making what we know them for they people say they just do the same old thing , and yet if they try something like this folks will say that it isn't right for Fender to make these kind of designs . This bass doesn't appeal to me , but it equally wouldn't appeal to me if someone except Fender had made it . Fender are damned by their own success in so much as the Precision Bass and Jazz Bass are such complete and timeless designs that have never really been improved , meaning Fender can succeeed without ever replacing them or significantly adding to their stable of basic designs .
  4. It says on the advert that it is one - off . Considering it is a master built piece by Jason Davies I am inclined to believe that this is the only one .
  5. If I might wade into this click track debate , I find that on my good timing days I am able to hone in to the drum track or the click track if one is in effect without much problem , but on my bad timing days even the click won't neccesarilly get me into line . Maybe I just play the same regardless , and maybe I am not alone in that .
  6. And they say that John was the one one with the musical talent ...
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362913942' post='2006041'] Maybe he needs to spend more time playing his bass? [/quote] To be fair , his chops are pretty sharp as a player . I cannot help but have a mixture of sympathy and sneaking admiration for this guy . Sympathy because , as I said when he had a ruck on Basschat , I think a lot of his problems are caused by the fact that English is not his first language ( and being Swedish , humour is not neccesarilly his strongest personality trait either ) , and admiration because he seems to have a point he wants to make about upholding some kind of high artistic standard and he is determined to make it , no matter what . Why he wants to make it is a bit of a mystery to me , but I'm sure he has his reasons . If I was trying to make a complex point on a Swedish bass players forum in Swedish I could easily come across as a bit of a dickhead , but here on Basschat in my own language people seem to follow my every word as if I were some kind of a God . See my point ?
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362913361' post='2006025'] The only thing that matters is how it sounds and feels in the context of the complete finished track. Everything else is irrelevant. Where do these isolated tracks come from? Are they authorised by the band or leaked from tapes/digital sessions? [/quote] I agree totally with what people say about the only important thing being the final result , I think a lot of these isolated tracks are being taken from the soundtracks of that Rock Band game thingamajig . Apparently there is some way to isolate the individual tracks .
  9. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1362866066' post='2005686'] That's a lot of money for a bass with someone else's bits on it :/ [/quote] Myself personally , just a regular Bob Glaub/ 44-64 or a Duck Dunn is more to my taste , but I am a big Geezer Butler fan - he was one of my inspirations to take up playing the bass in the first place - so I am always interested in what bass he is playing . I remember waiting outside Sabbath's hotel with my mates when I was twelve years old trying to get their autograph before my first ever Sabbath gig and Geezer's tech getting two Zero Haliburton aluminium flightcases that must have had Geezers BC Rich basses in them out of his car and walking into the reception of the hotel with them and being really excited by that .
  10. Stop whining ! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nshkg_pQsxA
  11. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1362858844' post='2005504'] I love the geezer bass. Want! [/quote] If you see it close up it has got a super- figured piece of rosewood for the fingerboard , as well as the cross and the Sabbath inlay . It's a U.S.A only model at the moment though , I'm afraid .
  12. [quote name='haimesy' timestamp='1362859102' post='2005510'] Hi all .. I am only telling you what I was told .. Put up the pics for people to look at not make me feel like liar .. John [/quote] Not calling you or anybody else a liar , my friend , just commenting on what my eyes can see . Stories can get changed in the telling , and a combination of things could have led to the final degree of staining .
  13. He probably just went direct and the engineer could be bothered to e.q the bass to make the most of that wiry , up front in your face bass sound . It sounds like its' got a load of upper mid/lower treble on it to give it so much cut , and I expect that if you heard the bass track soloed it would sound pretty grating . Alembics tend to gravitate towards that smack -you -in -the -face up front sound anyway , and it sounds like they just decided to exploit the natural sound of the bass . That much treble can tend to sound a bit distorted on some of the transients but it sounds great in the final mix though . That's a really inspiring track , thanks for sharing it . Makes me wish I had an Alembic ( and Mark Adams' skill and taste ) .
  14. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1362856900' post='2005470'] I have seen smelly guitars before, damaged by years of gigging in smokey pubs. But this does look quite extreme. My theory is that it was caused by smoke damage from a fire rather than chain smoking Rastafarians. But however it got into this state, I have to say it's a lovely restoration job. [/quote] +1 on this . There is no way that staining has come from years of residual exposure to cigarrette smoke . It looks like the bass has been in a house fire to me , or similar .
