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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. I'm trying to post an ad for a few sets of brand new but very slightly used strings in the "Other Musically-Related Items" section and when I hit "post" it keeps telling me to state a price , despite the fact that I have already stated my incredibly reasonable price both in the heading and in the text itself. Am I doing something wrong , or is this just another example of how I am being unfairly victimised by Basschat because of my outspoken views on Victor Wooten?
  2. One of the worst put-together basses I ever saw was a Modulus. It looked like it had been bolted together by a drunkard working against the clock on a game show.
  3. Irritatingly enough, I agree with both sides of the argument. Ideally , a neck pocket should be tight , not least of all because there is no real disadvantage to it being so , and all kinds of possible advantages in the best possible ( tightest) fit. However , will it slight gap create any audible difference ? I doubt it. Will a bass with a gap neccesarilly be without merit? No , not so. As for long-term stability , most old Fenders don't have tight neck pockets , and they have lasted O.K . Someone who is a expert bass builder once told me that in reality, the lateral join between the neck and body is far more important to the transference of sound than the side join. Who am I to disagree? Anyone else notice that this has become a much bigger issue in recent years , just like weight ?
  4. "My diarrhea has been intermittent all day ..."
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1384772684' post='2280421'] If you are struggling for volume, a dedicated, portable, cheap but great headphone amp such as a FiiO should be able to drive your headphones properly - will give you a little extra if you enjoy listening to music from say, an ipod or iphone too. [/quote] Massive +1 for the FIIO. Amazingly good-sounding devices at bargain prices. The FIIO E6 should do the trick if you can't get sufficient volume to drive your chosen headphones from a portable device:
  6. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1384772476' post='2280416'] Just tried the Fodera with my Grado SR80's. Still struggling for volume a bit with these. Maybe I need closed ear 'phones rather than the Grados which are very open? [/quote] On paper at least, the Grados should go loud , but their sensitivity is [i]slightly[/i] on the low side compared to some headphones . A closed back design won't neccesarilly go any louder , as the type of design affects ambient sound leakage rather than ultimate volume. Some people use those headphones with an ipod, so I can't explain why the Fodera won't drive them sufficiently. I am not that familiar with Grados myself- great sound but a little uncomfortable on my ears in my very limited experience of them - but they ought to be an easy load . Try the Grados on another portable device ( phone, ipod ect) and see if they will go sufficiently loud . If they do then it would seem like the problem lies with the Fodera unit.
  7. My experience is that changing pickups can have mixed results, in so much as if you have a bass with some crap ones in , it can yield a big improvement , but swapping a decent set that sound perfectly O.K for some supposedly turbocharged boutique set can often be dissappointing and ultimately a waste of money , because more often than not you end up with a very slightly different version of the same sound, at best. Step away from the bass and resist the temptation to tinker.
  8. It's a shame Rickenbacker don't allow copies , because if they did someone might build a Rick that actually played well and was built to work efficiently . Imagine a boutique Rick . It's the one design still ripe to be plundered. I love the Rickenbacker sound, but I can't get on with them at all my self. They are a beautiful design , but flawed in many ways . I would love to try a 4004, though. They look great to me .
  9. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384721195' post='2280013'] I don't see how. The Ladies need to sleep, so the kind Gentleman is letting them stretch out on the floor, because the sofa is not big enough. He's decent enough to keep that large dog with him so it doesn't eat the ladies faces off when they are sleeping. Paragon of virtue as far as I can tell. [/quote] Men of our generation can understand that, Billy, but you get a lot of uppity- types nowadays who want to see everything as an insult.
  10. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1384719013' post='2279972'] This is my washing up music of choice..... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGYMHG7pDiQ[/media] [/quote] If an artist were to release an album with that title and that cover nowadays...it would cause a stir!
  11. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1384718407' post='2279963'] Here's my bit of brightening up a dreary Sunday, a bit of classic 70s disco with a super-funky bass line [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY0tsKCB4lc[/media] [/quote] A great track, and surely one of the greatest basslines of all time.
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1384718109' post='2279955'] I hope you're not suggesting anyone has pissed on their chips [/quote] I'll admit I have tried it , but , on balance, I prefer ketchup.
  13. [quote name='Wally' timestamp='1384713787' post='2279849'] Sunday in the kitchen will always find me skanking [media]http://youtu.be/yjg6flu3zuc[/media] [/quote] Love that track! This is the Toots track that always lifts my spirits, no matter what: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ivk0x1vThY
  14. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1384711715' post='2279805'] I know, I know, hair, spandex, pointy headstocks an all. Not for cleaning the kitchen, but driving. Guaranteed I'll be over any speed limit within 1 minute. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-77j0Qw41s[/media] [/quote] I remember vividly how that album raised the bar for virtuosity in metal. Vai , Sheehan , Bisonnette = watershed moment.
  15. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1384648900' post='2279229'] In deciding the finer details of a new Shuker build it's down to the headstock layout. I was thinking that a 3+1 layout would be something a little bit different. Apart from the obvious Musicman example are there any other good examples that use this config. I seem to remember that Mtd did a few but I might be mistaken. Also is there actually any benefit to having a 3+1 setup...?. On a 5 string it makes sense to have 4+1 or a 3+2.. Cheers guys+gals [/quote] I seem to remember that, unlikely as it sounds, Music Man actually have a copyright patent on the 3+1 tuner configuration, so other manufacturers avoid it for fear of being sued by Sterling Ball . Leo Fender designed the 3+1 headstock on the Stingray to change the resonant frequency of the neck and eliminate a perceived deadspot on the 5th fret on the E string on his initial design prototype.
