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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. I like those early Paul Young records with Pino on them !
  2. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1374529944' post='2149879'] Huh? Is he wrong or right? [/quote] He is not wrong in what he is stating . There is no double negative . So he's right . He began by asking " am I wrong ...?" , and I told him no , he's not wrong .
  3. Happy Birthday , Clarky . Being young nowadays looks rubbish to me anyway, , so I'm not worried about getting older myself . Fifty should trigger at least a week of celebrations and wreckless spending . I hope you are treating yourself to something nice .
  4. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1374516495' post='2149625'] Oops ! I forgot to tell you that the speakers are already on stands. Just that they're called 'bookshelf speakers'. Me bad . Great advice tho' [/quote] Glad to hear you are using stands , Ray . Those BW's are a quality speaker and deserve to be heard at their best . If you see a REL Quake sub , or, even better , a REL Stampede , going on Ebay for reasonable money then they are a great bet . REL subs stand out because they are equally good for music in a stereo system as they are for home cinema , and are specifically designed to be so . Those models I mention are from the mid 2000's and although now discontinued were fantastic products that have become classics in their own right . Either would serve you well in your flat and , although small and unobtrusive in size , would be ample for your needs . It also helps that REL are a Britsh company that can help with spares and servicing , if the need arises .
  5. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1374510985' post='2149548'] Am I wrong when stating that bookshelf speakers sound a wholesome lot better on a solid stand instead of tucked on a shelf? [/quote] No , you are not wrong .
  6. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1374402863' post='2148306'] Funny you mention B&W. mine are 601 s3. Suppose I could get a B&W subwoofer off ebay, and that should make things sound even better [/quote] It doesn't need to be a B&W sub , Ray , lots of other brands are perfectly compatible with your excellent 601's , which you should get up on some stands , if it all possible . I would recommend a REL sub, , but Velodyne and EPOS make some good ones too , if they crop up on EBay . I use a REL sub with some AE floorstanders and it sounds wicked . Deep and tight bass with a minimum of fuss .
  7. The degree of phase cancellation varies from one set of pickups to the next , but you wouldn't want to eliminate it . It's a big part of what makes a Jazz Bass sound the way it does . Putting both pickups on full and then very slightly rolling off the volume of one of the pickups is a great trick to get a bit more mid - focus with plenty of bottom end support from the neck pickup . Having the two pickups adjusted to the appropriate height in relation to each other also affects the degree of perceived mid - scoop .
  8. Dingus

    What Bass

    [quote name='Bigbaz' timestamp='1374442055' post='2148876'] Why the short time, was it limited take up or a limited production run....I would still like to get my hands on one. [/quote] They are incredibly rare , so it might be a difficult job locating one at any price . They were made by the Gibson Custom Shop . Maybe you could get them to make you one to order . I saw something somewhere where Lee was talking about how he was dissapopointed that Gibson did very little to advertise or market the model , and then discontinued it . Maybe someone in a position of power in the company didn't believe it was a potentially profitable use of their resources and pulled the plug . Even rarer than the Gibson is the Valley Arts Lee Sklar Signature from the early 1990's . That bass was more like a Fender with two sets of EMG Precision pickups .
  9. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1374444892' post='2148920'] Me too. Not sure in the EQ...maybe to make it more Ray like? I'd like one at some point. [/quote] I thought the same , but the single H Reflex has got the four band EQ . You would have thought that they would have applied the same logic to both single H models . I'm sure someone out there ( Probably Dr T Stingray ) knows the answer why .
  10. [quote name='Samashton12' timestamp='1374438405' post='2148814'] Oh i am.. so much so.. Swapping the neck out for a Maple P neck just like in his Modern Electric Bass video! GimmeGimmeGimmeGimme [/quote] He was only using that neck as a temporary measure while the original rosewood neck was being repaired .
  11. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374436283' post='2148763'] Who cares, he covers Zep at his shows. Listen to this [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER9i_M7QvE4[/media] Full of emotion, brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat. [/quote] This is really you isn't it ? You can't fool me !
  12. Great sound and look but very , very uncomfortable basses , in my experience . I got offered an endorsement one by Gibson a long time ago but I found it unplayable and gave them it back !
  13. Dingus

