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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1358537402' post='1941195'] No, maple and ebony touchboards are special order. I've got a ebony fretless due in April. Also giving thought to a sunburst/maple fretted. [/quote] Fair enough . I only mention it because I have seen one or two one-off specials from Yamaha at trade shows in the past . May I ask how long you had to wait for your special order from Japan ?
  2. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1358538075' post='1941209'] Can't wait for the pics. [/quote] Me too .
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1358535554' post='1941143'] When I ordered my BB2024 I was surprised to be asked if I wanted a maple or a rosewood fingerboard. I thought that rosewood was the only option. I chose maple because I could and I'm glad I did. I'm not aware of another. Are you? Oh it certainly equals all the hype btw Peter [url="http://peterb4407.smugmug.com/Other/SmugShots/20297576_MJZnTm#!i=1861702876&k=6HF8pHZ&lb=1&s=A"][/url] [/quote] On the question of whether this is the only one , it's conceivable that Yamaha did a special run with maple boards and that some were sent to Europe for display at the Musicmesse in Frankfurt last spring that were then made available to the public . Pure speculation on my part though , I have no real idea if that is the case . What I do know with certainty is that If that bass was mine I would keep it for the rest of my life .
  4. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1358535554' post='1941143'] When I ordered my BB2024 I was surprised to be asked if I wanted a maple or a rosewood fingerboard. I thought that rosewood was the only option. I chose maple because I could and I'm glad I did. I'm not aware of another. Are you? Oh it certainly equals all the hype btw Peter [url="http://peterb4407.smugmug.com/Other/SmugShots/20297576_MJZnTm#!i=1861702876&k=6HF8pHZ&lb=1&s=A"][/url] [/quote] I love this bass ! Really rare and rather special .
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358529730' post='1940995'] If you weren't into the music at the time, then it's not surprising that you unaware of just how influential Joy Division's music and Peter Hook's bass playing were. It was very much as much musical as it was cultural. The sheer number of records being released that featured bass parts that owed everything to Peter Hook's playing was staggering. If that doesn't count as influential then I don't know what does. [/quote] I wasn't enjoying a lot of that music , but I was/am certainly aware of it - I was surrounded by it ! So as not to dismiss this fellow out of hand , I've just been having a listen to some Joy .Division and New Order . If I were to find a generous way to describe his style in Joy Division it would be "naive " , and I mean that in the artistic sense rather than as any kind of a slight or a put -down . He is unashamedly without formal training or technique and has a childlike simplicity to his playing . No doubt to many that is his appeal and his greatest strength as a musician . As to others playing like him , do you not find it conceivable that , if Peter Hook had stumbled across that style of playing by default in rejecting formal conventions of how to learn to play the bass that others who similaly rejected traditional learning would end up sounding similar in certain respects ? Musicians with skill and knowledge are able to develop individual styles and techniques to express their personality and individuality . People who can't play mostly sound approximately the same .
  6. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1358528827' post='1940966'] [size=4] edit: sorry, not laughing at you... just showing you the emoticon! [/quote] No worries !
  7. The only way that JLS are the hardest working band in Britain is if they have all taken on cleaning jobs on the side . It's harder work having to watch/listen to them .
  8. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1358525281' post='1940884'] Depends if Jimmy Saville is around or not.... [/quote] If I knew how to use emoticons there would be one laughing its' head off at that .
  9. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1358521881' post='1940776'] Have you listened to any of the "indie" music that has come out in the last 20 or 30 years? Wouldn't have happened without Joy Division and Hooky's "awful" bass lines. Certainly wouldn't sound the same. Also, Goth. There would be no such thing without Joy Division. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't influence a whole generation of musicians, and therefore music. [/quote] I have spent the last 30 years immured in the music you describe , and I do not believe for one minute that this music wouldn't have existed without Joy Division . That is exactly that kind of empty and self - aggrandising propoganda surrounding these two bands that I am talking about . It's a completely false supposition . Joy Division may have inspired countless musicians as you say , but why would that in itself elevate the quality of their art ? The Spice Girls doubtless inspired many people ( mainly girls I expect ) to want to be in a girl group , but that in itself does not make what they created to have an intrinsic value . People can be inspired and influenced by all kinds of things , but that says more about the imagination of those who are inspired than it does about what inspires them . About the influence of Peter Hook , very few people play that way even in the indie genre . He has a unique and very limited style . Just for the record ,before anybody gets on my case , I never described Peter Hooks playing as "awful " -that's your words , not mine .
  10. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358520045' post='1940722'] It's all a matter of taste though, isn't it. Or as Lol Coxhill put it: beauty is in the ear of the beholder. [/quote] If people enjoy any kind of music then that's great as far as I am concerned and I am all in favour , , but if people are making judgements on the effiacy one music over another - as a lot of journalists cultural commentators and music fans who championed Joy Division and New Order and their ilk were at the time and still are - then they cannot really complain if people state a contrary view . It's all a matter of taste , but people will always discuss taste .
  11. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358519159' post='1940701'] Fair enough - just that many have made the point that although he might not be a master technician he is a great musician not least because of his influence; he's not just where he is because he was lucky enough to be in some influential bands or is an interesting personality (which he certainly is). Not a great JD fan myself either, but can't deny his originality or influence. Hope you survive the hangover - mixing it were you? [/quote] I was moderate , but a mixture of cold weather and hard work is wreaking havoc with my constitution ! That whole Joy Division / New Order thing is my era , but I didn't like it at the time and I still don't like it now . I can see how they bands were influential , but I think their influence is more cultural than musical . Regardless of any debate about the actual playing ability ( or lack thereof ) of the musicians , a legend has been built up around those bands that the music never really warranted any level .
