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Everything posted by nobodysprefect

  1. on eBay now, auction # 320280829085
  2. Fullrangebass was straight as an arrow about the two other basses he sold me: the Brase (now on eBay auciton # 320277259240 ) and the StingRay I already sold... He's absolutely trustworthy at about any price point you care to name.
  3. Also, bought his Dingwall Z1, and that transaction was smooth as butter! Great dude to trade with!
  4. Sold him my Prima Artist. He's a great guy, excellent to trade with, and does the full disclosure thing. Recommend him fully!
  5. It's new, in an unopened box. Got it from the insurance company but don't need compressors - or, indeed, any PA equipment any more. Asking GBP140 for it, which would be less than thomann or ebay.
  6. I'm sure there's an internal organ you can afford to lose to finance this...
  7. That would be the statistician's guess for Z or Prima DWs... edit: the implied punchline would be something about the accuracy of statistics, I'm sure you can think of better ones than I. :S not good at joking am I
  8. Indeed, it IS blueburst. Mea culpa! [quote name='budget bassist' post='231453' date='Jul 2 2008, 06:21 PM']yeah that's blue burst, blue dawn is darker and has black round the edge.[/quote]
  9. Yet more gristle for the mill. This Ernie Ball Music Man guitar has bird's eye maple neck and a poplar body, locking tuners and DiMarzio HSSH pickup configuration. Finish is called [s]Blue Dawn[/s]. Blueburst. As it's an odd one, I strongly recommned checking out EBMM website and harmony central for a fuller view of the guitars qualities. The essential bits are, I think, that the guitar is very, very, easy to play and the tonal palette is the widest you're likely to encounter. The controls were quite logical and therefore not hard at all to recall while playing. A single ding on the lower bout, bass side, which shows on the attached photo. Otherwise in mint condition. Asking GBP875, buyer pays shipping. Shipping estimated at GBP40 to the UK. Original custom molded hard shell case included.
  10. edit: The Prima is gone As mentioned in above post, selling off basses I didn't think I'd ever sell. But needs must and all that. These basses have the Novak fanned frets, which might look daunting but is actually a breeze to play. Chording is much altered, some voicings become very hard indeed while others are much easier on this one... As Sheldon puts it:'close your eyes, your fingers already know where to go.' I'm selling my custom-built Prima Artist which has been gigged some, but the bass is in mint condition. No wear, dings, scratches, blemishes or bad mojo. Was one of the first to have tonal chambers in the body. Has the Artist package: wafer-thin, extremely rigid 7-ply laminated neck, body made of two pieces of wood or different density for better balance between the lower and upper strings, matching laminates on pups and pot caps yadda yadda yadda. Playability and tone are amazing. Has thunder and very, very nice lead tone is readily available. Can go clanky and thuddy old-school if you want it to. Slapping tone is a modern, fusiony, tony. Very, very dynamic bass due to, I think, the bolt-on neck construction and the tonal chambers. Price will be on the high-ish side. I've not decided on a final price yet, but I'm not going to make the sale an auction. Not sure what a new Prima Artist would be worth, but a Z2, which is a lower-tier instrument, was listed and sold at USD7k at Bass Central recently. edit: ahh... the mandatory price. Asking EUR5.5k for it, but I'm willing to haggle. Comes with an SKB bass safe, Dingwall gig bag, Dingwall allen wrench set and a spare set of strings. The bass is located in Finland, so it's in EU already. The other bass is a Z1 in translucent blackburst. Also mint, it comes with the Dingwall gig bag and it's own set of DW tools. In comparison to the Prima Artist, the Z1 has a more traditional tone due to the body being alder and fingerboard maple. This has a pick tone to die for, and the grittier slap tone is fantastic. My choice for a slapper's bass between these two. The Z1 is in mint condition, no blemishes of any kind. As regards the Z1 price, I'm willing to let it go for less than the Prima Artist. No auctions this time either. edit:I think a GBP3.5k would be a decent price? Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have!
  11. For financial reasons, I'm finally selling off instruments I thought I'd keep just for their uniqueness even if they were no longer in use. So here's my NS Design CR5M, imo THE EUB to have. I've gigged with it twice, and it's a great gigging bass - but I stuck with schlepping the URB for jazz gigs, so it didn't get out as much as it deserved. Now it's been unused at home for three years or so. The tone is excellent, if not really traditional (though you can approximate it with the electronics to a great extent) and the tripod stand is really solid. The strings are the original ones. Of course, I managed to get the mandatory ding* on the neck at around the second position, but it's near the g string. You'll not touch the ding when playing with urb technique. I tried to catch the ding on the pics as much as possible, it took me minutes to find it, knowing it was there... *from my BN-6. I was swapping between them on one song and the g**tarist collided with the BN's neck --> el. bass string hit the neck. For a CR5M with a ding, but otherwise mint, I think GBP1400 is a decent asking price. I'm open to haggling, though. This will not be an auction, eBay's for that. Located in Finland, so it's in EU already. Buyer, I think, should pay the shipping.
