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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1355752093' post='1902156'] Its actually a well document psychological phenomena known as the "endowment effect" [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endowment_effect"]http://en.wikipedia....ndowment_effect[/url] Again from a psychology point of view they probably paid over the odds for it themselves and therefore need to impose thier own reality as to its "worth" in order to not face up to the fact that they overpaid. [/quote] Interesting read there. cheers for that.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355654860' post='1900896'] I ordered it saturday so It would be nice to have it by next weekend All the hours to play it (try and learn how to play it) instead of watching crap christmas TV has to be good [/quote] OOHHH! have you ever played gran turismo 5? There's this great upright bass music when you're at the garage thingy in the game. You should learn that, then let me hear it, because i quite enjoyed it
  3. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1355648570' post='1900813'] We have three singers who are more used to being in a choir. They are learning to arrive an hour before the gig to help set up, also learning the basics of pa and now set it up for rehearsal, but last night we needed another couple of songs to stretch a wedding booking out a bit, they could only do songs for which they'd brought the words. New Year's resolution, no music stand and words, learn them! [/quote] How can you go through an entire set reading the words anyway? how would you know the groove or rhythm and pace of the lyrics? It just seems odd to me. I've never looked at lyrics if i'm singing a song (although i'm not a singer and have never sang in front of anybody), but even still, i listen to the song, hear the words and see how they fit and listen for the cues.
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355653394' post='1900864'] A while back I had a my acoustic up for trade. I also mentioned that for a very special bass I could add my electric to a trade. I got two messages in the space of 5 min. One offered me a tiwanese Yamaha BB for... both guitars and £50 One offered me a japanese Yamaha BB, a Squier japan Jazz and a bass pod thing - for my acousitic. I had to think quite hard to come up with a polite response to the first one! [/quote] Some people just over-value their gear. I think i said it before, possibly in this thread, about the guy who got quite insulted when i estimated that his squier VM jazz (the one with SD pups) would be worth £200 at best on the second hand market. He insisted that it was worth at least £260, when in fact, you can get them new for £260.
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1355526343' post='1899734'] I am saying that I wouldn't buy a bass like this from a company like that without playing and hearing it. I have relatively recently ( in the last year ) been in a chain shop which must have had about 50 basses... that narrows the shop down, .. and maybe 20 were 5's... I could go through all the common names and I couldn't find one that was playable.. [/quote] Of course i wouldn't buy one without playing first. I have said i would go looking for one and try it first.
  6. depends really. I've had stuff arrive in 2/3 days, and bigger stuff take a week. At this time of year, i wouldn't hold out much hope on a quick delivery.
  7. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1355524136' post='1899717'] Hehe! Early days... It's going to be a 5 stringer, with an unconventional number of frets (i.e. more than 24... maybe), active electronics (exact brand/type tbc), and shape-wise looking [i]something[/i] along these lines: ...none of which is confirmed and a lot of which may well change! But that's the rough idea that Paul is currently working up a design for. I'll be able to share some concrete details in due course as the project develops. PS: no idea why that image has been posted twice. I suck at IT. But at least I can now post images, which I couldn't do a week or so ago. That's progress! [/quote] That's a bit of a mental looking thing.
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1355524509' post='1899719'] Pic in the OP looks great...colour scheme not withstanding.... but there is NO way I would be buyng that off spec. The one you try might be a beauty but I don't think that is a given..it isn't for many 5's IME..let alone Fenders... No way round that legwork..... I'd suggest [/quote] What are you saying?
  9. [quote name='Rowley Birkin QC' timestamp='1355426051' post='1898373'] I've just had a strange experience with another BC'er. They advertised a second hand item at £200 plus £27 postage (new cost of item £255 including delivery). As I was looking for one of these, I made an "offer" of £200 to include delivery and a commitment to buy if they accepted. Eventually got a pm stating that "postage was not included in the price" (I knew that, that's why I made "an offer") which didn't exactly accept or decline the offer, or even open up a negotiation. At that point I decided that for the extra £28 it may well be worth purchasing new so advised the seller of such & pursued it no more. Within 24hrs the seller then alters the original ad to a total of £196 INCLUDING postage and marks the item SOLD. Got an identical item now of another BC'er for less still, so I ended up in a better position anyway, but how strange that you'd sell for less than you already had an offer for???? Just as an aside, this has happened on a previous occasion. Perhaps the seller takes the huff that someone has the affront to make them a "realistic" offer so just refuses out of bloody mindedness.........and then is too proud to accept the original offer when they realise that their asking price was a preventing a sale??? [/quote] That one? how did it get you a warning?
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355521867' post='1899695'] You said you had ignored it as the word biased came up, like I said over and out [/quote] Beep beep
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355520103' post='1899667'] Btw I'm not saying buy a musicman I'm saying take on board what everyone said and try them all, anywho I think your already gassing for the Fender so its your call not mine, I doubt anything I can say will be taken on board so I shall leave you to it. [/quote] That is very untrue, i have read and listened to everything you guys have said, i did ask for your advice afterall.
