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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. I played in a predominantly acoustic guitar-led band for a while about twenty years ago , and I found an old Precision Bass was just about perfect . I used rounwounds with the tone all the way [u]on [/u], rather than rolled off , to exploit the big , grainy sound of that P pickup and the rich array of overtones it is capable of producing , and that sound sat beautifully both live and recorded . It's a mistake to think that just because you are playing with acoustic instruments that the bass neccesarilly has to have a boomy , soft , wooly sound . Maybe you wouldn't neccesarilly want to sound like Jean Jaques Burnel , but there is a happy medium to be struck . Ultimately , either a Precision or a Jazz will be fine , and then just experiment and see what sounds best .
  2. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1376566693' post='2176076'] Those are very high tension strings and very heavy gauge. I'd say you certainly need another set up, but would probably advise lower tension (and probably lighter) strings on a late '70s 4001, to be on the safe side. On a '70s P Bass, you'd probably be safer. [/quote] [quote name='4000' timestamp='1376566786' post='2176080'] And this is the most pertinent question....you've picked just about the highest tension strings you could though, either way. [/quote] A big +1 on both these points . Rick necks are not the most robust at the best of times , and those strings will be putting enough tension on that you could use the bass as a bow and arrow ! Leave them on for any length of time and you will very likely get serious problems developing . Either remove them , or the only other alternative is to tune the bass down a couple of steps to D to reduce the overall tension . If the strings are new you could try selling them in the Basschat classifieds and replace them with something a little less extreme . Flats put much more tension on a neck than the equivalent gauge of roundwound . Heavier flats don't sound better , either . They all sound fairly , well ... flat , regardless of gauge .
  3. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1376522935' post='2175615'] Just been on the Alleva Coppolo website. I'd still like one. [/quote] I might be getting a free one !
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1376520892' post='2175582'] This thread seems to be going around and around without actually getting anywhere.... AC makes lots of very good basses, everyone likes them - he makes one dog, sells it, turns out customer service isn't a strong point. Every tom dick and harry chimes in with their opinion, some of which are interesting, some of which arn't. Twelve pages later the same things go around and around again. So... we learn every luthier in the world can have a bad day, and one man band luthiers may be crap at customer service. Beyond that... it just all become so negative.... don't be daft. Ask around - now for each maker you'll meet one or two who maybe get something with major or minor issues.... and hundreds of happy customers. I'm pretty sure you could spend £3000 on anything status, overwater, ACG, sei, shuker, or the other british builders and have no problem at all. (Also EU legislation protects you from defects better) [/quote] Yes , Luke . All I have been trying to say is the nearly all builders / manufacturers will have had experiences like this if they are in business for any length of time . Genuine misunderstandings and sincere disagreements happen , but it doesn't make them villans whose work becomes worthless overnight .
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376519185' post='2175553'] Conversely, it seems everybody who is so keen to defend the guy owns one of his basses. Worried about resale values much? [/quote] I haven't got one , and never have had . I played a couple when they first came out , but that must be going on for ten years ago now . I am trying to get away from the ubiquitous active Jazz -style bass , so I am very disinterested in owning one , except maybe the stubby little short scale one he makes to play in front of the T.V to annoy Mrs Dingus . Jimmy Coppollo , if you are reading this , they were all saying terrible things about you but I stuck up for you . If you want to show your appreciation by giving me a bass then send me a P.M and we will arrange delivery . You owe me . Those short scale ones are the cheapest ones you make , so it's not really much to ask . Just make sure it's not ex-show stock .
  6. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376515496' post='2175448'] I agree. Their basses are immaculate. The one I own, even though it's 10 years old, been around the world, courtesy of its previous owner, is stunning and plays like a dream. [/quote] I think a lot of the dissappointments that people experience with exotic custom - order basses from the States is that , after duty , tax and shipping costs they end up paying over the odds for what they actually end up with . A bass which would be the equivalent of £1900 -£2250 in the States can easily set you back three grand or more by the time you get it in your hands here in the U.K . You aren't getting a £3000 -quality bass for that money . With a Status or similar , you are getting a lot for your money , by comparison .
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1376513846' post='2175412'] Is that the time you'll be advertising it for sale? [/quote] Harsh . But funny ...
