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Everything posted by wal4string

  1. Before anybody else asks. My profile picture is a guy (not me) playing a bass.
  2. What! It's the weekend guys, make it a good one. Bump
  3. Just a quick note to possible buyers. I have used the DT-10 for about the past 5 years or so, a great pedal. Had the chance to compare to the rack mount version at one gig and there was no difference in reading. Also great to be able to mute bass between numbers. Bump
  4. [quote name='joegarcia' post='1011171' date='Nov 3 2010, 06:21 PM']Only bought this last week on here but my SVT is nearly fixed so I won't need it. Good condition apart from a few marks on the bottom. Comes with tin. £90 Pics to come but you all know what these look like.[/quote] PM sent
  5. [quote name='joegarcia' post='1011157' date='Nov 3 2010, 06:11 PM']Fair enough, never mind then. I bought the VT last week for £90 which I thought was cheap. Just wanted the difference between that and what you were asking for the 6166. Edit: 6165 rather[/quote] Good luck with the VT. To be honest if I knew mine was a 6165 when I first posted I would have asked for £90.00
  6. [quote name='joegarcia' post='1011100' date='Nov 3 2010, 05:25 PM']Don't follow, not interested in swapping your 6166 plus £20 for my VT bass in good nick with tin?[/quote] That's correct, the 6165 must be worth around the same amount so plus £20.00 in my opinion is not worth it. A straight swap with no postage is all I will take.
  7. [quote name='joegarcia' post='1010250' date='Nov 3 2010, 12:40 AM']Fair do's. VT Bass plus cash from you?[/quote] Again sorry, but been trying to work out which pedal this is and it would appear it is a 6165. Although it would be the VT Bass I would buy with the sale of both pedals.
  8. [quote name='joegarcia' post='1010194' date='Nov 2 2010, 11:27 PM']Interested in trading the Ernie Ball for a 6166 by any chance?[/quote] No sorry, I no longer have use for a volume pedal.
  9. For Sale an EBS Octabass Triple Mode Octave Divider (Black Series). Complete with box and instructions, pedal like new, box a bit worn (See imagw). Pedal about 6 years old but never gigged. £70.00 plus postage. Willing to trade for the right funk pedal. i.e. VT Bass.
  10. Looking to part with my Fender USA 75 reissue bass. Not anymore. Reasonable Trade/cash offers please. Apart from a small knock on the body and light scratch on the silver control plate bass is imaculate. Short Video here [url="http://bassguitarist.me.uk/Fender"]http://bassguitarist.me.uk/Fender[/url] comes with original Fender case, scratchplate plus usual hardware. Sticking to my 5 string Jazz so bass no longer needed. Great to play,classic sounds. Serial begins with Z7 and the Fender website states this indicates made in 2007.
  11. Hi, I know its been a while since your posting but if you need a Dep at some point I would be interested. Spent the past 7 years working for P&O mainly as a member of the Orchestra so am well aware what the gig is all about.
  12. The reason I started to play the bass was The Lemon Song, at the time I didn't even know what a bass guitar was having only ever just listened to songs which my elder 3 sisters played. But as I got older I began to listen more and more to my older brothers music and of course Zeppelin II was amongst his collection and it was that unknown sound that grabbed me and that track which made me want to start playing. Needless to say I have never looked back. Here I have included two slightly different versions which together are an exact transcription of the song, I will leave you to mix and match the bars if you are so inclined. I hope you enjoy as much as I have over the years.
  13. What ever you may think of Abba they did have an awesome bass player. I played this recenlty in a show and fell in love with it. Clever chops. Enjoy.
  14. [quote name='steviedee' post='894386' date='Jul 14 2010, 08:22 AM']Hi just wondering if anyone had the a transcription of the Genesis tune 'I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)' from 'Selling England by the Pound', the guys in the band want to do a cover for a laugh and I don't really know it. Cheers S[/quote] Time to Fire up the Lawn Mower.
