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Everything posted by nobodysprefect

  1. [quote name='Veils' post='895781' date='Jul 15 2010, 05:56 PM']Red P and the Jazz are gorgeous and you won't often hear/see me praising Precisions![/quote] Not to criticize the traditional looks but is it for me. And, oh, I happen to own that bass now. You can have it when you pry it out of my cold, dead, hands.
  2. [quote name='Chris2112' post='996532' date='Oct 22 2010, 01:47 AM']Surely you'll still pay income tax for it coming into the UK?[/quote] Nope, no tax barriers within EU. Apart from Åland between Finland and Sweden, that is. I know you brits are eurosceptics and all, but really, this is elementary stuff, man!
  3. There's something available that I'd like, a lot. And it's affordable, too. As long as it hasn't sold, this is for sale. When it sells, I pull this. What am I selling: It's a recent build by Peter Skjold. It's an exotic custom, so it's got some out of the ordinary specs: 1) the neck: 7-piece neck. Very stiff. Very comfy. Really, really easy to play. People with both claim Skjolds are about the only bass to match an MTD. Has a rare bloodwood fretboard and a wenge veneer on the headstock. 2) the body: wenge facings, top and back. Ash core, maple accents. The body shape is highly ergonomic, both standing and sitting down. You'll note how the bridge is at the edge of the body. This way the reach to 1st position is at it's minimum. The pickups have bloodwood covers that match those of the fretboard. The standard specs: Skjold CS pickups. These were reversed when I got the bass, resulting in bad tone and balance between them. Now that that is sorted, this bass is all I've come to expect from Skjold (this being my seventh): very open, natural, dynamic and punchy, wide, articulate yet somehow warm. East pre-amp. Vol, bal or 4-position rotary switch (both included, really easy to go back & forth), treble w/ slap hi-boost pull function, bass, mid w/sweep eq center, tone w/ active-passive pull switch. Can go ALL sorts of places. I'm sure Wiro and Claude will confirm the extreme playability, sheer masses of tone and flexibility of these basses. Hipshot hardware. I like Hipshot the best. Why am I selling this: Don't laugh... I've found a collectible I want to have, and buying something means I'll have to be selling something. Also, I thought this had all the features I wanted in a Skjold, but I'm missing the feel the single cut had. It felt more substantial, somehow. Feels like I'm holding a guitar, really. This bass has a lot sustain though, only outdone by the Spector now being sold by Loz. Guess I need another 20 years before I can appreciate a really light bass. I don't know! I'm just not bonding with the bass like I've bonded with some others! It's a brilliant bass and it's not right for me! Gah. Pete quoted me USD5500 for a new one like this, per his latest price hike. I'm asking [b]GBP1600[/b] which is[i] rather[/i] less than I paid for this, and I bought the bal pot, too! The bass is in near mint condition. Apart from changing the strings and the fingerprints, there is [i]one [/i] mark on the bass, shown in the last photo in this post. There's not even slap scratching. Trades: well, I'm open to [b]any + cash[/b] trades. Comes with the excellent Skjold light hard case/gig bag hybrid. Would trade for the Roscoe CSVI njoha bought off me. EBMM basses would get a good trade value estimation from me. [url="http://www.mikseri.net/artists/?id=125776"]My Mikseri.net page[/url] has 4 songs in it now! The two named songs were played with the Skjold, the earlier two were done with the SKB3006 I sold to Mark. You can really hear the difference! Same DI box, btw, a Raven Labs MDB-1. Some pics of me own! You'll note that it we don't get much in the way of daylight here this time of year. :/
  4. One other thing I forgot to mention! If you're in the habit of recording DI'ed into the desk: this bass has some thunder! It'll work exceedingly well for straight to desk recording.