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1376511307' post='2175334'] All music company merchandise, caps, t-shirts, polo shirts god forbid. All that horrible wearable sh*t. I mean WHO the f*** would be seen in a Warwick baseball cap? (I have one somewhere) A Hartke tee-shirt? An Alleva-Coppolo skirt? [/quote] How about a Ri*******cker dildo ? Then they could take and ... well you get the idea .
  9. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1376506630' post='2175209'] That is part of the appeal of an alembic! [/quote] +1 on that . The whole point of Alembics is to want one but not actually be crazy enough to buy a new one .
  10. I can't stand it when people play Rush on a Musicman bass . Musicman bass + Geddy Lee bassline = wrong .
  11. [quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1376505687' post='2175185'] Was saving up for my dream Status and probably looking close to 3k . Although this thread is only about A.C. , it surely must make anyone think long and hard about a new build . Certainly made me think , and I'm not even questioning Rob's work . [/quote] I had a custom - order Status bass and in my experience Rob and Dawn are two of the most decent and honest people you will ever meet in this business . You can place an order with them with the knowledge that they won't be happy until you're completly happy with the bass you get from them , and they will be there to help with any future problems you have with it . I would say buying a Status is a [u]very [/u]low risk in comparison to many other builders .
  12. I've got lots of irrational dislikes , including Ashdown . I dont like the blue trim on them , but having said that , I didn't mind it on the old Acoustic amps . I don't like blue basses , either , or green ones , on the whole . Also , I'm not keen on Andy Murray or Emma Thompson , but that's a whole other story .
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1376500432' post='2175039'] Why would anyone shy away from AC? They are great basses. The only difference between last week and this week is that anyone buying a bass on the internet should be demanding a dozen photos of the current condition before they complete the deal. [/quote] +1 on that , Chris . I would be even more direct than that . If I was in the market for an AC bass I would be on the phone to Jimmy Coppollo and discussing my concerns in the wake of this fiasco . I strongly suspect he would be glad to have the chance to tell his side of the story and would be ready to offer some extra assurances that his work is up to scratch .
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376499458' post='2175016'] [/quote] These are great basses .
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376499350' post='2175012'] [/quote] If that bass was a sweet you'd probably think twice about eating it because you'd wonder what additives were in it to make it that colour . Looks pretty good , though , in a pornographically yellow kind of way .
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376461002' post='2174137'] So if I put up a '62 Jazz on eBay, which turned out not to be a '62 Jazz at all but it did look a lot like one, but I'd advertised it as a '62 Jazz and someone had given me £20,000 for it, would it be their fault that they'd got saddled with a bass that wasn't what they thought it was? I'd have the plausible deniability - I could say I didn't realise it was fake and I sold it in good faith and as far as I'm concerned it's now the buyer's problem. Is that good enough? Would you be keen to support me with your odd brand of objective pseudo-legal responses? [/quote] The scenario you describe is in no way a parrallel of the one with this AC bass . I could explain why if you like - my perculiar pseudo-legal training makes me an relative expert in such matters - but you probably wouldn't be sufficiently interested . Suffice to say , the 62 Jazz in your hypothesis is not what it has been represented as , so the seller has to take responsibility for that . He states with confidence it's a 62 Jazz and it isn't , so he is liable . If he had said it [u][i]might[/i][/u] be a 62 Jazz for these reasons , but you buy at your own risk , that would be a different matter entirely .
