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Everything posted by wal4string

  1. Fun tune to play. I have included the nice little slides that John plays, in bar 22 the last note in the bar (F#) is not slid up to the A, but slid up to the B on the same string and the A is then played open. None of the slides written slide to the next note, just slide down to the first fret and then play the next note as an open string. [attachment=125207:Let;s Stick Together.pdf]
  2. Plus, it annoys me that some people post a reply at the bottom of the post which then bumps it to the top of the listings,
  3. Just had an email from Rob Green which I have been waiting for. He has quotted £775.00 to fit LEDls on my bass, this price includes a completely new board and to re-laquer the whole neck. More than happy to pay that price, only problem, it will take six to eight weeks. Can't really afford to be without bass for that long. Don't really want to go back to my Musicmanm but I may just have to. So to clarify, will trade my S2 Classic plus upto £775.00 (Depending on condition of bass) as long as your bass is a headless 5 string with side LED's minimum. Would prefer S2 Classic but would also consider a Kingbass, Retroglide, Artist etc
  4. Played this on my last contract, always disliked the song but enjoyable to play. [attachment=124886:You To Me Are Everything.pdf] Feed back would be nice. In IE explorer, if you click on name file should open. If you right click and choose save as, rename the file and add .pdf to it's ectention.
  5. Posted in error.
  6. Fine looking Bass.
  7. [quote name='bassgurumonster' timestamp='1354892612' post='1891712'] what type of thing are you after mate? [/quote]Looking to [i][b]trade for s2 classic with side LED's 4/5 string headless or at a push a Retroglide.[/b][/i]
  8. Out of your price range I know, but, I bought an unlined fretless MM stingray 4 earlier this year. Being the kinda guy who likes to walk before I can run I replaced the neck with a Status Graphite lined fretless. Then traded the original neck for a fretted one, best of both worlds and within half an hour I could swap necks depending what I needed. Both necks work well and the Status neck is a dream to play and far better than the original . However I have now Descided to sell the bass and would be willing to sell with both necks for £900.00. To buy a replacement EB neck from Status would cost £286.00, however neck comes as a solid piece which means holes need to be drilled for the tuners, plus a set of original EB tuners are not cheap at around £100.00 a set. Hipshot D-Tuner and Stingray hard case included.
  9. [quote name='hen barn' timestamp='1354905372' post='1891952'] That's my wardrobes!! [/quote]Ha! Ha! I wondered what on earth you meant, then I saw the name. Yes indeed that would be your wardrobe, I suppose it could be considered bad form to have posted without asking if I could. The truth of the matter is Ihad a PM off someone desperate to see how she looks so for quickness and the fact it has rained most of the day here and the light very poor for taking snaps. I can promise you that I will putting up my own images ASAP.
  10. To be honest I couldn't tell you. Not even sure if the specs mentions this. Only thing I can suggest is that you download the specs and change the extention to .pdf
  11. [center][color=#00ff00][size=7][b]Please remove Topic.[/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=7][b] Now Sorted.[/b][/size][/color][/center] Long shot I know, but in the vain hope that someone doesn't like or need LED's and could do some with readies for Xmas (Upto £500.00; [b][color=#FF0000]REVISED[/color][/b] now £775) Looking for same headless model bass but with side LED's. Maybe tempted with a[b] Retroglide[/b]. I love this bass but stage lights have an adverse effect on my eyesight so LED's will sort me. If no takers then Martin Sims here I come. Have had FretFX on other Basses but of course being headless nowhere to fit battery. [i][color=#3300FF][b]Note:[/b][/color][/i] At present have a MM Stingray 4, for sale/trade on Basschat with the option of a lined fretless Status Neck. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/184429-for-sale-or-trade-mm4-fretted-or-fretless-with-hipshot-d-tuner/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.c...msearch__1[/url]
  12. Money. A great tune and fun to play. Not a really demanding piece though, so, are you sure you are playing it right? I don't mean the notes I mean the fingering. The second and third notes are raked but apart from the 7/4 time sig. should be fairly easy. If you read, PM me and I will be happy to email the transcription I have, Basically the first bar begins on a B, 2nd fret on the A (3rd string), An octave B, 4th fret of the G string (1st string), F# on the 4th fret D of the string (2nd string), Back to first note a B 2nd fret on the A string, F# 2nd fret on the E string (4th string), an open A string (3rd string), first note again , an open D (2nd string). Repeat 9 times etc. Regarding the odd time signature it may also help if you count 1,2,3,4.1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3 etc. As regards the fingering: I would play the following 1st note- First finger 2nd and 3rd notes-4th finger (rake) 4th note - 1st finger 5th note - 1st finger 6th note = 0 fingers 7th note = 1st finger 8th note = 0 fingers As you can see for the first section, all in one position so there is no reason why this can't be played with your eyes closed (very relaxing). The rest of the piece is fairly straight forward with the furthest left hand shifting from the 7th position back to the 2nd position. The majority of the walking bass section when it changes to 4/4 can be played with just a one fret shift between notes. Sorry if I sound condescending, I can assure you I am not. Diolch Yn Fawr
  13. Bit like asking which one of your kids do you prefer. It was the Lemon Song that made me take up the bass, at the time I was 15 and JPJ was 23 when he recorded Zep II, which gave me 8 years to get to his standard. Needless to say the 8 years has long since gone but still learning and loving it. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92HjH1GG3ro"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92HjH1GG3ro[/url] Mr.Baldwin played on so many sessions the list is endless.
