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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. Or from the year before that , and from one of the best ( and most overlooked ) albums of all time : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDEwgD4CImo
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1362091737' post='1995828'] You asked for it! Who'd have thought 32 years ago that I would have anticipated this thread! Do I get extra points for authentic specs? [/quote] Re this photo , curly leads - whatever happened to them ?
  3. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1362091737' post='1995828'] You asked for it! Who'd have thought 32 years ago that I would have anticipated this thread! Do I get extra points for authentic specs? [/quote] Wow ! Just ... wow !
  4. As I once heard the great studio ace David Hungate say , there are lots of basses on the market with all kinds of varied and wonderful sounds , but in the real world the sound that most artists and record producers want on their recordings is a Fender Precision Bass or a Fender Jazz Bass played with your fingers , a pick , or very occasionally slapped .
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1362086968' post='1995697'] I am disappointed that you haven't done your hair. [/quote] Sorry to spoil the party , but that mullet-with-a-spikey-top-bit hairstyle was outlawed by European Union Health And Safety Legislation back in the early 2000's . [u]DO NOT ATTEMPT IT AT HOME ![/u]
  6. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1362082437' post='1995592'] I have found my waistcoat and duly started the photo tribute to 90's Bassist & Fran. [attachment=128721:Fran & Me.JPG] Conservatory / Sun room location - Check Waistcoat - Check. Ok it's leather but I bought it in the 80's Flightcased Trace Elliot Head - Check Twin speaker stack - Check I'll award myself a bonus point for slipping in the original Bassist magazine Who's next? [/quote] Both you and the original guy look like window cleaners in those waistcoats .
  7. I want a U.S.A - made Spector neck - thru , but they are [i]very [/i]expensive . Still , I bet one would suit me down to the ground . Truly classic basses .
  8. Reading through the trajectory of this thread I can only conclude that if Lord Lucan had played the bass we would have found him , no problem at all .
  9. [quote name='andybassdoyle' timestamp='1361567025' post='1987834'] Not really sure where best to post this but my superb Mrs not only turns a blind eye to my reckless spending on bass gear, she also makes a very nice bit of cake and combined these two amazing and brilliant things to make this stingray cake for my 40th recently. The cake was wicked although the playability and tone of the Stingray needed some work, I also blew up my amp when I plugged the cake into it. All in all, tasty but no good on a gig. [attachment=128229:photo-31.JPG] Any other bc'ers out there with basscake anecdotes? Abd [/quote] Did you notice much of a difference having a cake with the three band EQ rather than the traditional two band EQ found on the pre - EBMM Stingrays?
  10. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1362037481' post='1994706'] Including price in the case of the 2024x / 2025x, unfortunately. [/quote] The Yamaha is a lot of money , but it is actually a bit of a bargain in terms of how much bass you get for that price . I would compare these Yamaha basses with the very best quality handmade American and British basses in terms of build quality and sound , and you won't find many comparable basses at the £2000 - £2500 price point . That's a very hefty chunk of change , but a U.S Lakland , Fender Custom Shop , NYC Sadowsky ect is going to set you back substantially more than that , especially with the pound falling against the dollar as it has done recently .
  11. The BB2024X is one of the best basses on the planet . The build quality is as good as it gets , and the sound is to match . The Precision sound on the Yamaha will blow most Fenders out of the water , and it will do so much more besides . Through a big amp like your Ashdown rig the sound of the Yamaha will literally feel like it is hitting you in the chest . The sound is agressive but rich at the same time . It would take a very special Fender to match that .
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361979888' post='1993982'] I'm into this at the moment - mixed it yesterday. [url="https://soundcloud.com/hour-of-the-dog/brand-new-hell"]https://soundcloud.c.../brand-new-hell[/url] [/quote] . Some nice ideas in that bassline - I like the way you move through the changes and play some little counterpoints . The singer's voice and delivery reminds me of Ian Astbury from The Cult .
  13. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1361969842' post='1993752'] Especially if they have graphite necks! I didn't know about those. [/quote] They were definitely an option at the time . I seem to remember the bass player for The Cutting Crew had one back then . They will be [i]very [/i]rare nowadays though .
  14. I bet if Ashley Pangbourne started making basses again there are still plenty of people who would buy them .
  15. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1361967721' post='1993697'] Lovely looking bass. Doesn't MK have one in the 'Sun Goes Down' video? I love the headstock, too. Cheers ped [/quote] MK did indeed have one of these . Genuine British exotica from the 80s , I remember nearly buying one of these the summer after I left school. I went in a guitar shop one rainy afternoon and they had one exactly the same colour as this but with an omega cutout body shape and a graphite neck . The only reason I didn't buy it was because it neck - dived on a strap . I seem to remember Ashley Pangbourne packed it in and went to live in Germany .