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1376482430' post='2174514'] I had a similar experience with a (very popular) builder that was less than rosy. I chose not to make it public on this forum (or any other forum as it happens) as I knew the fanbois would defend to the max. I was close to doing so though - why? I was heavily out of pocket, left with a pos and it was looking like I was not going to get any resolution to the situation. The luthier was not listening and was questioning my ability of knowing anything about the constuction of instruments and how they should or shouldn't be. I managed to get the situation resolved and get a replacement... albeit only when a third party got involved. Pretty sad that luthiers tend to be highly defensive of their work, reply on the uber offensive and basically treat their customers as dick heads. The only thing that makes the experience a bit sweeter is that I never put in my 4k order with said luthier and never had to deal with the possibility of beind lumbered with a substandard pos. I can fully sympathise with the OP on TB. I'm still surprised at JC... I read it back again today and my jaw is still on the floor. I love Allevas (well, that green racing stripe one at least)... but I wouldn't have the confidence to order direct now. I would only buy an instrument off the shelf that I could inspect... which is a great shame because an instrument like that, you should have the confidence to spec it up and now that it's going to arrive absolutely bang on. This whole thing about it being a discounted show instrument stinks. If I was at a show and saw that excuse of a bass, I would be walking anyway. I can't see JC having done himself any sort of favour here whatsoever. Just an all round sad state of affairs. [/quote] I have also had comparable situations with big -name builders , and resolved them in each case with some satisfaction for myself ( and in certain cases spectaculaly good results in the end ) and without going public with my grievances . It would have been counter-productive to do so . No doubt if I said who these builders were and what their shortcoming were we could have an orgy of " That's disgraceful , and I would never spend that much on an xxxx or an xxxxxxxx " threads and people could spout of at lenghth about how they were unlikely to ever spend x amount on any bass but if they ever did they would never buy one of them and instead would probably get x British luthier tio build them one just like whatever because it would probably be better value and better quality , but anyway it all just makes them even happier with the bass they got for £300 from Tescos .
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1376484806' post='2174602'] In that case you might have put less time and effort into explaining your beliefs to us. [/quote] I don't explain my beliefs . I can't explain them . I don't have any . Your snide remarks only make you look desperate .
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376439959' post='2174110'] Do you believe the bass had none of these problems initially? [/quote] How could I or anybody else know what problems the bass did or didn't have before it was shipped to the buyer ? My beliefs are immaterial . The pertinent thing is that everyone seems to have taken the buyers version of the transaction as the undisputed truth because they are so "horrified " by the state of the bass . There seems to a collective anxiety that they could themselves spend a lot of money on a bass and end up with a piece of junk in return ( quite possible , too , . if they do ever in fact have the cash to spend and the balls to spend it on one bass ) . Because of that collective anxiety they want to portray Jimmy Coppollo as the bass builder bogeyman , and readily accept any unqualified allegations against him as being true because they so badly [u][i]want[/i] [/u]them to be true . It's a classic example of what Freud called "transferential displacement ". Lets say that Jimmy Coppollo did sell this punter a substandard bass - it certainly looks that way to me at face value - then it is not neccesarilly as cut and dried a situation as it may at first appear . Was there any verbal contract or spoken understanding between the two parties ? Is the buyer telling the whole truth ? Is his version of events complete and truthful about the negotiations before the sale ? He entered into a contract that clearly stated that all sales were final with the knowledge that the bass had some wear . The onus is on the buyer to ascertain the true state of the goods before agreeing to those conditions of sale , and he should have asked for more details and detailed photographs before he handed over his money . Conversely , where Jimmy Coppollo is coming unstuck is that he appears to have been economical with the truth when he described the wear and tear on the bass , but that is an ambiguous area open to conjecture . I certainly don't think he told the whole truth , but salesmen seldom do . The buyer should have had a healthy schepticism and been more careful , as he now realises himself , and says so in the thread , but by the same token JC should have been more explicit and frank in his description of the goods , that seems clear to me . Neither part has covered themselves in glory , that's for sure . It just seems very unfair to me that Jimmy Coppollo could have his business ruined over this storm in a teacup when both parties are at fault to some degree or another . It is telling to me that ,despite all the publicity and debate this thread has generated, there has been no rush of other disgruntled AC owners and past customers popping up to slate Jimmy and his workmanship . It looks like most AC customers are relatively content with their basses and the customer care they have had from Jimmy . What if , as seems most likely , he's a decent and honest man trying to build up a small business who has made an error of judgement in how he handled this particular sale and the subsequent fallout from it ? Does he deserve to be crucified for that ? These situations happen from time to time in any business and you have to deal with them and hopefully learn from the experience , but in the internet age they can be broadcast to the World in moments .