  12. bumpage for new pics!
  13. [quote name='Oscar South' post='202220' date='May 19 2008, 06:03 PM']Geddy, the guy from The Stranglers (Jet Black?) sung didn't he, Claypool.[/quote] Ah yes... Well... I was trying to think of bassists who I'd pay to listen to at a gig even if they didn't hold an instrument. The short list gets even shorter! Or perhaps your post was a subtle jab at Rush and Primus lyrics? Some people would say selling the lyrics those bands slap on their compositions is outside mortal capabilities - i.e. they suck. (a view to which, incidentally, I'm not in adamant opposition.) Me'shell (d'oh! mentioned earlier in the thread!) would probably get on the short list, no? I kind of dig Lenny Kravitz's singing, too, though he doesn't play the bass on gigs, does he? And yes, the funk imperialism gets old. I know the posturing is part of being err hip, funky, pimp, whatever. Me? I'm going to go listen to something with a bass line that was written out, note for note, before the bassist [s]even knew about the composer.[/s] was born.
  14. bumpity. been busy, will eBay this in about a week if one of you guys isn't interested....
  15. Back after a longish self-imposed hiatus. Some years ago I chanced on 'Come in out of the rain' and promptly got the important P-Funk records, read up on funk and yadda yadda yadda. Being a little bit of a scholar I delved deep. Too deep... Roll for SAN loss!* Apparently, James Brown DID intend funk to have little variety, harmonically. Remember, Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in 1968. Funk came about because James Brown decided he didn't want to make music that adhered to the white man's standards. So he dropped superfluous chord changes (for ex Mashed Potatoes or Make it Funky) and africanized his music as much as possible. Later on he would return to 'white man's standards,' but, for a time, funk really was about race and the fight for equal rights. I'll dig up references if someone posts 'support or retract' but am too lazy to type them out now. As regards playing funk: I and my mates were quite heavily into groovy music (well, we DID study jazz) about the time I got funked up and we started a funk band which I thought should have been called 'Meat Mallet Men' but I think it was 'Henri Marjamäki Unit' (that's the guitarist idiot savant's name - can't do anything else if his life depends on it, but lawd does the man know how to play!) or something equally sanitized. blech. In the fullness of time I got bored to tears of playing funk and still can't listen to it, much less what local bands pass off as funk. So mark me up for one who doesn't like funk. I'm much more drawn to lyrics, their meaning and 'how to sing in a way that tugs heartstrings' interpretation(?) these days. Elvis, Johnny Cash, you know. Now [i]there's[/i] something that is hard to analyze and formalize! Perhaps we need a thread about playing the bass and singing simultaneously - how do you avoid selling the lyrics short when you do that? McCartney, Bruce, Sting, Prince... Who else even did that?
  16. bumpage. Will now consider any offers.
  17. bumpity. now considering any offers.
  18. bumpity. updated with pic and other info.
  19. Anyone know what's happened to bunnybass? They used to have an archive of sold and reviewed instruments and they had nice prices for upmarket basses, but now I can't seem to find any of their sites or any news regarding their having closed shop. Anyone know what's become of them?
  20. For sale: my Spector NS-XL5 US neck-through. Quilted maple body, maple neck, the Spector package. 18v EMG electronics guarantee massive amounts of thunder. The tone is very even across the strings, and the bass is very playable, with good balance. Has the crown inlays, in very good condition. Cost an arm and a leg new. [s]Asking for EUR2400 or so[/s]. Will consider any offers. OHSC included. Can upload pics later OR you could log into bunnybass musical instrument archive, as that's where it's been reviewed and the photos blow away mine. edit: BunnyBass up and died. Got a pic of the bass tho, but the bass is on consignment (with agreement that I can sell it independently of their operation) now, so further pics would be somewhat problematic to get. edit2: found a dvd with pics I thought I'd never see again and presto! We have decent pics of the bass!
