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Everything posted by MiltyG565

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1354414941' post='1885784'] Good evening, Milty... I suppose you've considered taking off a bit of height from the bridge..? It's often easy enough to pop it out and reduce the underside (I nearly wrote 'bottom'..! ) by a 1/8" or so. Just a thought... [/quote] Not good enough. That would create some problem somewhere along the fretboard. It is perfectly flat, but the action goes from super sweet to unplayable in just 12 frets. and it isn't because the fretboard is flat, because any relief would just make the problem worse going from the nut to the bridge. Good suggestion though It's probably better and easier to place a little shim in the back on the neck, at the very bottom of the pocket, which would tilt it back a little. Although i have heard this can cause problems with setting intonation. But something i was always told when i was training as a joiner was "A small problem here will multiply and become a big problem over there". The tiniest of corrections could fix it
  2. [quote name='kerley' timestamp='1354347387' post='1885006'] I don't think short scales should just be labelled for use by children or adults with small hands. The scale length is after all only a few inches shorter and it is still quite a way from a guitar size, which men with hands of all sizes play :-) I don't have small hands or short arms but have always preferred short scale and not such a stretch for arms or fingers and they just feel more comfortable to me. I think they are something people shoudl always give a try and might be surprised... [/quote] Of course i wouldn't label them for kids, small people or people with small hands. I am far from any of those things, being the tallest person in my entire family (talking aunts, uncles cousin- everyone) and also having what i would consider bigger than normal hands. But i still would like one. just seems handy to me. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1354355164' post='1885053'] I can't comment on the short scale Ibanez, but I own a GSR190 and I can tell you the quality is better than the Squier Jaguars and Mustangs I tried last year. Not much in it really, the fretting on the Squiers just seemed a bit rough and the pickups seemed a bit lifeless. [/quote] Never gotten a good play on a GSR, but i hear good things about them from literally everyone that knows anything about bass. [quote name='Ultima2876' timestamp='1354369357' post='1885268'] Shame Yamaha doesn't do a short scale bass. That I'd buy. [/quote] I find yamaha's a bit hit and miss. I have a yamaha guitar, and the neck angle is not even close to right. Bit the action at the nut end is lovely. I have the truss rod set so the fretboard is flat, but the string height at 12 fret is near unplayable. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1354380567' post='1885407'] I was told when I bought my first EB3 back in '79 that the EB3 and EB0 were medium scale, & that they're short[u][i]-er[/i][/u] scale rather than short scale. Though there was a one-off short-scale EB3 in the early 70's - but only according to a guy I knew who said he'd got one. IIRC 28.6" in the OP, is significantly shorter than any EB3 - and the "short" Fenders? [/quote] Yup, i don't really buy 30" as short scale. 33-32" is long scale, but 30" is short? no way, 28" is short, 30" is medium to me. But even at that, i wouldn't mind a fender bass IV... who's with me!? (have i just committed treason? )
  3. well, i would like one myself, but it isn't necessary for me, because my hands are quite large anyway. i was thinking more for men or women with small hands, or kids starting out. Obviously, it would most advantage kids, because they haven't as far to reach. The Ibanez seemed perfect in that respect, because it was the shortest i found in the search on Thomann, and also with a mahogany body, which as we know gives a real sweet bassy tone. At that price, i think it is a great thing to give a kid for christmas. It won't break the bank, and it won't be too much for the cubs to bear
  4. [quote name='kerley' timestamp='1354319889' post='1884917'] I would guess all the ones for sale are the remaining stock as many are reduced and at the reduced price mine was very nice and good value (under £200) so must have been one of the hits rather than misses. [/quote] Haha, that could be it Some people are just very picky about quality (including me... I have an eye for detail). Might just be all the overstock. If so... he made a fair f***ing amount of them, didn't he?
  5. Something i discovered yesterday- going from playing bass, to learning finger style guitar.... it isn't right. If anything, it is down right difficult. Hard to get the old head around using your thumb and finger across different strings while playing a chord.
  6. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1354318382' post='1884902'] I picked up a secondhand Tokai EB3 copy a couple of years ago for under £100-That's a nice little instrument. I also got hold of a really nice short scale '82 Fender Bullet for a couple of hundred pounds-that's a great bass. As much as I like Ibanez instruments,I think you can pick up better instruments than the GSR if you go secondhand. [/quote] Without a doubt you are right. But think of how many parents are getting their young kid a bass this year. Are they going to buy it second hand? I wouldn't think so... especially if they know frig all about guitars.
