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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1387741271' post='2315145'] Anybody else notice that the audio and video aren't always in sync on the YouTube clip? P [/quote] It seems to match the bass better that way somehow though, it seems to me.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387733337' post='2315010'] I knew this thread might surface soon. I managed to read a thread on Talkbass last week about this. Basically, Fender seem to have parted ways with SKB, (potential fall out, not sure) and they are now starting to roll out a NEW version of the 2008 onwards Amercan Standard cases. In the mean time, they are using the classic cases, as seen above. Thing is, the SKB cases really were the icing on the cake. Anyway, here is a picture of the NEW 'SKB-style' ABS cases, but I don't know who makes them: [url="http://www.fender.com/accessories/cases/abs-molded-precision-bassjazz-bass-case-black/"]http://www.fender.co...ass-case-black/[/url] They actually look really good. I am quite annoyed that Fender didn't announce this to customers, as the OP has basically just been given an older/heavier style of case without a choice! Don't get me wrong, its still a decent case, but it isn't what you paid for IMO. My thoughts? Make them send you the new ABS case. That is if the bass is right for you. If not, send back and wait until the new cases start shipping to Europe. [/quote] That explains it then, but it is remiss of Fender not to have changed the spec on their website, which still clearly mentions the moulded ABS case with glass-reinforced TSA locks, ect as being included with the Am St basses. Asking to be allocated one of the new cases when they arrive seems like the best plan to me, too, unless Fender U.K have still got some remaining stock of the older SKB ABS cases.
  3. Looks like a lot of bass for not a lot of money. Yamaha are masters at exceeding what you would expect at any given price point, so these are probably well worth trying.
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1387727683' post='2314932'] They are superb. Light as a feather and incredibly protective. Superb design. [/quote] Absolutely right, Nige. On balance, I would say they are the best cases I have ever used. They are nearly as tough as a flightcase, but don't give you a hernia.
  5. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1387726805' post='2314917'] It is so weird because they ordered it in for me and I can see that the bass, case, etc. is all brand new. [/quote] PM'D
  6. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1387726298' post='2314913'] The bass is definitely right with a 2013 serial number 'US13...' but I don't think the case is right. Here are some photographs. [url="http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/minuspilots/media/1_zps4c37cc37.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/minuspilots/media/2_zps0472722c.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] That is definitely the wrong case. The SKB case is much better than that one. Get in touch with the retailer and tell them that something is wrong and demand the proper case.
  7. Unless Fender have changed the spec at the factory without telling anybody , that bass should come with a superb rectangular ABS SKB case.like this: That bass is still listed on the Fender website as including that case .If this bass hasn't come with that, find out why and demand an explanation and a replacement. .
  8. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1387621920' post='2313837'] Over the years the height of my bass has changed quite a bit. Sadly, so has my weight! These days I am quite inconspicuous on stage amongst lots of other musicians and I rather concentrate on my playing. I don't need to 'strike a pose' like I used to years ago. My playing is so much more accurate and dexterous when the bass is higher up my body. [/quote] Sounds like you might be having a similar problem to myself, in so much as some overweight middle-aged bloke keeps getting his picture taken holding one of your basses.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387653170' post='2314302'] I know what you mean. I got a full driving licence in 1982 - the expiry date is 2034. At the time I thought, 'Ha, ha! That's never going to happen!'. And it hasn't of course... but it's seems a hell of a lot more likely now than it did then. But then I remember thinking that Prince's '1999' was set in the far future, too - back in 1982. Now it's ancient history. Young master discreet has no idea who Prince even [i]is[/i]. Or was. The future is with us. Along with steel basses. And sinister military robot dogs with no heads or asses that can do stuff. It's true. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1czBcnX1Ww[/media] [/quote] Without going into details, there have been women in my life who, looking back now , seemed emit a very similar noise as that robot does . We are indeed living in the future. Reality as we knew it actually came to an end about twenty years ago, and what has happened since then has all been folly. The hardest thing for me to cope with has been the advent of Facebook and seeing pictures of girls I knew at school with their daughters who are now grown up and older than their mums were when I knew them. Stainless steel basses is nothing compared to that. I found out that there is a Facebook page set up by people I went to school with trying to find out what happened to me and where I am now. I have been thinking about setting up my own Facebook page trying to find out the same thing.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387651370' post='2314276'] Obviously BRX would play it on stage, in public... but would you? I wouldn't. Which probably makes me very shallow. [/quote] I would play one on stage if I lived in the future, when no doubt designs like this will proliferate, but to be honest with you, I'm not really even living in the present. Never mind embracing change, I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I am going to have to pay the Poll Tax. Stainless steel basses is a bit too much for me to take in .2013 is a bit too much for me to take in .