  21. [quote name='Jase' post='158723' date='Mar 17 2008, 02:30 AM']Pah! all you talented people make me sick I'd really love to be able to play drums or maybe piano, singing would be great too. I really admire players who can play, study or adapt to more than one instrument. [/quote] I think it's more a question of time to invest in learning another skill. A bit of economics, if I may commandeer the bandwidth: Let us assume (note that economics is pretty much equivalent to trying to reach a point abstracted to uselessness via climbing imaginary ladders) that a person's musical skills can be represented as the function of time spent on practising (a scary assumption, that. I gotta PRACTICE to get better? Man, what a drag) and the function can be approximated to something like f(x) == your musical skills, f'(x) == xa^c/x where a == an individual's inherent talent, c == constant and x == time practiced. Note f'(x) is then the advancement you see for a given chunk of practice. (your marginal benefit) Now it is trivial to note the diminishing returns and that at some point where x >> c (say, if c == 1 x == 1000) the marginal improvement is hardly noticeable. In real world you'd need to account for things like 1) it's really sticking to practicing that counts, you can't make a single huge time investment and get to super skills 2) your skills detoriorate with inuse 3) the approximation is way off but the take-home lesson we can extract is this: as you need to sleep and eat (perhaps also work) you can't get infinitely good. Steve Vai used to practice for 12 hours a day at one time! Many individuals find that as the years go by and their dissatisfaction at their lack of skill diminishes in relation to their hours available for practice and desire to learn another instrument that it's rational to start learning another instrument. Keeps you fresh, to boot!
  22. Nice to see so many peeps sharing their dark secrets, eh? =) I'd have to add the bit about improving communication between players of different instruments to the list. It's pretty hard to say what you'd like someone to try by referrring to such and such record, 'only play it with a bit more of a latin feel.' Guitar's pretty well represented, and with reason - it's one of the easier and readily available instruments, I'd wager. Heckuva lot easier to adequately *accompany* a bit of singing with the guitar than with the piano - definitely harder still with the bass or the wind instruments. (there's an artist I regularly back who might at the drop of a hat decide he wants me to do the chordal accompanying on the bass. fun times! It's my own fault for letting on I could play chords on the thing. Stupid noodling on the breaks dammit!) [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='158614' date='Mar 16 2008, 11:37 PM']I really admire anyone who can play wind/brass instruments. Tried both trumpet & flute in the last couple of years and failed miserably![/quote] This. I've played with classical wind players who could actually play in tune* while burning on the horn (did that sound dirty? It did to me, a little) and it was humbling. Some of those guys have the best ears! All I could muster when I gave the trumpet a try was a few sorry bleats and very, very, sore lips! *also, I've heard there are guitarists who can make their bends in tune! Whoa! That's some heavy duty badness there! Not to mention the rarer than rare vocalist who doesn't go flat all the time. Often spoken of, rarely sighted. Almost never heard. Of course, we get a lot ton of leeway in our intonation given the paucity of upper harmonics in our tone. (with the more traditional swing or bop tone) Then again, this is a double-edged sword, as hearing your own in-or-out-of-tuneness can be a pain if the band is playing too loud. Very annoying. (In-ears for the win?)
  23. I've been learning a little guitar lately (and boy, has it REALLY taken the shine off of guitarists...) and I used to play piano as a kid. So: which instruments do you play in addition to bass (or is bass your secondary instrument) and how has it shaped your conceptualization of music and or bass technique and roles in music? Is there a secondary instrument that'd be really useful for a bassist (piano, methinks) - either in that it's easier to write music on or that it's easier to much around theory bits or perhaps it's a good addition to your live performance? I'm having hard time thinking up an instrument that'd be helpful to learn if you wanted to use it to enchance a performance where you also had the bass gig. Much easier to do on, say, keys and another instrument. We just don't get to say:'Well, I'll play bass on intro and verse then switch to didgeridoo for choruses.' Perhaps a tapping specialty instrument? For learning theory and writing music I'm having hard time thinking of anything better than piano. One occasion where I did instrument switching mid-song succesfully was swapping to electric upright for the bridge on a number we used to do.
  24. SOLD Okies, as the F-Bass and the Read aren't generating much interest (eBaying them soon) I'll see if the Wal is more interesting to you folks! It's a 1991 MarkII 5-string with shedua (ovangkol by another trade name, I'm told) top and back. It's the usual Wal package with everything checked by a professional luthier last month. The finish is rather worn from all the playing, but otherwise it's going strong. I bought it to be my one and only bass, but just can't make the switch from fusiony hifibasses after all. :S Had it for a month, replaced the worn out screws, that kind of stuff. This is imo one of the better ones, used to have one with bird's eye maple top and the tone was just too dry and brittle on that one. This one has THE Wal tone so for a Wal-nut it's a keeper! I'm asking EUR2900 with the OHSC included.
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