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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372624291' post='2127870'] That's good - because he likes Basschat and speaks very highly of you. [/quote] I think you'll find that most of the big names in the music industry are logging on to this site on the sly to hear my controversial and fascinating opinions and find out where they stand
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372623725' post='2127862'] Quite, but as Mark E Smith said, 'You can't be cock-a-hoop all the fookin' time'. [/quote] Mark E Smith is one of the few people in the music business I can think of that I am genuinely frightened ( and a bit in awe ) of .
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372620745' post='2127818'] You forgot to say 'in my humble opinion'. And I think you mean 'maudlin'. And saying that anyone who enjoys Nick Cave is deaf or stupid or both is a little bit out of order. OK, you don't like him. We get it. But there are quite a number of NC fans on here. [/quote] I'm a drunk dyslexic who can't type - I think I got the spelling pretty close under those circumstances . Humility has never been one of my strong points - I've been presenting my opinions as facts for some time now and seemed to be getting away with it , I hope this isn't the end of that or I might have to start acting reasonably . Nick Cave still sounds rubbish to me , regardless of whether it is fact or my opinion . I saw live him when he was in The Birthday Party back in about 1982 and they were a complete cacophony , too . The man has a gift for the dismal .
  4. I've just caught some of Nick Cave . Now he[i] is [/i]unequivocally dire . I would rather attach lead weights to my scrotum than endure much more of his pretentious maudeline and morose drivel . Who the f*** enjoys this rubbish ? They must be deaf or stupid or both . It's like watching one of The Munsters doing karaoke . Complete and utter bollocks .
  5. It sounds like a typical parrallel - wired MM style humbucker with a really nice focus and slight upper - mid rasp from the E.Q . Warwick did a fantastic job when they designed that MEC MM - style pickup - it's just about the best on the market , in my opinion . As always , the fact that she is a good player helps a lot , too . The good news , Gary , is that you should be able to get a very close approximation of that sound with your HH Bongo using the E.Q and the balance control .
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1372612450' post='2127698'] This is so true and it could have given us the advertising slogan of the century: "Stingrays give you Wings" (Sorry about that) [/quote] Y ou should have a career in advertising , ( then again , you are probably not sufficiently annoying on a personal level for that industry ) .
  7. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1372545581' post='2127140'] This is just one example of how there's more to life than Fender, more to life than 4 strings and more to life than overweight big-handed male bassists. [url="http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2013/06/26/poliana-magalhaes-jamiroquais-runaway-playalong/"]http://www.notreble....away-playalong/[/url] CB [/quote] Do me a favour and try and lay off the whole " there's more to life than overweight men who play the bass " thing . If Mrs Dingus were to see that and get those kind of ideas into her head I could be left facing a lonely future , and on top of that the prospect of having to pay for a cleaning lady and cook .
  8. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1372603905' post='2127577'] I think that this thread just goes to prove that if The Fab Four had played Fenders they really could have been a decent band. [/quote] If they had stayed together long enough for Paul to get one of the first Stingrays in '76 , who knows what they might have achieved ?
  9. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1372370917' post='2125110'] Is that a peavey grind? [/quote] No , it's a New Romantic .
  10. I clicked on this thread hoping to learn something about some hitherto - unknown Seventies supergroup called Flags , Concrete , Decking and Soil , you know , like Crosby , Stills , Nash and Young , or Emerson , Lake and Palmer . I was mistaken . But you are quite right , the garden is no place for a bass . Unless you playing Glastonbury . And even then , I'd only take a cheap one .
  11. There are plenty of post - 2008 Fender American Standard Jazz Basses that weigh under 9 pounds , and they come up used pretty frequently at very reasonable money . What's more , they are great basses just as they are and don't require any modifications . In my experience , the sunburst ones tend to be lighter than the solid colours , very generally speaking , maybe because they save the premium wood for the more expensive transparent finishes . You get light ones in solid colours too , so don't dismiss them out of hand , either . A used Am St. from Basschat is what I would be looking for if I had a budget of about £600-700 .
  12. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1372511203' post='2126613'] Er, yes, 2 grand is more than I had in mind. Fender Roadworn maybe a good starting point. But I guess it is like everything else - I kept trying P-basses until I found one to settle on. Or two, actually. I like the idea of the Geddy Lee one but even that is a tad heavy. Question - do Aerodyne Jazz basses sound like Jazz basses? I've only ever heard two at gigs and they both had so many effects it could have been anything. [/quote] They sound like a PJ , which is significantly different to a Jazz . Only the bridge pickup soloed will sound like a traditional Jazz Bass .
  13. There are ones that are guaranteed to be light because they have specially chambered bodies - Mike Lull , Sadowcky NYC - but you are talking about big money . Unless you have that kind of a budget , your best bet is to look round and find a light one . They are definitely out there -you can find plenty of Fenders under 9 pounds - but you just have to persevere until you see the right bass at the right weight . The Fender Roadworn Jazz Basses made in Mexico tend to be on the light side and are very playable basses , by all accounts , so maybe you could look at them for a start .