  14. Wow. This deserves a bump.
  15. [quote name='osborne900' timestamp='1345134421' post='1774116'] Any interest in a carbon necked S1 classic fretless 4? Cheers o900 [/quote] Sorry mate, have no need for a fretless for the forseeable future hence the sale.
  16. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1345112708' post='1773604'] Just downloaded, and I look forward to grappling with this later on. Thanks for all the work you've put in to this! [/quote] Cheers for the thanks (not many do), Was fun to transcribe and happy to share.
  17. [color=#ff0000][size=5][b]** Withdrawn ** Update. Bass now sold elsewhere.[/b][/size][/color] [color=#000000][size=5][b]I am sorry, but I need to hold on to bass for a couple of months[/b][/size][/color] Bass is a 1997 3 eq model with black pick guard, never gigged and in excellant condition. Originally a fretless. I swapped neck for fretted after I originally replaced neck with a Status Graphite one. Bought bass from a young lady who bought bass in New York, she kept it on a stand in her lounge and never gigged with it. Neck has what appears to be a rubber scuff mark on the rear(see image) mark does not appear to have damaged the finish and does not affect playing, even if I rub mark with my thumb, it cannot be felt. Checked and set up in November 2011 all working 100%, hardly played since. Sale can include D tuner. MM case. Bridge has the mute option, not fitted at the moment but the Ernie Ball website sells the sets for around £20.00. Comes with Stingray hard case. [size=5][i][b]Sale options:[/b][/i][/size] Fretted MM with hipshot[s] £800.00 [/s]now £750.00 Fretted MM without hipshot [s]£750.00[/s] now £700.00 Only trade I may consider is a Status Retroglide/Kingbass. I should perhaps point out that I first posted this ad back in August, but had a contract working away from September to December, so when I came back I started up post again.
  18. I use a program called Amazing Slow Downer. Would be lost without it. If I need to boost the bass Audacity.
  19. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1344544141' post='1766334'] Thanks for these wal4string. Always good to have more transcriptions in notation to work through [/quote] Many thanks for taking the time to comment. Ron
  20. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1343932405' post='1757592'] Wuthering Heights is one of my favourite 70s songs. Haven't had the opportunity to find out the bassline by ear yet - anyone got a link to the dots by any chance, to save me (and anyone else who might be interested) a bit of time? Clarky, please keep us all posted about your next gig, with or without KB tribute. Hopefully a little closer to west London next time? [/quote] Hi bluejay, have just posted a transcription in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/31-theory-and-technique/"][color="#282828"]Theory and Technique[/color][/url] Forum. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did working it out.
  21. Been following the post in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/13-general-discussion/"][color=#282828]General Discussion[/color][/url] forum on here and thought that fellow chatters may want to see a Transcription. This is a transcription from The Whole Story Album which is about 30 seconds longer than the single version. Be sure to save the file with a .pdf extention [attachment=115332:Wuthering Heights.pdf] I had the good fortune a few years ago while working on a Cruise Ship to perform WH for one of the Fly On acts. Don't remember much about the transcription other than it had several time changes 4/4, 2/4 and 3/4 plus that the bottom F# and G# were played in a 2/4 bar. Never easy working out parts when there are many time changes. But with the knowledge of the 2/4 bar I worked out, hopefully correctly, the rest of the tunes structure.
  22. Found this and thought fellow chatters may like to take a look. [attachment=114608:Run For Cover.pdf]
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