  7. [quote name='kerley' timestamp='1354302131' post='1884690'] I favour short scale and have owned a few (all cheap because I am not good enough to need or justify an expensive one!) - Cort Action Junior - Fleabass Junior - Epiphone EB0 All of those basses have had good build quality and all played very well. Sometime the fit and finish of a £130 bass is surprisingly good anmd couldn't really choose between them on quality. The Cort and Fleabass sounded similar while the EB0 was always going to be different due that pickup position and a bit neck divy. [/quote] Yeah, a fleabass is something i would like to try, but not buy. Not really my thing. What is interesting is that flea stopped producing them about a year ago, but they appear to still be churning them out. He must just have sold the rights to another company. But nonetheless, he tried his best to make a good cheap instrument, although i have heard quality on them can be a bit hit and miss.
  8. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1354300467' post='1884671'] The short scale Squier jazz gets great reviews, 3 colours to choose from too . They come in around £200 or less. [/quote] Got a link to it?
  9. So i have been looking at short scale basses, Mostly because i like the idea of a bass that isn't much bigger than a guitar. But as we know, something that costs less than £200 isn't likely to be a great, but i came across the Ibanez GSRM20 which is a mahogany (yeah, that's right, mahogany) bodied bass, with a 22 fret neck, and a scale length of 28.6". Standard maple neck as ever. So it's shorter than quite most short scale basses, mahogany body, and for less than £200. So, any thoughts? Here's a link to the page on the Thomann website. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_gsrm20ca.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_gsrm20ca.htm[/url]
  10. Bass was my first instrument. I knew guitarist were a dime a dozen, and bass was quite overlooked by the masses, so i thought "aye, give people more reasons to avoid you"
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1354192403' post='1883300'] You got that right. Edit: With the possible exception of The Black Keys... they just [i]sound [/i]like they're from before the 90s. [/quote] With the exception of lots of stuff, but that doesn't mean don't listen to the foundations of modern music... i mean, MY GOD! that is like, standard study in music. being a drummer, i thought he would have at least liked to look up keith moon because of his antics... but nope.
  12. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1354192515' post='1883305'] I'll get me coat... [/quote]
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1354191806' post='1883285'] Jamming tomorrow with three friends, two of whom I've known for more than forty years, (!) but then I'm a glutton for punishment. I'm very optimistic about this and looking forward to it! When will I ever learn? [/quote] Haha. my best mate is a drummer, and i won't play with him. We have jammed before, but his tastes are just entirely different from mine, and has an entirely view on music. he has basically approached drums with the deathcore style, which i actually think comes from a lack of musical guidance when he was a bit younger. I just can't imagine what his kids will end up listenening to :/ oh aye, he said one time before that he never listens to any bands from before the 90's.... WTF!? that's where all the really good music is!
  14. according to das doctor, the pain i was feeling was a cramped muscle.
  15. MiltyG565


    [quote name='ped' timestamp='1354191234' post='1883269'] Asschat.co.uk's main competitor [/quote] Haha, very good!
  16. MiltyG565


    [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1354167109' post='1882938'] Following is a list of the email servers currently banned in my forum and below that the list of proxy servers internet providers addresses, all of which attempted to register in our [url="http://www.xt660.com/index.php"]www.xt660.com/index.php[/url] forum trying to flog fage NIKE shoes, Rolex watches, Viagra, transexuals and similar crap [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]@ass-forum.com[/font][/color] [/quote] Lol, what even? [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1354173947' post='1882953'] You missed one. [/quote] Yeah, tighten up!
  17. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1354178183' post='1882988'] I don't have to put up with one bunch of flaky egits anymore. The band folded last night, obviously in true flaky style though I got a text message near midnight to tell me what others had decided. What a waste of time that was, nearly 18 months of getting absolutely nowhere. In hindsight I would have been better off...going fishing or something. I really do wonder sometimes if bands and music are really worth the pain in the arse it always turns out to be. [/quote] Yeah, i have been in one band, that never even played a gig. Other members weren't flakey, but it just went nowhere, and the whole thing was annoying me. so we went our own ways. the guitarist pinched the drummer, and formed a punk band that are doing quite well now. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1354182012' post='1883060'] The problem is, bands and music seem to attract the deluded and idle flotsam and jetsam of society, in a way that Accountancy (for example), does not. In my humble opinion, of course. Any accountants out there want to form a band? Mick Jagger did quite well out of it. [/quote] I think it's because it attracts the kind of lazy waster that thinks they know a lot about music, but are normally just nothing more than wannabe metal or death core guitarists. (neither of which requires an insane level of skill.) they also seem to be the sort of people that are also "learning guitar" without any professional help. which normally means they haven't much theoretical knowledge about music or their instrument, and also generally have gotten into the way of a lot of bad habits. If you can get a musician that isn't just a waster wannabe, and a good lot of them aren't, try to stay close to them. They are invaluable, and maybe you aren't in a band with them, but that doesn't mean that you never will be, or can't call them in to help you record or some such thing.