  16. [quote name='jamesbass116' timestamp='1361388031' post='1985231'] Me playing a good old James Jamerson bassline... Let me know what you think! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsGaCLq_FdA[/media] [/quote] Excellent job ! Really enjoyed that and really admire your playing skills , makes me want to pick my bass and learn some Jamerson lines .
  17. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1361961907' post='1993577'] A brass nut would only affect the sound of the open string. As soon as you fret a note the nut is out of the equation! I'd go for a good old P bass! It's Simple and fits almost any style [/quote] +1 on this . I have always found the Thunderbird pretty unusable due to the poor ergonomics , whereas a Fender sounds great with fingers or a pick and is very comfortable to play . Xilddx suggestion of a used Warwick is a good one too . Warwick basses have got a great sound for agressive rock music and will help you get heard in the mix . A good Thunderbird has got a nice earthy tone that suits rock music , but there are plenty of other basses that might be more suitable for what you want . Remember to consider weight and overall comfort as well as the actual sound of the bass .
  18. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1361911529' post='1993039'] Definately agree with that. I don't think it's possible for a pickup to be better than the fralin mine has. What's the neo punch like? Just incase I fancy a slightly different back up to my BG. :0 [/quote] The Neo Puch has got a big and chunky agressive sound with a hint of compression . It's slightly more modern sounding than the Fralin pickup , but still sounds like a classic Precision . It's unique in so much as it uses a neodynium magnet , and is basically a Hanson Chi Sonic pickup in a P Bass configuration , from what I can make out . If you listen to the audio samples on the Lakland website the sample for the Duck Dunn ( or 44-64 Custom , as it is now known ) features a Neo Punch pickup and gives a very good idea of what they actually sound like in the flesh . You can compare it to the sound of the Bob Glaub/ 44-64 samples with Fralin pickups and see what you think .
  19. I like the bridge shape on Lakland basses ! It's become synonymous with the brand , and I suppose it was a canny way for Lakland to make their basses easily identifiable and distinct from other brands . It's certainly a very well engineered piece of kit , and is easy to adjust and is refreshingly rattle -free compared to some bridges I have encountered .
  20. [quote name='witterth' timestamp='1361814008' post='1991318'] Cant claim all the credit, but I like the electric bass I played on this ( doesnt date well in retrospect, and some of you will hate it no doubt, its circa) 1990 [media]http://youtu.be/4BvHvA5P-B4[/media] [/quote] This is great ! Fine bass playing and an overall sound that is so 1990 that I feel like I am being transported back to that time by those House beats .
  21. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1360950074' post='1978931'] My vote is for a Shuker jj Burnell Signature p bass. If it's ballsy enough for the stranglers then it's good for anything. [/quote] I would love to try one of these .
  22. G [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1361836667' post='1991881'] My bob Glaub had its first outing tonight. Absolutely amazed by it! I didn't touch the controls all night so purely by how much I was digging in it was rawcus when I wanted it to be and mellow when I didn't. Is it telepathic? I've never had a more intuitive instrument. It damn near plays itself too. I've always loved P basses but every one I've had, and they have been varied has had something missing or just not quite right about it. This one is incredible. I am going to have to stop myself hoarding Laklands now. DJ4 and JO4 owners look out! [/quote] Glad to hear you are enjoying your Glaub . A big part of the feel of those basses is the vintage - style very small gauge fretwire they use , which I am sure also helps give Lakland basses a slightly different sound . Do you know what pickup your bass has ? I am a big fan of the Hanson Neo Punch pickup and its' uniquely agressive and chunky sound , but the Fralins they used to use sound good too .
  23. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1361807242' post='1991174'] I thought it was all in the fingers. You people can't have it both ways. [/quote] His fingers have set the recording controls so the Precision Bass sounds a bit lightweight .
  24. Apparently the P Bass is a 2010 Am. St. with a Seymour Duncan SB3 pickup , so on paper at least there is no reason why it should sound anything less than very meaty . Must be how it was recorded / eq'd .
  25. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a l[i]ong [/i]time ! Reminds me of when I used to read Sounds in the early 80s . Any post- punk band with a guitarist called Lester Square has got to be worth going to see .
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