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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1362753379' post='2004285'] [media]http://youtu.be/eaSQNMmezRQ[/media] [/quote] And some people say that Germans have no sense of humour !
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1362751450' post='2004240'] a new (blatant) promo for our band, Sea Bass Kid [media]http://youtu.be/fOISxzHHIGk[/media] [/quote] I enjoyed that . The band sound very tight and you bass cuts through the mix nicely . Have you considered that changing the name of the band to a more affordable type of fish , cod or haddock for example , might broaden your appeal ? Just a thought .
  3. Heaviest riff ever ? For sheer impact , both sonic and cultural , you can't get past this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCFq9D1yq1M They did it first , and they did it best .
  4. [quote name='thumbo' timestamp='1362698191' post='2003708'] Does anyone know where my best bet is to get a scratch plate from? - Is it jeannies? [/quote] Jeanies make the plates for Lakland and are happy to ship internationally , and according to DaveBass5 in another thread last week , they worked out cheaper than getting a plate custom - made here in the U.K when he wanted a plate making for his Lakland .
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1362686949' post='2003444'] Tort with rosewood, black with maple. [/quote] I don't like any Jazz Bass in black with a black scratchplate myself , probably because it reminds me of mid to late 70s Fenders which was not my favourite era for those basses . Funilly enough though , a black Precision with a black plate like I see in you gear list you have yourself looks great to me . It would take a psychiatrist to get to the bottom of why different people think different colour /scratchplate combinations look right .: The new Lakland Geezer Butler Signature model . That is a rockers P Bass for sure .
  6. Thinking about it , lot of the greatest players are so distinctive in their styles that you couldn't really say that were varied . Was Jaco varied ? You hear the same licks time and again in his playing and he fits them in to different musical situations . He only ever played like Jaco . Was James Jamerson varied ? He did one thing , i.e be himself with that signature sound and that approach , and did it very well in any situation . I suppose that if you have a significant style then variety is less important , or even something to be avoided .
  7. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1362669245' post='2003095'] I picked up my 1024 at Christmas for 350 with a case, It's an awesome bass and a bargain to boot. [/quote] That is a bargain ! Good work !
  8. To be honest with you , I think when it comes to playing the bass guitar in most popular music styles , having a decent working knowledge of how to play the instrument will take you a long way towards playing any style . The same rules of harmony apply regardless of style or genre , and then it's a matter applying that knowledge in a thoughtful and considered way and using your taste and judgement . I am not that varied in my approach though , in so much as I won't play with poor musicians or take part in what I consider to be projects that lack credibility
  9. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1362508599' post='2000477'] Not sure i see the point of all this "pseudo-worship" of how brilliant variety is, and isn't it all so great. I play fairly limited styles because thats what I like and I don't play stuff I don't like. As I get older, I get even more like this, and I've been gigging for almost 30 years. [/quote] You don't look old enough !
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362613096' post='2002335'] You know, I'm not sure what the f*** people want anymore. There are people slagging off Def Leppard on here as pop pap, they were NWOBH who evolved instead of the knuckle dragging Saxon. Look at the slagging U2 get, they were amazing when they broke, they evolved as well and get slagged off as being sell-out pop. Van Halen were always pop, just like the Clash. [/quote] I agree with you to an extent , but in the case of all those bands you would mention I would argue that what did for them was the declining quality of the work they produced rather than their percieved commerciality ( or lack thereof in the case of Saxon ) . Their earlier work was commercial in that had a mass appeal by virtue of its' undeniable artistic value , but as the bands themselves or those around them selling the music consciously tried to broaden their mass market appeal they lost the esscence of what gave them their appeal in the first place . U2 and Def Leppard have spent the last twenty years churning out very poor and turgid sounding records and living off past glories . Van Halen haven't made a good record in thirty years , and as for Saxon ...
  11. I am not keen on the black plate myself , but the tort is very , very nice . Lakland get Jeanies Pickguards to supply just the right shade of tortoise shell i.e not too red and not too brown .
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362654325' post='2002725'] I think the maple/white blocks and the black headstock carry it. Class! [/quote] It probably looks so good because the white plate picks up on the pearl white of the blocks , giving it some kind of unity . That's it then - the white plate stays whether the fella likes it or not !
  13. Two lovely basses . I personally like the white plate on a black DJ , and as a rule I dont normally like the black bass /white plate tuxedo colour scheme combo , but for some reason on that bass it looks right to me . These are lovely looking basses . Lakland ( and Alby Balgochien ) did the seemingly impossible with these in that they took the Fender Jazz Bass and made it even sleeker and even sexier . I am a big fan of those Hanson pickups too - they are some of the best sounding on the market and a great mixture of punch and warmth with a really big in-your-face sound .
  14. Dingus

    Yamaha BB1025

    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362604609' post='2002135'] Dammit, I'm gassing for one of these, now! First Warwick, then Yamaha. What's going on? [/quote] You would like these . The sound from the Precision pickup is massive - when you turn your amp up you can feel it hitting you in the chest .
  15. Dingus

