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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='AussieBassman' timestamp='1372772493' post='2129724'] So, the usual racist bull. Your race isn't mine so you're inferior. How many repetitions does it take? [/quote] It would seem that with someone as apparently dim - witted as yourself it is going to take several repetitions , and even that may not be enough . Do you have difficulty with reading and understanding ? I am sure adult literacy classes are available in Tasmania , perhaps you should think about taking advantage of them .
  2. [quote name='AussieBassman' timestamp='1372770652' post='2129680'] Are you a racist? [/quote] No , are you ? Brazilians are not a race , they are a nationality made up of many different races . To be racist I would have had to single out one particular race or ethnic group of Brazilians as being particulaly suitable for domestic service . Here in the U.K , due to changes in immigration laws in the late 1990's/early 2000's , there has been a very significant increase in people from Brazil coming to live and work in this country , many of whom gravitate towards working in domestic service . That is an issue of fact .
  3. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372715526' post='2129168'] I think your "Good reason" above coupled with your previous comment that advanced bass skills require a p*nis have more than revealed your true viewpoint. Anyhow, I'm sure that was not why the OP posted this thread, and the mild tongue in cheek title thread was what brought me in, and fair play to the girl, she has a lovely tone to her playing. Thanks for sharing. I think discussing the skills of any bassist, regardless of gender, is what this beautiful forum is all about. [/quote] Well I'm sorry if you have taken offense , but my mistake was that I had underestimated how excited folks get over this kind of thing . Lets face it , if advanced bass skills really were proportionate to the size of a penis a player had then I'd be an even better player than I am now ! ( Not really )
  4. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372713716' post='2129146'] You do realise this is the 21st century don't you? Us women have the vote and everything. Hey, you'd better get your pitchfork at dawn as I know a man who plays the flute and piccolo, and god forbid there are men that actually WANT to ballet dance! I took your other threads with a large pinch of salt, but this defence of your comments screams almost caveman-esque sexism. Suggest you grab your club and retire to your cave for a while and consider how you can actually bring yourself and your attitude forward a couple of millennia! [/quote] Why would you take exception the the highlighted observation ? Do you dispute the truth of what I am saying ? Do you believe the converse to be true , and that there are in fact a proportionate amount of women bass players and drummers ? I can only suppose that you have misread my post , because nowhere do I say that it is right or . desirable that this demarcation of musical roles along gender lines is desirable or the ideal . But it is so , nevertheless . The "good reason " I refer to is open to debate , and I am inviting discussion by making that point . My own contention would be it is because in music just as every other aspect of life , traditional but wholly arbitrary gender roles still persist to a great extent . Like I have said before , [u]none of that is of my making , [/u]so why get angry at me for pointing it out ?
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1372711631' post='2129093'] I really hope you're joking. The message you are sending in your posts in this thread are pretty embarrassing - I mean, talk about making women feel unwelcome. Come on, the discussion is about bass tone. [/quote] Then you reading me all wrong , dood . I am only drawing attention to the fact that other members - certainly [u]not [/u]me - go gaga over any reasonably presentable woman who plays the bass . Why do they do that ? Does playing the bass make a woman more alluring to them ? It certainly doesn't to me , and I am perfectly entitled to feel that way . Humourous remarks aside , the bass guitar is a very male - dominated instrument , and has always been so , to the extent that there must be good reason for that state of affairs . Just like so many other roles on society , which musical instruments people learn to play is more often than not assigned along gender lines . Women are far more likely to be backing singers in a band than bass guitarists , or drummers for that matter . None of this is coincidence , nor is any of it of my making , so why people seem to want to hold me responsible because I have pointed it out , I am not entirely sure .
  6. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372706168' post='2128933'] Sweetheart I wouldn't lower myself to his level And good job us women who do play bass do it for the love of the instrument and not to try and be "alluring" to men. Couldn't give a rats arse if blokes fancy me because I hold a bass.... I do care if I can get their feet tapping to the groove. [/quote] Steady on now , don't shoot the messenger ! It's not of my making , but the plain fact is that not many women play bass . Far more women will be cooking and cleaning tonight that practising scales on their Fender Precision Bass . There has to be reasons for that . Maybe a lot of the more advanced techniques on bass require a ***** . Maybe that's why the call it " slapping "?
  7. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1372702037' post='2128830'] Just what I was thinking... [/quote] I agree , too . Time and again on this site people ( males ) go daft over any half - decent looking woman who happens to play the bass . Have they never seen a woman before ? More's to the point , why would them having a bass in their hands make them so irresistable ? I would be seriously put off any girl who played the bass - it's just not very alluring. I like to see a woman with a hoover or a saucepan in her hands rather than a bass , then I know she is in her element and I feel happy for her .