  5. The very same. I've been lucky to have a few real gems in my hands, and this was one of them. You know, basses that speak. Sadly, I've sold nearly all of them. edit: details! The devil's in them! I've had: 3 F-Basses 7 (yes, seven) Skjolds 2 Wals 4 US Spectors 4 US Ken Smiths 1 Kenneth Lawrence 3 Dingwalls 1 Overwater 1 Lakland USA top of the line 2 Pedulla MVPs 3 Roscoes 1 Noguera Yves Carbonne 6 --- 32 basses costing a fair bit, esp. new. And this one's in the top 6, along with a Wal, a Skjold, and a Roscoe, and a Roscoe, and a Roscoe.
  6. [quote name='Netballman' post='989990' date='Oct 16 2010, 12:17 PM']Mmm purty And I do love Spectors. Mind you, I am suprised to see that it's passed through so many hands so swiftly if it's so good... Why is this peeps? Why does everyone keep moving it on? Just seems kinda odd! NB I'm not trying to cast aspersions here - I am just genuinely confused and interested in why![/quote] The East pre-amp is fairly powerful, and I think for most a conventional pre-amp would work better. I couldn't use my default eq settings with this bass, because the signal is 1) extremely hot 2) goes lower AND higher than anything else. Since I have a line mixer I use for doubling gigs, I'd have needed some sort of additional EQ to go between this and the upright. And I'm a sixes player (at least for the gigs where I'd use an upright in the first place!) so buying new equipment to get to switch between upright and a bass I wasn't bringing to the gig anyhow... Didn't make much sense. Also, I think the bass looks better on my black leather sofa and black fleece. Here's the link to my photobucket album and a taster: You'll note, though, that I shot the photos on a day without sufficient light. Oh well. [url="http://s626.photobucket.com/albums/tt342/prkl0405/Spector/"]Photobucketful of Spector[/url]
  7. [quote name='lozbass' post='989971' date='Oct 16 2010, 11:49 AM']On the issue of a permanent home, it appears that during its short life this bass has been owned by the following Basschatters: Greyparrot Voxpop Molan Greeneking Nobody's Prefect Me I'm sure that all who have owned and played the bass will concur that it really is a very special instrument indeed. It would be lovely to see the bass go to a good home where it will be cherished and used as intended[/quote] Ok I'll bite. The only reason I don't own this bass is that it is not a 6-string bass. That, and the fact that this bass has a lot more lows and highs than any other bass I have so it will require, or, rather, required, different frequency response at the amp/cab than my upright and other bass does, and I don't want to add a new component to the signal chain so I can switch to a fiver since I'm a sixes-player now. I was (and am) a total sucker for the Spector sound, however, and I hope to commission an NS6-XL one of these years. This bass had the lowest action of anything I've had. I'm sure Loz can affirm that going for the lowest poss action with this bass will need an adjustment for all but the most technique-savvy jazzers. Luckily the bass works brilliantly at medium-low, and medium actions, as well. Couldn't say anything for medium-high and up. The price is a whopper of a bargain. edited to add: This is the only short-horned 35" bass I'd willingly pay money for. You can't talk of Ken Smith BT or Warwick balance and ergonomics on the same day. Even later edit: I should probably add that my rig is a VERY hi-fi pre-amp and ACME cabs which sound radically different from anything else.
  8. George is a pleasant feller and I'd recommend in a hearbeat. Very straightforward and no-nonsense kinda guy!
  9. Kev traded his Lakland for my Overwater and he couldn't have been better to deal with, from comms to to description to execution! Recommended, indeed!
  10. Actually, it was kevthebass, not kevbass I traded with, so my feedback shouldn't be here.
  11. Gareth was a pleasure to deal with and he took pains to pack his rack very well indeed! A big recommendation from me!
  12. If I had a vintage Smith or Alembic, I would absolutely play it on gigs. Alas, I have to do with my 21st century made basses. I've [i]never [/i]rehearsed or gigged with a Fender.* I've sold a few for nice overheads, though. They make for a fantastic turnover of inventory! I can generally sell them before they arrive from UK or US to Finland! Negative storage period, baby! *I had a Moon Larry Graham 5 and a Yamaha TRB JP2 and a Sadowsky Metro (didn't make it into a rehearsal before sale, though) that had bolt-on neck and jazz-bass type pickups from bart and yamaha respectively. Do those count as jazz basses?