  11. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1387648806' post='2314228'] You have piqued my interest! [/quote] Lulls are indeed great basses ( Mike Lull is one of the few builders who I would describe as a genuine perfectionist) , as are Sadowsky and the U.S.A-made Laklands that offer a similar range of traditionally-inspired modern basses. If you want to go the Fender-style route, the possibilities are almost too numerous to list.
  12. BRX has probably got one of these on order already. These sound bloody marvellous to me, I must admit. It's like a Steinberger , but better. How long before they offer a budget version made in Indonesia from compressed Bacofoil and Kit Kat wrappers ?
  13. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1387553992' post='2313329'] Here's the new girl trying not to upstage anyone of course... [url="http://s30.photobucket.com/user/KevB64/media/600full-paz-lenchantin_zpse0b6567e.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] I used to be thin like that.
  14. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1387559135' post='2313402'] She's forgotten her socks! [/quote] [quote name='aende' timestamp='1387634658' post='2314017'] Also forgot her bra.... [/quote] ...and the less said about her knickers the better.
  15. [quote name='Steff' timestamp='1387587701' post='2313716'] Good point about the Duncan designed pups, I've just put a pair of 70s pickups in mine(thanks to Bass Doc), so the CS 60s will be up for sale soon. Already can hear a difference plugged in my computer, can't wait to test them on a gig tomorrow! There's a few treads on talkbass about the difference between CS 60s and original 60s pups, some guy did a A/B and found significant(in my opinion) differences. The CS sounded more refined, smoother, with more mellow highs. The original 60s were much punchier which is actually what I really value in a Fender basses because they already have those nice soft lows and for my playing I need a pickups that'll be nice and smooth when I play light and punchy and growly when I dig in. I can already hear the 70s I just got are much closer to that than the CS 60s. And I can confirm, I already feel better ... [/quote] The more mellow highs on the CS60's is partly due to the slight overwinding. It makes the pickup a little bit louder and pushes the lower midrange frequencies a bit more , but the trade-off is that it rolls off the treble response. A lot of '70's Fender Jazz pickups , especially mid to late 70's ones, have got significantly less wire on them so the treble is more extended and the mids have a slightly different emphasis.
  16. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1387623582' post='2313860'] Do you know what, I looked at the pics and the last thumbnail (from the Wal site) at the bottom shows a 5 string headstock - I hadn't noticed previously - my mind immediately said you are ok it's a fiver!! And you are right that is very beautiful and I am caused a major problem!! [/quote] I've got a feeling that bass will get snapped up pretty quickly. I sold a MK1 Wal with an equally beautiful maple top for £625 in 1999, and I was glad to get that much for it in the end ! How good do I feel looking at that bass ?
  17. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1387555663' post='2313346'] Having owned both Wal and Alembic basses I feel that the filter based system is the absolute best way to go with bass electronics. Much better than the common cut/boost preamps - the downside is the price! [/quote] I too am a big fan of filter -based preamps . They are far more useful and far more colourful in what they offer than simple cut and boost designs, but as you rightly point out, they tend to only be found on more upmarket designs.
