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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. If it helps to see these basses in action , I remembered these vids : White Spector [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdHmOuADZjo[/media] Black Spector [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjz5m4BCk_Y[/media]
  2. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1373838954' post='2142212'] haha, brilliant. none the wiser so far apart from swaying slightly more towards the white. @ Dingus: as it happens i love 80s hair metal I'm getting a Euro 4LX but custom spec so with gold hardware. I was thinking initially of black as it looks awesome with the gold hardware, but then so does white. the white one might stand out a bit more...hmmm, i dunno!?!?! [/quote] In that case , I remember being a young hopeful with big hair of my own hanging out at bars and clubs on the Sunset Strip back at the height of the Hair Metal era in the mid to late 1980's , and a Spector bass was the ultimate goal for any aspiring metal bassist , and a white one was the holy grail , Just be careful you dont get hairspray in the electrics - they have a tendency to short out .
  3. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1373838619' post='2142197'] Jon was a true rock legend. [/quote] ...and a true gentleman if you were ever lucky enough to meet him . Thanks for the heads up . I will be watching .
  4. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1373825106' post='2141988'] Said a journalist for Mojo. . . Do some of these people just write any old twaddle to appear 'contraversial'? [/quote] Have you read many of my posts ?
  5. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1373828027' post='2142022'] Buying a Spector, do I go gloss white or gloss black? [/quote] Which model Spector , may I ask ? If it's an NS Series , black looks good with the gold hardwear , white looks good too but a bit too 1980's LA Hair Metal on that particular bass and trans red is very nice as well . If you are in fact getting a proper Spector at all then you are a jammy git in any colour you choose !
  6. Apparently Bobby Gillespie didn't even know where she came from . She just turned up at the audition , impressed them and got the job . She had in fact previously played with band from London called Yellowire . Never heard of them myself , to be honest .
  7. The type of body wood does make a difference , but how much in any individual instrument depends on so many other factors that it is impossible to accurately tailor the sound of a finished bass purely by choice of body wood . It's just one more part of the jigsaw . Alder and ash sound fairly similar in the scheme of things anyway , even when they do make a noticable difference . Very light swamp ash also sounds different to heavier swamp ash , so the whole subject is so complicated and potentially convoluted that a decent example of either ash or alder will do fine , in any circumstances . Some builders , like Lakland , for example , think that the weight and density of any given piece of wood makes far more difference that the actual type of wood , so heaveir bodies have more midrange punch regardless of whether they are alder or ash .
  8. I tried some of these and the tone was excellent but I thought the tension was slightly higher than average ( which doesn't suit me ) and although they sounded good , they didn't sound significantly better than many other less expensive strings and didn't stay fresh - sounding any longer than other ordinary steel or nickel strings . On that basis , I really cannot see where they are getting the price from .
  9. Seeing as this thread has become tenuous , to say the least, I happened upon this little gadget the other day : I'm not sure whether this would appeal to cat lovers or not .
  10. How did life get so complicated ? All Dark Lord wanted to do was perv over a couple of Indie chicks , and I wanted to help him . I only mentioned about checking whether the drummer had in fact started life as a man because I don't want anyone else to go through what me and my family have been through since my fling with Fatima Whitbread .
  11. All this just goes to show that women are big trouble . ( Just kidding ladies . I wouldn't have sex with anything else )
  12. This whole Victor Wooten - inspired school of bass playing doesn't appeal at all to me , but respect to this guy for doing a great job on this tune as a party piece . Not my cup of tea , but not take anything away from the guy .
  13. I bet if I had one of these it would get more use than any of my other basses . Great for playing on the sofa in front of the T.V. It sounds like a lot of money to spend on a bass to do that , but I spent loads on a big T.V and Sky every month and there is mostly absolute crap on it , so at least the Spector would be a good bass and I could drown out the sound of annoying Tory bastards on Question Time with a few .slap licks when the mood took me .
  14. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1373573746' post='2139273'] This is beautiful...... [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/NS4_Shorty_QM_files/ShortyFront.jpg"]http://www.bassdirec...ShortyFront.jpg[/url] [/quote] Wowzer !
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373562249' post='2139112'] You'll need to get ME aroused first mate [/quote] Got one or two tricks up my sleeve ...
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373561752' post='2139109'] You should get undressed then [/quote] I'll be round in about twenty minutes ...
  17. I wish you hadn't posted this . I had no idea of the existance of these basses . Now I want one . A lot .
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373559987' post='2139086'] I would hope my wedding vegetables look a lot less f***ing lumpy that this (is that a globe artichoke in there?!) but here's what I've got me eye on .. [/quote] I am aroused .
  19. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1373486122' post='2138242'] Well, it was actually for a custom, was wondering whether to have a piezo on it for dinner jazz type music as well as it's more common duties. Can't be changing strings every week or so often but wanted to use the same bass for everything and it would be in place of a neck pup so not too much extra. I have no experience of how the piezo sounded. Got more of an idea now, doesn't seem to be the desired effect, even if it has a very nice sound. [/quote] I think the association between having a piezo and getting a sound more akin to an upright applies more to fretless basses , where it can give a certain ambience to the overtones that are reminiscent of those on an acoustic bass . Even on fretless , it's a fairly subtle effect . Otherwise , I have never been enamoured of piezo pickups for bass , not least of all because they add a dimension to the overall sound of the bass that is apt to get lost entirely when you get other instruments playing over you in a live situation . Another drawback is also that they can be rather finnicky and prone to going wrong . A lot of trouble and expense for not much tangible benefit , in other words .
  20. If it's any consolation, Shell , I have been compared to and in some cases actually mistaken for a number of different bass players over the years , including Steve Harris , Geddy Lee , Glenn Hughes , Geezer Butler and more recently Justin Channcellor . All of these comparisons are clearly ridiculous - I am a better looking amalgamation of all of these men - but because you play the bass and have a darkly compelling power over women between the ages of eighteen and fifty five people have a need to pigionhole you and find a point of comparison so they can categorize you . It's not just women that get stereotyped .
  21. Re . Rolo Tomassi , reminds me a bit of this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMp_OlFhiYU
  22. It won't do all of those things - no multiple looping , for example - but the Korg Pandora PX4d ,or PX5d depending on what features you need , is fantastic value for money and an incredibly useful and entertaining piece of kit that does much of what you want .
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1373465954' post='2137937'] Of course isn't, and neither are any of the permutations. But it's about context. [/quote] Yes .
  24. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1373465162' post='2137926'] I think you need to get out more dingbat. My original point was that they are people who make raw rock music and look great. Okay. They don't have a bass player - which is bad as far as this forum goes. So ..... I'll be their bass player. It's my kinda stuff. You do seem to be one who make negative Marvin The Paranoid Android comments. Maybe you don't wish to come across that way. I dunno. Maybe you just think too much. Nothing wrong with a bloke thinking a girl looks hot ..... while playing a guitar too. Works for me. [/quote] Lord Of Darkness , you are very perceptive to see that I am one of life's pessemists , but then again , I have had a hard life . Just for the record , I have never accused you of making those kind of remarks about these ladies in question . I actually encouraged you to pursue your lust and am willing to offer practicalk help and advice on how to make your dreams a reality , even if the drummer does in fact turn out to be a bloke . As you rightly say , hot is hot and you need make no excuse for that .. I am just making a wider point about women with basses in general and it was never my intention to imply that you were a culprit in this instance . My apologies to you if that was what I inferred .
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