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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1371763492' post='2117970'] You could get a vintage Eagle for that, and feel a lot more Geezer. [/quote] I remember when they had Geezer's actual Eagle for sale in the Bass Centre at Wapping , and it was only about £600 . This was in about 1990 , but that was still pretty reasonable money back then .
  2. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1371753501' post='2117803'] Geezer,NAMM 2013, interesting comments at 1.30 to 1.50. Wants to be good at $4300 [url="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CDsQtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTpdc5wLiWAk&ei=z0vDUfrfLMPChAf2mIDoDA&usg=AFQjCNEYv2eMn_dRJ9czBTrKsee0Wu0UHg&bvm=bv.48175248,d.ZG4"]http://www.google.co....48175248,d.ZG4[/url] [/quote] You won't pay anything like that for it in the States , but yes , it's a lot of money . Lakland build about three hundred USA basses a year , which isn't that many considering worldwide demand and they are meticulously built to a very high standard so you can see where they get the price from.
  3. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1371751763' post='2117768'] Jaydee did a signature Geezer model. [/quote] They made him a bass , but I don't think it was a signature model , strictly speaking .
  4. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1371750821' post='2117756'] Graham. no idea apart from the cosmetics. Dingus, I have an email received from Lakland this afternoon. No plans, period, for a Skyline. [/quote] I am surprised at that because I heard someone else ask John Pirrucello and I'm sure he said it was a possibility sometime in the future . They make a Far East version of all the other Signature models , so never say never ( or never say die , if you want to exploit the Sabbath thing ) . Maybe because the real differences between this Geezer bass and a Glaub are so small that they can't really see the point of making a Skyline . If it is any consolation , have you thought of trying to get a used USA Glaub ? There a quite a few out there nowadays and they crop up at sensible money now and again The Skylines are good but the USA basses are one of the few high end basses that are worth the money , in my opinion . The quality is fantastic and they are beautifully made .
  5. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1371750487' post='2117751'] Arse. What's the difference in specs between the Butler and the Glaub? [/quote] Not that much from what I can see , apart from cosmetic things like the striped black anodised aluminium scratchplate and the inlays . As far as I know the pickup is a standard Hanson / Lakland Neo Punch ,and the nut width is 1.75 like the Glaub .
  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1371750148' post='2117747'] I love Lakland basses. I have waited 30 years for a Geezer signatue model. Lakland are doing one. US spec only at mega bucks. No Skyline for us weekend warriors. [/quote] No Geezer Skyline [u]yet[/u] . If there is significant demand then they will consider introducing a Skyline version . I would be quite hopeful on that .
  7. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1371679956' post='2117013'] Brilliant choice! That's what I 'd have as a first dance at my fantasy wedding! [/quote] I would have thought one of Megadeath's tuneful and romantic numbers would be a far more diplomatic choice if Dave manages to free himself of his current commitments , or , more realistically , Blue Monday if you manage to get Peter to say " I do , chuck ." ( Not the 12 inch version though - neither of you is getting any younger and you will be knackered after the first three of four minutes ) .
  8. Mark Egan in the Pat Metheney Group back in the 1970's : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKf02Jd222o&list=PL4E9C7D33D7F44305 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6F8vQjyaIg
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1371624829' post='2116209'] Steve Reich - Music for Mallet Instruments Voices and Organ [media]http://youtu.be/rCiGDdEdrks[/media] [/quote] Between this and the avant - garde improv , it must be a laugh a minute at your house !
  10. The Good Ship in Kilburn High Road is worth a try .
  11. I get good , bad and indifferent nights all the time , and it's part and parcel of playing any instrument . Poor players play badly all the time , so the fact that you can have good nights and bad nights is a sign of progress . Just to echo what White Cloud and JTUK have said , practising regulaly and doing a warm up before you play a set can make all the difference . I have a warm up routine I go through of playing some exercises that takes about ten minutes and it gets me as limber as two hours playing would . After that I am ready to rock and far less likely to make mistakes .
  12. Trades Descriptions Act : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY84MRnxVzo
  13. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1371227747' post='2111490'] I think thats a fake one to be honest. Her tits aint that big and even if they were, shes not gonna go on daytime telly flashing them like that, mores the pity [/quote] No , looks like they[i] are [/i]real after all . Taken by papparazzi yesterday : And just for your own personal gratification : Conclusive proof I think , gentlemen , that Carols gift to mankind was not created in Photoshop but is in fact genuine . And tantalising .
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1371554205' post='2115340'] ...normal Ray 5's as well. Which dealers are doing them for £1300? [/quote] PM'd.
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1371552784' post='2115314'] New, and up! Have a check on guitarguitar, etc. [/quote] Just had a look . Nearly two grand for a Classic Ray is indeed a lot . I am sure , however , that you could buy one for substantially less than that for cash . I know retailers that are still doing a regular Ray to order for less than £1300 .