  18. I remember Overwater basses right from when I very first started playing in the early 1980's, and back in those days they were one of a whole host of British bass builders who were seeking to challenge the American brands that had previously dominated the top end of the market. Exotic foreign brands were far less available in the U.K in those days, so the market was ripe for British-made equivalents that would be both more available and more affordable. History has cast Wal basses as the long-term victor in that marketplace in terms of prestige and desirability , but Overwater , JayDee, Status and a few others all make basses of comparable quality, in my opinion . Where I personally think the Wal scores over Overwater's equivalent designs is that the Wal has a more distinctive signature sound that is very easily identifiable. The Wal also has a bit more guttural power , whereas the Overwater has a more of a generic modern high-end exotic wood bass kind of a sound . That is not at all meant as a criticism of Overwater's sound - some may well prefer that tone- but just a description of how it differs from the inherently fat and chunky- sounding Wal. Ultimately, I would have to say that with any bass, but especially one that is such a special purchase, if you have to think twice about whether you really want it then the answer is that you probably don't. If you want a Wal , you want a Wal. That said, if you tried an Overwater and became familiar with its' virtues with it in the same way you are familiar with the Wal then then you might change your alliegiances , so if you get a chance to play one, take it. Overwater have got a retail shop exactly so people such as yourself can have a chance to try their instruments and see if they like them and I don't think they would be at all put out if you went to try out their basses with an open mind.
  19. Great video all round , Johan . The clean tone makes all the difference, and it's a really fascinating comparison between the different basses. Keep up the good work .
  20. We have had this discussion before , and some folks got a bit upset when I suggested that there is nothing inherently cool-looking about wearing your bass slung low. The simple fact is that very few bass players who wear their bass below the waist can play very well . That is not a coincidence. You can't play with good technique if you are fighting to be able to spread you fingers and use your hands properly. The bass should be , as Essential Tension rightly says, at approximately the same height standing as when you sit with it resting on your leg , i.e around waist height with the top bout angled under your left breast. Where does the assumption that wearing the bass low looks cool come from , anyway? Who came to that conclusion and why? I don't want to look like a disaffected youth or pretend that I am an American skateboard punk who doesn't get on with his parents. I like watching Antiques Roadshow, I think that most kids nowadays need a clip round the ear and I'm worried about house prices, and the height of my strap reflects that.
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387549233' post='2313260'] Can anyone comment on how the new ACG pickups compare with the sound of a Wal? The Wal bodyshape is just ultra cool. [/quote] Hi Gareth, I've never played an ACG, so this is purely from what I have gleaned from reading about them , but I think the comparisons with a Wal are derived not so much from the tone of the pickups but more from the fact that the upmarket ACG's have a filter-based preamp which is similar in certain respects to the quasi-parametric system used by Wal in their preamp. In case you aren't familiar with them , a filter based system works very differently to the simple cut/boost type preamp on basses such as a Music Man Instead of simply adding bass or treble, turning the knob on the filter preamp sweeps through a defined bandwidth of frequencies , similar to what it sounds like when you depress a wah wah pedal, to give a crude example . Even without a preamp, the unique design of the Wal pickup gives a pretty huge and fat sound. I really don't know if the same could be said of whatever ACG pickup design. I think Aaron Armstrong builds ACG's pickups for them , and he certainly knows what he is doing, to say the least, so I'm sure they are terrifiic in their own right, but Wal pickups have a very distinctive , heavy , full sound with an emphasis in the low-mids , and I am not sure ACG would necessarily want to copy that kind of very stylised sound for their own basses.
  22. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1387547261' post='2313219'] It seems like an age away! I'm looking forward to going down to the workshop next year sometime and going through the various options. I went for it in the end as I could have been waiting forever for the right one to come up on the second hand market... and to be honest the prices aren't that different for new vs used anyway... [/quote] The basses Paul is building now will probably be equal to the best Wal basses ever in terms of overall quality and attention to detail . The long waiting time reflects that. I think you are better off buying a new bass than paying approximately the same money for a used one.
  23. The late , great Alan Spenner playing a Wal Custom : [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlPJYXVvimQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlPJYXVvimQ[/url] And his very capable understudy, Gary Tibbs playing a Wal Pro : [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OfRZ63gLgI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OfRZ63gLgI[/url]
  24. Seeing as this thread is a bit of free-form Wal-orientated love-in , lets have a bit of a Wal-fest: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkxElNZiJew[/media] Luis Jardim playing a Wal Custom for Trevor Horn : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THt7o6dzMuw[/media]
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