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Everything posted by wal4string

  1. [quote name='skin_vert' timestamp='1321208814' post='1436507'] Thought this would have been snapped up by now, Ron. Here's a bump for you. [/quote]Cheers for the bump. If I end up not selling her then I wont be too upset as she is great to play.
  2. Descided to hold on to the Musicman case. Now comes with a [i][b]Stagg[/b][/i] case. Have also reduced sale price by £50.00 to reflect this. Would reduce price further if someone would throw me an [b]MXR M288[/b].
  3. [quote name='synaesthesia' timestamp='1320880751' post='1432842'] grazie... these are great fun. [/quote] Ha, ha! Fun is a good way to describe them.
  4. [quote name='Kevin Glasgow' timestamp='1320874318' post='1432735'] Thanks so much for these! [/quote] Glad you are enjoying them.
  5. I would consider a haggle, price is not set in concrete.
  6. What? No comments!
  7. PM sent.
  8. Was looking for a trade with a fretless. Fretless now sourced and paid for so just looking to sell.
  9. Great feeling, you must be well pleased, huge pat on the back. Learning to sight read is a bit like learning to drive, if you can remember how it was a matter of thinking left foot change gear, right foot brake etc. at some point you do everything without even thinking about it. If you are use to driving a manual car then sit behind an autamatic I guarantee without thinking you will be finding yourself about to try and change gear. Sight reading at the beginning you think that is such and such a note and it needs to go here on the fretboard and the rhythm you need to count one and two etc. Whith practice you don't even think of the note name you merely think where it can be played on the fretboard, the same goes with syncopation, there is only so many variants that can be played around a beat so when you covered the variants its just a question of playing the new set of notes for a syncopation you have most likely played before. I spend a great deal of my practice time sight reading pieces I will no doubt never play in a band situation, the trick is to practice tunes you not only know and like, but also challenge yourself with different genres, and yes also play tunes you may even hate, you more than likely will find that those hated tunes and genres may not be so cr*p as you thought. Even the most simplest of tunes can throw you when it has an odd time signature thrown in during the middles of several bars rest. Try playing along to tunes such as Take Five or Golden Brown and you will see that although not technically difficul't unless you have done your homework with your styles and genre you will be lost within the first 20 bars. Golden Brown changes every bar nigh on from 6/8 to 7/8 (If I remember right) if you try to count the beats in your head your brain will explode, just need to play the notes as written and the time value of the note while tapping your foot to the eighth note pulse. Sorry I may have rambled a bit but what I was trying to say was you just passed your driving test, congratulations but now go and learn to drive. To that end I have put together several practice files you may find useful. They are here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/158406-sight-reading-playalong-practice-files-now-with-fast-download/"]http://basschat.co.u...-fast-download/[/url] but don't just download the tunes you know and like.(this is not compulsory)
  10. PM sent.
  11. Ooops! Did I just hear a bump!
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1320238732' post='1424105'] If it wasn't for people replacing the sale price with the word 'SOLD' when they sell stuff. [/quote] Plus expecting what they paid for it 3 months earlier.
  13. Try carrying a squash ball and just keep squeeshing it tight and then slowly release your grip , not so good when driving but can be carried in a jacket pocket without anyone knowing. However avoid carrying it in your trouser pocket or you will be collared by the law.
  14. This deserves a bump. Trying to trade my 4 string fretted for a fretless.
  15. She is a blonde babe. Each to his own. But sorry have never got on with Warwick's (each to his own again). Really in no rush to move the bass as I know I will most likely regret it. But a fretless would lesson the loss when I start sliding those harmonics up and down the neck. At the moment been transcribing some of Pino's basslines and a fretless would make the enjoyable task a lot easier.