  16. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1384704515' post='2279677'] I heard this on the radio a while back and thought, what a great excuse to buy a 5 string, the bassline sounded so smooth, thick and creamy... I heard the original by France Gaul (?) on holiday in Ibiza, ahh, takes me back...the long highlights and curly perms, skin tight shorts, airtex tops & that was just me & then promptly forgot about it all....until I found this video this afternoon. Now, I don't really think it's 'live' per se, more a filmed 'performance' then audio dubbed after? I [i]think[/i] I can see the keyboards in time with the bassline, I could be wrong though, but not knowing jack about synths, is the bassline synth' derived or done with a proper bass? Nothing really happens until 1:24 in. Whatever quite a good workout on a bass, quite a few chords kicking around in this song to play over. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8dd4okYa7s[/media] [/quote] I really fancy the backing singer, but unfortunately I look too much like the keyboard player for anything to ever happen between us . Nice track, though, and it has inspired me to get Mrs Dingus to make me an omlette for my tea . She needs the exercise.
  17. I'm loving this band and their album has been one of my favourites this year. Despite the fact that they look like students from 1986 , complete with silly haircuts , their sound is very sophisticated and incredibly intricate . They are all good players , too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeDGfk0UJw8
  18. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384706958' post='2279719'] Say what you like, but 1 post= one of your own. Come on, school us? [/quote] I'm getting to it, just bear with me!
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1384704196' post='2279673'] OK here's mine: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SREZ-ggSDjM[/media] [/quote] Never heard this band before , and I quite like that track . They should have mixed the bass a bit louder IMO , though. Something very late 1980's about their sound that I like.
  20. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384701071' post='2279614'] There aint no reasonable here! I'm cleaning the kitchen, listening to this over and over.. leaping around with my rubber gloves on, playing air bass, imagining I'm in front of of thousands bringing the noise.. I love this song! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=308KpFZ4cT8[/media] [/quote] I like everything about this band , except the music , unfortunately.
  21. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1384694486' post='2279509'] I'm pleased you said that - reminded me that I have a Fodera dedicated headphone box for bass. Forgot all about it! Must dig it out, from what I remember it was a bit under-powered, maybe the headphone impedance though? [/quote] If you use some headphones with an impedence in 16-32 ohms range with a sensitivity of at least 100db/mW you should be able to get a decent volume level even with battery -powered portable devices, Barrie. Because of the popularity of things like mp3 players there are lots of headphones on the market now within those specs, so plenty to choose from if you are looking for new pair. I would be interested to hear what that Fodera headphone amp is like , because excellent as it is , I am on the lookout for a better-sounding alternative to the Korg PX4b for playing through at home with headphones on . I have had my eye on that Fodera unit, or the EBS equivalent.
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1384652521' post='2279244'] i dig your comprehensive replies. ! there is another option . AKG. [/quote] AKG are also fantastic headphones from one of the most prestigious companies in the business, but, depending on which model you choose, they are finnicky in comparison to Beyerdynamic, generally speaking . A lot depends on which pair you choose, but their domestic hi fi-orientated cans all share a very disinct sonic signature that is the "AKG sound" . That is they are [u]extremely [/u]precise sounding , to the extent that some folks find them fatiguing after a while, with a very crystalline and finely- etched sound that people tend to love or hate .Most significantly , considering what you intend to use them for, compared to a lot of other headphones on the market , they can seem a bit bass-light to most listeners. Most headphones on the market nowadays have exaggerated bottom end to help them sound more appealing to the typical consumer, whereras AKG are uncompromisingly neutral in their tonal complexion , making them sound a bit thin by comparison to the competition . They do have bass , but what you get is what is on the recording , not what is produced artificially by the headphones. Some of the proaudio and DJ -orientated AKG's have decent apparent bass response, like the K240, for example , so might be worth a try , but if you were thinking of forking out for some AKG Quincy Jones Signature 'phones or similar , I wouldn't bother unless you intend to use them for home hi -fi listening with a good quality dedicated headphone amp. I've got AKGs and Beyerdynamic headphines myself , and the Beyerdynamic are much more generous in the bass and a bit of an easier listen, whereas by comparison the AKGs are crisp and precise with lots of detail in the sound , so which is best depend a lot on what you prefer, but I'm working on the assumption that most of the music you like relies on having good bass .
  23. Well , Phil Jones does have a background in designing hi-fi products, so it may be that the hype has some substance behind it. However , whether these can match the overall sound quality and bass response of something like the Beyerdynamic DT770 , I seriously doubt. The Beyerdynamics have an incredible pedigree and are an industry standard in pro audio for very good reason . The Beyerdynamics are also a very robust and repairable headphone designed to give year after year of good service. The Phil Jones ones are unlikely to be as robust. The only caveat with the Beyer's is that the 32 ohm version sounds crap. You want the 80 ohm or 250 ohm version , depending on how much power you will have available to drive them . A laptop or similar portable device may struggle with the 80 ohm version , and almost certainly will not have enough juice to drive the 250 ohm set.
  24. I like the looks. The look matches the ultra- modern sound.
  25. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1384631252' post='2279004'] My wife said bloke as well, wasn't intending to be offensive but she is very masculine. [/quote] That's no way to talk about your wife. I'm sure she is doing her best.
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