    What Bass

    [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374434276' post='2148720'] There was a Gibson Leland Sklar Signature, based on it that you might be able to find an example of: [/quote] These looked like great basses , but only a handful were ever made in the short time they were available , from what I understand .
  14. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374434289' post='2148721'] Absolutely, but that sort of behaviour is Dire [/quote] But is he Strait ?
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1374432998' post='2148699'] I just used it now on someone else, it worked well. [/quote] I knew it was a winner as soon as I heard it .
  16. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374432844' post='2148695'] Not now. I am just about to listen to a Justin bootleg [/quote] Just make sure Justin doesn't find out . He's terrifying when he gets angry : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij89w9_x8d4 Not just talented but tough , too .
  17. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374431932' post='2148672'] Word is Chris Rea is joining Dire Straits on second guitar. The band are changing their name to Diarrhea [/quote] I will be biding my time from now until I get the oppotunity to use that gag on someone else . In the meantime , I've got a coat you can borrow to put over your head to hide the shame ...
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1374431180' post='2148652'] No music is dire. [/quote] What about Dire Straits ? I'll get my coat ...
  19. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1374419920' post='2148498'] I wouldn't call it "cool" (because I'm not 15) but one of my favourites is my Vinyl copy of Talas' "Sink your teeth into that" that is signed "To Rhys from William". [/quote] Great that he found the time to sign that for you , what with his helicopter flying duties and the baby being nearly due .
  20. [quote name='alanbass1' timestamp='1374430531' post='2148647'] I've got a '79 (bought it in 1980) and it is the best 'Ray I have played (and I've played many over the years). My 'Ray is especially light, weighing in at a under 8.5 lbs, which is unusual and possibly why I like the feel and sound over the others I've tried. [/quote] That is the lightest pre - EBMM I have ever heard of ! No wonder it's a keeper . Mine was light , but I doubt it was that light .
  21. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374428194' post='2148617'] My brother tells me regularly that my taste in music is dire (putting it mildly!), Its his opinion, he is entitled to it, but of course he is wrong! No point in taking offence. He's having a beer with me right now! [/quote] My brother regulaly listens to The Allan Parsons Project and owns the CD of the original soundtrack to the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Chess . I'd like to see him try and tell me my taste in music was dire !
  22. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1374428747' post='2148623'] Yea Justin's last album had me running for my tissues (Toilet tissues!) [/quote] Glad to hear that you find him so erotic ...
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1374427725' post='2148610'] Agreed that the Bongo EQ is perfect. [/quote] To my taste , Gareth , the Bongo is pretty close to being perfect . I would love to try a single H and compare it to a 'Ray . I wonder what their reason was for making the single H Bongo a three band EQ ?
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1374427208' post='2148604'] I get what your saying Dingus, how or why makes little sense though unless the new 2 eq is different to the ones from the 80s up until the modern pcb ones went in? [/quote] I am not a Stingray buff by any means Pete ( I hand that mantle to yours truly ) , but I think the sound of the treble on a 'Ray is really important because it is such a big part of what makes those basses sound how they do . It would be interesting to do a direct comparison to see if the early EBMM's sound different to the current ones . What I do know is that it doesn't take much to change the sound of a preamp . Change a transistor or capacitor here or there because the manufacturer has used a different supplier for whatever reason and the overall complexion of the sound can be altered .
  25. If I had to put it into words ( not easy ) , I would say the treble control on the pre - EBMM Rays gives" slice" , whereas the recent EBMM ones give a bit more " clang ". (I told you it wasn't going to be easy ! ) I personally love the four band preamp designed for the Bongo and think that the treble frequency ( and all the others , for that matter , ) on that little widgett is very well -chosen .
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