  12. [quote name='AussieBassman' timestamp='1355511863' post='1899549'] It's business not a personal attack. If it's worth more to you than you get offered then just say no. Getting offended by bartering-Jesus Christ! Grow a pair!! [/quote] I thought bartering was trading goods? "Grow a pair" Is very much the aussie party line, isn't it? i agree with you anyway. They want something cheap, you want decent money, sometimes it's inevitable, but so what, it's not like they have called you an idiot or anything.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355516064' post='1899607'] Within a few posts I thought it was fairly obvious the general feeling was that there is better out there for the same or less money? Truth is its not what you want to hear [/quote] The word biased came up a few times, so i disregarded it. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1355516294' post='1899609'] Lol...yes true. Apologies! For what its worth I dont think you can go far wrong with a bass of that quality. Its horses for courses really. I will share my personal wisdom on the subject of the "what bass is best question" with you....I'm a great believer that the name of the person playing the bass is much more important than the name on the headstock! If you think about it people get so hung up on all the different basses out there - but they are all merely variations on the same theme. [/quote] Very true indeed!
  14. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1355513380' post='1899563'] It took me 30 years of playing before switching to 5 string....and I will never go back to 4. I bought a used Ibanez SR605 at a great price to try out the extra string - a fantastic cheapish 5 string. Buy what you want though dude...its your cash. If you want a Fenderish style 5 and have a reasonable budget I personally would go either a Lakland or Stingray. [/quote] Cheers man, but i was wondering more what people thought of the bass i mentioned in the OP, but it has somehow descended into which bass is best, which wasn't what i was looking for at all.
  15. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1355510844' post='1899536'] Since no one else is having a bash I'll take a guess at: TheYoung Ones Bacon Sandwich Bambi goes crazy ape bonkers with his drill and sex Scumbag College and so on. I've watched that episode many times [/quote] vyvyan maybe?
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1355507929' post='1899476'] I don't think Jazz necks work on 5's... but the transition isn't ..or should not be, about how thin the neck is... If is obviously going to be wider as you have to cram 5 strings in and I like the wider spacing...but if you have a good hand position and technique then you will not have the trouble there... it is about about the striking hand and the way you have to re-align your techniques, IMO. Just a fraction off and you'll be making some strange noises...!!! I agree that scale and neck construction..ie bolt-on or neck thru are irrelevant for the B.. Well made and good construction are far more important .. [/quote] I have fairly good technique. when i was at my guitar lesson yesterday, my teacher was really impressed with my chord shapes and hand positions and strumming. I know it isn't bass, but i was playing bass for over a year before guitar.
  17. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1355505554' post='1899435'] 'Money = the corruption of any person, organisation or industry'. Kind of an ironic statement don't you think? Money is industry, period. You're obviously passionate about music and I really like that but I think you're struggling to separate what constitutes good music from the industry that deals with music as a commodity. [/quote] Yeah, sorry, i'm just a bit of a state today.
  18. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1355503637' post='1899404'] Don't know if this helps your hunt at all, but I work at a music shop and we recently got in a 5 string Yamaha BB. One word = wow. [/quote] I see. My gripe with yamaha is that they get some things fantastically right with the cheap models, and then other things horribly wrong, and it's just an emotional roller coaster for the first day or 2. and i'm not ready to go through that again
  19. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1355503030' post='1899389'] To learn, you must listen and question and develop. I think you are stuck in a philosophical hamster wheel, so there's no point in us carrying on with this. I have no idea why you started this thread now because you are clearly not interested in how the music industry works. You been told, but you still argue the bleedin obvious. Best of luck with your album mate. [/quote] No, i'll see sense someday. I'm just not in the best frame of mind.
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1355502559' post='1899379'] Look, I'm sorry to say this, but you are sounding rather naive. Most of us here have music and integrity as the priority, of course we do, but we also want to sell a lot of our music and tickets to our shows so we can at least cover expenses and preferably make a profit to plough into more musical projects. [/quote] Very good, that's all fine, but i just don't want to do that. I want to learn.
  21. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1355502371' post='1899371'] im a bit late to this party, but ive seen this guy banded about everywhere and have never listened to him.... am i missing something about him? [/quote] If you have ever listened to Bob Dylan, nope.
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1355502052' post='1899363'] Ok, but still... it's still not that much money when you think what you've invested to do it. All I'm saying is that PR companies seem to be a "necessary evil" if you don't want to be out of pocket. [/quote] Maybe.
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355501816' post='1899358'] mate theres another thread that was about pricing of secondhand stuff, stingrays and warwicks in particular and it's still limping along full of people saying things like "I like stingrays" I like stingray's too" "i think they are very good" "I like their necks" etc etc some threads will go on an infinitium until someone gets compared to a Nazi [/quote] You're a bit like a Nazi, Luke
  24. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1355501755' post='1899356'] A lot of money? Assume 5 members in a band, 6 months work.... £382 each... which is.. £63 a month! [/quote] But i don't have a band. all the recordings would be done by me.
  25. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1355500457' post='1899332'] Ok assuming you get your cd's printed. Lets assume you get 500 printed for whatever reason : 500 x [url="http://www.discwizards.com/duplication-printed-sleeve.htm"]cd's[/url] = around £340 (lets ignore artwork costs, recording, mastering) You sell around 20 cd's to friends and family at £5 each = £100 With no further PR you have 480 cd's left, and you're £240 out of pocket. With good PR you might sell all of your cd's, lets assume you're giving them 10% (I know nothing about how this works), that's £4.50 made for each cd. 500 x 4.50 = £2250 - printing costs £1910 profit. I know which makes more sense to me [/quote] Yes, very good, but then i might think "I made a lot of money there, maybe i could make more with a second album". I don't want the motivation for any of my albums to be money. It's just something that i will do when i'm ready.
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