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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. Something has gone seriously awry here if Inti feels such hostility towards himself that he has asked for his video to be taken down . I saw his clip and I thought it was in a different class of technical ability to most others I have seen . The chap is clearly a very accomplished player and deserves some respect for that . It might not be everybodies cup of tea - it not really my favourite genre of music either , to be honest - but if he can play to that level I don't doubt Into could master most any style or genre he liked . Bear in mind that English isn't his first language either , so the intricacies of some of the criticism and comments aimed at him on here might be slightly lost on him , too . Can't help but think he has been given a raw deal here .
  2. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1359924404' post='1962200'] Make sure you try a graphite neck before you give into GAS. They're not for everyone - I used to love 'em but just prefer an old fashioned bit of wood now. [/quote] Good advice . I love graphite necks , although I don't own a bass with one at the moment I had a fair few in the past , but some folks never warm to their slightly clinical sound . They are best suited to people who do enjoy the sound of graphite , because they will never sound like wood no matter what you do . A Stingray with a Status neck on would be another very good option , but if you want a Modulus you want a Modulus - sometimes it's best to follow your heart .
  3. There's Digital Village and Arena Music both on Mill Rd , near the city centre .
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1360074055' post='1964377'] I don't quite understand this comment... The lowest price "full fat" Warwick is [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_ps_corvette_std_4_ash_bk.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...td_4_ash_bk.htm[/url] or if you want to argue it has to be bubinga [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_ps_corvette_std_4_bub.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...e_std_4_bub.htm[/url] the most expensive of the two if around £1050. The lowest price MM on the same site is : [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/music_man_stingray_4_3bd_mn_bk.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...4_3bd_mn_bk.htm[/url] at £1490 [/quote] At that price I'm pretty sure that is a Made In Korea budget line Warwick bass . The EBMM is the made in the U.S.A premium line , so it's not really a fair comparison . If you compare the eye - watering prices of the ( often very lovely ) German - made Warwick basses to even the more expensive EBMM models then MM20's point about the relative cost of the two brands is a valid one , although personally I am scheptical that Warwick or most other companies ( with notable exceptions , I hasten to add ) would behave much differently to EBMM in the same situation as the O.P .
  5. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1360071356' post='1964312'] Ah, I'm with you now. I thought you meant that it's inevitable that [i]every[/i] secondhand bass will fail, although on rereading I can see that's not actually what you said. Apologies for my confusion! [/quote] No worries , mate . To me the most dissappointing and frustration thing is the sheer amount of brand new relatively high cost basses I encounter that have got what I would call "schoolboy errors " in their construction . The amount of expensive basses I have come across with poorly cut nuts , shoddy fretwork and poorly installed hardware doesn't inspire my confidence in many brands of basses , regardless of the hype that surrounds them . EBMM do tend to be one of the better ones though , on the whole and generally speaking .
  6. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1360070301' post='1964292'] This winds me up no end. Fair enough if the neck had user related problems then yes, you should buy a new neck. This neck has a ridiculous sideways bow which just shouldnt happen. You could leave a guitar in a shed for 30 years and this wouldn't happen (probably). The neck is faulty. F A U L T Y ! Unrepairable, useless. Burn it! And post the pics. You'll become a legend! [/quote] I am not sure why this winds you up . Firstly , anything could have happened to that bass since it left the factory . How do you know that a Hungarian farmer hasn't been using the neck to hammer in fence posts and then leaving it on the radiator overnight ( unlikely , but not impossible ) ? Even if the neck is defective , the only pertinant point is that[u] EBMM have no obligation whatsoever to the current owner .[/u]
  7. Another minor point I would mention about these basses is tio do with the Badass bridge . I like these bridges - they look great and do improve the sound of a Fender-style bass in my opinion , especially as you move up the neck into the higher registers -- but if you are a person who sweats a lot onto your basses the Badass can be a little bit prone to the mini adjustment screws seizing up due to corrosion . For most people this will never really become an issue , but if you will be sweating significantly onto the bass during gigs then it can become an annoying problem .
  8. [quote name='kingofthestuntmen' timestamp='1360060314' post='1964069'] As the owner of a modded '72 P, I'll be watching this thread with interest... This is a bass I will never sell as I inherited it. The original owners intentions were to add a J bridge & (possibly) a neck pup of some kind, a Badass and brass nut; he was a big Sheehan fan. I had a Badass sourced and fitted, but never quite got round to adding the extra pickups. It may still happen, but it's more likely I'll replace the tuners first as the originals are a lil' cranky. I'll bear in mind the advice re the best J to fit in case I ever get the urge... [/quote] That's beautiful just as it is ! Don't start hacking it up ! The Badass is a good addition , and fits into the existing drilled holes for the BBOT bridge , I seem to remember . If you change the tuners get direct retrofit ones and keep the existing ones safe . That is a cracking looking bass and you could easily bring it up to a better level - new P pickup would be a possibility , if you thought it neccesary - without doing anything irreperable . I am not surprised you will be holding on to this one , it looks like a lovely old Fender bass . I would love to play it .