  15. Are you sure that staining was from cigarette smoke ? The phrase " dirty protest " springs to mind when I look at it !
  16. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1362784770' post='2004926'] I wish I only had one bass so that the choice, when going to a gig or rehearsal was easier. I could manage with one bass because whatever bass I'm using at the time, I alter my EQ so that they all end up sounding pretty much the same. I don't have one bass though. I have four. Two fours, a five and a fretless. The only one not getting played is the latter but I'm loathed to sell it. Each week I'll find some reason to take a different bass to the one I took last time. Does anyone else face this insignificant choice but know that they could do it all with one bass? [/quote] I used one bass almost exclusively for nearly ten years , purely out of choice ( in fact , a choice I made largely because I could afford any basses I wanted ) and when I eventually made a change it was a breath of fresh air for me , but no one else really noticed much difference . Even to most other musicians , a bass is a bass . As long as you turn up with a half - decent one , no one is bothered except you .
  17. [quote name='tubbybloke68' timestamp='1362825454' post='2005213'] Are you as good looking too? :-)) [/quote] I like to think so , but it's all starting to sag a bit now . .
  18. I remember finding the same problem when trying headless basses back in the 80s ( never bought one ) and I know other people who have done the same . I think the reason for this tendancy to play things two frets higher is that the player is subconciously compensating for the absent headstock by designating the the first couple of frets along with the string retainer as a substitute headstock because you are used to visualising the neck in that way on a conventional fretted bass .
  19. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1362767522' post='2004619'] Vanilla Fudge and Iron Butterfly were doing 'heavy' stuff before Sabbath. [/quote] Cream were doing it before either of those two , but neither Iron Butterfly or Vanilla Fudge were heavy in the direct and crushing way that Sabbath were - they both had much more light and shade in their music due to the prescence of keyboards and the influence of pschedelic pop music in their sound . It was Sabbath who honed their stripped - down loud electric blues into metal as we now know it and as it came to dominate the world .
  20. [quote name='MonkeyTrick' timestamp='1362759390' post='2004432'] Melvins- The Bit The live version of this is ridiculous. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Axysx0FbJAc#t=56s"]https://www.youtube....ysx0FbJAc#t=56s[/url] [/quote] Wow , are this lot still going ? I saw them opening for Rush , it must be nearly twenty years ago , and people were booing and throwing stuff at them .
  21. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1362757008' post='2004369'] I agree to an extent.... but then again Rush have a lot of older (and presumably more wealthy) fans who might not fancy a T-shirt, but want to demonstrate how much of a fan they are by buying a bass guitar that looks a bit (in their eyes) like Geddy's. Or maybe they think that it brings them closer to one of their idols? It's all a bit odd really. [/quote] So this is aimed at people who don't even play ? It doesn't even look like any of Geddy's basses - they could have at least put a white scratchplate on it . It all makes no sense . Don't get me wrong , I love Geddy Lee , probably to an unhealthy extent , but this bass doesn't really get anybody any closer to him , except at least you would have a black Jazz Bass if you didn't have a bass before I suppose .
  22. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1362755280' post='2004331'] ha ha, thanks! well, we spent days trying to decide what sort of fish we would want to be associated with. Haddock and cod are very good, but they get battered regularly. Sea Bass is only slightly more "upmarket" and does not get into fights quite as much. It's a fish for weekends. And so are we. Or something. [/quote] I take your point . I suppose monkfish would have been too middle class .
  23. Is there no limits to the depths some people will stoop to in order to pretend they are Geddy Lee ? These basses are making me sad . You might as well buy any old Jazz Bass and write " I love Geddy Lee " on it .
  24. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1362754326' post='2004312'] Indeed! More Germans: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzWbWIlR5jI&feature=share&list=PL4B2C0B621ACC3CF6[/media] [/quote] Both these bands are transporting me like a vortex back to student nights in the 1980s that I would rather forget , if only because I wish it was those days again now . Pretentious , angular , obtuse and downright mental . Right up my street . P.S It was me who took the first Stump album to America in 1988 and gave it to the DJs on college radio in Seattle and San Francisco , who played " Buffalo " quite a lot for a while .
  25. To my ears and middle - aged sensibilities , a lot of the more modern super heavy bands that people are posting don't really hit the mark in the heavy riff stakes . It's all heavy and no riff . The short repeated phrase just isn't memorable enough .
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