  13. string spacing at bridge: 19mm. Makes for a six that's easy to slap!
  14. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='943232' date='Sep 2 2010, 01:59 PM']Beautiful bass. Do you know the weight ? I tried out a Yamaha TRB II yesterday. Didn't find the 35in to be a problem but it was to heavy for me.[/quote] 4,9 kgs. That's about 10 pounds? This bass certainly sits better on strap than that! I've had a few 8-9 pound basses that didn't sit nearly as well on the strap.
  15. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='943232' date='Sep 2 2010, 01:59 PM']Beautiful bass. Do you know the weight ? I tried out a Yamaha TRB II yesterday. Didn't find the 35in to be a problem but it was to heavy for me.[/quote] Hmmmm. I'd say it's medium to medium light. The Roscoe was lighter, but it was a tad over 8 pounds. Maybe 9 pounds? I'll get the exact weight when I get home at about 7 pm British time. I've had a TRB JP2 and this bass is both easier to play and lighter. (And has a better c string, but I blame ebony board + bolt-on contruction + JB type pickups for the tinny c string of my JP2)
  16. What I want is about to sell, will sell for 1350 quid if sold [i]and paid [/i] by 10 pm CET Friday night!
  17. This will be a first for me. I broke a personal rule and wired money to someone I'd not yet pegged as a trustworthy person, and despite promises to ship the bass as soon as the money was delivered he fell of the face of the Earth for 9 days, after the money was his to dispose of. [b][i]No messages, no emails, was not online here, nothing.[/i][/b] Then, [i]after over a week has passed since he has had my money[/i] he comes online, yet sends no message - at which point I send a very terse message which gets afflusive apologies and a promise to ship asap with fast service. The bass arrives in [i]four [/i]working days, packed in [i]nothing but it's case, with no bubblewrap nor even newspaper inside the case.[/i] No carton, no bubblewrap, no newspaper, nothing. I've never, not once, received an instrument so un-packed. Needless to say, I will never deal with this person again, and would discourage anyone else from dealing with mr. edit: real name available via Pm.
  18. Turns out not even the finish was original - so the bass wouldn't be worth much on the market and I went with another, full on cash offer. Thank you for the money-saving advice on this!
  19. Thanks for all the appreciation! This is a wonderful bass, but the one-off I've now secured will cover much of the sonic ground this bass covers. I'm open to trades for mixing desks, guitars, guitar fx, amps and cabs, basses, a Pope pre-amp, strings, photography equipment, recording equipment, taste, style & musicality, single malts or a license to practice in England & Wales / Scotland.
  20. wow - you guys [i]really [/i]know your stuff! I suppose I'll take a better look at the bass and if it plays well, I'll get to negotiating the price. Some crazy prices you've quoted here for basses in original config though!
  21. I've been offered a '76 P-bass. The owner claims it's a fantastic player. From what I've seen in the pics, at the very least the pickguard is non-original, electronics, poss. original, finish and neck look to be in original config. It's a player, not a closet specimen. Thing is, older Fs are so rare here in Finland the owner thinks it's worth quite a bit. I'm not really interested in how it plays and sounds apart from what I can say about it in the for sale ad. I can't say it's a killer P with great low buzzfree action if it's a dud. Assuming it really is a great player, how much would a well-gigged, non-original pg, poss electronics P-bass fetch in the UK? I'm probably better off selling it in Finland, but am asking nevertheless. Any help would be appreciated and rewarded with a pint should the helper come to Turku and claim it!
  22. This thread needs prettier photos! See how changing camera settings changes the way the grain looks subtle or jumps right out at you! Similar effect with fluorescent lights at home and good stage lights, I'd wager!
  23. Neck dimensions: width @ saddle: 59 mm width @ 12th fret: 85 mm depth @ 1st fret 23 mm depth @ 12th fret 23,5
  24. bump for neck dimensions data
  25. gosh. 35"! You'll note that the bridge is at the end of the body, the same way as with Skjold and Roscoes that are often said to require the least amount of reaching to get to lowest position.
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