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1371537227' post='2115078'] Just noticed again yesterday how the prices have changed on these, more than likely a sign of the times. [/quote] New or secondhand price , Gareth ? Which way are they going ?
  17. I am deeply impressed that you have got a genuine BC Rich Eagle . They are truly exotic and very rare on these shores . Along with an Alembic , they were[i] the [/i]ultimate bass to aspire to for players in the late '70's / early '80s . Players like Bernard Edwards and Geezer Butler had them , but no mere mortals in the U.K had them except big - name players who had usually bought them in the States . Back in their day , in the U.K one of these would have set you back approximately double what other high end basses like a top of the range Wal would have cost . i like that sunburst , too .
  18. The recent MIA neck profile is , in my opinion , slightly on the fatter side for a Jazz Bass . I haven't played an Ibanez SR so I can't make any comparison , but I do know that they have famously skinny neck profiles and are often favoured by folks with very small hands . What I do know is for certain is that the neck profile on the recent Am St . Jazz Basses is a great compromise between the classic slimness of an early60's Jazz and the slightly more meaty 70's profile . It would be well worth trying one out if you can , along with a few other Jazz Basses to get an idea of how the various profiles suit you . A lot of Jazz necks are not quite as skinny as you might think , they only seem that way to people used to big chunky Precision necks . The neck profile on your Am St Precision is pretty slim for a P Bass with a significantly narrower nut width than most examples , so maybe a Jazz would be a good transition if you are having hand problems . If it is an injury that's the cause of the problem , however , then it may be that any neck profile won't neccesarilly stop the discomfort , so be aware of that before you start throwing money about .
  19. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1371411079' post='2113585'] Weird question. Step on bathroom scales without bass, record weight. Step on *with* bass, record weight. Subtract former from latter and ta-da! [/quote] How much you have to learn ...
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1371406053' post='2113477'] Weighing a bass is nevertheless not rocket science, surely..? Folks manage to weigh babies, tuna fish and sharks, caterpillar tractors, Queen Mary II and even planets such as Jupiter (318 x weight of the Earth, apparently...). I would suggest weighing with non-standard units, such as 'Pretty damned light', 'Oh, that's comfy', 'Hey, she's a big girl' and 'Flickin' 'ell, my back..!'. Isn't that what the Post Office do anyway..? [/quote] I agree . I just want a reasonably reliable way of finding out what my basses because my little kitchen scales are accurate for weighing appropriately sized and shaped items but not really suitable for basses , as I'm sure you can imagine . All I wanted to know is what other people use and how they use it .
  21. [quote name='Enzo' timestamp='1371395923' post='2113311'] The current '74 new RI suppose to be an EXACT copy, in all details, of the mid/late '70s, but the price is almost like a Custom Shop. I haven't tried one yet but I will. I bought an Allparts neck brand new, those are the closest to the older profile, if it's too much I'll have it shave down to my liking. I tried to acquire an original but people wants big numbers for those, basically double than what I paid and the conditions are really hit or miss, too much risk. Will post my impressions once I get them mounted, but it will take a while. [/quote] I really like the look of those new 74 reissues but they are way too expensive here in the U.K . I'm not surprised people are asking big money for original 70's Jazz necks either .
  22. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1371405844' post='2113470'] Jump up and down with it round your neck for 90 minutes - if you're tired at the end then it's too heavy. [/quote] At my age and state of fitness , if I am still alive after ninety minutes of jumping up and down I would call that a result , bass or no bass .
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1371402072' post='2113408'] I don't have a first class masters in mechanical engineering and I say your astrophysicist brother is talking out of his black hole, too! [/quote] Spaceman Dingus says that where you are both going wrong is that you are failing to take into acount that scales are usually spring - based mechanisms , and springs have their own peculiarities in terms of how they respond to energy , forces and motion , so Newton's Laws ect only apply up to a point . The spring and how it performs adds another dimension to the equation . Hooke's Law and it's variables is more pertinent in that respect than Newton's . Weighing a bass is a real-world activity , not a theoretical one , and holding the bass can effect the ultimate accuracy of the final result on a spring - based scale . Allegedly .
  24. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1371400924' post='2113389'] I have a first class masters in mechanical engineering and I say your astrophysicist brother is talking out of his black hole! [/quote] Any more of that kind of abuse and he won't let you play with his Star Wars action figures .
  25. [quote name='deaver' timestamp='1371331189' post='2112730'] They still are, about half of my Twitter followers are women of a certain age who think I am him (we share the same name).Only a couple of weeks ago I got a message from one "r u the real deal" [/quote] You should have told her " yes , but the split with Amanda De Cadenet took it's toll on me and I look a little different nowadays " .
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