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1360067472' post='1964216'] Young master discreet (when he was five): 'Dad - why am I me and not someone else?' Me: 'Ah. Errm...?' [/quote] The boy has a future as an existentialist .
  10. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1360024676' post='1963859'] Whilst I agree with the rest of your post, this bit is absolute twaddle. You may as well say it's inevitable that something will go wrong with a bass bought new, which isn't the case (other than parts which can be regarded as consumables, such as pots, frets etc.) Change of ownership has no material effect on the reliability and build quality of a bass. Whilst there are risks to buying secondhand, the inevitability of a bass failing shouldn't be one of them. [/quote] I think you are getting the wrong end of the stick here . The point I am making is that if you buy enough secondhand basses - and in the last 30 + years I have bought plenty , so I know a little bit about what I am talking about - it is pretty inevitable that one of them will develop a fault sooner or later . That seems a fairly reasonable thing to suggest . Furthermore , if you buy enough new basses - and I have - then it is highly likely that one of them will " go wrong " in one way or another sooner or later . It is not inevitable that every bass , new or secondhand , will fail , but if you buy enough basses it is almost inevitable that at least one of them will develop a problem . Change of ownership has no material effect on the reliabilty and build quality of a bass , that is self - evident , but significantly , it does subject the new owner to the wear and tear and possible misuse or mistreartment of the bass by the previous owner or owners . All of these factors could be reasons why any bass will fail to work properly .
  11. [quote name='NURZE' timestamp='1360018531' post='1963764'] Hey Dingus, you certainly have a point. But I have to say I'm not asking much. I'm certainly not hoping for a FREE neck or someting. I'm very aware of the fact that that's probably not going to happen. But I Was hoping for an explanation of how it could happen. Because it certainly isn't normal. I know they don't owe me anything, but it just should have happend with the neck. On the other hand I've heard a man from around here, that had the exact same problem and he got a new neck at a strongly reduced price. I'd already be VERY happy with that... I'm going to contact the local importer VOERMAN and ask him what the possibilities are... [/quote] I think you are taking the right approach ; give EBMM every chance to help you and then make a judgement . If you can get a new neck at a reasonable price then I would call that a very good result under the circumstances . Look , let me put it like this : if you buy secondhand basses , sooner or later something unforseen is going to go wrong with one of them . It's almost inevitable . In this case something has gone wrong with the neck , and serious neck repairs and renovations tend to be very expensive . If you can get a new neck then it will make the bass as good as new and will probably end up cheaper than having a lesser fault with the neck repaired . As to what caused the fault , who knows ? I don't know how EBMM could be able to tell you . All that really matters is that you get your bass back in proper order and get back to playing it and enjoying it and put this all behind you . I will keep my fingers crossed the importer gets a good outcome for you . Let us know what happens .
  12. I have to say , my friend , that if you bought the bass second hand then EBMM are behaving perfectly reasonably by offering to sell you a new neck . If you had bought the bass new then that would be a different matter , but any warranty or indeed any good will is really only applicable to the original purchaser . Things like this are one of the pitfalls of buying used basses , I'm afraid . Of course it would be nice if EBMM were more generous , but you can't reasonably expect or demand them to be so . I would find out the actual cost of a new neck with shipping and taxes and duty ect then make a decision . All in all it might not be that much and at least you could salvage the bass . Unfortunately things do go wrong and develop faults and it can be a pain , but at least this is something relatively easy to fix . I think you are looking at this whole situation the wrong way round , and it is wrong to lay blame at the feet of EBMM , who have no real obligation towards you whatsoever . Please don't get the idea that I am not sympathetic to your frustration and dissappointment , but no one has let you down here . It's just one of those things .
  13. The Geddy Lee neck is very , very skinny by any standards . Some people find it a bit to skinny . There can also be a problem with stability on necks that have so little wood in certain cases , and the very thin neck probably contributes slightly upper-mid - forward to the sound of the bass . The neck on the Geddy Lee is noticibly slimmer front to back than the neck on Geddys original 72 Jazz Bass that the Signature model is based on . I would recommend trying before you buy , if possible . I an not a big fan of these basses , but some other folks seem to love them .
  14. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1359842579' post='1961168'] I'm aware of the price difference, especially with how I want one. Just cautious where I've never been able to try one. I've ALWAYS wanted one though. [/quote] Have you ever tried a bass with a graphite neck ? If you like the feel and sound of graphite then I can't imagine that you would find much not to like about the Modulus ; its a pretty mainstream and conventional Fender / Musicman-style design when all is said and done , and you know its going to sound like a Stingray with a graphite neck . I'm sure there will be a few Basschatters out there with one of these Flea basses - why not ask if there is someone within striking distance of you with one that you could try ?
