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Everything posted by Dingus

  1. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370781303' post='2105400'] What a waste of good eggs.... If she knew how hard hens work to lay them, she'd have thrown tomatoes instead [/quote] If Mrs Dingus had taken that attitude when I decided to put the kids up for adoption then we wouldn't have amount of free time and disposable income we both enjoy nowadays . What worries me is that instead of eggs it could just as easily have been some nutcase throwing a hand grenade . Oh well...
  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370786928' post='2105488'] You've just saved me 1K. No Stingray for me then. [/quote] A Stingray is actually a great bass even for people who can't play . It's probably even a good bass for those who can't hear - the sound cuts through a mix so well that even the profoundly deaf can be seen skillfully disco dancing in response to it's irresistable funk force . Do you honestly think the 1970's would have happened the way it did were it not for the Stingray ? What's more , I'm sorry to have to tell you that under new Government guidelines for mental health care in the community , those found questioning the supremacy of the Stingray are likley to be Sectioned for their own protection and the safety of society as a whole .
  3. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1370786260' post='2105478'] Good post! Although I the only reason why I can play as well as I can is in no small part due to my "charity shop basses"! [/quote] Are they selling basses in charity shops now ? The bastards ! That means that poor people will be able to afford them . No wonder pop music is going to the dogs .
  4. It's also worth pointing out , how good a bass sounds depends a great deal on who is playing it ! I've heard fantastic players pick up a Squire and sound like Pino and I've heard poor players on basses that cost £3000 sound like poor players . You have to have reached a certain level of ability to make any bass sound good .
  5. I would like to wholeheartedly endorse Hamfist's position , but my own dalliances with less expensive instruments have always led to me very quickly going back to high - end basses . There are undoubtedly some excellent less expensive basses out there if you choose well , and whatever works for you is fine by me , but my own personal experience is that a well - chosen better quality bass yields better long-term satisfaction for myself . A lot depends on what you mean by cheap , of course . If you mean a bass that currently costs £200 new then that will , by neccessity, be a cheap bass with certain compromises , but if you mean an old and well -used bass of better quality that you picked up second - hand at a bargain price then that could easily be an excellent instrument . Most cheaper basses I try lack a depth and richness in their sound that I have become accustomed to during the last thirty- odd years of playing better quality basses . That said , I don't go out of my way to play that many , so I am ready and waiting to be told how wrong I am , but I can only tell you what I think is true . That said , things like Squire Vintage Modified and the less expensive Yamaha BB's that I have tried are very good instruments , regardless of price , so I can see how they would do just fine for most people in any musical situation , and I would be quite happy playing them myself . The good news is that cheaper basses are better than ever before , and you seem to get more for your money . When I started playing lower price basses were usually unspeakably awful and often very poor quality . By comparison , many starter basses are very useable nowadays . I've had lousy basses that cost lots of money too , so as JTUK says , there are no guarantees of satisfaction at any price unless you use your judgement and experience .
  6. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1370718229' post='2104866'] Anyone think Yamaha should've reserved the pickups & bridge for the 20 basses rather than fitting the same to both 10 & 20. I'm sure this discussion wouldn't be happening if the weren't so similar. [/quote] If the 10 Series basses get anywhere close to the 20 Series - and from what I have heard , they do - then they are a seriously good deal .
  7. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1370706142' post='2104690'] When it comes I will try and figure out how to attach a pic . It's up to a three month wait [/quote] I doubt it will actually take that long in reality . Yamaha has got a big central distribution warehouse in Germany and they will get regular deliveries from the Far East . I would be hopeful of getting your bass sooner rather than later .
  8. If I was going to get a Fender Custom Shop bass made for me I would email them a link to this YT clip and tell them to Masterbuild me an exact copy of this bass , but with a quartersawn neck , a Badass bridge , lightweight tuners and easy truss rod access . It's a 73 Jazz and it belongs to the excellent Robin Everhart of Rival Sons : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxtqOQIjg44[/media] Beautiful bass , great player , great band .
  9. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1370700928' post='2104598'] Having A/B ed them over and over again to the best of my ability. And although the ibanez is a powerful super sleek tonal monster. The BB just has something that I like, and I can't put my finger on it. If in the future I want an active chameleon God of a bass, I will look no further than the ibanez. It is truly fantastic. But this time it was close but no cigar ................. [/quote] If that bass is anything like the 2024 - and from what I heard , it is very similar - then it is a special bass . They sound perfect for most any kind of music you can think of , but particulaly for rock music they are monsterous . Don't forget , you can always buy an outboard preamp to play the Yamaha through if you want to experiment with the active option . Maybe you could keep an eye out for a used Yamaha NE1 ( the Nathan East signature preamp from the early 2000's ) - they were inexpensive , sounded great and would be a perfect match for your bass , I expect .
  10. Are we talking about the Bob Seger song ?
  11. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1370699525' post='2104569'] Obviously the brand that cannot be mentioned. best, bert [/quote] Do you mean a R... I can't bring myself to say it !