  14. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1372428040' post='2125660'] Hmm. Not sure. I think I had the impression that Black was slightly more, simply as it works for more people. Could be wrong - as I said, just a personal impression! [/quote] I think the fact that Flea played a black Stingray has helped make that a very popular colour choice for a Stingray , although it helps too that black looks particulaly good on that bass
  15. Some of the transparent finishes on EBMM basses like vintage sunburst and black cherry burst cost a bit more than the solid colours on new basses , so maybe that would be reflected slightly in the price of a used bass . You can do much better than this bass for £900 if you are in the market for a used 'Ray . For that kind of money I would expect an absolutely dead mint and highly desirable example with all the case candy intact ect . Stingrays are in plentiful supply and the price of used ones reflects that saturation .
  16. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1372434675' post='2125764'] I know from experience that 35" scale length doesn't really work for me ...I cant explain the whys and the wherefores, it just feels wrong and I cannot live with it. The only 35" bass that ever felt okay was a Lakland 5 string. [/quote] I too cannot stand 35 inch scale . I would be more inclined to go to a shorter scale than 34 inches than a longer one .
  17. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1372433667' post='2125745'] I've always got GAS, going through a ZZ top phase, always fancied an explorer for some reason. [/quote] Just grow a beard . It will be cheaper .
  18. It's also has to do with the shape of the bass . Usually the further the top horn of the body extends towards the twelth fret , the closer the first fret will feel to to your left arm . That is why on 34 inch scale basses that are Telecaster - shaped or a T Bird shape , for example , the neck feels further away than on a Fender - style bass . The biggest difference you will find on a conventionally shaped bass like the Peavey is in the tension of the strings i.e they will be significantly more taught .
  19. Maybe this Italian chap's singing is actually a lot more faithful to the original than we are giving him credit for : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LxGsmjPTRY[/media]
  20. [quote name='Enzo' timestamp='1372028179' post='2120905'] It kind of makes sense what you're saying, if you ask me. Your own experience make you decide one way or the other, but how many basses can you try to make a meaningful statistic? At the end, every opinion is good, I guess, BUT listen to this nice interview, it's one hour long but at around 15 min. he comments on the weight issue [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBSg1_CRfWY[/media] [/quote] Roger knows what he is talking about when it comes to making basses , that's for sure , so I respect his opinion over most others . Like I have said , I personally like lighter basses and it's only when they are unusually light that the sound can suffer a bit in certain cases . Roger's basses are light , but the fact that he takes heavier wood and lightens it by chambering means that the sound doesn't suffer because the remaining wood still has the sound characteristics of a hard and dense piece of wood .
  21. Hi Rob , I compltely sympathise on the weight issue as I am having back problems myself nowadays , but as others have said already . nothing sounds like an Alembic . I know you probably have a good strap already , but have you tried a [u][i]really[/i][/u] wide padded strap , and by really wide I mean 4 1/2 inches plus ? On heavier basses I find only an exceptionally wide strap makes a worthwhile difference , but if you find the right one it can yield a significant improvement in comfort . It might be worth trying a very wide heavily padded strap as a last throw of the dice , and you would have the strap to use on your Warwick ect if it didn't help with the Alembic .
  22. I would say that a Live Aid - era Jonh Deacon perm is [u]mandatory[/u] . Why do people remember Queen as the best act on that fateful day ? Some would say Freddie's stage prescence . others would say a back catalogue of hits spanning over a decade , but the real reason is John Deacon having the balls of steel neccesarry to face an audience of billions with a coiffeur right out of The Hair Bear Bunch : Don't forget to post pictures on this site of the results ! And as for the tight yellow shorts , I ( almost ) guarantee you will be fighting the ladies off with a stick if you wear them - the tighter the better :
  23. That Classic is indeed a lovely bass . I would like one myself . I love the look of the bridges on the Classic / pre -EB 'Rays . To me the newer bridge without the mutes just doesn't look right .
  24. Wal basses do indeed have their own very distinctive sound , largely due , I suspect , to their unique electronics . Within that distinctive sound there are many highly usable tones , but all with that beefy signature Wal sound . Very few ( if any ) basses will substitute for a Wal . Some basses capture certain elements of the Wal sound - an HH Musicman Bongo , whilst being totally different in most repects , has certain chacteristics in the bottom end and midrange that remind me of a Wal , for example - but for the most part , you need a Wal .
  25. I'm seriously dissappointed , too . I was expecting this one to run for weeks or even months , eventually climaxing with a homemade video documenting the sad farewell to the pre -EB 'Ray with Elton John singing Candle In The Wind in the background . A carpark seems so ...sworded . What you have done today bass trading equivalent to dogging !
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