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Everything posted by wal4string

  1. To be honest I could never master the album track intro. Jaco was a force to reckon with. Chris no problem adding the live version.
  2. Hot Water.mp4
  3. The Dry Cleaner.mp4
  4. Always loved this tune so I made a backing track. Backing track is fully editable, can even change the key if needed. Individual parts can be removed and printed off. Leaving just the instruments not in your line up. If anyone would like a Sibelius file let me know. Plus happy to remove what you don't want post you the MP3. I started creating backing tracks during lockdown and have about 1200 from all genres. I have just about every Genesis track. Dance Hall Days.pdf
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  5. The Killers - Somebody Told Me.mp4
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  6. Robert Palmer - Every Kinda People.mp4
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  7. Kate Bush - Them Heavy People.mp4
  8. This is a live recording. James Taylor - Up On The Roof.mp4
  9. This is a live recording. James Taylor - Up On The Roof.mp4
  10. Chris Squire on bass. Yes - Going For The One.mp4
  11. Sorry.
  12. Spent lock down creating hundreds of backing tracks so decided to use the tracks to practice. 1st track no bass. Dreamer no bass.mp3 Dreamer.mp3 Dreamer.pdf
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  13. Spent lock down creating hundreds of backing tracks so decided to use the tracks to practice. The 1st audio file has no bass just bass pedals. Behind The Lines.pdf Behind The Lines no bass.mp3 Behind The Lines.mp3
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  14. This was written as a riposte when the original line-up of Cockney Rebel walked out on Steve Harley. 7. Make Me Smile.pdf
  15. John Porters bass line from Bryan Ferry hit Let's Stick Together 10. Lets stick together.pdf
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  16. Great playing. Do I Do Final.pdf
  17. My transcription of The Trammps Hold Back The Nightr Hold Back The Night In C.pdf
  18. Many Thanks, this will save me time. I will post my updated version in due course.
  19. Help. I have an audition on Wednesday and was hoping that someone may have a transcription or Tab of The Trammps Hold Back The Night. A lot of the tunes I already have but several need transposing and this is one of them. Cheers in advance.
  20. Warners blocked the earlier version I posted so get it while you can.
  21. donald fagen - tomorrows girls [music video].mp4 Tomorrows Girls.mp4
  22. So here we go again another 4 weeks at least suffering repeats on TV. So what to do? a bass player with no work. In the past in between my 3 months in work and a month off I would get bored practicing tunes I most likely would never play, so I would practice a different style of playing just for fun. Pick playing, Muted notes, Slap Bass etc. On one month break I was offered an audition in Nottingham (at the time I was living in Newport, South Wales) normally I would have turned audition down but my brothers son was living in Nottingham and had not seen him for a while. So I dropped my Bro off and made my way to the audition. All charts I was given to read where simple and I began to get annoyed that I had driven all that way. Being bored I decided next tune I would pay would be in a style that I had practiced for fun. The next chart was Sept 63 so I had a few bars to think, I decided to compliment the rhythm with muted notes. The band loved it and I got 6 months of work from it. Hardly ever does a chart say use a pick or slap but often muted notes are written. Like Garlic Bread muted notes are the future. So here is a practice movie. Do I Do.mp4
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