    Yamaha BB1025

    Review from Bass Player magazine : http://www.bassplayer.com/article/yamaha-bb1025x/5990
  16. Dingus

    Yamaha BB1025

    [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1362603143' post='2002101'] Thanks Dingus and Mudpup. I prefer the non-X version which seems to be more scarce than the X. BassDirect are only showing one 1025X in stock (no 1025s), but I've contacted Mark and he's checking what's in the pipeline. He's confirmed that they're still current, just in short supply. I'll also check with Chappels, they're a bit less of a treck than Warwick and less dangerous for someone with even moderate GAS to visit than BD! [/quote] Sorry , I read the original post wrong and thought you were after the model [i]with [/i]the scratchplate ect . I saw a pickture of a white 2025 somewhere and it looked great . EDIT :
  17. Dingus

    Yamaha BB1025

    Yamaha might also be able to tell you who has one in stock for you to try . From memory , I think Chappels of Bond Street are a flagship dealer for Yamaha , and might have one to demo , but failing that Bass Direct usually have one in stock if you are thinking about travelling further afield .
  18. Dingus

    Yamaha BB1025

    I would be very surprised if they had discontinued them already - they haven't been out that long , and seem to be a popular model . U.K retailers still seem to list them as currently available . Your best bet would be to ring Yamaha or a retailer and find out . The model with the scratchplate and control plate is the "x" model eg 1025[u]x [/u]is what you are after .
  19. Let me put my cards on the table and say that I love a lot of commercial pop music , and that I enjoy listening to it and enjoy playing it myself in a band situation . I think that a good record is a good record and a good song is a good song , and the artistry which goes into a good pop record is just as valid as that which goes into the most esoteric non - commercial music . I feel that way because it has become increasingly apparent to me over the years that the deliniation between so called serious rock music and commercial pop music is largely an illusion anyway - all music for sale is equally a product , and the means and manner of production are not the defining factors when considering the worth of the final product . Does it make music worthless if it is manufactured by industry professionals of one kind or another rather than by individuals who are creating folk art as part of a cottage industry ? I don't think so . Both are means to a final ends . The great Motown recordings from the 1960s and 70s that are now rightly revered as great works of art were widely dismissed at the time by "serious " music commentators as formulaic and trite pop songs made by a cynically - run hit record production line . Similaly , bands like ABBA , who time has shown to be musical craftsmen equal to any , were rubbished as being throwaway pop artists without real merit . Only time can decide what has lasting worth . , and real quality is recognised sooner or later . Compare the Motown records or ABBA with a lot of the work of the Progressive rock artists of the same era and then judge which was "serious " music .
  20. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1362520156' post='2000837'] Germans are real rockers , I go over to hamburg now and again to see my mate who plays in a rock band, and the whole place is very metal orientated , gwaaar ist. Ein grosse metalenburger!!!! [/quote] Of course they are metal orientated - you can't make Panzer tanks out of wood !
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362519370' post='2000813'] He runs some sort of weird guitar seminar now, the Sky Academy. He's an amazing musician really. [/quote] He always struck me as being a little bit burnt- out from the Seventies , but a very influential guitarist nevertheless . German hippies are a breed unto themselves . God knows how many are still stuck in far- flung corners of the World trying to hitch hike back to Dusseldorf .
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362518154' post='2000776'] I love the Electric Sun stuff. But Tokyo Tapes was a great favourite of mine. [/quote] I got Tokyo Tapes for Xmas in 1979 , and went to see them at the first ever Monsters Of Rock at Donnington in 1980 . Imagine my surprise some years later to see Ulrich himself negotiating the crowds of students outside Leeds University one weekday afternoon .
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362517962' post='2000769'] Are you f***ing serious!!?? [/quote] I am serious . From Wikipedia , but accurate : [b] Atomic Kitten and The Genie Queen[/b] In 1997, McCluskey founded the UK [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music"]pop[/url] group [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_Kitten"]Atomic Kitten[/url] and co-wrote several of their hit singles. Their song "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_Again"]Whole Again[/url]", co-written by McCluskey, was his first UK [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chart-topper"]No.1[/url],[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_McCluskey#cite_note-6"][6][/url][/sup] and he and his fellow songwriters were nominated for the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivor_Novello_Award"]Ivor Novello Award[/url] for excellence in songwriting.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_McCluskey#cite_note-ivor-7"][7][/url][/sup] More recently, McCluskey formed White Noise Records and publishing label where he tried to recreate the formula of Atomic Kitten with Liverpool girl group, The Genie Queen.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_McCluskey#cite_note-8"][8][/url][/sup] He also bought a recording studio, The Motor Museum, in Liverpool.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_McCluskey#cite_note-9"][9][/url][/sup]
  24. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362517818' post='2000760'] I prefer the Uli Jon Roth approach [/quote] I bumped into him one afternoon in Leeds . True story . Unfortunately my childhood infatuation with the Scorpions was long over .
  25. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362516703' post='2000732'] I remember seeing OMD on ToTP, they depressed the f*** out of me. [/quote] Didn't Andy McClusky end up managing Atomic Kitten , and writing or co-writing most of their hits ?
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