  15. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1359849275' post='1961285'] Saga are a great bad as far as I am concerned. Sorry you don't like them Dingus. Still Canadian but not much facial hair. :-) [/quote] [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1359890544' post='1961526'] Saga still are popular in Germany for some reason, the last time I saw them there was a sad lack of facial hair! Great band. [/quote] Don't get me wrong , my friends , long may Saga continue to please their army of fans Worldwide with their unique brand of prog rock , but they stuck in my mind for being [i] spectaculaly [/i]out of keeping with the musical trends of the late 70s / early 80s , and listening to them again has only reinforced that impression . If Saga are still going then I salute their staying power as a band , and it just goes to show that the best way to avoid going out of fashion is to never be in fashion in the first place . Bear in mind that I have been traumatised by growing up in a household where my older brother listened to The Alan Parsons Project - that kind of abuse stays with you .
  16. That's fair enough . A new Modulus will set you back up to about a thousand quid more than a new Bongo , depending on what finish and options you go for , so that is one thing to consider . This video is a pretty good comparison of a MM Stingray and a Modulus : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyrKlS8qGD4
  17. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1359836999' post='1961068'] Funny, a mate of mine who loves his hi-fi gear has found a pair of Sennheiser HD410's which he's giving me. I'll need to collect them from his place, but for free gear, that's pretty cool of him! I'll order a Pandora when I have the cash to spare (car needs new tyres and insurance next month). Until then, bass in the bedroom it is! [/quote] Free is good ! The 410s will get you going , and if you find you get a lot of use out of the Pandora you could always upgrade to better headphones at a later date .
  18. Both great basses . The good news is that you can't go wrong with either . The Bongo you already know well , and in my opinion they are fantastic and unique instruments and the equal of much more expensive " boutique " basses . The Bongo is pretty unique sounding , whereas the Modulus is basically another take on the Stingray- nothing wrong with that but maybe slightly less tonal options than the Bongo . The graphite adds to the punch of the sound , and makes the Modulus a very substantial bass that could last you a lifetime . Would you be buying new or secondhand ? I've seen both basses at good prices on Basschat , and both would be a good investment in terms of resale value . Could you stretch to buying the two of them ?
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1359567483' post='1956810'] So, this Pandora thing, can I just have that on it's own with some good headphones? I won't need to have my amp downstairs at all? I could just keep the amp for playing live or trips to the studio etc etc...? [/quote] The Pandora is all you need . I got one on a whim , and now my amp I practise through at home needs servicing because I have hardly used it for two years ! The Pandora is so handy , and it is easy to record yourself onto your computer with it too . You will need some headphones with good bass response that are relatively easy to drive ie pretty low ohm rating and relatively high sensitivity . I use Sennheiser HD485 , but these are now discontinued , as are the HD415 , I believe . There's plenty of other models that will be fine though . Give me a shout of need help choosing some .
  20. Well you learn something new every day ! I had never heard about this before . Saga - now ther's a blast from the past . I seem to remember them being Canadian with lots of facial hair and lots of keyboards and very over - complicated song arrangements . Edit : Just had a listen on YouTube . Saga were just as awful as I remembered them . I expect they did well in Canada and mainland Europe .
  21. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1359792333' post='1960306'] The best vehicle for him to display his talents was Flotsam and Jetsam, he wrote most of the songs on their first two albums and played some great lines on the debut Doomsday for the deceiver. [/quote] I remember them . They were a bit relentless too , especially in those days before the Speed Metal Olympics were as developed as they are now . All these bands sound like a right bloody racket aimed at 14 year old boys to me , to be honest with you . I've heard Jason play close up , and he can do so much more than grind out these riffs , it's just a shame he never seems to get the chance . His choice , I suppose . This track is eminently forgettable Metal By Numbers . Could and should do better .
  22. [quote name='Bill W' timestamp='1359751515' post='1959981'] But isn't music the one domain where ageism is not a problem as long as you don't try to look 18 when your 80, even if your still 18 in your head [/quote] I certainly couldn't care less about how old a musician is . I can't help but notice though , that a great many of the more successful artists in the music industry do everything they can to maintain the fragile illusion that they are eternally in their mid to late twenties .
  23. It's not that you neccesarilly have to do anything different as you get older , but nevertheless , but the significance of that behaviour and how it is perceived by others will change . Not changing in your attitudes and behaviour as you get older is quite peculiar .
  24. I think Jason Newstead is a very good hard rock / metal bass player , but he never seems to have had the best vehicle to display his talents . Metallica always seemed way too dense and thrashy most of the time for him to show off what he could do , albeit with some very notable exceptions such as Enter Sandman , Unforgiven and some of the other more commercial tracks . It would be nice to hear Jason in a bit calmer and more melodic environment like an " old school " hard rock group . He seemed to cope admirably with being in Ozzys band for a time . I think he would really thrive in that kind of an environment .
  25. [quote name='Bill W' timestamp='1359745701' post='1959871'] Your only as old as the bass you feel Come on now, you want to buy a new bass not run of with a younger woman Go for it [/quote] Buying even a [i]very [/i]expensive bass works out[u] much[/u] cheaper than running off with a younger woman .
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