  20. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376435392' post='2174087'] Your point is flawed given that Jimmy replied and did not dispute the buyer's version of events. Given that he disputed the validity of the buyer's OBVIOUSLY VALID PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE then surely we can assume that the buyer's version of events met with Jimmy's approval. No. Your position of "No buyer of anything has any right to expect anything better than shoddy workmanship from any supplier" is preposterous. The customer should reasonably expect excellent workmanship for $5000 given that he could have bought any budget bass built in any factory anywhere in the world for literally a fraction of that price and received a product with a better standard of finish. And given that Alleva Coppolo market themselves as an exclusive, boutique brand, with a price tag to match. [/quote] You are wrong on both these counts , I am afraid . Jimmy didn't dispute the buyers version of events , but as I already alluded to , Jimmy is only a bass builder , not an expert on dealing with disgruntled consumers . If he had got a lawyer to take up this matter , the lawyer would have rejected the buyers version of events as a matter of course . You say the customer should expect excellent workmanship for $5000 , but the price tag is not neccesarilly derived from a superlative level of the craftsmanship involved in making the bass . The buyer was so enthusiastic because the bass was a rare , one -off piece . The value could be deemed to be from its' rarity value rather than the calibre of lutherie involved in making the bass . The buyer saw detailed photos of the bass before he bought it , and entered into the transaction of his own free will . That is the argument that a lawyer would put forward in court on Jimmy Coppollo's behalf
  21. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376434441' post='2174066'] JC said he would replace the fretboard, why would he do that if the bass was in good order? [/quote] The point of what JC is saying about Doug Pinnick ect is that the problem that is causing the fret buzz is something which has happened to the bass subsequently , and that initially the bass had no such problem . No one is denying there is a problem now . The question is what and / or who has caused it . .
  22. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376434093' post='2174059'] Er, in the owners video, he plays with fingers, I can hear fret buzz. [/quote] Well , in that case , if he played it with a pick then it would have [i]even more[/i] fret buzz .
  23. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376434262' post='2174061'] "I think he is referring to the fact that Doug Pinnick played the bass quite hard with a pick , which would have been likely to have accentuated any fret buzz problem ." How so? [/quote] Doug Pinnick is well - known as a pick player .When he descibes Doug as playing the bass " like a man " he is implying that he played it quite hard .
  24. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376433463' post='2174051'] Also, how does playing with a pick cause fret buzz? [/quote] It causes more fret buzz because it usually causes the eliptical movement of the strings to be more extreme than most fingerstyle playing . A bass that plays cleanly with fingers often buzzes when played hard with a pick .
  25. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1376430603' post='2174004'] I think Jimmy was dishonest throughout. I'm surprised the customer parted with $5000 for a bass he hadn't seen, but with AC's reputation you'd think he could reasonably assume he would be receiving a bass that was brilliant but had some signs of playing wear. That's what Jimmy told him was the reason for the discounted price - some wear and tear due to the bass having been played, but this clearly wasn't true. Even disregarding the silly glue/oil/camera flash nonsense and the finish problems on the body (which could indeed have been worn while it was being played), there's the rubbish finish job on the face of the headstock, the strange problems on the rear edge of the headstock and the edge of the neck in the first position, the chips on the edge of the fingerboard (that's not 'playing wear' unless someone's been fretting notes with a chisel) and the terrible contouring on the body. Jimmy told the buyer that these imperfections were due to regular wear from the bass being played a lot, and he must have known this was not true. Anybody who has seen the photos knows it's not true. I think if you knowingly misrepresent a product, you are cheating the customer. And to then compound the mistake by suggesting that the whole thing is the customer's fault, and to effectively call the customer a liar, that's unforgivable. And unfortunately for Jimmy Coppolo you can't do that on the internet without everybody knowing about it. This mess is entirely of his own making. [/quote] The point I keep making over and over again is that[u] you only have the buyers version of events [/u], yet you seem to accept everything he has to say as gospel truth . The other erroneous assumption you are making is that the customer has a right to expect a particular kind of workmanship for $5000 . What is " worth " any given price is a rather arbitrary negotiation , at best . He contacted Jimmy to ask about that particular bass which he had seen and professed to like . Presumably , he had some idea of the approximate quality of the carving and routing from those initial photographs . As I also previously refered to , in all instances , [u]let the buyer beware[/u] .
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