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372702366' post='2128839'] The British love an underdog, but as soon as you're the, er.. 'overdog' it's a different story. [/quote] In many cases , yes , but their are notable exceptions . Adele is the current one that springs immidiately to mind . She has had massive success yet still garners incredible goodwill from the British public . She seems to have the common touch , in that respect . Coldplay , on the other hand ...
  9. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1372701479' post='2128819'] I have no issue debating music openly but vitriol is different. This thread is riddled with the latter. [/quote] You are quite right about the vitreol , but there does seem be something about the Mumfords that brings that out of people . To me , their music sounds like it has been contrived to be the soundtrack of an advert for cider or some kind of frozen fish pie and the band look like actors in some British chickflick kind of a movie , but they are just the latest in a long line of bands to feel a backlash to their success .
  10. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1372698874' post='2128770'] There really are quite a few bitter people on this forum. Reading through some of the threads today when I got back from Glastonbury really pissed me off, full of total vitriol for bands that obviously work incredibly hard in order to get where they are. We get it, you don't like festivals/band 'X' or whatever, but it's like some people are doing their best to make themselves sound middle-aged, hapless and grumpy and it's working a real treat. Get some joy in your lives, understand that people have varying ideas on what constitutes good music and might not completely agree with the bluntness of your point of view. It's f***ing boring and not what I thought this forum was usually about. [/quote] A couple of questions for you in that case . Why would " working incredibly hard to get where they are ", as you put it , redeem or recommend the music of the acts you talk about ? Why would not enjoying their music be neccesarrily due to an inability or reluctance to feel joy ? You say that we need to accept that people have a variety of views on music , but then you are telling others off for not sharing your view and expressing themselves in a way you disapprove of .
  11. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372690016' post='2128611'] I'd serve anyone one of you..... Not with what you'd want with your misogyny mind [/quote] I'm not a misogynist . I'm just a very , very attractive man who needs a cleaner . That sounds even worse , doesn't it ?
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372690900' post='2128633'] You sound bitter. Could Kraftwerk sit you down and play you a number? I partially accept your second point. [/quote] I have nothing to be bitter about , I'm just realistic . Most bands are dealing in the Emporers New Clothes . The wider public want that , and the music industry encourage it in every way possible because it fascilitates sales . Never underestimate the power of novelty . The only alternative would be for people to actually listen to music and think about what they had heard , and if they did that then why would they be endlessly preoccupied with new music ? There is just as much validity in old music , but the emphasis is always on the quest for what has supposedly so far eluded us . If these "artists " can't come up with anything new ( many can't ) then they are encouraged to reuse the old and present it as their own creation . There's nothing inherently wrong in that - I love that band Rival Sons , but they should be paying half their royalties to Led Zeppelin and at least some of the remaining half to Humble Pie - but that's what is happening , nevertheless , for better or worse . And I like to think the Kraftwerk could sit down ( well , more like stand up actually ) and play me a song in this kind of a fashion : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkTQsOQLEeU[/media]
  13. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372689490' post='2128595'] Certainly not how they've come across in interviews, and their lyrics are interesting and a lot of people seem to understand them. I think it's very easy to ascribe these attributes to bands without knowing their background, and in the next breath, the Beatles were genuises and we seem to forget their highly narcissistic image and poppy little ditties like Love Me Do. I wish we still had a music culture and and industry that supported artistic DEVELOPMENT. [/quote] I think a big part of the problem is that there are too many acts , not all of whom really have that much to offer . Could XX sit down and play you a song ? I really don't know the answer to that question . This years flavour of the month will soon be discarded in favour of next years musical saviour , who will doubtless be some "credible " act who capture the zeitgeist of the hour in Hoxton and Shoreditch . Music , like any other industry , is about selling a product to make a profit . It only suited record companies to develop talent over the long -term when that was profitable . In most cases , that approach isn't profitable any more , so it has been abandoned .
  14. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1372688263' post='2128571'] It's not hard to see why the number of active female members on Basschat can be counted on one hand... [/quote] Yes , I agree . It would be very hard to find a good female servant on Basschat , even if you advertised in the Wanted section . There just aren't sufficient numbers .
  15. I love Bobby Womack as a songwriter and artist in his own right and have done for many years , but I'm not sure that he's really best suited to being a festival act , or indeed that his greatest strength is playing live at all . His real talents are as a singer , guitarist and writer . He is a thoughtful man with great depth of feeling in his music and it doesn't neccesarilly follow that his live performances will be equally as enthralling as his recorded work , just like any act . If you were going to see Bobby Womack live much better in a more intimate setting , I expect As for The XX , like so many bands nowadays , it's all external drama and posturing with no real content to the music , either intellectual or emotional . Everything is melodrama and image , but there is nothing of any real substance behind it except misty - eyed narcissism .