  16. [attachment=92693:5.jpg][attachment=92694:4.jpg][attachment=92695:8.jpg][attachment=92696:6.jpg][attachment=92697:9.png][attachment=92698:12.png][attachment=92699:7.jpg][attachment=92700:11.png][attachment=92701:10.png] [b][u]Bass is now SOLD and on its way to France.[/u][/b] [size=3]Musicman Stingray 4 Natural/Maple Serial #48927 D.O.B 15th March 1996.[/size] First class bass, will come with a Mirror and Tortoise Scratchplate. (Need to find screws). Had a pro set up by Simon at Cardiff Guitars just 2 months ago, also had a new set of Ernie Ball Slinky (total cost of £100.00). Hardly touched since. Bass plays and sounds like a dream with a great neck, the only reason I am looking to trade is I have just purchased a Classic Stingray which from now on will be my main 4 stringer. Bass has the Flea bridge but no mutes fitted, these can be purchased from the Ernie Ball site for £22.50 [url="http://www.ernieball.co.uk/products/productdetail/Music+Man+Stingray+4+Mute+Kit/part_number=M05502/574."]http://www.ernieball...[/url]& Usual few very, very minor knocks on headstock and body but considering bass is 15 years old in great condition. Have seen guitars a year old with more. Finish is gloss/matte. Comes with Stagg case. At the moment have packaging from my new bass so if shipped will pack with this also. [size=5]Only interested in a sale. [size=4]Offers in the region of [s]£750.00 [/s]plus cost of postage[/size]. [/size] [size=5][b][color=#0000CD][i][u]Final[/u][/i] price is now £700.00 plus postage, or cost of fuel for delivery[/color].[/b][/size] [size=5][size=3]Will be removing post next Thursday at the latest, going away for a short break and won't be back in time to guarantee postage. [/size][/size] [size=5][size=3]Will repost sometime in the New Year. [/size][/size] [size=5][size=3]This will then be at my original asking price of [b]£800.00 [/b]including postage to Mainland UK.[/size][/size]
  17. Cheers Stevie, will get onto that right away.
  18. In my opinion you can also become bogged down with the theory and what you play can often have no bearing on the chords being played.To keep it simple, if the chord playing is a C and you play a root note of Bb then all you have done is now made the chord a C7. Its all to do with what sounds and feels right and not what in theory may not seem right. I would suggest you practice your reading skills, and I dont mean just playing tunes you know and like, play each and every genre including songs you dont like, this will not only give you a more working understanding of music but will also improve your reading ten fold. Bass being part of a section is not the easiest to practice without the other members and to this end I have put together some files which I have put together for this end which I have made available to all BCers. The transcriptions I have downloaded from the net with a few of my own so you may well have seen most before. What I have done is made a movie of the tune with the transcription visible so no need for scrolling or trying to remember what the original tempo might be. [url="http://www.4shared.com/folder/mSs8voRJ/_online.html"]http://www.4shared.com/folder/mSs8voRJ/_online.html[/url] I must just say the files are for educational purposes only.
  19. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1319235297' post='1411826'] This is, I do believe you will all find, THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE greatest thing since sliced bread!!!!! Thank you so much for doing this. Right now Chaka Khan's 'All Night's All Right' is grooving across my screen. Too much fun to be had with this. Thanks again. [/quote] Steve Glasgow did the original transcription plus several more I have used so a huge thanks to him.
  20. Had a complaint from 4 shared about the files so I thought it only a matter of time before Dropbox did the same.
  21. Just a heads up. An Fender American Deluxe Jazz 5 has variable string spacing upto 20mm. Not sure what year this was introduced mine is a 2009 model.
  22. Please guys. Only interested in a Musicman trade.
  23. Added more pictures.
  24. Have an audition for Sunday and trying to put together the transcriptions so I can learn them. If anyone has any of the following it would allow me the time to learn rather than work out and learn. Point me in the right direction to buy a PDF download would also be good. Queen - The Show Must Go On Level 42 - Heaven In My Hands Queen - Im Going Slightly Mad It Bies - Kiss Like Judas Free - Wishing Well Mika - Grace Kelly Toto - Africa Supertramp - Logical Song Muse - Newborn This is just part of the list and I have worked out the basics of each song already just no time to work out fully. Thanks in advance.
  25. Iv'e not really thought about a sale but if pushed I would say £800.00 would be reasonable considering it has also had a set up and a new set of strings. If it was a trade then I would expect a higher value. You are more than welcome to come and give the bass a try. I would also be happy to bring it through to you if you prefer.
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