  12. Good for you ! I am deeply prejudiced , but I'm sure you will get some long - term playing pleasure from one of these basses . Let us know how you get on with it .
  13. To be frank , if it's not a good sounding bass to begin with , adding even a very good preamp won't neccesarilly bring the improvements in the sound you are hoping for . It could easily end up as a classic case of throwing good money after bad . I would experiment a bit more with the bass as it is or without spending very much more on it first before I forked out on a new preamp .
  14. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370685837' post='2104327'] As i'm a bit out of touch with yoof culture how do they show their disaffection nowadays. . [/quote] By stabbing each other , from what I see in the news .
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370652657' post='2104109'] I've never been sure. L[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ady xilddx was a punk in the days when it kicked off in London in the '70s. I just asked her opinion on this and she said punks revelled in shallowness and never took themselves seriously. [/font][/color] [/quote] My abiding memory of the punk movement is that it may or may not have started with people spontaneously reacting to the state of post -industrial Britain in the mid-1970's , but it ended up with gangs of people who should have been old enough to know better spending Saturday afternoons sitting on benches and in parks in town centres across Britain drinking bottles of cider and tryiing to look shocking to passers by . For the most part , it was far more an exercise in fancy dress than a musical or sociological phenomena .
  16. I seem to remember in the back of my mind that Fender necks have a limited lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects , so if all else fails it might be worth getting in touch with Fender U.K and seeing if they will help yuou , regardless of how long you have had the bass .
  17. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370691448' post='2104429'] .....or an album with his brother called 'Okey Doky, To Me, To You' I saw Chris MD at Bracknell in the 90s playing an electric bass. I can't remember who's band he was with but he was playing a bass shaped like a G&L ASAT. Great player. [/quote] I seem to remember reading somewhere that he's married to one of the Danish Royal family , or such like . I've seen him playing a Yamaha BB1500a electric bass in the past . On both electric and upright he gets a beautifully ripe and fruity sound .
  18. When I first started playing , Geezer Butler's fantastic sound and superb playing on Sabbath's the Heaven And Hell album really inspired me , and still does now well over thirty years later : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsz2uIRnqqc
  19. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1370682214' post='2104269'] Gary Tibbs on his Wal Bass... doesn't get much better than this imo [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OfRZ63gLgI[/media] [/quote] This is one of my favourite clips on YT . I love the sound of that Wal bass too , and I love the ambitious way Gary Tibbs plays it . The studio version has got the brilliant but sadly departed Alan Spenner playing his Wal bass on it .
  20. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370689105' post='2104377'] I saw Chris Minh Doky live in the 1990s and was really impressed with his sound so it's a good excuse to post this............ [media]http://youtu.be/23RVhpj9Qs4[/media] [/quote] I have admired Chris Minh Doky's playing on both electric and upright for a few years now . I can't help but think, though , that the time is ripe for him to make a solo album and call it Okey Doky .
  21. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1370680959' post='2104251'] not seen/heard live by me ... this (ed.not in this line-up at this time anyway but did see him knebworth 79 with his white P) [media]http://youtu.be/Rhf5_tqxatc[/media] seen live by me ... pat badger extreme wembley arena 1992 ish i think [/quote] I always loved Kasim Sultan's playing and tone on L by Steve Hillage . A superb and underrated player . It's a shame he ended up in Meatloaf .
  22. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1370640809' post='2103978'] Hmm,I think not. I remember Mike Joyce telling me that AR was a little overly funky when he first joined and had to tone it down a bit,but that pushing of the beat remained through all his work. [/quote] I remember reading an interview with Andy Rourke many years ago and being a little surprised that he mentioned people like Stanley Clarke as being big influences when he started playing , so in light of that I can see how he might have had a more funky side to his playing .
  23. I remember vividly the impact The Smiths made at the time , and even though they weren't really completely my cup of tea at that time , I always thought they were interesting and original . As time has gone by , I have come to appreciate just what an original and creative band they really were , and I think their iconic status is deserved . As for Andy Rourke , I have always been a great admirer of his playing . This Charming Man was in the charts just when I was learning what inversions were , and his bassline in parts of that song were a textbook example of how to use them to great effect . I am amazed that Johnny Marr would diss him when his playing was so integral to the sound and feel of that band . A class act all round .
  24. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1370437166' post='2100801'] I'm not in anyway knocking those "discerning players" who have bought these basses and if money were no object I'm sure I'd buy one myself but I don't think I'm alone when I say I don't need the wow factor that the 202's offer. They are a nicety I can't afford and to be honest I think I'd be far too worried to gig something that expensive. I have been a Yamaha convert for years so I'm not knocking them or the people who buy their gear. [/quote] I think you have got it spot on when you point out that a lot ( probably most )olks don't want to spend that kind of money on a bass for a variety of reasons , and that is why it's great that the 1024/5 's are available at a much more affordable level and they sound, from what I have heard of them , to offer most what the more expensive basses do . I have never played the 10 series basses , but I am sure they will sound a feel very similar to their big brothers and knowing Yamaha , the quality will always be substantially better than you expect at that price .
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