  16. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1372685601' post='2128507'] But can she make a sandwich? [/quote] She's Brazilian ( I think ) - they usually make pretty good domestic servants .
  17. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1372677767' post='2128357'] I've just heard the wood pigeons in a tree just outside my window doing that cooing thing and it was absolutely in time with the 'ooh, ooh,' in Sympathy For The Devil. How cool is that? [/quote] It's not a coincidence . After Altamont the Stones enlisted the help of the wood pigeons to protect them from the wrath of the Hells Angels who had taken out a contract on them . The plan was that wherever the Stones were in the World , there would be a local chapter of pigeons waiting in the sky above them ready to swoop down on any would - be assailants and peck them mercilessly into submission . The Beatles had tried a similar plan a couple of years earlier - Paul wrote the song Blackbird about it - but Yoko put a stop to it because she saw it as a challenge to her absolute authority over John .
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372638263' post='2128078'] Yes, you are a miserable bastard. And I think you mean 'consistently'. And yes, NC [i]is[/i] a musical genius. But what's really raising the temperature of my urine to at least 100 degrees Celsius is the fact that your quotes take far too much time to edit due to your inexplicable habit of entering double spaces everywhere , particularly before commas , ( and before and after parentheses ) , random words , and full points . [/quote] I'm a miserable bastard because I have had a hard life . And I already told you , I can't spell and I am consistantly intoxicated . But regardless of that , my spelling is infinitely better most of the time than most other people on Basschat .Besides which , I thought you were supposed to put a space after punctuation when you type . Even if you're not supposed to , I think spreading my posts outlike that makes me more important . Because it make them bigger . I don't know why you have singled me out today to discipline and make an example of . Are you having one of those days where you pretend to be a strict English teacher ?. My friend who worked for the BBC who had a breakdown started sitting at his computer and pretendiing he was a travel agent and acted out booking flights to exotic destinations for imaginary customers . I let him book me a flight to Indianapolis and then freaked him out by going to Indianapolis shortly afterwards ( for an interview) and sending him a postcard . I am glad to tell you he's much better now and back at work , albeit in a lesser position within that organisation . Regardless of this , to my sensibilities at least , Nick Cave is not a musical genius , unless you have a very generous definition of the term . He sounds like Val Doonican with an underactive thyroid and a serious drug problem . Who knows , maybe that is his genius , after all . Maybe it's me who is out of step and the World needs a crooner like Nick . That said , in spite of his questionable musical talent , he seems like a very intelligent and interesting bloke who has plenty of other talents . And he really knows how to dress himself , so full marks to him for that .
  19. [quote name='Enzo' timestamp='1372643989' post='2128091'] BTW, enjoying your avatars. I'm almost compelled to check this thread to see if you have a new one [/quote] I expect you won't recognise any my carefully chosen minor celebrities from the British media . It would take some explaining to someone in the States such as yourself who they are and their special significance , but sexy women of a certain age transcend most cultural boundries . The current one is an English newsreader with an interesting social life . I like to think she and I could be special friends if we met .
  20. All of the above sentiments , and [i]so [/i]much more ...
  21. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1372631992' post='2128018'] Tuned one of my guitars open G today in honour of Keef, it's a Squier tele so it looks the part. Must admit it was lot if fun. I'm gonna leave it like that for a while. [/quote] If you enjoyed the Stones so much why not treat yourself and go the whole hog with your Keef tribute - rent a Chateau in the South of France and get yourself a kilo of smack and a blonde girl with big knockers . That open G tuning will start to sound even better , I guarantee it .
  22. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1372631818' post='2128012'] I must admit NC is a miserable bastard, however is also a genius and at certain times in my life I've been quite drawn to his music. [/quote] I'm a miserable bastard , but at least I'm not consistantly about an eighth of a semitone flat and wailing loudly in a deep baritone voice about themes of dissolution , death and despair . ( I leave that kind of thing to Mrs Dingus ) . To be fair to Nick , I liked his suit , and his shirt was pretty dapper too , so full marks to him for making an effort to look smart . When you say he's a genius , I'd love to know in which direction or discipline you see his his alleged talents shining so brightly . Surely you don't mean a musical genius ?
  23. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1372627647' post='2127951'] I love Nick Cave, just watch Nature boy on you tube to see a great song! [/quote] Thanks for the recommendation , but there is enough grinding misery in my life already .
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372624830' post='2127890'] Nah, don't you believe it..!They're just after a quick gander at your avatar..! [/quote] Possibly true . Everyone else on here seems to have never seen a woman before .
  25. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1372625558' post='2127907'] The man is a genius, lyrically and musically. Witness: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx9P6qB3R8E[/media] [/quote] This sounds like Nick Cave to me .
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