  12. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358517104' post='1940647'] Have you read much of this thread ? [/quote] I've just read this thread again . What do you think I'm missing . Have you read it ?
  13. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358517104' post='1940647'] Have you read much of this thread ? [/quote] I've just read it all , and I am trying to be restrained in what I say to avoid controversy because I am too hung -over to argue today , but suffice to say I am not a fan of Joy Division , New Order et al or the culture that championed them , but that is neither here nor there in relation to this issue . None of that changes the simple fact that you can either[i] play [/i]the bass or you can't . The rest is sophistry . Those that criticise technique are almost invariably those who don't have much of it .
  14. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1358368335' post='1938056'] This post will no doubt piss people off, but I gather Peter Hook is doing a masterclass at the Bass Guitar Show. A masterclass? He seems a very average player who happened to be in A successful band. Am I missing something? [/quote] No Pete , you are not missing something . Peter Hook is not a very accomplished bass player by any musical criteria . He is a bass guitar[i] personality [/i]far more than he is a bass guitar player . In most musical situations other than those he is immidiately familiar with he would be at a complete loss how to play the bass guitar , and I expect he would probably readily admit to that himself . He is only intrested in doing what he does , and what he does is very limited . If you're into that music then great , if not then I really can't see what he would have to offer , except maybe some business advice .
  15. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1358435965' post='1939099'] I think the problem is the use of the word 'Masterclass'. Personally, I don't think that he's a 'master' of the instrument and I'd expect some one leading a 'class' (which suggests educational)to at least know where an 'A' is on the bass (which he has admitted that he doesn't).If it was advertised as a Q&A I don't think there would be a problem. I'm not a fan of Hook at all and I really don't get Joy Division or New Order (except for 'World in Motion' obviously),but I get that there are people who would like to hear his stories.I don't think he'd offer much in a 'masterclass' setting though. [/quote] I think Doddy has put it perfectly here .
  16. Maybe The Bass Doctor up in Newcastle can help ? Just a thought .
  17. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1358355766' post='1937698'] I'd have no hesitation is going for the SB2. The only possible draw back (it is for some people anyway) is that there is no tone knob, just two volume knobs. A small upgrade will fix that though. Great basses for the money.....and that split coil pick up is a monster !! [/quote] Another vote for the SB1 here .
  18. I think Strings And Things ( EBMM U.K importer ) can supply repacements .
  19. My own humble setup is a pair of Sennheiser HD485 headphones , which sound amazingly good despite their modest price . Just as importantly , they are very robust and still look and work like they are brand new , even after three years heavy use . I bought my dad some Beyerdynamic DT770 phones and they are beautifully built and sound terriffic , and I bought myself some AKG K550s earlier this year but I prefer the Sennheisers for everyday use .
  20. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1358325327' post='1936864'] Recovering headphile here. Grado obsessive. Owned GS1000, MS2i (Alessandro variant) SR 225, 80i and 60. Also Shure SE 535 & 530 (not at the same time) and SRH940. Powered cans thro an Earmax Pro with vintage Telefunken tubes. Sold nearly everything for bass related stuff :-) [/quote] Grado GS1000 and Earmax Pro ! I'm impressed ! That must have sounded amazing .
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1357661657' post='1926240'] My love for Thorun is well known - have both your EPs! Some great stuff on here, a very electic mix. I know a lot of people say "[i]sorry about the sound... sorry about the playing" -[/i] but, funk it, if you're willing to share it, then I'm willing to respect it Couple of live ones from the vault. First from our Christmas party @ Gibson's in York, billed as The Nightmare Before Xmas with some of our mates (Jonny Gill, Dark Days of December, Way of the Texan) - following an ancient Mayan tradition, we had a skinful for this one. Carlsberg, I believe. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt7jhNqGM7A&feature=share&list=UURzhy6uYNI-Wz9zOKu2XezA[/media] An earlier gig, supporting The Mercy House and Viking Skull. Red Stripe this time. [media]http://youtu.be/moPyPzIbIQA[/media] I think that's when the carpal tunnel was starting to dig in, as I look to have a lot of strapping. [/quote] Hard rockin' stuff played with conviction ( and beer) , You look a lot less like John Charles in these vids than in your profile picture , though .
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1358278804' post='1936272'] For buying gear there is only one place........Basschat ;-) [/quote] For used gear I would have to agree !
  23. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1358276997' post='1936227'] Bad idea, bad concept. I've had regular excellent service from dealers slagged off on Basschat. And I've had very poor service from dealers glorified as top customer service on Basschat. Basschat approved (or not approved) would tell me nothing. [/quote] Have to agree that Basschat approved ( or not approved ) would not be feasable , fair or neccesarilly accurate . I would suggest that before the nominations even got off the ground there would be disagreement , argument , claim and counter- claim about who was worthy of being included in what catagory ect . Look at the heated discussion there has been over Bongogate , and then imagine that discussion expanded to every retailer anyone on Basschat has had ( or claims to have had ) an issue with . It would be chaos .
  24. The delay will most likely be due to the sheer volume of orders being processed by EBMM and the priority being given to Bongo production at a given time . It's in everybody else in the chains' intrest to get the bass to the customer as quickly as possible so they can get paid , I would think .
  25. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1358252713' post='1935524'] I missed all of this. So, did Gareth receive yet another unsatisfactory bass? [/quote] He certainly got an unsatisfactory case .
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