  18. WOOOO jenny don't be hasty! Seriously, has nobody here got anything to say about this guy? i think the work he did with Paolo was pretty great. anybody agree/disagree? why?
  19. I've decided the pain in my thumb isn't caused by my playing, because my thumb is sore, and i have played bass or guitar all day. hmm....
  20. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1354109429' post='1882155'] Ok my bad - anyway, there is a 3-note chromatic descent which you appear to play with the same LH finger. It won't cause you any medical problems, and there are times when you may want to do it for effect, but otherwise I would try to use different fingers. [/quote] Dude, you can't for that song. play it and you'll see.
  21. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1354107726' post='1882112'] I agree with Doddy. If you play several years down the line with that kind of 'clutching' position with your left hand you are heading towards carpel tunnel treatment. Bass can be a very physically demanding instrument and you have to take care of yourself. As for the right hand, the way that your ring and little fingers are coming away from the strings is a bit worrying too. Whenever I see that it always suggests that the bass is too low for you. Always try to create a little bit of an arc around the body with your forearm. If you are resting your arm against the body you are over stretching the tendons in your wrist and hands when you reach down to play the D and G strings...hence why your ring and little fingers are doing that involuntarily. Your playing is good...nice and tight, but your technique looks very laboured to me and it appears you are putting in too much physical effort into your playing. Make it as easy as possible for you. Experiment with different postures (strap height, neck angle etc..) to see which is the most comfortable playing position for you. You might have to sacrifice the visual 'cool' factor to help any potential future injuries that could stay with you for life. I had to learn to do that myself. Both of my hands used to behave like yours. I could manage a 40min set playing like that, but beyond that I was in lots of pain. When the band I was playing for at the time became more successful and started to play longer sets over several nights back to back I couldn't cope anymore. I can now play a 2hr set with ease playing in a much more comfortable position. Okay, I don't look as 'cool' anymore, but I plan to continue playing bass for another 20yrs at least and I feel confident that I will be physically able to do so. [/quote] hmm.... need to have a serious think about this now. cheers
  22. I was pretty sure i replied to this.... odd. Worked on my left hand technique a little bit. my thumb is getting so sore now. happy days
  23. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1354005381' post='1880596'] Thanks mate, I dont intend to turn this into a boring back ache thread. But in my years of "falling over" incidents I have had two in the last 12 months that were bad. The last one was finding a wasp nest in my shed and backing out quickly only to stumble and do a backwards roll into my other shed! I was seeing stars after that one. But, this was so fast. I put my fut down and felt it go, next thing I was on my back. didnt even have time to break my fall by landing on my backside. I went straight down on my back flat on the floor. My decking and concrete step helped me break my fall!. Im back to doctors tommorow. I had an awful night and this morning I cant bend or stoop! But, the worst thing is I have bruised my left hand! [/quote] wow, there's a part in there that sounds a bit like something from a carry on movie. But all the same, get better soon, just take it easy
  24. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1354010740' post='1880662'] You certainly don't have to wear it too high - one thing I noticed about your video is that your wrists are kept fairly straight, which is great because there are no sharp bends stopping the blood flow into the tendons. Wrapping the thumb over the top is a really subjective thing (works for some people, not for others), but if that's where the pain is it might be worth considering readjusting the strap a smidge. [/quote] yeah, the wrist thing- that is basically the reason why i thought my technique wasn't bad. I don't want to look like a total technique nerd, if you know what i mean? it just looks quite.... condescending, to me.
  25. oh, just to mention, i do use my wee finger quite a bit, just not for that song. it isn't really necessary, and i find sometimes that playing only a couple of frets up (like D to E) i can nearly overshoot that with my wee finger, so best not to play it that way. but if you notice, i use my wee finger for all the octaves. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1353898822' post='1879556'] You can sound good with only one finger,but you're the one who brought up your technique.You want to avoid pain and you said yourself that your thumb hurts,and you think that it's because of your left hand position. In the same way,by tucking your little finger in,you are taking it 'out of play' and because of this you are making some quite big stretches between your index and ring fingers that would be made easier and more comfortable for you if you kept your little finger closer to the 'board. [/quote] that's right, but at the same time, i still want to maintain the look. i don't want to have my bass up at my chest and all that business.
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