  15. : Trying to find a good transcription of Led Zeppelins "Carouselambra" from Off The Record. Can anybody help, music publisher etc. Cheers Guys. Converted the attached file from a few midi files but not 100% correct. This has everything that I love about JPJ's playing. His playing around with the syncopation is a great piece for sight reading practice. Have included a second and much more accurate transcription. To make it easier to read I have marked all slide notes in blue. Enjoy.
  16. [quote name='funkysimon' post='34811' date='Jul 20 2007, 05:15 PM']FACE! And the other good mnemonic for the treble clef, Every Good Boy Deserves Fellatio I can't think of a good one for the bass clef lines. George Bush Deserves F'kin Evisceration, maybe? Hmmm, bit political.[/quote] I consider myself a good reader but the GBDF etc. never did it for me. The way to really remember is the bottom line on the bass clef is a G, next space up is an A, next line up is a B, next space a C etc. The first ledger line above the staff is a C (middle C infact) and the first ledger line below the staff is an E (bottom note on a 4 string bass). When you get better at reading you dont actually think of these note names you just learn where each note is played on the bass. A good reader will often read a few bars ahead so they know if a change of position is going to be needed. A far as TAB is concerned, I could never see the point even though easier to begin with in the long run reading transcriptions is a far better option. I have earned a living out of being able to play a song with little or no rehearsel which I could never have done if I just read TAB. I have included an image which I hope will make it clearer. It is really just a question of understanding how music is written, and so easy you will kick yourself when everything falls into place. Its a bit like learning to drierve, at first you wonder how the hell you are going to coordinate everything, and when you do everything is easy. One other tip that may help you to remember where the notes are on the staff. The bass clef is also known as the F clef and the two dotes which are writen after the wrong facing C are either side of the F.
  17. Hi There, I am in the process of finding a more protective solution for transporting my NSCR5. After extensive internet searches I found anything out there was either too big, too small and too heavy. So I am about to try a length of drainage pipe, A drainpipe would be the perfect solution but the largest internal diameter is 6"", however after further searching I have discovered a merchant locally who stock an 8" diameter pipe, slightly larger than needed but I will be able to keep my bass in its bag for added protection. They also said that they can sourse stop ends for me. I will then attatch a handle, have been looking at a carrying handle for divers cylinders, still thinking about a method of attatching a shoulder strap but I am sure that will not be a problem. There will not be space for a stand but I normally transport this seperately so not an issue. The cost, the pipe only comes in a 6 meter length but being man made this can easily be cut to size with a hack saw £65.00 plus VAT, end stops £10.00 each, carrying handle under £10.00 on eBay. So fingers crossed I could have a fairly light and very strong case for under £100.00 with enough pipe left to make a further two. On monday I intend to take my NS to the merchant to be double sure all is well. I will post images on Basschat.
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='522497' date='Jun 24 2009, 12:19 PM']OK, I know it's pretty simple number, but I just want to make sure I'm not mssing anything Cheers Chris[/quote] Hi, Have you tried downloading a midi file of the song. Use a Midi search engine then download or simply type a search in google etc. Miss You.mid, then if you open the track in a program like Cakewalk you will be able to read the notation, not the best solution as some midi tracks are pretty bad, you can then mute the bass track and use as a play along while reading the bass notation.
  19. Hi fellow Bass Chatters. Can anyone help me out? Need a to buy a new gig bag as my last one was part of the bass swap I just completed. It was a Warwick Deluxe Rockbag, the detachable rucksack strap snapped the first time I used it, so I wont be buying another. Been looking at the Protection Racket Gig Bag but cant find what the buckles are made of [the rockbag ones are plastic].
  20. I have flown several times with my instruments and each time I have had the instrument taken to an area where it is taken onto the plane seperately and collected from the other end at a seperate area from the carousel luggage. In March I flew to the States carrying my precious NS 5 string EUB, this is carried in a kind of gig bag, I had made no previous arrangements for the flight and expressed my concerns at the bass traveling with my guitar in the special carry on area. They called the plane and asked if it would fit in a locker, the girl described its size and weight etc. and I simply did just that (Huge thumbs up for Virgin Airways). Only on one occassion I tried to buy a seat for my guitar at the checking in desk but the flight was not full so they let me take it on as hand luggage, and I strapped it in to the seat beside me. I do know of a guitarist who was stopped for hours at an American Airport because they thought that the wireing on his guitar was some kind of bomb (this was just after 9/11) so I carry all cables, strings etc. in the case any wire cutters I put in my luggage. They X-ray everything going onto the plane anyway so it would be a lot easier to open a guitar case rather than have them trawl through your luggage. To date I have never even had to open the case. They only thing I would do as a precaution, if your bass is active then remove the battery. Another thing which makes checking in easier these days is most Airways now let you check-in on-line.
  21. [quote name='trevthebass' post='478558' date='May 3 2009, 09:26 PM']message! urgent cash burning hole in my sky and rocket.[/quote] trevthebass with money to burn! Thats a first. Still waiting for you so send my gig bag that was part of a trade.
  22. [quote name='jakesbass' post='508987' date='Jun 9 2009, 01:11 PM']Hi all, I have a gig coming up in Germany and to save on flying my Alembic (as I don't like to fly it without a seat) the promoter is providing me with a five string Fender Jazz (some of the parts go down to low C) Any one played a five string Jazz? What are they like? Jake[/quote] Bought a Fender Jazz 5 10 weeks ago and have played it every night since. A 5 string is a bit of an animal and does take some getting use to but well worth the effort. If like me you normally play a 4 string your first problem will be to be sure you are playing the correct string, more often in my case playing the higher string in some cases you may get away with this as a 4th higher may not sound too bad. The surrest way to overcome this is to move your picking hand and rest your thumb on the string below the one you want to play, takes a bit of getting the hang of this method but this can be practiced on your 4 string before flying off to Germany. As far as reading the lower notes I found no problem as was use to reading the out of range 5 notes up an octace. And as far as playing the higher notes on the B string, it is often better to stay clear of these until you are familier with having the fifth string. Finally having lived in Germany for several years I am sure you will find that all you hear about the locals is untrue for the majority, good women, good food and good beer, what more could a muso want.
  23. Wal MkI 4 string bass for Sale. Made in 1992, I beleive the exotic wood came from a Stately Home front step. Comes complete with Wal hard case.
  24. [quote name='Andyalfa' post='417061' date='Feb 22 2009, 11:54 PM']My second lesson went much better than the first. Still finding it really hard to read music though. That said, the teacher reckons I'm getting it fairly well. Having played electric bass for ages, I thought I was familiar with the basic scales, but with the upright, I have to stretch much further. Luckily I have long fingers. I think what made the difference this week is that he seems to have abandoned trying to teach me to use a bow. This is good and bad really. It's good, in that I can't see me ever using a bow in action, but using it really helps my intonation, given the sustain of a plucked string on the teaching bass is so poor. As a classically trained teacher, however, the material I've been given is not really my taste, though I've no intention of giving up yet. I always felt at home with the bass as my instrument. With the double bass, it feels even more right, like I was born to play one of those things. Certainly, at 6'4" and 16+ stone, it suits me more than say a mandolin would, if you know what I mean. I have a picture of me on a sports bike looking slightly out of proportion, then sitting "in" a Harley. I just fit the Harley better. It's the same with a double bass. I love it. So, although my lessons are on a proper acoustic instrument, I only have a Stagg EDB at the moment. One day though, I will get a real one. I just need a bigger house/car first.[/quote] Hi, Something for the weekend. Not perfect but it will get you started.
  25. I am looking for a 2nd hand NS EUB. Good money waiting. If anyone hears of one please let me know.
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